Chapter 35
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I gasped as a blue light cut through the darkness, illuminating the corridor. The whispers faded, and the corridor walls solidified again, no longer contorting into grotesque mocking faces.

My perception of reality shifted, the disorientation fading as the blue light enveloped me in a soothing embrace. It felt familiar, like a forgotten memory resurfacing from the depths of my mind. The figure in the shadows let out a chitter, its form flickering violently as the light flooded my vision.

I gained my footing in the strange, gloomy stone corridor and faced the figure, squinting against the blinding blue light that radiated from the source behind me. As my eyes adjusted, I realized the figure was recoiling, its pixelated form glitching more erratically with each pulse of the light.

With newfound courage fueled by the protective aura of the blue light, I took a hesitant step forward. "Who are you?" I called out, my voice echoing through the corridor with a resonance that surprised me. "What are you? Where am I?"

The figure let out a guttural growl, its pixelated form contorting like a reflection in a funhouse mirror in a grotesque display of anger and frustration. Then, a profound silence enveloped the corridor, broken only by the soft hum of the blue light. The figure seemed to shimmer, its pixelated edges sharpening and smoothing in a paradoxical dance.

I watched in awe as the figure transformed into a reflection of… myself.

Although it was formed entirely out of pixelated shadows, its features mirrored mine in uncanny detail, from the curve of its jaw to the shadowy, messy mop that mirrored my self-cut hair.

For a moment, I stood frozen, my mind reeling at the sight of this twisted imitation of myself. The figure raised its indistinct hand, reaching out towards me with an eerie sense of wrongness. My instincts screamed at me to run, to flee from this doppelganger that mirrored me in such a malevolent way. But curiosity mingled with fear, keeping my feet rooted to the spot as I stared back into its glowing orange eyes.

As the figure drew closer, its movements fluid yet unnatural, I could see subtle differences in its appearance. The pixelated form seemed to glitch and warp around the edges, giving it an unsettling aura of distortion. It wore a twisted grin that sent chills down my spine, a mockery of my own expressions.

"Who... what the fuck are you?" I managed to choke out again, my voice wavering with dread.

I stepped back as its arm formed into a shadowy, distorted tentacle-like appendage that stretched and reached out towards me with malevolent intent. The air around us crackled with an ominous orange energy, and I could feel a cold dread seeping into my bones.

Without warning, the creature emitted an otherworldly shriek that seemed to warp the air around us. The mocking reflection of my face twisted into a mass of writhing shadows, contorting into grotesque shapes that bore no resemblance to anything human. The corridor seemed to pulsate with a malevolent energy, the walls closing in on me as if eager to swallow me whole.

I stumbled backward, my heart hammering in my chest as I frantically searched for an escape route. I ran straight back, only to find the corridor bending and twisting in on itself, the stone walls morphing into impossible angles that defied all logic.

I ran in a spiraling slope, defying gravity as the corridor's architecture seemed to warp and shift around me. The blue light that had once been my beacon of safety now danced erratically, casting strange shadows that seemed to reach out toward me. Each step I took felt like a leap into the unknown, the ground beneath me rippling like water as I struggled to maintain my balance.

I froze as the corridor solidified into a vast chamber, the walls visibly stretching upwards into an infinite black void above and beyond. The blue light from behind me dimmed, leaving me in oppressive darkness broken only by the faint orange glow emanating from the twisted creature that pursued me. Its distorted form loomed closer, its shadowy tendrils reaching out with a hunger that sent a shiver down my spine. I could feel its presence pressing in on me from all sides, suffocating and malevolent.

Desperation clawed at my mind as I turned around, realizing that there was no way out, no path to safety in this twisted realm. The creature loomed over me, its form expanding and contracting like a living shadow, ready to consume me in darkness.

The creature's inky orange tendrils flailed and contorted, lashing out as if trying to ensnare me in its malevolent grip. I stumbled backward, falling on the cold, solid chamber floor as the creature loomed closer. Its single pair of glowing orange eyes in the mass fixated on me with predatory hunger.

But suddenly, the blue light surrounding me seemed to push back against the figure's onslaught, creating a barrier of protection that crackled with energy. Sparks flew as the shadowy tentacles recoiled from the brilliant glow, hissing and sizzling as they struggled against the power of the light.

"Ame-no-Nuboko — Answer my call!" a woman's distorted voice boomed through the chamber.

Out of nowhere, a blinding arc of crackling blue light sliced through the darkness, arcing toward the creature with a searing flash of heat. And then, another, and another until the chamber was filled with the blinding brilliance of the blue light, a symphony of crackling energy that danced and swirled like a celestial storm. The creature let out a blood-curdling screech, its form writhing in agony as the arcs of light seared through its shadowy mass.

The creature writhed and twisted as the blinding blue light consumed it, its distorted body contorting in agony. With each burst of this seemingly celestial energy, its shadow-like form dissipated into thin air like smoke in a strong breeze, leaving a contorting mass at the room's entrance.

Suddenly, another figure began to take shape before my eyes. It materialized in the center of the chamber, forming from the blue light like a digital stream, manifesting into a physical being. The figure was surrounded by a deep blue aura, but this was a comforting energy, unlike the suffocating darkness emanating from the faceless entity. It felt like a starry night sky cradling the moon in its embrace.

As the blue light slowly dissipated, a stunning woman appeared. She was tall and slender, adorned in an otherworldly outfit. A dark blue kimono with intricate designs hugged her body, gracefully swaying with every step she took. The fabric flowed like a shallow spring creek, adding an ethereal quality to her appearance. A translucent obi sash glowing like pale moonlight was wrapped around her waist, which trailed behind her like delicate wings fluttering in the wind.

Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back in a river of midnight ink, transitioning from a deep, midnight blue into a luminous, otherworldly white at the ends. It shimmered with a soft silver glow that seemed to emanate from within, each strand alive with a faint pulsing light that mirrored the twinkle of distant stars on a clear night.

However, it was her mask that caught my attention the most. Made of delicate porcelain, it boasted intricate designs that seemed to shift and swirl like the surface of a lake disturbed by a gentle breeze. The mask concealed her eyes, leaving only her lips exposed, painted with a blood-rose hue.

Despite not seeing her eyes, I could tell they were focused intently on the enemy before her as she effortlessly wielded an ornate naginata. The blade hummed with power and left behind ribbons of vibrant blue light with each fluid movement. It was more than just a weapon—it was a work of art, crafted from an indescribable emotion that resonated within me—a familiar feeling that harmonized with my soul and, for some reason, caused tears to fill my eyes.

My hand trembled as I stretched my arm towards her, overcome with a desire to reach her. A soothing warmth emanated from her, giving me a feeling of serenity and safety.

She turned slightly towards me, the ornate mask revealing a faint smile that held kindness and sadness, before turning to face her foe.

Her weapon gleamed with an iridescent silver-blue hue, its blade pulsing with otherworldly energy that cracked and glimmered in sync with the woman's movements. The hilt was adorned with delicate silver designs resembling the branches of an ancient tree and studded with sparkling gemstones that shone like distant stars. Each gemstone seemed to hold a miniature galaxy within, swirling with ever-changing colors as the light danced upon it.

The woman radiated an unwavering aura of strength, her steady composure as she faced the twisted figure, only enhancing her commanding presence. As she advanced toward the faceless entity, her presence filled the corridor with a soothing force, dispelling the lingering tendrils of fear that clung to every surface. With a flick of her wrist, a surge of power surged through the hallway, causing the walls to quake and crumble under its intensity.

The faceless entity let out another piercing scream, its form flickering and glitching as if struggling to maintain its hold on reality. In response, the woman raised her naginata high, its blade glowing with a powerful azure light that seemed to ripple through space. She brought the weapon down in a sweeping arc with precise and practiced movements, slicing through the space between her and the malevolent being.

A shockwave rippled through the corridor, carrying a burst of pure, cleansing energy that washed over me like a cool stream on a hot day. The force of the blast sent me stumbling backward, my senses overwhelmed by the sheer power the woman and her jeweled naginata unleashed. As the wave of energy dissipated, I found myself gasping for breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to regain my footing.

When the light settled, I found myself standing in the heart of a massive, supernaturally beautiful garden that blossomed before my eyes. The air was sweet with the fragrance of blooming flowers, their petals unfurling in a kaleidoscope of colors under the gentle caress of a breeze that whispered through the leaves. A gigantic moon hovered in the starlit sky, its silver glow casting a luminous sheen over the landscape, imbuing everything with an ethereal radiance.

The moonlight caressed the garden, casting a silvery glow over the lush foliage that seemed to dance in its ethereal embrace. The light reflected off a pond that shimmered like liquid silver, its surface rippling with the gentle movements of koi fish gliding beneath. Lanterns hung from the branches of cherry blossom trees, their soft glow casting a warm and inviting light over the garden.

The woman flinched briefly, then turned slightly to me before returning her attention to the entity that was still looming with an ominous, orange glow at the garden's edge. She plunged her naginata into the earth in a blur of motion, sending a shockwave of silver energy racing toward the malevolent figure as its shadowy form coalesced. The energy collided with it, causing a chorus of twisted, horrible screams that reverberated through the garden as the ground trembled under the force of the clash. Hundreds of skull-like, shadowy faces burst into the air, gnashing their teeth in agony.

The woman's eyes never left the faceless entity as she stepped forward, her movements like a dance that conveyed her mastery over the blade. At that moment, I could see the sheer power emanating from her, like a beacon of light in a stormy sea of dread.

Of course, the entity was no ordinary foe. It thrashed and convulsed in a grotesque display of defiance, its form contorting and warping with each strike from the woman's naginata. But it refused to yield, its malevolent presence pulsing and growing with a sickening persistence that sent shivers down my spine.

The entity surged forward, its form distorting and shifting like a broken hologram, tendrils of dark energy lashing out, its form rapidly expanding like a cancerous growth. The woman stood unwavering as her hair flowed like a waterfall of liquid moonlight, cascading around her like a protective shield.

With a graceful pivot, she evaded the dark tendrils and countered with a swift strike of her naginata, the blade cutting through the shadows in flash after flash. Reality seemed to warp and bend with each strike, the very fabric of the universe quivering under the intensity of the battle. The garden around us vibrated with the clash of powers, flowers wilting and blooming in rapid succession like they were caught in a timeless struggle between life and death.

My eyes widened as the entity grew again, and its tendrils snaked around the woman to snake towards me. The tendrils moved terrifyingly fast—


No, it wasn't that they were quick.


Space itself bent and twisted around them as they moved, instantly closing the distance between us. Time seemed to slow at that moment as the dark tendrils closed around me, their icy aura sending a chill down my spine.

The woman snapped her head around and jumped back in a blue flash, picking me up underneath my waist with one arm as the dark tendrils began to snap and enclose us. A surge of raw, electric energy coursed through me as she pulled me close, shielding me from the encroaching darkness with her body.

Despite the unthinkable horror in front of me — somehow, I felt safe and warm in that brief moment of respite.

I numbly felt us sail through the air, and her Naginata whistled sharply as she flipped into a somersault. Before I knew it, we had landed on a patch of soft grass just beyond the garden's edge. The woman gently set me down, her touch sending a wave of comfort that banished the fear lingering in my heart.


Before I could even say a word of gratitude, she raised her naginata high, the blade humming with an intensity that blazed like a shout. With a primal shout reverberating through the garden, she shot forward like a bolt of lightning, her weapon slashing through the darkness in streaks of light.

The bizarre sound of steel meeting shadow filled the garden, mingling with the eerie cries of the faceless entity as it struggled against her relentless assault. Sparks flew as her blade clashed against the darkness, each impact resonating with a searing hiss and a roar of thunder reverberating through what served as a ground in this realm.

I watched her battle the entity, each strike more desperate than the last. It was like witnessing a scene straight out of Japanese mythology, invoking the image of an ancient hero fighting an eight-headed hydra. The shadows coiled and tumbled over hills and valleys, shifting and twisting in a chaotic dance of malice and hatred. The woman's movements were fluid and precise, her naginata a blur of cerulean light as she painted bright patterns across the ground in a blaze of speed.

But, the foe she fought persisted. It continued to distort and shift, multiplying its tendrils into a writhing sea of darkness that threatened to engulf her in its inky embrace.

Finally, the tendrils found a home within her defenses. Her eyes widened as the space between them shrunk, the tendrils tightening their grip around her like a vice. I could see the strain on her face as she fought against the oppressive force, her muscles bulging with effort. The entity seemed to cackle with triumph, its form pulsating with a sickening energy that sent shivers down my spine.

I wanted to help her, to aid her in this impossible battle. To do anything. But I knew deep down that I was helpless against a creature like this. It was a force beyond my comprehension and understanding, much less my fighting ability.

And then, just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a blinding light erupted from the woman, breaking through the shadows with a brilliance that brought tears to my eyes. The entity screeched in agony, recoiling from the sudden onslaught of pure, radiant energy. The tendrils recoiled in response, and for a brief moment, the entity appeared to waver and weaken.

With a deliberate slowness, she rotated her body to meet my gaze. Everything around us seemed to fade away in that suspended moment, and I felt an inexplicable bond with her that defied our chaotic and terrifying situation. Behind her mask, her eyes shone like distant stars, seemingly penetrating deep into my being and conveying a message of love, yearning, and grief without speaking a single word.

Suddenly, a wet sensation on my arm brought me back to reality, and I mechanically raised my hand to my face, only to find tears streaming down my cheeks.


I was crying.


Why was I crying?




As the tears flowed down my cheeks, the woman's gaze softened, a glimmer of vulnerability breaking through her stoic facade. She inclined her head ever so slightly, a silent acknowledgment passing between us like a long-held promise.

With a deep breath, she gathered her strength, turning back to face the entity with renewed resolve. Her stance was firm, and her apparent exhaustion only fueled her strength. She raised her naginata again, the blade glinting in the moonlight as she jumped on a nearby hilltop, the fabric of her ethereal kimono swirling around her like a hurricane.

The air crackled with intense energy, the scent of ozone mingling with the sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms that now bloomed defiantly around us, their petals unfolding in a riot of colors. The storm of shadows and sickly orange energy emanating from the creature began to swirl and twist in a chaotic dance as if responding to the woman's unspoken challenge.

The entity's size swelled again, its tendrils multiplying exponentially as it unleashed an alien rumble reverberating through the garden. The ground beneath us trembled as it thrashed and writhed, a dark vortex swirling at its core, causing the swirling blossoms to wilt into dust around it.

Countless moaning, wailing faces emerged from the vortex, their twisted expressions contorted with agony and despair. I felt a sinking pit of despair form in my stomach at the sight, the overwhelming sense of hopelessness paralyzing me with fear.

But the woman remained resolute, her presence a beacon of light against the encroaching darkness. She raised a finger in front of her, and a glowing blue ofuda emerged from the fabric of her sleeve, shimmering

with an otherworldly light that seemed to pulse in time with my heartbeat.

The ofuda trembled with power as she brought it up to her lips, whispering ancient words that resonated like a hymn. The symbols on the talisman glowed brighter with each syllable, casting a protective barrier around her as she faced the monstrous entity with unwavering determination. More and more paper seals emerged from her kimono, encircling the garden in a sacred barrier of shimmering light. The ofuda danced around her like protective spirits, each adding to the intricate web of energy that crackled and hummed with power.

It wasn't enough.

As the woman chanted, her voice rising and falling in a haunting melody, the entity let out a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the garden. The ofuda trembled in her grasp, their light flickering as if they were struggling to contain the sheer magnitude of the darkness before them. The faces within the vortex twisted and contorted, their agonizing cries fueling the entity's power as it surged forward with renewed ferocity.

I watched in horror as the woman's barrier began to falter under the relentless assault, cracks forming in the shimmering web of energy that surrounded her like a fragile cocoon. The koi fish in the pond thrashed erratically, leaping out of the water and disappearing into smoke as if consumed by the malevolent force.

The cherry blossom trees withered and decayed, their petals turning to ash and scattering in the wind like a macabre snowfall.

As the entity pounded upon her barrier, the woman turned to me, flashing a sad smile filled with regret. Without a word, she reached into the folds of her kimono and produced a small, intricately designed golden ofuda.

"Wait!" I shouted, my voice lost in the dim of the reality-shattering battle around us.

Somehow, I knew that I needed to talk to her. That there was lost time I had to make up to her. But I didn't understand why.

My tears shimmered like diamonds in the ambient light, somehow freezing in the air as they left my eyes. The woman was so far away, and yet, as if hearing my unspoken plea, she paused, her eyes locking with mine apologetically. With a graceful motion, she hurled the ofuda towards me, and it sailed through the air like a shooting star, leaving a trail of shimmering light in its wake.

"Please!" I shouted desperately, reaching out towards her as the ofuda flew towards me. Time seemed to slow down again as the talisman swirled around me, the air crackling with energy and anticipation.

"Please…" I shouted again, my voice breaking with emotion as the ofuda slowed when it neared me.

I knew she was sending me away. I didn't know how I knew, but it was as clear to me as day.

I couldn't explain the gut-wrenching feeling of loss that washed over me, the sense of abandonment that clawed at my heart as the ofuda drew closer. I wanted to stay by her side and with her in this otherworldly, terrifying battle. Even if I was powerless.

But her eyes held a finality that brooked no argument, a silent plea for me to escape while I still could—a plea that spoke of sacrifice and duty, of love, of a burden she bore alone.

The woman swept her jeweled naginata up defiantly, the blade gleaming with a blinding light as she braced herself for the inevitable clash. The entity crashed against her barrier with an earth-shattering force, the sound reverberating through the garden like a thunderclap. The ground trembled beneath my feet as I watched in awe and terror, unsure what would happen next.

Everything hung in precarious balance for a heartbeat as the woman sank on the balls of her front foot, building momentum or a devastating strike. It looked like she was performing a kata of incomprehensible beauty, her movements fluid and precise as if dancing with death itself. The air crackled with tension, the scent of cherry blossoms mingling with the acrid stench of the entity's foul presence.

With a fierce battle cry reverberating across the decaying garden, she charged towards her opponent, her naginata slicing through the air between them.


To be precise, it literally cut through the space between them.


I stared in disbelief as a diagonal line fractured my vision, widening with each sweeping motion of the jeweled naginata. The cut was not just a physical separation but seemed to cleave through reality itself, creating a rippling distortion in the fabric of space. A blinding, bizarre, elliptical arc of light radiated from the gash, casting unnaturally curved long shadows that twisted and stretched like it was alive.

The breach widened, revealing a swirling vortex of colors beyond comprehension, a kaleidoscope of hues that danced and shifted like living things. The air rippled and distorted around the tear in space, creating a distorted mirage of the world beyond.

Then, without warning, the space around us began to distort, the garden twisting into an abstract landscape that defied all logic. The ground beneath our feet became a swirling vortex of color and light while the sky above twisted into impossible shapes. The woman and the entity were locked in a dance of light and shadow, their battle transcending the bounds of the physical realm and venturing into… something else.

I could feel the fabric of reality fraying at the edges, the boundary between the garden and the abyss blurring with each passing moment. The woman's mask shattered, revealing a glimpse of the fierce determination etched upon her face. Her eyes, hidden no longer, shone with a brilliant blue light that mirrored the energy of her naginata.

The entity, now a mass of writhing shadows and pulsating orange light that stretched out infinitely beyond my vision, launched a final desperate attack.

The woman met it head-on, her naginata slicing through the air with a sound like the ringing of a thousand bells in a Shinto shrine.

Then, just as the battle reached its crescendo, a brilliant flash of light engulfed everything. The garden, the woman, the entity, and the abstract realm were consumed by a blinding frozen nothing of black, white, and monochrome hues that left me blinking in confusion.

I tumbled backward as the ground vanished, my hand outstretched in a futile attempt to reach her as the ofuda enveloped me in a blinding explosion of light. I could only watch helplessly as the garden faded from view, the woman shrinking into the distance as the world around me twisted and contorted like a whirlpool. I felt a sense of vertigo overwhelm me, the sensation of being torn away from reality and thrust into an unknown abyss.

For a split second, I was suspended in a void of colors and sounds, feeling as though I was being torn apart and pieced back together simultaneously.

The sensation that had engulfed me suddenly disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. I could barely make out my surroundings, but I was dimly aware as I was hurled through a gate that suddenly slammed shut behind me. With all my strength, I tried to stand up and orient myself in the dense cedar grove surrounded by mist.

The mist curled around the ancient cedar trees like ghostly fingers, tendrils of silver swaying in a dance with the shadows. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and moss; the only sound that reached my ears was the soft rustling of leaves overhead. I felt disoriented, as if I had been violently spun around in a dizzying circle before being unceremoniously dumped into this ethereal grove.

I struggled to stand, my eyes searched frantically for any sign of the woman who had fought so bravely just moments before. But all I could see was the towering cedars, their gnarled branches reaching towards the sky like ancient sentinels guarding a long-forgotten secret.


Only, there was no sky.


Instead, the dense canopy of the cedar grove seemed to stretch endlessly upward, blocking out any glimpse of the heavens above. The mist that enveloped the ancient trees glowed with an otherworldly luminescence, casting eerie shadows that flickered and danced in the dim light filtering through the foliage.

As I looked around, my eyes widened in surprise. I blinked as I looked up, recognizing the torii gate looming above me, and looked back toward the direction from which I'd been hurled. A colossal, weathered set of double doors towered in front of me, adorned with hundreds of ofuda seals.

It was the gate I had seen in my brief dream of my mother a month ago when I had been put to sleep by the magic practitioner who had been with the slavers on Earth.

My heart raced as I stepped forward and walked up the steps, hesitantly placing one hand on the wood.

The gate was no longer the pristine structure I remembered from that dream; it seemed weathered and ancient. The worn paper seals fluttered in an unseen breeze, their characters glowing faintly with a soft, ethereal light that sent shivers down my spine.

A haunting orange glow emanated from the cracks between the massive doors, casting eerie shadows that danced on the stone path leading up to them. The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding, and a chill ran down my spine.

I took one uneasy look at the gate and turned around. Something about that orange glow set off every one of my instincts screaming for me to stay away. To respect the mysterious woman's silent request and not meddle in forces beyond my understanding.

As I turned, I faced a long, winding path that led down the mountain. It was lined with stone lanterns that flickered with a soft, inviting blue light.

I felt a pull, an inexplicable urge to follow the path and leave the gate's haunting presence behind.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about the mysterious woman once more, leaving me with a sense of loss so profound that it felt like a physical weight pressing down on my spine. Why was she having such a massive effect on me? It was like my mind was trying to make the connection, but it refused to fully form.

I wiped the tears away, determined to push forward and find a way out of this surreal landscape.

I'd chalked this up as a bad hallucination the last time I'd been here. A survival mechanism to break free from the slaver mage's sleeping spell, but this felt different. Everything about this world, this place, seemed too vivid and visceral to be a figment of my imagination.

I walked slowly down the path, the stone lanterns casting a calming glow over my footsteps. Each flickering light seemed to guide me further away from the gate and the mysteries I'd left behind.

With each step, the path seemed to stretch endlessly, the flickering lanterns casting dancing shadows that seemed to mock my progress. The air grew colder, and a sense of unease settled in my stomach, a feeling that I was being watched by unseen eyes. As I walked down the path, the stone lanterns flickered in a hypnotic rhythm that seemed to pull me further into the forest's depths. Shadows danced along the forest floor, elongating and contorting into grotesque shapes that seemed to watch my every move with malevolent intent.

My heart raced as I picked up my pace, following the winding path deeper into the unknown. And then, a bright flash of orange light suddenly erupted in the depths of the murky, misty darkness, illuminating the trees around me. The forest seemed to come alive, the shadows twisting and contorting into unrecognizable shapes as they darted around me.

I could feel my mind racing, the woman's haunting vision, and the gate's call echoing. A living entity that sought to consume me.

And suddenly, a faint sound reached my ears, barely audible over the wind and rustling leaves.

"Ikki...? Ikki..."

It was a distorted voice calling my name repeatedly, filled with fear and concern. Although distorted, it was a familiar voice that tugged at something deep within me.

Safety. Home.

"Ikki... please..." The voice came again, tinged with desperation, sending a chill down my spine. "Where are you?"

I squinted, trying to locate the source of the voice.

The mist seemed to part slightly, revealing a faint, flickering orange flame in the distance. With caution, I took a step forward, my gut urging me toward what felt like safety.

The light ahead seemed to beckon, flaring and breaking through the thick fog with its intensity. My heart raced in my chest, a combination of fear and hope pushing me forward. I broke into a run, my footsteps somehow remaining silent as I dashed toward the source of the voice. The mist swirled around me, parting like a curtain being drawn aside by an invisible hand. Each step brought me closer to the flickering orange flame, its light growing brighter and warmer with each passing moment.

As I drew closer, the voice grew louder and more distinct, bringing a rush of familiarity and hope to my heart.

"Ikki, where are you? Ikki, please answer me!"

I quickened my pace. The light was now a shimmering orb in the distance, drawing me in like a moth to a flame.

Through the swirling mist, the silhouette of a girl holding an oil lamp came into view. Her figure was illuminated by the soft, flickering glow of the lamp, casting long shadows that danced around her like playful spirits. I broke into a sprint towards her, my heart pounding in my chest as a wave of relief washed over me.

As I approached, the girl's features became clearer: her long, flowing hair cascading down her back, her big, orange eyes wide with fear.

She looked like she could have been my fraternal twin sister if not for her ethereal, otherworldly eyes. Still, I couldn't deny the uncanny physical resemblance between us. Her eyes held a constant air of contemplation and emotion that seemed to mirror my own, and she looked just like Izumi when she was particularly worried about my father or me.

The orange sundress she wore billowed in the wind, the fabric dancing around her like flames in the night. She clutched the flickering oil lamp in her hand, its warm light casting a halo around her delicate features.


How could she be here? Like this?


"Rai-chan!" I called out, relief washing over me at the sight of a familiar face. The avatar I'd briefly come to associate with her.

Her head snapped towards me, and relief washed over her features. "Ikki!" she exclaimed, her voice cracking with emotion. She rushed towards me, the oil lamp clutched tightly in her hands.

As she reached me, she dropped the lamp and threw her arms around my neck, burying her face in my shoulder. I froze in surprise as I felt her body trembling against mine as she whispered, "I was so scared... I thought I'd lost you."

I wrapped my arms around her, taken aback by her sudden display of vulnerability. "Hey, I'm here. Alive and well… I think. Umm. Honestly I have no idea what's going on. I'm terrifiedand confused, but I'm glad to see you too."

Rai-chan pulled back slightly, her orange eyes searching mine. "I... when the connection was disrupted, I thought I might have lost you forever. The last thing I could sense was your consciousness disappearing into… an orthogonal plane when you established a link with the drone."

I nodded, trying to process everything that had happened. "I don't understand either, Rai-chan. One moment I was in the pod, and the next, I was in some freaky corridor that felt like a messed up surreal prison. Then I found myself in some kind of bizarre garden with… some kind of horrifying creature and that… that woman."

Rai-chan's eyes widened slightly. "Creature? Woman? What?"

I hesitated, the memory of the woman with the jeweled naginata and the blue kimono still vivid in my mind. "I wound up in some kind of weird stone corridor, where I was attacked by some kind of pixelated mass of orange light and shadow tentacles that seemed to come out of nowhere. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, and no matter how far I tried to run the corridors just… twisted back in on themselves. It felt like that thing was about to tear me apart, and then this woman also appeared out of nowhere and started fighting it. She was... incredible, Rai-chan. But there was something familiar about her, something that I can't quite put my finger on it and my brain just won't put it together."

My companion looked at me with a mixture of concern and curiosity. "Familiar? How so?"

I shook my head, feeling frustrated at being unable to articulate the connection. "I don't know. It was like I knew her or like she knew me. And when she looked at me, it felt like... like she was saying goodbye for good."

Rai-chan's expression softened, and she reached out to take my hand. "Ikki, whatever happened, we'll figure it out together. Right now, I need to get you back to the lab. I don't trust what's happening here and we need to abort the mission."

I frowned — understanding the urgency in her voice. Whatever was happening here was creepy and more than likely dangerous, but I knew there was still something I had to do.

"How did we even get here?" I asked, glancing around the mist-shrouded landscape. "And how... how can you be here? Like this?" I gestured towards her, trying to make sense of the physical form she seemed to have taken.

Rai-chan looked down at her hands, blinking as if seeing them for the first time. "When the connection severed, I felt you slip away into a plane that… shouldn't be accessible to you. I used our bond to track and follow you through what Terran magical theorists describe as the Sea of Imagination. It's a theoretical space that the Akasha flows through, one that I can abstractly interface with. But... this shouldn't be possible. For you, at least."

I raised an eyebrow, my mind racing. "You're saying that you managed to physically manifest in this... place because of our bond?"

Rai-chan nodded, a troubled expression flitting across her features. "Yes, but it's not without consequences. I can feel my personality integrity withering here. It's like... my core essence is being slowly siphoned. I can't explain it and it doesn't appear to be an acute effect, but it's like I'm being slowly absorbed by something at the core of this plane."

She looked down at her hands again, her expression distant as if contemplating some profound truth.

"So… this is how you feel all the time. Meat and bone, heart and soul. Humans struggling. Fragile, and ultimately terminal. Everything around us temporary and finite, like a ripple in the stream..." Rai-chan trailed off, her voice tinged with a philosophical melancholy that sent a shiver down my spine.

I squeezed her hand gently, feeling a strange nostalgia wash over me.

"Seems like I really do have another sister in you, Rai-chan. But… fuck, we can deal with that later," I said, trying to lighten the mood. "For now, let's focus on getting out of here in one piece. What exactly is the Sea of Imagination?"

Rai-chan nodded, her orange eyes reflecting the flickering light of the oil lamp that lay forgotten at our feet. "That is a complicated answer that the Terrans don't quite know the answer to. The Akashic Records — as Spencer mentioned to you, is believed to be a sort of cosmic archive, serving as a repository of all knowledge and experiences ever known and will be to sentient beings. The Sea of Imagination, in contrast, is an abstract realm that's not dictated by some kind of universal cosmic archive, but rather by the collective acknowledgement of existence. It's a place where our most fundamental desires, fears, and memories manifest, and it's here that the Akasha or Mana flows through freely and infinitely, interacting with our own consciousnesses."

I furrowed my brow, trying to understand the concept. "Are you saying we're currently in some sort of metaphysical realm that houses the collective consciousness of everyone?"

"Not just the collective consciousness, but… in a sense, everything. Existence itself. Each and every possibility that ever was or will be," Rai-chan answered as she glanced around at the misty landscape, her expression troubled. "To Terran philosophers — without sentience, there is no universe, no reality. The Sea of Imagination is a mind-twisting concept where the boundaries between reality and unreality blur. It's a place where what we subconsciously believe to be true shapes the very fabric of existence in the worlds that dot the sea. Some of Earth's fiction has a notion that there are infinite worlds in a so-called multiverse. However, Terran theorists have a different proposal. Magic first takes form from imagination, and reality itself is the most wondrous form of magic. Thus, a world can only exist once conceived in mass sentience — and things like physical laws form boundary conditions. The closer two worlds are to each other narratively, the closer they are in the Sea. The Sea of Imagination is the theoretical space magical theorists use to describe the void we cross every time we step through a portal between Earth and Terra."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of Rai-chan's words settle heavily on my shoulders. "So, to back things up for a second... in this place, our thoughts and beliefs can quite literally become real?"

Rai-chan nodded solemnly. "In a matter of speaking, this is what is referred to as a Cognitive Demesne, or simply a Demesne within the Sea. Presumably, a powerful being closely tied to dreams, emotions, and imagination may have created this space. We are mere visitors in their domain, subject to their rules and machinations. At the very least, the rules of this realm mirror those of our world and plane."

The thought of the mysterious woman and the monstrous entity I encountered earlier flashed through my mind.

"Could that woman be the one controlling this place?" I asked, a shiver running down my spine at the memory of the horrific monster I'd encountered.

Rai-chan's eyes darkened as she considered the possibility. "It's possible. Intruders like us may be seen as threats and dealt with accordingly."

She shivered, looking around the misty forest. "We should depart from here with haste."

I frowned, feeling that her explanation didn't quite tell the story here. "I don't know… this place, it isn't the first time I've been here. But it's the second time I've been able to interact with it."

Rai-chan listened intently, her expression growing more concerned.

"You've been here before? How is that possible?"'

I took a deep breath, trying to piece together the fragmented memories swirling in my mind. "I dream about my mother from time to time, you know? I have a recurring nightmare about the first few hours of the Fall of New York. But my mind always zeroes in on the little mementos from Japan she decorated our old apartment with, and I can see it all as if I was really there. The family pictures stuck in the crumbling wallpaper that I can't quite remember clearly. Her bookshelf with the water stains from where she spilled tea on them. And her favorite old-fashioned kokeshi doll I never liked, but oh, she treasured it. It feels so real sometimes that I can almost touch the memories, and in those moments, it feels like I can visit that old apartment again, even if it's a fragmented dream."

I continued, turning to a cedar tree covered in snaking mists. "I've always dreamed of a misty Japan, you know? I associated it with my mother, and I can barely remember her face and touch. But in my dreams, I'm always wandering through cedar groves and gardens... just like the one we found ourselves in."

Rai-chan's eyes widened in realization as she listened to my account. "So, this isn't just a random occurrence then. Therefore, I hypothesize that there's a connection between your dreams and this Demesne, and you've been able to navigate it."

"Wait, what?" I couldn't help but interrupt. "Is that even possible? I mean, how can my dreams and this place be linked to begin with?"

She paused, deep in thought.

"Well, let me explain," Rai-chan said, a twinkling look in her eye. "The Sea of Imagination, as I've mentioned, is shaped by the collective consciousness, our dreams, and our beliefs. It's a realm where our thoughts and emotions take on tangible forms. In your dreams, you've accessed this realm unconsciously, and the connection has been formed. It's been reinforced by your repeated visits to this place."

I pondered on what Rai-chan told me. "But why is this place so dangerous, then? What's the purpose of this Demesne?"

"Humans are beings of free will," she said, gently emphasizing each word. "The Sea of Imagination is a place where our deepest desires and fears, our hopes and dreams, and our nightmares take shape. It's a realm of raw magic and wonder and highly unstable. The reason you're able to interact with it is because of the connection you've forged through your dreams. But that same connection makes you vulnerable. Whatever this Demesne used to be... something is terribly wrong with it. At the very least, any danger here could leave you catatonic in the real world."

I frowned, trying to understand this new information. "So, this place is like an endless mental playground for... something, only it's not safe for us to play in?"

"Somewhat," Rai-chan confirmed. "As I've stated, the purpose of this Demesne isn't clear to me yet, but we must leave as quickly as possible. Humans are often reasonably safe in a latent dreaming state but quite vulnerable when lucid — as in astral projection magic. In a way, your personal dreams are a closed demesne that isn't exposed to the Sea of Imagination, but this Demesne is a complete unknown to us and somehow you've stumbled into it."

I pondered over that for a moment, thinking back to the incident once again.

"Umm… There's more to the story behind this place than that," I added. My mother… when I was attacked by slavers last month, I found myself here, and she helped me break the sleeping spell—right before I found you, actually. It was the first time I was lucid and able to physically interact with anything while having this dream."

"Last month… in a field of Chaos Beast corpses," Rai-chan scratched her chin thoughtfully.

She stopped and jerked in surprise, poking at her chin curiously. "Physical touch… corporeal solidity. This will take some getting used to."

Rai-chan turned back toward me. "Anyway, you said the apparition of your mother helped you break free from the slavers' spell?"

I nodded, memories flooding back from that fateful encounter. "Yes, it was like she was right there with me, guiding my hand and lending me her strength and wisdom. I don't think I could have broken free in time without her."

Rai-chan's eyes were concerned and curious as she processed my words. "Whatever your link to this Demesne is, it increases in intensity as the veil between reality and the primordial chaos from which the Chaos Beasts emerged grows thinner. Deploying you in a proxy drone during a Chaos Event like the one that just erupted must have triggered a chain reaction that allowed you to bridge the gap between the real world and this Demesne. When your consciousness was untethered from your body and transmitted through the network, it was transported to this place. The connection between your dreams, your mother, and this Demesne is a thread, and as the fabric of reality is stretched thin, it allows you to interact with this realm more easily."

I took in her words, the weight of their implications settling heavily upon me. "So you're saying that my connection to this place, to my dreams of this Japanese shrine and my mother, grows stronger when I'm near Chaos Events and the distortions Aberrants leave in reality? And that's why I was able to interact with it and break free from the slavers' spell last month?"

Rai-chan nodded slowly, her expression grave. "It is a possibility. The Chaos Events disrupt the fabric of reality, tearing holes in the veil between Earth, Terra, and some faraway realm humanity hasn't been able to explore. If your link to this Demesne is tied to those events, then it would explain why you are able to interact with it more tangibly now."

I felt a chill run down my spine at the thought of being drawn further into this mysterious realm. "But what does it mean for me? For us?"

"We'll have to be a lot more careful near Aberrants and other beings that may have ontological ties to Chaos. The more intelligent Aberrants could sense and manipulate this connection, potentially using it against us." Rai-chan's voice held a note of caution as she scanned our surroundings, her senses on high alert.

"Now that I am aware of the phenomenon, I can form a sort of bubble around your consciousness and anchor you. That should prevent you from accidentally slipping into this space again. But… we'll have to think twice before deploying something like a Daupnir drone in the future."

I nodded, absorbing her explanation. "So, if you were able to follow a link here, does that mean you can erm, pull us back out of here?"

Rai-chan met my eyes and smiled warmly before striking a playful pose.

"Indeed!" she shouted. "Fear not, dear brother of mine, for we are bound by blood and legacy. If this place seeks to challenge us, then we shall rise to meet it with courage and cunning. Let us navigate these uncharted waters together and return home, for our destiny awaits beyond the mist."

I chuckled nervously at her sudden shift in demeanor. "Man, Izumi is going to love you. Or kill you. I think she always wanted a sister to be a goof to and keep her on her toes," I quipped, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips despite the gravity of our situation. "But you might have her number with a performance that theatrical."

Rai-chan grinned mischievously at my comment, her eyes sparkling with determination and lightheartedness. "Izumi may have her hands full with both of us then, but together we make quite the team," she remarked, a playful glint in her eyes.

"But enough with that," she adjusted her straw hat, settling back into a serious mood. "Let's get you back to the lab. I no longer feel comfortable with the scope of the mission now that this unknown variable is in play."

I frowned, knowing she was right. But…

"Rai-chan, can you tell how much time has passed in the real world since I entered the pod?" I asked, hoping that I hadn't been gone for too long.

Rai-chan's eyes flickered with uncertainty. "The flow of time seems to be... different here. But from what I can gather, it seems like the amount of time that has elapsed is on the order of planck seconds."

I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of resolve. "Then I want to continue with the mission. The girls are counting on me, Rai-chan. I can't just leave them hanging. I mean… there are innocent lives at stake out there, you know?"

Rai-chan looked at me, her expression softening with understanding. Then, she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Ikki, there are eight Magical Girls out there. And more than likely, they will have reinforcements from the city soon enough. You don't have to worry about them. We can return to the lab, regroup, and come up with a plan to rescue them together. Your safety is my priority," Rai-chan reassured me, her voice steady and comforting.

"You said the only thing to worry about while I'm in one of those drones is a mental attack right?" I insisted, narrowing my eyes. "If something happened to Dior... and the other girls out there while I had the chance to do something, I'd never forgive myself."

My voice was firm, my resolve unwavering. Rai-chan studied me momentarily, her gaze searching mine for any hint of doubt.

"Alright then," she relented, "But we will proceed with caution. If anything seems amiss or dangerous, I will disconnect you immediately. Understood? I'll also be redirecting most of your ambient mana proactively to shield against an accident like this from occurring until we investigate further."

I nodded, determination burning in my veins. "I do understand perfectly. Let's do this… partner."

Rai-chan grinned as she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and concentrated.

"Hold on tight," she murmured.

I looked back toward the stone steps I had descended, only for my breath to catch in my throat as I saw a woman standing there, bathed in a soft, ethereal light. She wore a flowing white kimono that billowed gently in the breeze, her hair cascading down her back like a river of obsidian. Her obsidian eyes, shining with a subtle blue light, met mine with a mixture of love and sadness that tugged at my heart. She raised a hand in farewell, her full body bathed in a gentle blue glow.

"Mom?" I managed to mouth out.

In the blink of an eye, the misty landscape swelled around us, the cedar trees and the path fading into a whirlwind of colors.

My hand found Rai-chan's, her grip solid and reassuring despite the surreal maelstrom we were hurtling through. As the light grew brighter, a sensation of being pulled forward with great speed overcame me. I braced myself, unsure of what awaited us at the end of this journey through the unknown.

And then, the real world snapped into focus.