chapter 10
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[99 years till demon king]


yep, I've been here for 1 year and here and here I was trying to make a decent fate mechanism/system for the world I mean how am I supposed to make a fate system where everything is not set in stone when that's the whole point of fate. I mean I had the whole thing except this set up I mean I stole almost all of it form a game, how fate would be read is by looking at stars and constellations everyone and everything had their own constellations some key parts would be set in stone but most would not everything and everyone would have a default end but based of the overall changes of things that are not set in stone the ending will constantly be changing.


the stars in question are not real they are rocks that reflect the real ones, they contain star mana form reflecting the real stars, fate essence which I made from scratch, destiny Essence which I made using the fate essence and absolute essence this is for the parts that are set in stone, and an unnamed essence which reflects the person, place, or thing connected to it and change so it could change. the problem was that how would I get it to automatically incorporate everything past, present, and future. Well for the past part the stars and constellations related to someone in the past would turn into mana and release itself into the world or disperse and later become a part of new constellations.


but that doesn't solve the problem completely and I don't want new stars coming out of the blue. so, I came up with a sub system if someone, place, or thing was coming to be some old stars would be used and new stars would be created for it, and they would make the new constellations and if something happens before it could come to be the old stars would find new places in new constellations and so would new stars. and of course, I could take control and completely control some if I wanted but that's just a precaution, I won't force a fate upon someone at lease not one that can't be changed also the fates do not go beyond death.


and there you go I made a whole fate system from scratch the only world to have one and that very night the stars changed, and Every constellation made that night was connected to someone, place, or thing.


as for the turtle of endless oceans it had 1 year till it hatched and for the flower, I was constantly updating it with any new magic that I could 1: use to convert the world back form the demons, 2: harm them, 3: heal the world after. I also gave it the ability to create beings to defend itself with the best being possible if need and what I need by that is if it needs to defend itself from a dragon using my archive it will make a custom being to specifically kill that dragon.


now back at the dungeon it made something different it was now, way deeper in the cave and made a new section here the element was fire it already started growing red crystals and the place was hot you could see the feat waves and it had a monster made for it a mini boss it was a cluster of red crystals that could do fire magic and it was pretty strong and I think at max capacity it could flood the entire cave and even some of the outside in a powerful flame that could last a least a month.


now to an experiment I was running I was trying to make an archetype being and it's hard to explain so I will just tell you what I doing, so the dragons were worshiping a tree as a life sustainer because it had some apples on it and it was huge but the only reason it was that big because it grew on the corpse of a nature dragon but never mind that the main thing was that there was no one in it no spirit nothing it was just big and had a lot of mana so I used and the worship and belief to make an archetype its power where based of what they believed and it served as an avatar in which I had complete control but due to their belief all the abilities were related to sustaining life which mean I could make u really good apples but they were really good at healing it also had a life support function.


you know I didn't think about it at the time but using the fate system I could completely control someone without them knowing like every little thing they do this system is powerful it even has the undecided fate of the world now I was looking at some dragons and their village. no but when the demons do take my world I kind of want to know what they will do with it will they leave it be or convert and use it to make special demons because they won't be able to control it directly, they are most likely to harvest them for their energy and essences the demons that come from my stars would be something else. also, they can be used an attack system on another world like all I have to do is fuse a spell to a star and throw it in the void.


"All in a day's work if I may say so myself, I made a whole fate/destiny system that also doubles as an attack system I made an archetype being and the dungeon and goblin war is about to get good. I think I earned myself a rest. 




hey everybody sorry for the late chapter hope you enjoyed it.