Chapter 8: Fatal Jealousy
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When Levi and Eloise arrived, the convention was not yet in full swing. Decorations were being set up and displays arranged. Come midday the hall would be congested, but for now there was only a weak trickle of bodies wandering about.

Levi showed off a lanyard with an ID that labeled him as an author. He was directed to check in with some administrator marking down names, then led to a spot arranged for him to set up his booth.

The most central spots were reserved for the big names, usually cult classic films with large followings. These works had full-on exhibits with lights, screens, and music. Movie props on display and actors in costume. 

Surrounding them were the second-tier names. Well-known authors with long-running series, comic book artists, indie video games. These booths would usually at the very least have decorations and merch for sale.

And finally in the most far-off and forgotten corners of the hall you would find the third-tier. The amateurs who were trying to get started, the aspiring wannabes, and the professionals who had been around forever but never really took off. They often didn’t have much more than a table and a few posters hung up. 

Levi was like them, but that didn’t bother him. He was new to the scene, afterall. If even one or two fans showed up to say hi, or someone new stumbling past decided to give his work a read, he could be happy with that.

It took Levi no time at all to prepare his area, so he and Eloise got the chance to explore the convention before it got busy. With it being a horror-themed con, the displays were dark and featured things like ominous fog or flashing strobe lights. 

More than once, a monster or masked killer popped out of a hiding place to try and startle their visitors. These tricks never worked on Levi. Eloise and him had been dating for a month already. He was used to a killer apparating behind his back without a sound. That was just everyday when she came back from class. He wasn’t so easy to jumpscare anymore. 

The exhibits and booths did little to draw Levi’s attention. He had something he was much more focused on. Throughout their walk around the hall, Levi’s eyes almost never left Eloise. He subconsciously slowed his pace so she drifted a couple steps ahead of him. This gave him the opportunity to watch her hips swing hypnotically with each step she took. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself either. Every now and again, he hooked an arm around her and pulled her in close. When she leaned back into him, he left a few kisses on her neck and shoulder. 

Eloise was normally very closed off and cold around other people. It was only when the two of them were alone that she would lose her shyness and let herself be free. But today, she was in heaven from all the attention Levi was giving her. Her constant smiles and playful attitude were nothing like the quiet Eloise. Maybe it was something about being dressed up in costume that let her become another person temporarily. 

Her cheerfulness naturally made her very approachable. She drew looks everywhere she went. As the convention started to get busier, there was no shortage of people who came up and wanted a picture. This frustrated Levi to no end. Every time someone would ask for a selfie, Eloise would slip out of arm’s reach for a few moments. He didn’t like that.

There was an upside for him, though. Eloise used the opportunity to make all sorts of provocative poses in front of him. She knew he was watching her and took full advantage. Her favorite way to tease him was to bend forward so her skirt would rise up dangerously.

For the most part, everyone was very nice and respectful, but his heart still flared with resentment constantly. A man with an expensive DSLR told Eloise that her costume was gorgeous as he snapped a few photos. He handed her a business card while placing his hand overtop of hers.

“If you’re interested, I have all my lighting and equipment with me. A professional photoshoot would really make your costume come to life even better.”

Before Eloise even got a chance to turn him down, Levi had already pulled her to his side.

“Sorry, but we’re just here to look around.”

Levi didn’t care if he was acting like an overbearing and jealous boyfriend. A quick photo was fine, but Eloise wouldn’t be leaving his side. The man seemed a bit embarrassed by his strong refusal, just giving them both a professional smile and a nod before moving on.

Eloise laid her head on his shoulder and traced her finger across his chest. She wasn’t angry that he answered for her. Instead, she liked seeing him get protective over her. It made her heart race. Everything was going according to plan.

After wandering for an hour or two, the convention was in full swing and Levi needed to return to his booth. He didn’t expect to get too many visitors, but he was pleasantly surprised. Part of it was because there was a pretty girl in costume there beside him, but Levi did get to meet a few people that were fans of his work. There was one in particular who was very passionate.

A blonde girl dressed in a zombie cheerleader costume bounded up to Levi’s table and gave him a big smile.

“Hi! I’m Cassie!”

“Hi Cassie, I’m Levi. Are you interested in reading my new short story anthology? If you’re a fan of horror and romance you should give it a try.”

“I’ve already read it! See? I have a copy right here. I was super excited when I saw that you had a booth on the convention’s itinerary.”

“Wow, great! I’m glad that there’s someone out there that really likes my stuff.”

“I more than like it, I loved it! Please tell me that you’ve got something longer coming too!”

“I do, but it will probably be a few months still until it’s ready.”

The girl was practically bouncing off the walls. She was so high energy. Cassie was definitely the most enthusiastic fan that Levi met so far by a mile. Not only did she want him to sign her book, she took multiple selfies with him. Only after a long while did she finally wander off to explore the rest of the convention, but she promised that she would be back later.

Once she was gone, Levi smiled and sat back in his seat. The experience of being fawned over by a stranger was novel to him. Though a little exhausting, it was nice to have what you do be appreciated.

It was only when Levi turned his attention back to Eloise, that he noticed her mood had shifted dramatically. She was completely quiet and her eyes were following that Cassie girl as she weaved into the crowd. There was an uncomfortable chill to her gaze. 

She blinked and the oppressive feeling of danger Levi felt disappeared as though it was never there. Eloise gave Levi a soft smile before she stood up. 

“Be right back, just going to the restroom.”

Levi felt like he should say something, but he didn’t get the chance. She had already gotten up and left in the same direction as the other girl. He had a very bad feeling about what she might do.

Cleaning up a crime scene for your girlfriend every now and then was one thing. But if Eloise did something unfortunate in a busy place like the convention, Levi had no idea how he would protect her from the consequences. There was no choice, he needed to follow. Just to make sure.


Eloise’s shoulders were shivering. This wasn’t how today was supposed to go. Everything was happening just as she hoped. Levi was all over her! 

But then she showed up.

Eloise hated everything about her. Her pretty blonde hair. Her bubbly and hyper personality. Her flawless skin without any scars. But she especially hated how friendly she was to Levi. It’s so obvious that she likes him.

Levi was supposed to pay attention to her! Only her! Why was he looking at other girls? Why was he smiling back? Is it because she’s prettier than Eloise? It wasn’t fair. Why couldn’t she be perfect like that? What if Levi likes that girl more than her? What if he leaves her to be with that girl instead? 

She couldn’t let that happen. 

Her life with Levi was too important. She couldn’t allow anything to come between them. If Levi sees he has better options, she’ll be alone again. She would rather die than live without him after knowing how perfect life could be. It was too cruel to make her go back after knowing what happiness was like.

She won’t let that happen.

No one would take Levi away from her. She knew she couldn’t compete against a girl like that by playing fair, so there was no other choice. She needed to eliminate the competition. 

Levi was so good to her. He only ever saw the good things and didn’t pay attention to the bad. But someday he would notice. Someday he would hate how broken she was. Eloise had to get rid of her competitors before Levi had a chance to notice how much better they were than her. That’s the only way she could prevent herself from being alone again.

Levi told her not to do something like this after the first time, but there was no choice. There was no other way.

Eloise’s eyes remained locked on her target from afar. She was in a state of hyperfocus. To her, nothing else in the world mattered besides herself and her prey.

She zigged and zagged through the crowd without ever taking her eyes away. Someone spoke to her and asked her something about her outfit, but she didn’t hear them and continued onward as if they didn’t exist. 

A maintenance worker was fixing a malfunctioning screen at one of the exhibits. As Eloise passed behind him, she took a screwdriver from his toolbox without anyone noticing. 

She concealed the screwdriver close against her forearm, though it was probably unnecessary. There were plenty of people around with fake weapons to go with their costumes. What was one more killer in a crowd of many?

Eloise drew closer to the unsuspecting girl. She watched as the girl entered a secluded stairwell that led up to the higher floors where there were panels and film screenings. This was the time. Eloise sped up.

She abandoned any thoughts of stealth and blending with the crowd. The screwdriver in her hand shifted into an icepick grip. Eloise entered the stairwell after her and ran up the steps.

The girl was still unaware she was being followed. She winded the stairs in a circle to the second floor, the third, the fourth. That was as far as she would get. 

Eloise raised the screwdriver above her head. Her pupils dilated and her lips curled up into a smile in anticipation. But then at the last second, she was stopped as another got in her way. 

“Oh, it’s you again. Have you changed your mind about the photoshoot?”

The same man with an expensive camera from earlier appeared in front of her. Eloise tried to move around him, but he blocked her path with a playful smile.

“What’s the rush, sweetheart? Can’t you talk to me even now that you don’t have that boyfriend hanging over your shoulder?”

Eloise blinked as a bit more of her senses returned to her. Her quarry was getting away, but this guy mentioned something about Levi?


The man’s smile turned a bit obscene as he gave a chuckle. A greasy tongue circled around his lips.

“I’m the guy from earlier that told you he could make you famous, remember? So what do you think? Would you like to have your very own professional photoshoot just for you?”

Eloise just stared at him cold as ice without saying anything.

“Ouch, no need to give me that look! You’re a real cutie. You could make it big and there’s a lot of money in it for you. Especially, if you let me take a few ‘special’ photos.”


Once again she tried to move around him, but this time he slithered his arm around her and grabbed her wrist firm so she couldn’t go.

“Oh come on, ease up! Don’t worry, that boyfriend of yours doesn’t need to know.”

How dare this creep interrupt her mission. And on top of that he’s saying such nonsense about her betraying Levi? Since he wants to die so much..

Eloise didn’t get her chance to act. She was once again interrupted, but when she saw who it was this time, all her annoyance melted away instantly. Levi forced his way between her and the creep. His eyes were aflame with hatred so intense that it made her breath stop. 

Levi grabbed the man by his shirt and narrowed his eyes like he was looking at a cockroach. He didn’t say anything. Instead he shoved the man hard and threw him over the railing. The man briefly screamed as he fell down the channel between the two sides of the winding staircase. He dropped four stories. When he reached the ground, there was a sickening snap like a stick of celery being split. And then silence.

“No one can touch you except me.”