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Thanks to my readers for all the support so far. It's been a little under a month since I started writing 'Love Me Back' and it's already passed 15k views, which is just great.

Originally, I intended to update this story about once a week or so whenever I wanted a break from another project. However, because this story turned out to be a lot of fun and got a large support, I now want to treat it with a little more care. With this in mind, I've decided to go back and rewrite the earlier chapters to fix a few mistakes. This means that the continuation of the story is going to be on hiatus for awhile. 

I'll be gradually deleting these chapters and replacing them with rewrites. There will be changes in the story to fix some consistency issues. Consider the current chapters as my rough draft for the first act. 

Here are some improvements I intend to make with the rewrite:

  • Greater emphasis on horror elements.
  • Slower pace for the early stages of Levi and Eloise's relationship.
  • More gradual decent to yandere-dom for Levi.
  • Cut the Armel Faron character.
  • Rework the Ebon Chain to make more sense.
  • Better foreshadowing for supernatural elements.

Thanks again to everyone who has enjoyed the story and especially to those leaving comments and encouragement. Hopefully you'll like it even more after these changes.

Oh, and I'll commission a proper book cover at some point too.