HP: Book 1 Part 3 (Preparations)
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We had been wandering through surrey for the past 2 days, taking what we needed from people if we had to. Numerous times, my ability to astralize like a servant came in handy as I stole ingredients from stores. My inventory was now overflowing with food items as I took from the stock of stores that were franchised like Walmart is.

Harriet, bless her poor soul, continued to push forward to leave the area. We had reached a forest at the end of a second day, I had started to set up bounded fields around our area to protect us and give us time to prepare for this world.

One to conceal the area from people's eyes, one to make them avoid the area, and one made with Emiya Family's research on time. The time dilation be set to the maximum I could make it, I linked it to my very body as a way to fuel the costs.

We were deep in the forest now, it had taken me a couple of hours to set up the bound field around our new home. Right now, it was just a simple hammock hanging from the tress with flowers under it with a fire-pit that held a pot above it.

"It's not much, Fou, but this is something I can call home." She still spoke monotony, but that spark of fire in her eyes grew day-by-day that this isn't just a dream she will wake up from. This was her new life, one away from the Dursley's and all they've done to make her life a living hell.

"We've thirty years to pre-pare for the world out there." I said matter-of-factly as I walked to the pit to get a fire roaring, the simplest application of Time Alter - Double Accel getting the friction needed to spark the fire.

"What do you mean thirty years?" She crouches down next to me as I tended to the fire, growing it bigger and bigger before she picked up the pot. We walked down to the nearby river and grabbed clean water from it.

"I've set up a bounded field around our home to keep people out, it also makes so that for every day that passes outside this field… 1 year will pass inside. However, make no mistake, our bodies will age as if we aren't under the effects of the bounded field." I said, after setting the pot up correctly, Harriet had moved to her hammock to watch the stars hang themselves in the sky before I started to talk.

Her hand raised out in front of her to touch the night sky, she dropped her hand and stay silent as the wind gently swayed her bed. While waiting for the water to boil, I traced a sword and reinforced its edge to cut down a tree.

The sound of the tree hitting the ground didn't spur her from her thoughts, nor did the smell from the food I was making until I finished making said food and her stomach begged her to devour the meal.

She continued to stay quiet until she fell asleep, she looks so peaceful under the moon's light. But it was time to explore the rest of my system, to see what it had to offer to me.


"Skills" My window opened again, giving me 3 drop down windows.

-[Personal Skills]-
-[Class Skills]-
-[Noble Phantasm]-

I tapped all of them open, and then opened a fourth that was in -[Personal Skills]-.

-[Personal Skills]-
Kaleidoscope: EX
Mind's eye (True): B
Clairvoyance: C+
-[Magecraft: EX]-
Magecraft (Emiya Family): A
Projection Magecraft (Tracing): —
Reinforcement: —
Structural Grasp: —

-[Class Skills]-
Independent Manifestation:A
Magic Resistance: A+
Authority of the Beast: ★

-[Noble Phantasm: E~EX]-
Unlimited Avalon Works:
Guardian and Guide to the Garden

I catalogued my skills, taking each one in and thinking them over. Kaleidoscope is a true magic, yet is labelled under -[Personal Skills]-, that did explain my unlimited amount of Magic Units to use. Mind's Eye (True) was the same rank as normal Archer's, Clairvoyance was the same as No Name's.

Magecraft falls under the -[Personal Skills]- section, however is its own drop down menu for better navigation. The Emiya Family Magic crest became a Skill Rated at A, while the rest didn't have rankings, those being the skills that allowed me to trace.

And then were my -[Class Skills]-, given to me for being a Servant of the Beast Class. I.M. was what allowed me to exist without having a Master to rely upon, M.R. was on par with Archetype: Earth, allowing me to shrug most magecraft off with no issue.

Authority of the Beast was where things got interesting, it had a ★ denoting that it couldn't be numerically represented rather than exceeding the limits of the rank system like EX did.

And then my Noble Phantasm, it was different from the others that came before me. I had no idea how to call it out yet, but I would learn, I already had what I need to know.

I will find my Aria, maybe not now, maybe not within the next 30 years before we go to Hogwarts, but I will.

It was while I was contemplating the future that a book dropped in front of me, instantly I was on my paws with swords floating in the air ready to attack. When nothing happened, I stepped forward and nudged the book open with a sword.

It opened with no resistance, I slowly approached it as I read the title printed on the inside of the book.

'Servant Summoning for Shirou's - By Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg' It even had a small graphic of the old man smiling with his tongue out the side of his mouth and a thumbs up.

Well, I definitely know who's pendant that is now, he'll surely be unhappy to see this book.

[NEXT TIME ON THE AVATA- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]


Original post: Nov 20, 2021. (Originally Posted to Webnovel)

Updated post: Sep 03, 2023. (Updated Revamp/Rewrite Posted to Wattpad, FF.net and Spacebattles)

This was originally posted to Webnovel, then Wattpad. I've since stopped supporting updates to Webnovel and have started Revamping/Rewriting the story to better comply with FF. Net and will be cross posting between Wattpad, FF. Net and Spacebattles.

Update: Oct 21st, 2023. (After a Poll I'm uploading this to Scribbile hub, I'm copying this straight from Spacebattles.)