HP: Book 1 Part 6 (3/4ths of the way there)
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King's Cross Station was just as busy as ever, with people rushing to get on and off their trains to wherever they needed to, however, their attention was drawn to a group of about 4 people and their pet that walked along discussing something in a language none of them knew… Their Asian features plain enough for the others to see, yet their attire brought many to question their sanity. However, many just minded their business and continued on their way, what those people did was nothing they needed to make note of.

"I'll arrive at the school after the sorting to sort out our situation before it can escalate too far." The tall tanned man with white hair wore a gradient dress shirt that changed from a slate blue base to a light blue on his sleeves spoke, glasses hung from the centre of his white striped shirt and bracelets jangled together.

"Yes Mother," The young girl was dressed in a plain white buttoned shirt with a tie, black slacks and plain black shoes. She looked up to her right to the man she called Mother, before her attention was drawn to the woman she called Father.

"Remember, you may be ahead of all your peers, but that doesn't give you the right to trample over them and push them down." The girl gave a solemn nod at, remembering 30 years ago from her perspective that the Dursleys were doing the same to her. "You have such greater strength compared to the others, so use that to protect them from whatever danger you can." The woman smiled at the young girl, she may not have found her reason to fight yet, but she will, and when she does, it will be glorious the lengths she goes to protect that which is precious to her.

"And don't forget to prank them all!" Merlin practically yelled as he put his hands on the girl's shoulders, "Uncle Merlin will be watching from afar, so get them all good." he spoke jovially as he encouraged her to play practical jokes and such on the students.

"Please, Harriet, my dear companion, don't prank anyone into insanity." Another voice spoke as a ball of white fluff landed on her head.

"Hello Fou! Where have you been?" Merlin asked, while Harriet continued to walk as if nothing ever happened.

"I've been doing… stuff." Fou answered uneasily, however, Archer's nose packed up on the copious amounts of blood left lingering on him. The little splash of red that sat on the edge of his white cape.

"I'll tell you all about it later." Fou said dismissively, as if he were just talking about how the weather was yesterday.

"It's the same as every year! Packed with muggles, C'mon! Nine and three-quarters, this way!" A plump woman was telling her gaggle of children, all with flaming red hair, drawing attention to herself with how loud she was being, the 3 oldest boys cringed as they saw eyes drawn to them.

"Mum, maybe you should tone it done?" Asked what looked to be the oldest, "Nonsense Percy, on you go!" She shooed him to the divider of 9 and 3/4ths, he reluctantly moved forward as the two who seemed to be twins followed after their eldest.

Each time they ran towards the divider between platforms 9 and 10, a crowd appeared to rush on by, and when the last one left the boys had disappeared.

"But mum! Can't we wait!? I want to see my fiancé!" What seemed to be the youngest boy whined to his mother, drawing even more attention to them. His mother didn't even seem to notice the way the non-magical people locked on to her at the realization that the young boy who didn't look a day over 11 had a fiancé.

"Ignore them, they are not worth our time." Saber said as she pushed Harriet forward toward the divider, the crowd appearing to cover the both of them as they walked through it and onto the platform for Hogwarts.

A scarlet steam engine train was waiting idle next to the platform, looking behind them Fou took notice of Merlin's attire. That being a black Henly shirt with a flow design above the left breast pocket, he wore his sleeves rolled up just to his elbows and nice blue jeans with a brown belt. The bottom of his jeans were rolled up to just above his ankle, his brown loafers were nice enough and the gradient scarf just brought all of it together as he smiled happily at seeing the train.

Archer had taken notice of Fou's staring and turned around to see a Wrought Iron archway, before looking back and Fou with a raised brow. Noting the creature to just point at Merlin, he gave it a nod as he caught up with his pseudo-daughter and his now wife.

It was a simple life, he was searching endlessly, and she was waiting continuously. And now they're together again, as living servants, but that didn't matter when he could be with Saber again.

He was lost in his thoughts before the whistle of the engine blew, Harriet had found a seat and was poking her head out of the window as she spoke to Merlin. He had started to jump up and down and run along the train track saying goodbye, when he turned around he gave a knowing smile.

Shirou finally noticed that he had wrapped an arm around Artoria's waist, and she was wrapped around his arm.

"Alright, you love birds, Fou disabled the time dilation back at New Avalon… There are rooms covered in runes to muffle sounds, so have a fun time!" Merlin said happily as he skipped away; Artoria had just stuffed her face into Shirou's arm in embarrassment.

"Uhh, I guess, we should head back?" archer scratched his cheek and asked bashfully, reminded of the time Harriet had walked in on them.

That was the day he as a father had to give her, The Talk, a very unpleasant thing for him and Artoria. Yet Merlin loved the drama, speaking of the Dick Wizard, he was currently talking to an Auror as he pointed to the plump woman who was currently blowing her nose about seeing her kids off to school for another year.

*End song here*


19 - In the Dream ~ Fate/Apocrypha (OST II) - [ZR] ← SONG FOR THIS PART OF CHAPTER

"Bye Uncle Merlin." Harriet said in her classic monotone, leaning out of the window as the train started to move down the platform. She leaned back into the train and closed the window once the train had left the station; grabbing a small keychain from her pocket, she chanted and laced it on the ground.

And then it grew into the full-sized suitcase that it was, she opened it up and grabbed a couple books and placed them on her seat before closing and hefting the luggage above her spot near the window.

"I'm going to go explore the train, have fun with your reading." Fou called, only to get a nod in response as he left the cabin.

Harriet got comfy with her stack of books to her left, she could just lean her head on the glass and continue to read for the rest of the ride. Fou had packed her a bunch of snacks for the ride.

Fou wandered down the hallway, avoiding the stragglers that were walking and talking, he even came across a pair of 7th years just standing there

"Hey Grif?" The taller one, with Ravenclaw robes, turned away from the window and asked the smaller one.

"Yeah, Simmons?" Grif, the one in Gryffindor robes, stopped pigging out on his packet of Oreos for a moment to give his attention.

"You ever wonder why we're here?" Simmons asked with a raised brow as Grif took a moment to think while chewing on what he had; after a solid gulp he gave his answer.

"It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night." He spoke with such wisdom that it baffled Fou, and Simmons just looked at him with half disgust, half confusion.

They stared at each other in science.

"... What?! I mean, why are we back here, in the first-year area!?" He practically yelled, fully turning towards the other boy, who paused his eating for this conversation.

"Oh. Uh... yeah." Grif said lamely.

It was at this point that Fou left, the coincidence of this conversation being too weird for him to properly do anything but say, 'Fuck this shit, I'm out', not before he stole an Oreo and had the two boys chase him for over half an hour.

It was after ditching the two boys that he came across a loud boy bragging about something.

*Song Pause*

"I'm going to be lord Potter!" A young boy yelled, only getting laughs out of the rest of the inhabitants of the cabin. "Oi! It's true mates, I'm betrothed to THE Harriet Potter! And by the time Hogwarts is over, I'm going to be lord Potter!" He practically yelled at the two boys across from him, only to be interrupted by a knock near the door.

A round-faced boy was standing there nervously, he had sweaty palms that he whipped on his plain black robe.


"Sorry," he said, "but have you seen a toad at all?" he gifted with his hands and was looking at the floor after the boy bragging about being betrothed to his lovely companion sneered disgustingly at the boy.

"No we haven't. You can sod off now, Longbottom!" The boy turned back to the two others in his cabin, who had stopped what they were doing and were now looking at him with creased brows.

"What? It's just Neville Longbottom. The git barely has any magic and might as well be called a bloody Squib!" The boy with flaming hair, large hands and feet was now laughing at his own joke as his other companions looked at him with contempt as they started to gather their stuff.

"That wasn't very nice, now, was it?" Another voice joined in, this one belonging to a young girl with a lot of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth. She stood just beside Neville, who was quietly sobbing into his hands.

"And I don't care, who're you supposed to be?" The young boy sneered at her, "J-Just let it g-go." Neville quietly sobbed out to the young girl and tugged at her sleeve. "Sit down, both of you!" The boy barked out at the other two in his cabin, they just ignored him and continued on their way.

"I'm Hermione Granger!" She introduced herself, "Let's go, Neville!" And she quickly dragged the crying boy away before the prat could say anything else that might make the boy cry harder.

"Where the hell are you all going!?" The boy stepped out of the cabin and yelled at all 4 of them, causing all but Neville to turn and look at him. "We're not sitting with yae, ya' cheeky cunt!" the first boy said. "And we don wan ta hang out with a daft cunt." the other said, both with Scottish accents.

The bragging boy proceeded to pull out his wand, It was chipped in places and something white was glinting at the end, the two Scottish boys rolled up their sleeves and stepped forward.

"Get back now Lass and Lad, let a couple proper Scottish lads teach yae' how ut's done." And the ensuing beat down was only broken up when a prefect walked by and broke the children away, only to reveal that the boys had been hitting around the boy as he had curled into a ball in fear and wet himself.

*End Nightmare, restart Necromancer.*

It was later in a new compartment that the two boys introduced themselves.

"Yae to have been introduced already, ye?" The first one asked as the other boy set to work, pushing all of their luggage up above them. "Wel, I'm Caelan Wallace! And this 'ere is my bruhtha Yaden Wallce. I guess we'll be 'ear mates!" The now-named Caelan laughed as they all introduced themselves to each other.

It was at this point in time that Fou had left the children to wander back to Harriet's cabin.



Harriet was cuddled up next to the window, reading a fairly rare book about potions. The scenery passed by, and before long, she was interrupted by a knock at her door, "The door is unlocked." Taking the invitation as it was, the door slid open to reveal a pale boy with platinum blonde hair.

"Hello there-" He started, only to be interrupted by the girl.

"General Kenobi." She quickly said as she turned a page of her book, stopping midway, she turned to look at him. "My apologies." She said before returning to her book; the boy looked around the compartment and walked in with his trunk.

He shut the door, drew the blinds, and put his luggage above the opposite seat of the girl, the train steadily moving forward as it had just left the station naught 3 minutes ago.

"My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Draco introduced himself, crossing his right leg over the left, and put his hands to gather in his lap; he leaned back slightly as he spoke.


She turned a page again before promptly setting a bookmark into the spine between pages; she set her book onto the pile beside her. She gave her full attention to the boy rather than continuing to read her book.

"You may call me Lycoris Radiata," She bobbed her head in greeting, holding a hand out for a shake. "I assume you're also a First-Year Student?" He gave her hand a firm shake.

The boy gave her an appraising look that she reconsigned from the times her 'Father' would test her political skill; she lived 30 years in what they would come to call 'New Avalon' she considered herself from a different country as that's where she spent most of her life. A small smile graced her lips as she closed her eyes and tilted her head.

To Draco, it was the most beautiful thing in the world, her smile something that sparked his heart to beat at twice the pace, and the way the sun highlighted her features from the window just gave her an ethereal beauty.

"I'm from a secluded Enclave called 'New Avalon', we don't interact with others outside our Enclave very much and could be considered a second 'Hogsmeade' in that we're all magical." Her voice gave even more to that ethereal quality of hers; it felt as though his hand was going to.

"DRACO! There you are, I've been looking alllll over for you." The door was slammed open, interrupting the moment as Malfoy quickly sat up straight. He looked out of the window, only to see his cold reflection staring at him. He ignored the woman that bothered him like nothing else.

*Pause Music*

"I've been wanting to talk to you about the betrothal contract my father had made; would you be able to spare me the." She paused as she caught sight of what looked like a girl sitting next to a pile of icky books, her long hair appearing to have the colors of the rainbow while she slept under the sun. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING ON ME WITH THIS SKANKY BINT!" She screeched out, the girl appearing to continue to sleep peacefully under the sun.


"We are not dating Ms. Bulstrode; I would appreciate it if you left me and Ms. Radiata alone now." Draco's voice held a polite if somewhat scathing, and frigid tone to it as he didn't even look at the banshee that was trying to ruin his life. He didn't care that she held a crush on him from the very moment she laid her eyes upon the poor boy.

"YOU! YOU POISONOUS CHEEKY BINT, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO MY DRACKY-POO!?" She screeched as she whipped out her wand and shoved it in the direction of the smiling girl, even if she did appear to be sleeping.

"I would advise against shoving your wand in my face, Ms. Bulstrode. It's very rude to do that where I come from." She said jovially, as if this was all one big joke, yet her eyes held nothing but a cold, calculating stare, her eyes glowed softly with an ethereal and sickly vibrant green. Her voice, so monotone that it put the crazy girl off for just a second.

"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO MY MAN!" She screeched yet again, this time shoving her wand even closer as if she was trying to be threatening. It was almost funny to Harriet; the girl was nothing more than a tiny kitten trying to threaten a lioness with notions and delusions of grandeur.

"I have done nothing to Mr. Malfoy; we had just finished introductions when you rudely barged into our cabin-" She was interrupted by the girl, rather rudely at that, from finishing her words.

"Our cabin? OUR CABIN!? SINCE WHEN THE HELL WAS THIS 'OUR CABIN' YOU AREN'T STEALING MY MAN YOU CRAZY BITCH!" She yelled and swung her wand, with all the grace of a small child in a temper tantrum, it was with a quick flick of her wrist that a wand appeared in Harriet's hand. A spell flung off her tongue at such a speed Draco couldn't make out what it was, and watched with what could be perceived as mild interest as the Bulstrode Heir's lips sealed themselves and wouldn't budge an inch.

"You may call me Lycoris Radiata. I'm 11 years old. My house is in the northeast section of New Avalon, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an apprentice potioneer for the local potion store, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, and I don't drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM; and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight, I wouldn't lose to anyone." With every sentence she took a single step toward the girl, and slowly she towered over her, her smile growing slightly more sinister with each step, until she backed the girl into the hallway and against the wall.

*Stop 'Tense Encounter' and return to 'Fate/Apocrypha - Love'*

She took a single, long, step back and closed the door lightly, and she drew the blinds back. Turning around, she comes foot to body with her dear companion Fou.

"Hello Fou, how was your walk?" She asked as she picked the creature up and placed him on her shoulder, only to get a bunted in the cheek, "Fouuu!" she giggled at him as she sat down and pulled her book out.

Draco, seeing the coast clear, let out a sigh of relief and just laid down on his bench. "So, what kinda of Creature is that?" He asked, she couldn't tell if he raised a brow or not as he draped an arm over his eyes.

"It's a Cath Palug, you wouldn't know what that means." She answered before returning to her book, they spent the rest of the ride in companionable silence. Harriet even shared a book to read to Draco.

The peace and quiet reminded her of her days reading in the library at home with Merlin.



Update: Oct 21st, 2023. (After a Poll I'm uploading this to Scribbile hub, I'm copying this straight from Spacebattles.)