HP: B1 P7.1 (A Castle of Broken Dreams)
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I was truly in a castle of broken dreams, after the wall opened up, and I stepped through I appeared in the Hallway I had entered from. And all around me were the broken remains of the castle, crumbling from decay as creatures walked around, Inferni, Dementors and Acromantula's roamed the area not paying any mind to the small white creature that was me.

I sat up on the floor above them, watching as they did nothing but skitter about here and there, roaming around the desolate environment and maybe snacking on a corpse. There was a certain calm to it, just watching creatures that go bump in the night walk around aimlessly, the bodies on the floor just rotten meat on bone covered by Hogwarts uniforms.

I almost just want to sit here, waiting endlessly, but I have to forge myself. I've done nothing but be a little shit who bummed off of others and coasted to where they wanted to be, it's time to change that.

I lifted a paw and magical energy condensed without fanfare as a blue ethereal sword appeared.


I dismissed it, and reached higher, lighting the forge in my soul, the anticipation of a fight getting to me. I could feel my energy pump through my body, a sword appeared out of thin air, and then another, and another, and another.

Soon I was smiling manically, the rush of energy at letting loose without worry of destruction, and the blasted forward. Leaving nothing, but a cloud of dust in their wake.

A laugh sounded out, reverberating over the stonework, and I questioned where it came from.

Yet I knew.

I jogged forward and quickly turned into a sprint as their attention was drawn to me, Dementors wailing in rage at the death of their comrades, Inferi moaning and moving forward to match me as the spiders chitter in agitation.


-[POV: 3rd]-

The giant feral creature looked like a giant dire wolf, a disproportionately small great sword rested in its mouth as it moved with reckless abandon and speed, meeting the first Inferius. It whipped its head tens of times in a second as it continued to run, leaving nothing but a chopped up corpse to reform.

The jumped and twisted in the air before a solid wall of magic appeared beneath its feet, it stood upside down in the air for a second, crouching, it shot off the solid wall of Mana and plunged the blade deep into the abdomen of the spider.

It whited and chattered in pain as the sword impaled the ground under it and trapped it. Its head was smashed into the ground as the great wolf like being that was Fou pushed off it's head and flipped around with a new sword glowing bright with light cut a Dementor down.

Landing on the ground, he stared down all of the Inferi, with the previously slain one reformed, the sword in his mouth glowed, red cracks appeared around it as it was overloaded with magic, the light it gave off blasted like a fire and was swung.

Fou appeared behind the 5 or so Inferi that stood still, they burst with bright blue and white light as the holy sword Durandal broke in Fou's mouth. He turned around to the spider as it desperately tried to escape the fight, he slowly walked up to hit and held a paw above its head.
And slammed down, the head of the spider popping like a water balloon with ease. He raised his head and looked to the top of the Astronomy Tower, fire lightly wafted through the air, and a man in a suit of armour stared at the wolf contemptuously.

Fou's ear's and tails changed, becoming more Fox-like in nature as he roared at the man. The man only pointed a finger at Fou, they stood in a stand-off for what felt like hours, only to be interrupted by a small rumbling.

The rumbling sound of an army approaching, when they reached Fou, the man in the tower turned back to tend to the flame. Fou looked at the bridge, between him and the rest of the castle stood 25 people.

All hollowed, they stood brandishing wands with no skill, approaching slowly, they wore the student outfit typical of Harriet's year. They wailed and moaned, unable to think yet followed orders.

He was obviously not where he thought he was.

Yet he snarled at the students, they were trapped in the endless hell as much as he was at the moment.

It didn't matter.

He was on the first in a second, powerful jaws chomping down on the top half of the body separating it, the smell of fire appearing in his nose as the body dissolved into dust.

Across the bridge sat a fire, not a bonfire like the one in the tower, just a simple campfire, and the student he just chomped down on appeared a moment latter, the scent of fire disappearing as the fire died down.

Fou dashed backwards, watching the students march in uniform order; A sword appeared above his shoulder, it was, but a simple nameless blade yet imbued with the power of fire.

It launched at and tripped the first student, causing the rest to trip. Dashing forward, Fou leaped over them all and landed on the bridge, it crumbled a bit at his weight.

He rushed to the other side as it slowly crumbled more from his running, reaching the campfire he smashed his paw, snuffing the flame. Turning around, he watched as the rest started to march across the bridge, it started to crumble more and more as their foot falls sent tremors through the bridge.

Walking to the edge, Fou summons another nameless blade, stabbing it into the bridge at what he determined to be a weak point with -[Structural Grasp]-, he watches as the bridge collapsed and dust raised into the air.

-[25/150 "Hollowed" Killed.]-​

Turning back to the school, Fou Summons another sword as more Inferi pour through a door followed by Dementors, Acromantuals and Hogwarts student's and staffs.

He felt his energy pulse again, and flow off of him like a cape; It solidified into a blood-red cape that draped off his body, and like he summoned them they were becoming agitated with bloodlust and rushed him, Wizards and Witches Forgoing their wands and picking up a blade, others casting spells that hit the Red mantel.

And Fou dashed forth, leaving the blade in the body it impaled, to summon a new one for each enemy he slaughtered, hundreds of blades were left in the stone work of this Castle of Broken Dreams.

He followed the scent of fire to the next campfire and destroyed it before turning around and slaughtering them over and over. His body had many cuts that dug deep into him with blood pouring out, he just ignored their attacks and continued on.

He roared with triumph, as the last went down, he roared as the beast within him was unleashed, and fire exploded from his body with a rage he hadn't ever let out.

And then, he was at the Great Hall.

The man in the tower stood on the other side of him, with a great sword in pushed into the stone like Cliburn in front of him.

"You, Beast." The armoured man spoke, anger clear on his voice.

He waited for an answer but got none.

"You remind me of a Beast I once admired, you shall be a good stand in." He spoke with Arrogance, assuming that he would win the fight with no issue.

"I AM ASTORIAN! LORD OF THE DEAD! MY ARMY'S HAVE MARCHED ON THIS WORLD AND LEFT NOTHING! YOU WILL SUBMIT TO ME OR DIE AND BE FORCED UNDER MY BLADE!" The man grabbed his sword and pulled it from the stone, announcing his name to the beast, boasting about his accomplishment.

The beast didn't even roar, it just stood there, a paw raised in the air as if to ask a question.

"Spit it out, beast, what is your question!?" With a sigh, the man spat his words, asking the beast for its finale words.

It merely swiftly brought the paw down, and dozen's of swords flew from the shadows of the room. The man barely had time to dodge or block each one, and with a mighty shout, he pushed the blades away, only for the beast to clap its jaws on the man's neck.

The beast growled as it hung from its jaws, the man stabbed the blade through the beast, unlatching the jaw as he kicked it off his blade and away from him.

He rushed after the beast, slashing upwards, only for a sword to appear in the beast's mouth and block the attack and land on the wall. It defied gravity as it stood on the wall in a crouch, it pushed off and slashed, the man let the blade slide off his own and turned to face the beast only to get impaled by a sword from behind.

He quickly jumped backward as the beast landed with its blade now stuck in the ground, he quickly pushed the lack out of his body with a grunt before the beast was on him yet again.

Swipe after Swipe, it slashed with a new sword in its mouth and paws, its tail fur sharpening and being used as a blade the endless assault continued as blade rushed from the shadows to attack the man.

"YOU SHAN'T BEST ME SIF, I SHALL KILL YOU YET AGAIN!" The man screamed at the beast, mistaking it for another, and stabbed an opening.

The beast went limp, and the man sighed in relaxation, letting the weight of the battle off his body.

Only to become a porcupine as swords punctured through his armour and all over his body.

He stared at the dozens of swords, and back to the beast which was raining again, a new sword in its razor sharp jaw.

It circled around the man, and a *click* came from the handle of the blade, energy rushed from the blade, the beast raised it high up.
The man laughed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'll be back, Sif, the bonfire will never be smothered, and I'll fight you again and again. HOWEVER LONG IT TAKES TO MAKE YOU MY SERVANT" The man spread his arms wide and accepted the blade as it cut through him and the school, it was only as he fell down and was granted a sight at what was behind him did his joy disappear.

The Astronomy Tower crumbling down, and the fire snuffed.

His consciousness was fading, he held only one regret, he should've gone with the system.

The beast stop triumphantly over the man, and howled to the broken moon in the sky, as slowly the energy that covered its body died, it slowly shrunk into a small creature that laughed maniacally.

-[POV: Fou]-


'Oh man, It felt great to just let loose.' I stretched like much a cat would, and watched as the holes in me patched up with the influx of healing.

'The look on his face as he noticed the fire was snuffed… Oh! Man, that was GREAT!' I looked around, copying his sword, it was nothing more than a simple great sword to be added to my collection.

'Kinda weird he took me for Great Wolf Sif though.' I idly thought As I walked out to the courtyard, where Umbitch kicked a teacher out of Hogwarts in front of the students in was.

'A Castle of Broken Dreams'
Hogwarts is an old castle, hiding many secrets within its hallowed halls, yet what of the hollows that roam this Castle of Broken Dreams?
Do they not deserve to be put to rest from the atrocities that befell them because of the actions of another reincarnation?
Temporary item: Key of Cinder
1/1 Bonfire Snuffed.
150/150 "Hollowed" Killed.
1/1 "Astorian Lord of the Dead" Killed.
Bloody Rose
Artemis Rod
Hunter Bracelet

The quest was complete, I wonder If I'll-

And suddenly I was back in that Hallway, looking behind me the wall was back to normal without a keyhole this time.

Hello Fou, You don't know me, but you needed this.
More than you know, buddy.
There are dungeons like this all over the Omni-Verse.
I give you this Key in hopes you'll figure out what to do.
You need to find yourself, so I suggest you pursue this dungeon endlessly.

Update: Oct 21st, 2023. (After a Poll I'm uploading this to Scribbile hub, I'm copying this straight from Spacebattles.)