H:S&S P2 (First Battle)
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“You know, you’ve been uncharacteristically jumpy these past few days, Fou.” Merlin made note of as they wandered the school grounds, it was a nice cool autumn morning. The sun barely raised passed the mountains as they wandered around the Hogwarts area, visiting the so-called “Trials of Merlin” among other things.

“I’m waiting.” He said as he absent-mindedly completed the East Hogsmeade challenge with ease, a simple M1911 held in the ethereal hand that floated off his back.

“No matter how much I see it, the fact that you’ve turned to using guns instead of the weapons in their normal forms… It still intrigues me to no end.” Merlin said as he leaned on his staff, wearing his normal baggy outfit, the wind blew the flames hanging on the barrel's edge out in a gust of its chilling breeze.

“Yet that leave the question, what, pray tell, are you of all people waiting for.” Merlin’s eye held a hungry glint, wanting to know what Fou of all people could be waiting for.

“I’m waiting for this kid to call me, Mother-” Fou started, but was quickly interrupted by Merlin. “Woah, Woah, Woah. Who is ‘Mother’!?” Merlin practically yelled, only to be shut up by Fou almost slapping him in the face with a wooden Shinai with a tiger strap attached under the guard.

“Not the Face! Not the face!” Merlin screamed as he ran, the Shinai was quickly enveloped with blue lines running all over it, it compressed down to the size of a 9mm bullet.

And then it duplicated; Another bullet with the little tiger strap printed on its rubber tip. And then another, and another, and another until a full round magazine was loaded into the chamber.

But right as he lined up his shot on Merlin’s retreating back, he felt it, a slight tug on his magic and quiet words of a boy in need of help.


And he saw white.


A boy with blond hair and blue eyes. Wearing an unbuttoned white shirt over a long navy undershirt, a pair of brown bracelets on his wrist, blue cargo jeans with a loose brown belt, and grey sneakers with red highlights appear in front of Fou.

He collapsed on the ground, shaking and coughing from the physical strain it took to summon the ‘Beast of Calamity, Fou’, “Lok!” A small white flying creature with a long tail and high-pitched voice yelled as he flew down to the boy, who barely muttered a broken “E-E-verf-fight!”.

He gasped as he sprawled out on the ground, “Lok! Are you okay!?” The creature yelled, shaking his shoulder. “Not really, Cherit.” Lok said tiredly, his eyes blinking as his consciousness faded in and out, “Get back!” The creature yelled, barring claws and fangs at another small white creature that looked around the area before settling on the boy.

“It’s alright Cherit, He’s the titan in the Amulet” The boy said right before he passed out, Cherit looked at the creature, it made him want to flee, give up and fight all in one, it felt like he was suffocating as its eyes roamed over him.

It gave a small shake of its head before approaching, it quickly pulled the amulet by the string out of Lok’s hand. It stalked forward to Cherit, who slowly backed up until his back was against the wall.

The creature stopped just in front of Cherit when the wall shook from the force of something impacting it, not even flinching. The creature threw the Amulet at Cherit and was gone, one second it was there and the next it was gone. Yet when Cherit turned to the room where the rest of Team Lambert were fighting, he couldn’t help but let his jaw drop in awe.


A few seconds earlier

“Poison fang!” An older man wearing a suit with open-top, gloves and a dark-ish red dress shirt yelled, throwing his hand forward. Causing a Young woman looking in her 20s to dodge as a lizard-like creature jumped from her shoulder and disappeared along the wall.

The creatures fought in the centre of the room as a manta-ray look alike with human arms shot the same ray of puke-ish coloured magic, hitting an armoured creature with an unusual sword, leaving it open to be crushed to death by an armoured 4 arm grizzly bear.

Its body turned to an electric blue streak and dashed back to a rugged older man called Dante Vale, hitting and dissipating into the amulet around his neck as a young girl with Strawberry Blonde rushed into the room.

“Dang, things are getting Sticky!” The man yelled as he was shoulder to shoulder with his teammates.

“Dante! Lok’s hurt too, we need to do something! Anything!” She practically yelled as the man with a darkish red suit brushed off his arms.

“Was this part of your plan, Dante!?” The young woman yelled at him as she dodged another ray of puke-ish green from the manta ray looking thing.

“Now! Press the advantage.” DeFoe, the man in the red shirt, yelled as he pointed at the team of three.

Spells started slinging across the room, hitting the walls and windows of the church, DeFoe Started to gloat, seeing victory in his future as team Lambert was pushed back into a corner.


Everyone covered their ears, the sound of a fire-arm discharging disorienting everyone and thing, yet they all turned their eyes to the smoke wafting from the fire arm hanging from the ethereal blue arm attached to a small white creature that stood on the roof as if gravity wasn’t a thing.

No one even noticed DeFoe going down until after he hit the ground, the Young girl gasping at the perceived death of the man, yet Dante only glared at the body as it was clear there was no blood anywhere.

A shotgun appeared behind the creature on the roof, and with another resounding bang that grated on the delicate human hearing system, the creature was standing on the hilt of a weapon where once the Bear creature was.

A giant black curved blade worthy of being called an Odachi, a 315 centimetre blade stabbed into the ground at just the tip, everyone took a step back shocked at the speed and strength of the small creature.

The sword slowly started to disintegrate into blue motes of light, and then another *BANG*, at this point they had gotten used to the quick movement and loud bangs. The creature crouched on the very air itself as a large black gun was manifested into the air, aimed directly at the head of the flying creature.

Along its foot and three inches long barrel was an inscription on the black gun's barrel, 

Jesus Christ is in Heaven now 

The larger letters proclaiming Jesus Christ to be in heaven now were done in a big, show offish, cursive font, while the manufacture was placed in big bold blocky letters underneath

Blue lines spread across the weapon as suddenly it stretched out, turning into a long sword and skewering the other creature.

“DO YOUR WORST! METAGOLEM!” Dante yelled, during the commotion he had retrieved the very Amulet they were all fighting over.

A 14-foot wall of stone stood in front of team Lambert, The white creature flipped through the air and landed on top of the Golem with the same giant sword from before.

“RETREAT” A blond Military man called, quickly picking up DeFoe’s body as he ran, back the way they entered the room and out the curch.