35 – OnlyLosers
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There I was, smack in the middle of this crazy-intense Monkey Kong duel with Xavier, and wouldn't you know it, my phone buzzes with a text.
Perfect timing, right?

So I take a moment to glance at this message, and BOOM – a barrel hits me square in the face.

A virtual reality check.

It sent me reeling right back to the start of the level, like some kind of cosmic joke.

You'd think I'd be all fired up about getting a faceful of pixelated barrel and losing my lead to Xavier, but honestly? My brain was buzzing more about that text from my stalker Mindy.

There I am, in the heat of a virtual showdown, and all I can do is wonder what new kind of crazy Mindy's cooked up this time. It's like being caught in a weird game where the rules keep changing, and you're not even sure what the prize is.

Even as I pick myself up, I'm trying to shove Mindy's latest mind game to the back of my mind.
Easier said than done.

Back in the game, I'm scrambling to catch up to Xavier, who's probably feeling like the king of Monkey Kong mountain right about now.

He's up there, about to have his big hero moment, and I'm stuck dodging barrels like some kind of rodeo clown.

But, there's always that little spark of hope, aka my Luck Magic System. It hadn’t let me down yet. And even then I still thought I'd pull off something spectacular.

So Xavier, aka wannabe Mr. Perfect, makes his way to the top like it's just another day at the park. He's got this look of determination, like he's about to save the world or something.

And me?

I'm still at the bottom, thanks to that darn barrel exploding in my face, a whole other battle going on in my head, courtesy of Mindy and her latest drama.

I'm playing catch-up in Monkey Kong, but the real game's just starting in my mind. It's like a chess match, and Mindy's the opponent I can't quite figure out yet.

But she made a mistake. When she sent me those, extremely hot, picks of her chest and butt. Yes, they incited me to lose my head and skinny dip in the ocean, which led to my epic humiliation. But now I had something on her.

I swore to myself, those photos would be stalker Mindy’s undoing.

As I’m making my way back up the level, Xavier's inching closer to Princess Pineapple. He's probably rehearsing his victory speech or something. Typical Xavier, always the hero in his own story.

But as he's climbing higher, my mind's working overtime. I'm piecing together Mindy's little puzzles, trying to find the weak spot in her armor. It's like she's playing this game of cat and mouse, and I'm not about to be the rodent in that scenario.

I'm watching Xavier, and I can't help but chuckle. He's got this whole 'knight in shining armor' vibe going on. If only he knew that while he's busy playing the hero, I'm over here strategizing like some kind of digital war general.

Having already lived an entire I life, I’d had my share of tough breaks. Life had thrown more at me than just barrels. I'd been through the wringer, dealt with more than my fair share of bad luck.
So, a little setback in a VR game? That's just another Tuesday for me. I now that I had my Luck Magic System, I wasn’t sweating anything.

Xavier might have had the lead, but in the game of life – and in Monkey Kong – it ain't over till the final credits roll.

So, there's Xavier, right at the finish line of our Monkey Kong marathon. He's face to face with Princess Pineapple, and you can practically see the hearts in his eyes. It's like he's never seen a cute girl in a dress before. But then, instead of going for the big heroic rescue, he pulls up short and starts this cringey, stuttering spiel to Monkey Kong.

Princess Pineapple was like the programmers took every fantasy of a damsel in distress and gave it a twist with a bit of sass and a lot of curves.

She had this long, flowing hair, the kind you see in those over-the-top shampoo commercials, all shiny and perfect.

Her dress? It was like something out of a fairytale, but with a twist that said, 'I might need saving, but I'm not just sitting around waiting for it.' It was this bright, vibrant color – a mix of peach and pink, kind of like her namesake, but with a boldness that made her stand out in the over-saturated world of Monkey Kong.

And man, her eyes. They were this deep, mesmerizing shade that you could get lost in. They sparkled with this mix of intelligence and a hint of mischief, like she was in on a joke that no one else knew. And when she rolled those eyes at Xavier's ridiculous proposition, it was all I could do not to burst out laughing.

As Xavier stood there in the virtual world, face-to-face with Princess Pineapple, his usual confident demeanor melted away, replaced by an awkward, almost pitiable version of himself. The words that tumbled out of his mouth were as baffling as they were cringeworthy:

"Uh, hey there, Monkey Kong," Xavier stammered, glancing sheepishly at the oversized ape and then at the gorgeous princess.
"You know, you're a really... uh, impressive guy. Big, strong, king of the... uh, platform thing. And, uh, Princess Pineapple," he turned to her with a nervous chuckle, "you're just so... beautiful."

He swallowed hard, his hands fidgeting as if he were a schoolboy rather than a hero in a game.
"So, I was thinking, you know... maybe there's a way we can, uh, work this out? Like, maybe I could just, um, watch? You know, be your loyal servant or something? I mean, clearly, you're the more powerful one here, Monkey Kong. It's just... I'd really like to be part of this... somehow."

Princess Pineapple looked at him with a mixture of disbelief and disdain. "Are you serious? You're a total loser," she said, her voice dripping with scorn.

Xavier seemed to shrink in size, his shoulders slumping. "I-I just thought..." he mumbled, trailing off, unable to finish his sentence.

The audience, both in the game and in the real world, watched in stunned silence, a mix of disbelief and secondhand embarrassment filling the air. Xavier's bizarre request hung there, suspended in the virtual space, a testament to his complete and utter misunderstanding of the situation.

Instead of going for the big heroic rescue, he pulls up short and starts this cringey, stuttering spiel to Monkey Kong.

The dude asks if he can, I dunno, be some sort of sidekick or something, even offering to watch as Monkey Kong keeps the princess.

I mean, come on.

And Princess Pineapple just rolled her eyes and called him a loser.


You could practically feel the secondhand embarrassment oozing through the screen.

There I am, watching this train wreck unfold.

Xavier, my guy, you're really not doing yourself any favors here.

The guy's a walking, talking example of what not to do in any situation involving the opposite sex. It's like he missed the day they taught how to be a protagonist in his own life story.

The classroom was just as baffled as I was, their disgust pretty palpable.

But hey, while Xavier's busy being a beta male, I'm gearing up for my alpha moment

[Luck Magic Ability Activated: Right Spot. Finishing Blows will only graze]

Perfect timing, right?

With Xavier's awkwardness providing the perfect distraction, I seize the moment. I'm dodging barrels, leaping platforms, and there it is – my path to victory, clear as day. It's almost like everything's aligning just for me.

As Xavier was bumbling his way through a cringe-fest, I was about to swoop in like some kind of superhero.

Or, you know, a guy with a Luck Magic System.

It's funny, really.

Xavier's there, trying to negotiate with a giant ape over a virtual princess, and I'm just cruising through the chaos. Makes you wonder if the guy ever had a shot at being the hero.

But me? I'm just riding my wave of good fortune, ready to snatch victory from the jaws of Xavier’s very confused and pathetic defeat.

I get to the top just in time to watch Xavier make a royal fool of himself in front of Princess Pineapple.

[Luck Magic Ability Activated: Good Fortune. The unlikely tends to happen, if it benefits you.]

It's like Christmas came early, and I'm about to unwrap the biggest present.

I start maneuvering with a newfound purpose, dodging those pesky barrels like they're nothing more than annoying flies. Monkey Kong's throwing everything he's got, but I'm in the zone, ducking, weaving, jumping – you name it. It's like I can predict every move before it happens.

Thank you, 'Good Fortune' and 'Right Spot.' You guys are the real MVPs.

Before you know it, I'm face to face with the big ape himself. One swift move, a lucky break, and bam! Monkey Kong is down for the count.

And then, there's Xavier, still standing there like he's lost in some bad dream. It takes him a second to realize what's happened. By then, it's too late. I knock him out of the game with a well-timed virtual punch.

Game over, Xavier.

And there she is, Princess Pineapple, the damsel in not-so-much distress anymore. I walk over, the crowd in the classroom buzzing with excitement.
As I lean in for the big dramatic kiss, the princess looks up at me with those dazzling eyes and exclaims, "Yes, Daddy!" I mean, talk about laying it on thick.
The programmers really went all out with her character.

The kiss is epic, like something out of a movie, complete with a dramatic dip and fireworks. The classroom erupts into cheers and laughter. It's a moment straight out of a gamer's dream.

The game ends. I won my epic duel with Xavier, and have once again earned the admiration of my class.

And that’s why I’m the #1 student.

But as the cheers die down, there's Xavier, red-faced and fuming.

"You cheated, Chance! There's no way you could've won! You’re a cheater, and I’m going to prove it if it’s the last thing I do!!!"

Typical sore loser talk.

Yeah, I wouldn’t have won without my Luck Magic System, but there’s no way he could’ve known that.

I just shoot him a grin and say, "What's the matter, Xavier? Need your diaper changed?" The room bursted into laughter again.

Oh man, if looks could kill, I'd be a goner.

It's funny how a little luck magic can turn the tables.

One moment, you're the underdog, and the next, you're on top of the world.

And Xavier? Well, he learned the hard way that no amount of charm or good looks can save you when Lady Luck decides it's not your day.

My classmates are seeing it too – the guy who thought he had it all figured out, now just another player who couldn't handle the heat.

It was like they forgot all about the little underwear incident on the Freshman Beach Trip.

Logging out of the Monkey Kong game felt like stepping back into one world from another.
One minute I'm the king of the virtual jungle, and the next, I'm just Chance, back in Professor Pearson's class. The buzz from my classmates filled the room, a mix of cheers and some 'better luck next time' pats on Xavier's back.

Professor Pearson, with his usual flair for the dramatic, was laying on the praise thick.
"Outstanding performance, Chance!" he boomed, like I'd just saved the world instead of knocking out a pixelated ape. The class echoed him, their claps and cheers creating this little bubble of triumph around me.

But here's the thing – as nice as the victory felt, it was like background noise. My mind was elsewhere as I opened my phone to look at what Mindy had texted me.

{ Stalker Mindy: “Get a tray of food from the cafeteria, and leave it inside room 4B in the Grand Strategy building. Do it or I’ll tell everyone about your Luck Magic System!” }

The sheer audacity of this girl. At this point, she was just treating me like a servant.

There I was, surrounded by classmates who were seeing me as the top dog, the hero of the hour, but inside, I was getting jerked around, and not in a good way.

Mindy's words were like a shadow, darkening the glow of the win. I found myself nodding and smiling at the congratulations, but it was all automatic, like I was running on autopilot.

It felt so strange. To be in a room full of people cheering for you, and yet my head's stuck in a completely different space. As the class chattered and laughed, dissecting every move of the game, my thoughts were on a loop, thinking about Mindy’s message, about what she wanted, and what my next move should be.

Frankly, I was tired of Mindy’s BS. She’d slipped up during the beach trip and possibly given me the information I needed to strike back.

That victory in Monkey Kong? Sure, it was cool.

But the real game – the Mindy game – that was just getting started.

Tucked away in a quiet corner of the library, I found myself staring at the screen of my phone, about to dive into a world I'd never thought I'd visit.

OnlyLosers – the name itself was a joke, right? But here I was, about to create an account. It felt weird, uncomfortable even, like I was stepping into some alternate reality where I wasn't just Chance, but some kind of detective in a digital noir.

Mindy's photos – those provocative shots she sent to lure me into that ill-fated skinny-dipping adventure – were my key. She thought she was being clever, but she slipped up. That reverse image search led me straight to an OnlyLosers account: 4XGoddess. Now, it was time for the next move in this twisted game.

As I set up the account, my mind couldn't help but wander.

OnlyLosers, huh? It's like a SIMP factory, churning out one desperate guy after another. I bet Xavier spends half his trust fund on here every night. Mr. Blue Pill himself, probably thinks dropping cash on virtual companions is the height of romance. I can almost picture him, alone in his room, eyes glued to the screen, living out his knight-in-shining-armor fantasies.

But then, a part of me pauses. Is it really all that simple?

Sure, it's easy to laugh at the SIMPs and the desperate dudes throwing their money at screens. But maybe there's more to it. Maybe, in some twisted way, everyone's just looking for a bit of companionship, a connection, even if it's through a screen.

Who am I to judge? Yeah, girls were basically chasing after me in this world, but it wasn’t like that in my previous life. Not at all.

After all, it's cheaper than getting married, right? No messy divorces, no alimony. Just you, your screen, and the illusion of a relationship.

Just unlock all of a woman’s secrets for $4.99 a month.

And there I was, about to message 4XGoddess. But not for companionship, it was for information. I had to know who this ‘Mindy’ really was.
Was she 4XGoddess? Or had she just stolen the pictures? But why would she take all the pictures from the same account? There must be some connection. And that was what I intended to find out.

As I hit 'send' on the message, it felt like I was crossing a threshold.

The message went out, and the screen showed it was sent. I leaned back, feeling the weight of the moment. This could change everything – it could blow the whole Mindy situation wide open, or it could send me spiraling into more questions, more confusion.

But one thing was for sure – I wasn’t not the same guy who jumped into the ocean that night. I'd come a long way, and I wasn’t about to be bullied by Mindy anymore.