Chapter 6 – Forest Detour
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Chapter 6 - Forest Detour


Reaching a arched stone bridge that spanned a rapidly flowing creek, the pair deviated off the beaten path to follow the icy mountain water.  

It meandered off to the side and into a densely wooded forest. Where the trees grew so tightly together as to it impossible for Rasp to fly within the vegetation. So they stuck close to the water's edge for a bit more openness amongst the green.

Speedily zooming low above the water, Rasp had fun repeatedly looping back and forth past his human.

A few minutes later, Ash found an oblong river rock. A good missile for his sling and he promptly loaded it up.

Trekking along the creek was a good time to practice his aim, since there were plenty of smooth, replacement stones all around. And besides, this far into the forest and with a great bit of luck, he might surprise something at the water’s edge.

Not an easy task with a black-scaled menace eagerly flapping away, likely scattering any and all local critters into hiding. But the dragonboy succeeded often enough to keep his eyes peeled.

Rasp always appreciated an extra bite to eat after stretching his wings after all.

Oh yes the dragon did indeed! So much in fact, that the flying stomach knew what to do when he noticed the human readying the leather sling.

Ash smiled wide as Rasp flew up without needing his cue, before settling into a effortless circling-glide high above.

He hadn't even hissed. He's getting better at this.

His partner might be the smallest dragon in the squadron, but Ash was plenty sure Rasp was also the smartest!

For the next hour Ash maintained a slow but constant pace while keeping his eyes peeled and ears tuned for rustling foilage. Any noise of his passing was concealed by the gurgling stream.

Aside from the occasional loud wing-beat from Rasp, there was nothing to reveal their presence.

Finally, they reached a flat narrow rock nearly bridging the brook. It was their usual turnaround point, and Ash stopped to cup his hands for a drink as Rasp got ready to land.

“Wahh, that’s cold!”

The melting runoff from the nearby snow covered peaks kept the water refreshingly icy.

Rasp landed on the natural bridge and soon great guzzling gurgles filled the air. Ash kept watch while the dragon’s snout remained dipped in the creek.

After Rasp drank his fill, the dragonboy briefly gave the dragon a good scratching at the base of his horns.

Then he started filling up his empty pouches with rocks fit for slinging. It was another of his tasks outside the fort. Helping supply additional missiles for the other trainee's to practice with.

After he had filled them up, Ash tapped Rasp’s head.

“Alright Rasp, time to go.”

Rasp gave an affirmative raspy hissv and once the dragon was back in the air, the youth began trudging back to the fort.

Just about to exit the forest, Ash saw a slight glint out of the corner of his eye.

Stopping, the boy’s eyes widened when he turned his head. Just beyond the riverside brush, was a shaggy brown hare with a long, pearlescent horn jutting out of its forehead.

Thats a horned-hare!

Horned-hares were rare to spot due to their skittish nature. And this was a big one, as tall as Rasp if you didn't count its ears, and well-equipped with a foot-long, spiralled horn. A horn that was a valued as a mid-tier magic reagent.

And this one was in open view, without any obstructions. Not only that, the monster was completely unaware and nibbling on a uprooted young sapling barely half a stones throw away.

Winding up his loaded sling, Ash released as the critter suddenly raised its head. He wasn’t a crack shot, but it would be hard to miss from this distance. The missile he slung crunched into the beast's back leg, and Ash heard something snap.
The horned-hare screamed in sudden shock and pain, then leapt forward in a big arc before the boy could load another shot. Ash swore as the crippled hare scrambled out of sight the instant its paws hit the dirt.

Rasp took this opportunity to glide in and land beside his bipedal partner, ready for a snack.

Eagerly peering into the forest for its meal, Rasp huffed before staring at Ash piercingly.

Oof, he's looking down on me. Ash shrugged, “Sorry little guy, we gotta get your snack the hard way.”

Gingerly pushing into underbrush, Ash was relieved that the ground wasn't as soggy as Roland had warned.

Arriving where he'd last seen the hare, Ash was relieved to see blood while Rasp eagerly lapped it up. His throw had broken a bone. Now they just had to follow the red trail.

Ash struggled and stumbled over tree roots as Rasp scampered ahead, nostrils flared wide. And five minutes later, they finally came upon a cracked, moss-coated boulder. Lying dead beneath it was their prize.

Whew, that wasn't too far.

With a loud roar, Rasp charged over.

“Yeah yeah, it’s all yours.”

Ash kept vigilant watch of the surroundings as the dragon started tearing into its meal, fur flying.

They were trees all around of course, but off to one side Ash spotted a large amount of sunlight. It was a good thing, meaning a break in the foilage. Maybe even a sizable clearing. They'd check it out once Rasp was done.

Noticing that the crunching had ceased, Ash looked back to find Rasp licking his claws clean. The only thing left of the unfortunate meal was tufts of fur scattered about, and the twisty horn.


Ash suddenly wiped away a bout of cold sweat. If the hungry dragonling had eaten the magic reagent while he wasn't paying attention, he'd have lost out big!

Luckily his partner hadn’t found it edible.

Walking over and picking the horn up, Ash admired its pearly sheen.

The dragonboy idly wondered how much he could get for it before happily stuffing the horn into his belt.

Finding Rasp languidly waiting to follow him, Ash led the way over to the sunlit opening. Only to whip around as Rasp suddenly roared.


Huh? Ash’s jaw dropped as Rasp raced past him for the clearing. “WAIT! HOLD ON RASP. WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?”