The Two Bosses Fight
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The zombie stood still for a moment, then turned into a blur as it crossed the twenty foot distance and slammed into me.

I stabbed my tail, only to have it caught, then I was spun around and slammed into the wall.

Hissing in pain, the wall collapsed and I flew out several meters and then fell straight down.

Befoee I hit the ground, I had recovered, and flipped around and landed nimbly, then I saw the zombie leap out of the crater on the fourth floor and landed softly besides a few zombies who obviously had seen better days, as they were in pretty terrible shape, even out of all the zombies I'd seen.

Then the green eyed monster roared at me, then lunged at me, jaws snapping as it tried to bite me.

'Hey, stop looking at me while drooling, I'm not a meal, I know your stronger than me but damn, don't look at me like I'm an appetizer.' I hissed back, tail swishing side to side as we circled each other, each looking for an opening.

Then I detxted some humans run out and start screaming, which distracted the zombie for a moment.

That was all I needed, a second as I had crossed the three meters in a flash and slashed out with my tail.

My tail could probably slash through titanium at the speed it was going.

Just kidding, but it could slash through steel, much less flesh, and the zombie was nearly bisected at the waist, then it grabbed my tail, and slammed me against a nearby zombie, who took that as an opportunity to bite down on my head.

'...' I gripped the zombie's head and slowly tore it apart, brain matter spilling out, exciting the other nearby zombies.

I threw the zombie at the Tier 2 zombie and watched as they both collapsed to the ground.

'Well this went better than expected, I just need to find Rachel and then her parents then we can be done with this, but what should I do after?' I scratched my chin, and then a paw appeared out of thin and slammed into my face.

Getting blown away was no joke, I could feel cracks on my exoskeleton, and green blood dribbled out from them.

However I didn't feel it, or rather I was still trying to process why it happened when I heard a whimper.

'Leave now, and I won't kill you.' She said while looking at me with a determined glint in her eyes.

I, who couldn't accept the fact when all evidence pointed to it, decided to do one logical thing.

'Why?' I asked, my body trembling at the thought of my first friend abandoning me.

'Because your evil, you're not a true friend, no true friend would make me kill my parents. You're evil, I  suprised I didn't realize it sooner.' She said, her body shaking, whether from rage or sadness, I didn't know.

'So you talked to them I suppose, and they turned you against me? How laughable, I truly thought we could be friends, it seems I was mistaken.' I shook my head, then a window popped up in front of my face.

[Ding. Title The Betrayed Aquired.]

Now you can hate on her :]
  • Okay, will do! Votes: 344 64.4%
  • Eh, keeping the hope alive! Votes: 190 35.6%
Total voters: 534