Rhodes Island
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The osprey is slowly landing on the helipad as they finally arrived at Rhodes Island after a long journey. As Kal'tsit exited the osprey while bring the Sleeping Princess, She feel a disappointement to meet a two people standing besides the helipad. Two of them are someone she knew very well one is a female wearing kinda oversized coat with a word "Rhodes Island" on it and the other one is a person whose the gender can't be found out by just looking at this person at all is wearing a coat and mask with no skin is exposed.

"Amiya, Doctor what are you both doing here?, shouldn't both of you supposedly we're in the control center" (Kal'tsit)

"I heard that you bring an infected from the intercom Dr.Kal'tsit. I was curious about the infected so I'm here to look at her" (Amiya)

"What about you Doctor?" (K)

"I'm just following and worried about Amiya health as she will be really worried herself to stress again when it's about infected" (Doctor)

"Doctor... So Dr.Kal'tsit how the infected?" (A)

"She fine, but to make sure I need to do some more checkups on her. Amiya you're the one responsibility of Rhodes Island, what if you are gone from control center when it's on direct situations again. Don't look at me with those expression" (K)

Feel this conversation will not going any further Doctor sugested that all of them to walking together to medical center for doing some checkup on the Sleeping Princess health and the current oripathy stages she has. And while they walking Doctor who is now is carrying the Sleeping Princess, Kal'tsit who is back to her reading of the documents she got from the last time, and Amiya who is leading in front. After a while they finally arrived at the medical center and Amiya and Doctor wait outside the diagnosis room while Kal'tsit bring the Sleeping Princess who still sleeping in some people point of view.

"I know you are awake, don't think I will didn't notice your attempt to escape. Why you try to run away? And you seem to know Rhodes Island. How do you know? From those scientist your age are older than Rhodes Island. And why you look afraid when looking at me? do you know me? if you know me then how? do I ever meet you before? what is your actual age? are you really 500 years old? you didn't look like so. But from this document it's stated that your race is probably a Vulpo and Elder on top of it, is that true thought? how long you want to sleep? it's will be bad for your health.....¹"

Even thought Kal'tsit keep asking question she been doing her job perfectly while asking those many question. Meanwhile on the other end the Sleeping Princess is trying so hard to not be disturbed by the barrage of questions and keep trying to sleep. And without the Sleeping Princess know it the diagnosis progress already finished and the result are being looked by Kal'tsit.

"Sleeping Princess is too long of names, what your real name?"

Sleeping Princess who finally has get tired pretend that no one is talk to her finally talk.

 Pov Shizuki


I stunned with just that one word as I noticed the sound that come out of my mouth, it sound high picthed which should be impossible by my as I should be a man with really deep voice before. Confusion is starting to take place on my head and subconsciously both of my hand touched my head.

'cmon calm myself up! I was a spesial force members! I been trained to keep my composure at any situations! take a deep breath! inhale and exhale!'

I slowly regained my breathing that I feel lost in the moment of my confusion, before finally I can analisis what is happened to myself.

"you quick to regain your composure back, good now come here I will take few blood sample from you"

looking up I see someone I knew from certain games called Arknight that I used to play in my free times because my friend recommended it to me. Feline women with silver kinda green ish hair and white coat with medic emblem on it, yes it's her, the walking Wikipedia of Arknight Dr.Kal'tsit which is class medic but the gameplay is almost 180 degree different from the usual medic. I seems to be absorbed in my thinking that when she touch my shoulders with her hand, I suprised and will do a counter attack if I didn't know she had Mon3tr.


She takes few of my blood probably to be researched later on. And now I will take a good look on my current state as she give me a tablet with my data on it.

Clinical Analysis

Imaging test for this showed outline of internal organs with visible unusual dark spots. Unusually high concentration of Originium particles were present in circulation, indicating signs of infection and confirming her as infected at this stage.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 50%

No visible trace of Originium.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.45u/L


From the moment I look at the number on the data I know I was doomed but also at the same times I question myself.

"how did I still fine and didn't have any symptom..."

"we didn't know yet but here, take and wear this" (K)

Without I noticed she already in front of me and giving me a black ring with light blue X-shaped highlights, likely luminescent. But it's more than fancy ornament it is actually a multi-functional monitoring device whose function includes Oripathy diagnosis, vital sign monitoring and condition tracking and it is widely used at Rhodes Island.

"I say it again what is your name?" (K)

"...(well I didn't have any place to go and I know Rhodes Island is great place and I can be considered lucky to be here in the first place)... I guess it's fine telling you, My real name is Shizuki Ichino, and my new callsign is SP it for short of Sleeping Princess. Nice to meet you all"

As I see two person that look like Amiya and Doctor.

Pov Narator

Few minutes before....

Just outside the diagnosis room there is 2 people waiting, Doctor and Amiya. While Amiya talking to Doctor saying she need to do better so she can make sure non-infected and infected can live together without discrimination there a message notification from Dr.Kal'tsit.

From Dr.Kal'tsit

Both of you can enter now.

Looking at the message both of them entered the room in a perfectly timed moment.

 "My real name is Shizuki Ichino, and my new callsign is SP it for short of Sleeping Princess. Nice to meet you all"

The person who just introduction is around 140cm height, and she possess a large pair of ears, a fluffy looking tail,and she had multiple of tails. From the look of it they can tell what race she is, a Vulpo.

"hmmm now I see you clearly you look like one of our operator but there is small height difference" (D)

"you right Doctor, she look like Suzuran her hair and tails color look the same" (A)

Pov Shizuki

‘huh? I look like Suzuran? wait how did Suzuran look like from the game again? eh? why I can't remembered it anymore? eh.... don't tell me... it's because I have Oripathy I start to lose my memories?! calm down... I just need a book and pen to write whatever left on my memories! yes that's it!’

"where I am? who are you?"

‘I already know their name but to avoid suspicion I just ask it’

"You are at Rhodes Island, I am Amiya, and this person besides me is Doctor, the one over there is Dr.Kal'tsit"

"I am Doctor KyoStinV everyone called me Doctor, I didn't mind if you also did the same"

‘?! KYOSTINV?! someone that makes a guides using low end squad that KYOSTINV?! is he also reincarnated?! ....ok what the actual .... I hope he didn't abused someone now’

"SP where you are from?"

"I don't know, I seems to lost some of my memories..."

"Oripathy symptom amnesia, also stop playing with the ring, wear it"

I then wear the ring on my left index finger.

"ummm is this thing supposed to change color?"

‘why they become silent? it kinda scarying me’

Few Hours Later....

After a long talk with them and some other test and somehow ended with I now become temporary operator of Rhodes Island and Kal'tsit said I forbidden to leave without someone to monitoring me. Though the one monitoring me is Kal'tsit herself as the reason why she did it was because my high contamination of Originium so I can't have a reason to decline it.

"SP come here I need to take your blood sample again"

"ok Dr.Kal'tsit"

‘hah... I never so used to things in just one day...’

"SP come here"

"ok Dr.Kal'tsit"

I get close to her and look at the table and see small originium.

"how it get here?"

"it's from your blood"

"what? there is no way it happened, I don't remembered anything like this"

"you must be careful when on field mission, don't touch any type of originium when you are bleeding or your blood in your body will crystallized"

"y-yeah you right Dr.Kal'tsit I must be careful"

‘what is this... this is terrified me’

Break time arrived and I finally out of medical lab with Kal'tsit, she said that I must know the landship structure so I didn't get lost. On the way I meet lot of operator, I see team Rainbow which consisted of Ash, Blitz, Frost, and Tachanka talking to Franka and Liskarm from BlackSteel.

"Those weapons look the same...."

And I accidentally leaked my thought again which make me being dragged closer to them.

"oh Dr.Kal'tsit what do you need from us?" (A)

"there someone that want to know you all" (K)

"a... umm my callsign is SP nice to meet you"

"? well I am Ash" (A)

"I Tachanka" (T)

"nice to meet you, I'm Frost" (F)

"Blitz, Liskarm, and that is Franka" (K)

"umm can I touch that DP-27?"

Tachanka without thought too much give it to me. Which suprisingly I can rise it using only one hand because how light it is. But from the look of the rest they more like suprised and dumbfounded. I returned the DP-27 and now looking at the weapons on Ash.

"R4-C with suppresor... it is modified to fit originium ammunition?"

"it is, but how did you know?" (A)

"eh? isn't everyone know it?"

And from the reaction I knew it.

"it's not?"

I messed up.

Pov KyoStinV

I just doing some pulls on the Muelsyse limited banner on my cn account while live streaming until one six star operator that never been announced appear instead the operator on the banner or operator that I knew. Chat went confused by this operator appearance, this operator look like Suzuran but her class is sniper and with different clothes. Curious about her I opened lot of arknight websites to find who is she, but to my avail I didn't find anything. Now I opened the operator management and the new operator had normal looking stats but the skill is making myself and chat is confused.

So to put it on words it's like this, her name is SP, her class is sniper, position ranged, her tag are DPS and Survival, and her branch is marksman. Her basic stats are like this max HP 991, ATK 192, DEF 54, RES 10, Redeploy slow, Deployment cost 14, Block 2, ASPD fast which doesn't makes sense why she had RES and her Block is 2. Her talent for now only something called “Sleeping Infection” the effect are, when are not attacking or attacked this operator falls asleep and recovers 5% Max HP every second; Upon receiving damage, the Operator wakes up, gaining ATK +50% and ASPD +50% for 5 seconds, Continually loses HP over time when awake (HP cannot drop to 0 as a result of this effect); When HP is above 50%, this unit gains Vigor, increasing ATK by 5%; this effect is doubled above 80% HP. And the last are the first skill she had “Swap Armament” it's Offensive Recovery and it's also Manual, this skill description are, Can switch between the original state and the following state: DEF -50%, RES -50%, Attack Range +4, ATK +100%, Block -1, attacks become AOE, continually loses HP over time (10%/second), and restores 1SP per second.

Just by looking at those stats and skill we all know this operator is good or even broken.

"Hey chat this operator is broken why they didn't make her a limited operator?"

Twitch Chat

  • dude wtf is that long description
  • new meta KEKW
  • another Surtr OMEGALUL
  • Kyo I think only you is the one getting this operator, my whale friend gacha so hard that he passed 1000 pull and no SP, how you get her???
  • dude what????
  • 1000pulls ??? he must spend so much money into this game KEKW

"1000 pulls? calm down chat I think it's bug, there no way other reasons. Let me just report this bug to HyperGryph and I will tell the respon from them. But we have event stage to play now let's return to it"

finally finished, I must get back to sleep now and I over worked myself again, btw this chapter uploaded on 22 December on my time, which mean it's my birthday and this is my present for you all! the next chapter will be delayed because this upload, if there any mistake comment them and I will fix it and also tell me what I need to do better for this novel, are this face is good are a bit rushed? anyways I reach 2000 word!