New Operator
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Long story short I finished the event and before finished the stream for today we checked the new operator again, for now we decided to check on the voicelines. I take look at the va and the artist both name is Shizuki Ichino and it's JP voice only. I forgot to mentioned I used her in some event stage for reviewing her skill 1 and also E2 her, this is her other two skill are. Second skill "Last Hope" it's defensive recovery and manual trigger, SP will be in sleep state since the deploy; her DEF -90%, RES -90%, Block +4, if her HP reached 1 the skill instantly actived and immediately recover all HP; ATK +200%, attack range +5, attack target count +5 and Max HP +5000, gradually lose HP (HP loss caps at 20%/second after 60 seconds); Unlimited duration. Her third skill is "Remove That Direction" offensive recovery and auto trigger, launch a barrage of artillery and each dealing 5000 True damage to the target and all other units, both friendly and enemy, within the Artillery's AoE, and damage invisible units (can only be used once when deploying SP and can be used again when redeploying SP), SP is retreated instantly when the skill is active and her redeployed cost is become 99DP and her redeployment time is increased to 120 second. Also the new talent is "Experimental Princess" get random buff and debuff every 15 seconds while deployed. Make her a boss killer that everyone wanted to have, also when I played the stage Hypergrph send me email saying that this operator is not exist and they want me to review it and send the data to them.

Back to the topic so here the file and voicelines;

Basic Info

[Code Name] SP

[Gender] Female

[Combat Experience] Undisclosed

[Place of Birth] Undisclosed

[Date of Birth] Des. 22

[Race] Vulpo

[Height] 140cm

[Infection Status] Confirmed Infected by medical examination.

Physical Exam

[Physical Strength] Excellent

[Mobility] Standard

[Physical Resilience] Excellent

[Tactical Acumen] Excellent

[Combat Skill] Excellent

[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent


SP or Sleeping Princess, real name Shizuki Ichino. Found and rescued from illegal experiment, now life under Kal'tsit care.

Clinical Analysis

Imaging test for this showed outline of internal organs with visible unusual dark spots. Unusually high concentration of Originium particles were present in circulation, indicating signs of infection and confirming her as infected at this stage.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 50%

No visible trace of Originium outside of the body or skin.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.45u/L

Due to her past of sleeping in rich Originium places, her condition is in dangerous state but she keep instisted to go outside of the landship only to be rejected if she had no solid reason.

SP, the next time you didn't be found in the landship I will have to put you in my office and never leave from my views.


Achive 1 - 4 have nothing worth the read expect on how she gotten her weaponry and for some unknown reason she had artillery. While her Promotion record are kinda intresting, when not on mission and not together with Kal'tsit, SP will go to her own dorm. When Kal'tsit entered her room she found lot of papers, blueprints of something probably a weapons, lot of weapons, multiple different drones, box of ammunitions, and SP who is sleeping in her bed. Well it should be mess with how much things is here but it's nicely clean and well placed.

Audio Records

Appointed as Assistant

Doctor, are you get the permission from Dr.Kal'tsit?

Talk 1

Doctor KyoStinV... are you real? nevermind please forget that...

Talk 2

kukukururu~ eh Doctor! since when you are here?

Talk 3

Doctor do you know sleep is great? oh I forgot you can't answer it, then I will sleep first hehe.

Talk after Promotion 1

Can I sleep more now?

Talk after Promotion 2

Doctor KyoStinV why you promoting me again?

Talk after Trust Increase 1

I trust you because I know you.

Talk after Trust Increase 2

Dr.Kal'tsit says I need to be careful around Doctor but I know Doctor will make the best choice after some try.

Talk after Trust Increase 3

ah... I wonder what my stats are like... wha?! Doctor since when you are here?


Doctor are you sleeping? then I do the same.


Codename SP, real name Shizuki Ichino. SP is short for Sleeping Princess, this is the first codename that I got since I been in Terra.

Watching Battle Record

eh it's over already?

Promotion 1

Twitch do you know this word? no? ok then.

Promotion 2

Promotion again? isn't it just few second ago? no? ok then?

Added to Squad

Can I go back and sleep?

Appointed as Squad Leader

Can you pass the role to another operator?


Wake me up when we arrived.

Begin Operation


Selecting Operator 1

Myrtle already deployed?

Selecting Operator 2


Deployment 1

I awake now...

Deployment 2

Fine I do it...

In Battle 1

Which skill I bring again?

In Battle 2

I really awake now.

In Battle 3

Don't disturb my sleep!

In Battle 4

I will win.

4-star Result

Challenge mode? makes sense why they kinda different.

3-star Result


Sub 3-star Result

You will try again to get 3 star right?

Operation Failure

Try again later.

Assigned to Facility

When this base out of beta?



Trust Tap

I always trust you.




Welcome back.

Twitch Chat

  • she broke the fourth wall?
  • Kyo since when you get her to max trust?
  • lmao she basically saying base still beta LUL
  • HUH
  • yooo she broke it
  • Shizuki Ichino is both her artist and va?
  • yes it is
  • Kyo that skill 3 is broken tho ngl
  • ahhhh I want her...

"Chat if this operator will be released it will  be meta, the 5000 true damage is really out of the box, also I think this operator is limited operator as her E2 skin are L2D. But, but hear me out chat, even though it's good operator the rng will mess you up. Also yeah she broke the fourth wall multiple times by her dialogues. Oh chat, chat I got the responses back from Hypergrph let me read it first"

  • HUH
  • HUH
  • KEKW
  • hey what they says?
  • who know maybe they missplaced the files and fixed it just after he got it?
  • maybe LUL

"Hey chat so this the summary, they didn't know someone called Shizuki Ichino and how did this operator exist in theirs game"

  • what
  • HUH
  • really?
  • no way OMEGALUL
  • is this real?

"Chat, I think this operator existence makes the dev team furious and checked their data and my data also been checked by them and it's fine. Chat this weird right?"

  • yep this is weird
  • hey kyo do you think this operator will be in global soon?
  • bro you drunk? he just said that this one didn't exist even on dev server
  • what? but it too much sense to see it as real operator
  • well we have fedex next few banner so
  • fedex? who that?
  • executor alter, few banner after this banner on cn
  • wait what????
  • no way...
  • rip my originium


  • kyo are you here?
  • kyo is been silent lately
  • what happened?
  • kyo?

"oh sorry chat I been thinking for while what should I do next stream, probably I will do Zenless Zone Zero again. Well then let's raid someone to ended the stream"

Random Streamer get Raid

Pov Shizuki

"Doctor hello Doctor?"

I waving my hand in front of Doctor who is working with paperworks.

"No response? Maybe he already log out? Also really just few minutes and I already got two promotion which mean that I now E2... then that mean KyoStinV is not reincarnated and he got me from character banners which makes me believe I actually entered the AK world in KyoStinV account and KyoStinV is playing like normal in the real world"

I heard a footsteps from outside Doctor Office.

"Kal'tsit is here I guess it's time to leave for today"

As I exited the office I meet Kal'tsit and I give her a salute.

"Ah I did it again... Sorry for that Dr.Kal'tsit is hard to remove old muscle memory"

"Then it's fine if you do that again, but remember to not expecting any answers or response, do your thing and walk away"

I nodded in understanding before I return to my dorm. My dorm is packed with my collection, even Kal'tsit says that this is not longer a dorm this is just an armory at this point, I can't disagree with her as there a lot of weapons here and of course a bed for me to sleep after cleaned and fixed the new one that keep coming. How I got all this thing? Well of course when I walking around the city we passed by, I secretly going out alone and talk to many underground people's, they lost the bet's and I win fhe gamble, they angry and start a fight I win easily. Don't think I will go down easy if my body is different, easy money easy connection, even there this guy who betting for control over multiple artillery and I really want that so I forget to hold back. Well know the drill but it's kinda different somehow tho, instead of they will return to fight me again they just accepted the loses and decided to makes good connection with me. Fighting while talking about the problem they had and I giving them advice, that how the usual for me lately and I really glad because it's so different from my previous life, it's really hard and tricky to find a good informants.

"Ahhh..... I'm going to sleep"

I jumped to my bed after finishing the blueprints for another building, why building? Because I dreamed of become work from home architect.

"Ah I forgot to lock the door... whatever no one will look inside of my dorm anyways..."

I fall asleep few seconds later.

Pov KyoStinV Discord Server Chat


  • Hey someone else got her?
  • Got who?
  • SP
  • Nah I didn't, probably it's exclusive for Kyo only lol
  • Well we know it exclusive because someone whale enough to do 1000 pull and didn't get her
  • Lmao 1000 and no SP
  • What did I miss?
  • Not much only a new exclusive operator that kyo just got on stream today
  • Dayum is he doing review in the stream?
  • Well only skill 1, stats, file, and voice lines
  • SP is six star right?
  • Yep
  • Yes
  • Indeed SP is six star
  • So willl he review the skill 2 and 3 later?
  • Who knows
  • Maybe but he will stream ZZZ tomorrow
  • Oh ZZZ I can't wait
  • Same
  • Goodnight everyone
  • Goodnight

Pov Narrator

Kal'tsit just get back from checking on Doctor is now walking toward certain operator dorm to check on the infection status, upon opened the door though from her point of view it's like she just entered the wrong place, instead of someone dorm it is an armory. She checked the name on the door sides and it's correct so she entered the room, walking around she found lot of things nicely placed and clean make this not look like a dorm at all except for one bed with someone sleeping on it.

"She really easy to fall asleep, and hard to wake up. Thankfully we already prepared something to wake her up at the right time and she also agree for using it. Even though her origin is unknown but Doctor is accepted her like it's nothing, at least her condition is stabilized for now"

As she checked the ring and look at the data on her tablet.

"Also how did you ever got this many things without supervisor and you even reported that you had multiple artillery to Doctor tho I can't confirm is that true or not"

After checking her of a little bit Kal'tsit left the dorm and get back and going to medical center office for updating the data on SP.

Pov SP Dream

It's dark like usual... But worry not it's will be fast before I going to return to real world... Yeah as if there is any ways to just return to real world... After few months in this world I know it the harsh truth... I are in the game world while KyoStinV is still in real world which mean I become operator in Arknight... But there seems to be time difference between the world... Well except when he online tho... What I am doing in this dream? Talking to myself trying to figured things out. And also I hope I can meet her soon, my favorite character in this game La Pluma. But man... I hope I can contact real world...