Act IV, Part II
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Part II: The New Cast


Starting her fourth day at Sunbird High School, Reimei couldn’t get what had happened at the end of the third one out of her head. As if it wasn’t surprising enough that Feoria and Miluna were a couple, Reimei herself could be suffering from Possessive Morph Syndrome and the most shocking thing of all – a possible lead to solve the mind control plot had been found by her troublemaking couple of classmates.

Miss Scarlettail, however, had decided to leave the detailed discussion of Feoria and Miluna’s discovery for after the end of the first rehearsal of the Drama Club she now seemed to have become an official member of with its new cast. Knowing the people involved, she had no doubt things were going to get highly explosive and destructive again and it would take everyone’s strength just to make sure all outbursts were kept to a minimum to prevent the risk of more mind control particles spreading.

That was what Reimei thought her main concern during the rehearsal would be, anyway, but as the new and old members of the club had gathered in the fully repaired amphitheater-type club room and Hikaru was explaining how things were going to go from now on, she felt another issue became more and more urgent for her. Namely, how she was going to play one of the lead roles in a play for the first time ever with the anxiety she was battling with constantly.

(Hikaru) ‘Right. Now, we’ve already got Ex, Mei and Tora clear. They’ll be our leads – Metal Titan Queen Erania and former Water Titan and Air Titan Kings Uraiko and Kerekai.’

Though not yet clear if it served as a consolation or source of further worry for Reimei, Exo sitting next to her sprung from his chair right after the start of the explanation to voice his own concerns with more desperation on his crying face than any human (ordinari or deviant) could possibly bear.

(Exo) ‘Wait, Hikaru! I’m not clear about this at all!! Why did you make me the lead?!! And why aren’t people playing characters of the same gender?! Why make me play a woman and turn Reimei into a man?!! Isn’t it hard enough we’ve got to come into these rehearsals so late, that …’

The scarlet-haired beauty had already learned that hopelessness was one of the things that annoyed Hikaru the most, coming as no surprise to her when the mad genius roared at this classmate with as much fury on his face as there was despair on Exo’s, releasing an electric pulse as he did that.


Seiren sighed while diffusing his rival’s pulse with some of his vermillion fireworks, meanwhile the still desperate Exo pointing at Vega next who was casually eating a sandwich along with King by his side.

(Exo) ‘Did not!! Vega made me agree! Give him a lead role!!’

(Hikaru) ‘Do you seriously expect me to give a drunk like Vega a lead role? He’s got the main role with the least lines out of everybody for a reason, you know.’

Seiren pulled Exo back on his chair to make him quiet down, Vega having noticed the fact he had been mentioned and addressing that after swallowing some of the toast he had just bitten off the sandwich.

(Vega) ‘I’ve been sober for three days now. Though I feel like shit thanks to that.’

The young Summerbolt’s attention was directed toward his (ex-)drunk of a classmate with much annoyance next, Reimei already fearing another outburst on Hikaru’s part or on Seiren’s, considering the latter seemed to be getting more and more annoyed himself.

(Hikaru) ‘So that’s why you’re switching to food-mania like King?’

(Vega) ‘I’ve got a fast metabolism. Gotta keep it fed with somethin’.’

(King) ‘You wouldn’t be such a fat shit if you had a fast metabolism, Vega.’

(Vega) ‘Can we not dwell on the details and eat?’

(Seiren) ‘Yeah. And can we get on with this damn rehearsal already? My club’s got to prepare for a swimming race tomorrow, so I can’t waste all day sitting here with you suckers.’

Hikaru was ready to counter the pervert’s argument when one of the original Drama Club male members – one who had become plenty annoyed as well – intervened, having focused his gaze on Reimei, Seiren, Vega, King, Exo and Tokura.

(Drama Club Member) ‘Why don’t you just get outta here now, Seiren? Along with everyone else who just randomly came in to take the leads in our play from the people crippled by Hikaru’s granddad?’

Seiren turned his now angered gaze toward the old members, Tokura looking just as furious as him, Vega and King remaining unfazed while Yuki, Exo and Reimei looked at each other with worry. No one was angrier than Hikaru, though, as he stepped closer to the veterans, seeing his clenched fists, Obur getting up from his seat to put a hand on the young Summerbolt’s shoulder. He used that to pull him back, addressing the displeased students in his stead.

(Obur) ‘Seiren and the others can go. And by all rights they should, because they’ve got plenty to do in their own clubs. What will happen to the Drama Club and the hopes and dreams of everyone here if they do, though? And if you think Hikaru would ever do something like sabotaging his own play by making his grandfather hurt his schoolmates …’ – for a sliver of a moment Miss Scarlettail, who had her eyes on Obur, saw the same monstrous look on his face like the one from the previous night while the Literature teacher pointed at the door – ‘… I suggest you walk out that door and never dare set foot in this club room again.’

(Drama Club Member No. 2) ‘Coming in to help so late in the race for the cup … don’t you think that’s strange, Segune-sensei? And though I’m not saying Hikaru actually made his grandfather hurt anyone … it still looks a bit too convenient.

Ever since Ulura and her class have been out of the way and that’s been just the last couple of days, it’s like the Earthlings have been sticking their noses into everything in school. What’s the idea? Do they want us to think they’re the heroes who’ve come to save us and we should just do what they tell us?’

(Drama Club Member No. 3) ‘But even if they’re honest about all this, do they have the skills to play the lead roles? What if they suck and we end up humiliating ourselves even more than if we just quit making the play altogether?’

Obur seemed both heartbroken and terrified by the lack of faith and abundance of accusations the other club members had for the Earthlings, in the absence of any verbal response from him for some time Hikaru stepping forward again, as he clearly could not stay quiet anymore.

(Hikaru) ‘Isn’t that what we’re here to do? To see how well each of them can play?! There are no guarantees this plan’s going to work, but it’s the best we could come up with to try and save the play!

If you guys don’t feel like we’ve got a shot at all and don’t care all that much about winning the cup, do what Segune-sensei said! Walk out that door and try to find some other way to secure your futures in this ordinari-controlled world!! Because the Drama Club clearly isn’t the place for you!!!’

While Reimei thought Hikaru had gone too far with saying that, she did agree with him, hoping the old club members were going to appreciate the tough love he was giving them so that the play rehearsal could actually begin. And simultaneously dreading how she would perform during that rehearsal even more now.

Some time passed and none of the veterans opposed the screenwriter, so he calmed down and started circling around the chairs everyone was sitting on again to continue his explanation.

(Hikaru) ‘We’ll get back to work then. The three main roles are already clear. Next in line is Filige – a lava-type elemental who leads all other elementals – the titans’ main allies on Saiten. Feoria will play him as was always the plan.

Ozed, the leader of the humans in Ombus – the place where most of the story takes place – will have to be recast, so Segune-sensei has agreed to take his part.’

(Drama Club Member No. 4) ‘But what about the narrator? Segune-sensei was supposed to play him, right?’

(Hikaru) ‘Sensei will still be the narrator, but only until his role comes up in Act II. He’ll be narrating Act I, Ayli – Act II, I’ll narrate Act III and we’ll eventually figure which other actors will cover the last two Acts. Everyone OK with that?’ – all the veterans nodded in response, the mad genius moving on to focus his attention on Seiren, Vega and King sitting next to each other, the latter two having finished eating their sandwiches – ‘And these three will be our dragon-type leads. King will be Ryugen, king of all dragons at the time the story starts.’

(Drama Club Member No. 5) ‘But he … we’re gonna have to make a new costume, then, because the one we have right now won’t fit …’

(Hikaru) ‘We won’t be needing a costume at all anymore. According to legend Ryugen was a red-scaled dragon that by the end of our play gets two additional heads.

King will clad himself in enough Daroid to make his skin look red and create three manifestations of his crocodile totem, which should be enough to pass for a three-headed dragon with the help of some wing prosthetics. Plus he can go into giant form to look bigger than everyone else, which will sure help a lot.’

The old club members seemed to be quite convinced by that pitch, their reaction adding more to Hikaru’s confidence as he looked at Vega in particular next.

(Hikaru) ‘Vega will play Toya, Queen of the Marantilian Euranyas.’ – many of the veterans burst out laughing when the young Summerbolt said that, this time around the (ex-)drunk actually getting annoyed and getting ready to jump at them with pale green energy bursting from his eyes, but his classmate managing to calm him down fast enough to avoid any fighting – ‘Before you say anything, I know we had a very pretty and slim girl playing Toya at first and yes, in Vega’s case, a new costume will be needed. Toya supposedly used energy bubbles to fight, though, and was known to lose control a lot during said battles. Plus she doesn’t say much in the play, so I think Vega will be able to play her perfectly.’

(Drama Club Member No. 6) ‘So if you’ve got Toya and Ryugen covered by those two, that leaves Seiren to play Uchaga? Not what I was expecting, Hikaru. With you hating him so much, I was sure you’d make him play our main antagonist.’

(Seiren) ‘Wait! So my dragon’s not the villain?’

The young Blackscale looked at Yuki in a state of heartbroken betrayal, Miss Iceflame trying to avoid his gaze as much as possible with comical guilt while Hikaru became the center of his rival’s attention right after.

(Hikaru) ‘You won’t be playing a dragon at all, Blackscale. You’ll be playing the Black Dragon-Lizard King Uchaga, an old leader of the dragons who resurfaces during the Pentamachy to fight for his kind again and is key in allying them with the titans and elementals of Saiten.’ – Seiren was still left quite pleased with the explanation of his character’s background, Hikaru looking away from him and back at the veterans then – ‘And since you mentioned our main antagonist, I’ll be playing him, actually. He uses lightning, so it makes sense.’

The old club members started murmuring intensely after that announcement, glancing at the young Summerbolt every now and then, but never saying anything to him, which caused another angry outburst on his part in no time.

(Hikaru) ‘Well spill it!!! What’s the problem now?!!’

(Drama Club Member No. 7) ‘C-can you play a villain, Hikaru? I mean … you were real passionate with the instructions during all the rehearsals, but you’ve never played any role in a play at all. Especially the main antagonist. Will you be able to pull it off?’

(Hikaru) ‘I’ll just act like Kar Devibolt and that should be convincing enough! Worry about how you’re going to play your roles instead, OK?!’ – managing to calm down after a little, Hikaru finally looked at Yuki, who smiled and winked at him – ‘Just like the main antagonist, the secondary one will have to be recast as well and I’ve chosen Yuki to play Gub.’

(Yuki) ‘And before anyone asks if I can play a lead villain, I can do that just fine. My original character was a villain, anyway, so this shouldn’t be too hard.’

(Hikaru) ‘Rogo will still play Heim as thankfully at least he survived the crazy shit from yesterday with no damage. My character’s first general will be the same and Ayli will play Heim’s first general as before. There’s only the position of Gub’s first general that we’ll need to fill in and I was hoping one of you guys could find someone from their class to do that.

Do you think it can happen? If they have a static elemental deva and at least a little bit of an acting talent, or actually if they’re just bullies, that will be good enough.’

(Exo) ‘You’re bringing bullies into the play now …?!’

(Hikaru) ‘I’ll recruit convicts to make the play work at this point, Ex.’

(Random Club Member No. 8) ‘No need. If we ask just the boys that fit Hikaru’s criteria and tell them Yuki will be riding them in the last act, they’ll agree to play the part.’

Reimei couldn’t tell what her facial response to that was, but she noticed Yuki, Hikaru and Seiren blushed simultaneously, right after which the latter two became comically angry, the pervert turning to the white-haired beauty, the mad genius – to the veterans again.

(Seiren) ‘She’ll be riding what?!! Over my dead body!!! If anyone’s to be Yuki’s ride, that could only ever be me!!! End of story!!!’

(Hikaru) ‘If anyone uses that bullshit as a recruiting method, I will kill that person on the spot, do you hear me?!?!! The final act thing’s going to be nothing but her character using another one that’s a lot bigger as a mount!! Anyone coming into the play with funny ideas won’t ever leave this room alive!!! And the same goes for everyone else who’s got funny ideas about Yuki!!!’

(Reimei) ‘Well, is it just … will Yuki alone be riding a schoolmate? Or do some others have to do it as well?’

(Obur) ‘Oh, well, the final battle in the play is going to be six vs. six by pairs, meaning three riders with three mounts on each side. So those riding will be Hikaru, Yuki, Rogo and against them … um … Exo, Tokura and you, Reimei.’

Now Reimei knew for certain she had blushed and become as embarrassed as Yuki, Miss Iceflame being the one to lose control next and bring a final stroke of order to the amphitheatric room by freezing everyone up and screaming at the same time.

(Yuki) ‘Can we just get on with rehearsing the first scene of Act I and stop talking about who’ll be riding who?!!’








Surprisingly enough for both Miss Scarlettail and the Drama Club veterans, the first rehearsal with the new cast was actually quite a big success, Tokura showcasing extraordinarily good acting skills and Exo and Reimei managing to hold their own as well. The focus was mostly on them throughout Act I of the play, so there were no guarantees the story was going to go as smoothly when the other hot heads joined the action as well, but for a first day, everyone seemed to be very pleased.

So the rest of the club members left and the Earthlings stayed behind, praising the performances of the three leads along with Obur to only make the scarlet-haired beauty more embarrassed, relying on Exo to share the anxiety from that.

Tokura, on the other hand, enjoyed the recognition he was getting, in truth deep down Reimei herself being quite happy to have actually earned her friends’ respect – the thing she wanted the most since coming to Deckstoru. But Miss Scarlettail needed to pull herself away from the dream-like state being complimented so much by Hikaru and the others had brought her to so she and Feoria could share their discoveries with their allies.

(Reimei) ‘Thanks, everyone, but now that we’re alone, I want to talk to you about something. Before the others go off to deal with their clubs’ activities.’

(Hikaru) ‘I had something I wanted to talk about in relation to those club activities as well, Mei, but you go ahead first.’

Knowing the time for her skin-heating classmate to shine had come, Reimei looked over at her, nodding with an encouraging smile, to which Feoria responded with the same, sighing and then turning the others’ attention to herself as she started talking.

(Feoria) ‘The truth is … yesterday … when Hikaru’s granddad starting setting people on fire … he did it to make me release more of my deva and infect everyone from the Drama Club with mind control particles.’ – Feoria gulped as she saw how shocked everyone who didn’t know had become by this, managing to continue with her explanation somehow despite that – ‘I know. How could I have particles in me, right? Milu … we got into a fight over some stuff about our room in the dorm and ended up going a little too crazy … maybe I was being controlled then, too, I don’t know … but the point is, I got infected by her back then. And Kar Devibolt knew about that somehow.’

(Hikaru) ‘How could he possibly know about what’s been going on between you two at the dorm? And if you’ve really been infected, then that release of the heating pulse by you … it could’ve infected all of us!!!’

(Obur) ‘I don’t think so, Hikaru. There were a lot of powerful devas in the room to limit the spread of Feoria’s heat only to the right people, so most of us and the others from the Drama Club who aren’t in a hospital should be fine.’

(Seiren) ‘But like … why didn’t you say somethin’ about this earlier, Feo?’

Feoria couldn’t force herself to look at any of her classmates or her teacher when being asked that question, Reimei deciding this was a good moment to support her and take over the explanation to not cause her skin-heating friend any more discomfort.

(Reimei) ‘Why do you think, Seiren? She didn’t want everyone from the class to judge her guilty of what had happened with the Drama Club and suspect her of working with Jill Lahala and her allies.

Thanks to her and Miluna telling me about this, though, we were able to dig deeper last night and come up with some new information about the whole plot.’

(Vega) ‘Well, if what you found is good enough, I might forgive Feo for holding out about this.’

(King) ‘Tell us what you’ve got, Mei.’

(Reimei) ‘People carrying mind control particles in themselves aren’t dangerous by default. They only become dangerous when those particles receive a signal to be activated and actually turn them into mind slaves. So until we find Jill, what we should be focusing on is preventing anyone from falling under mind control ever again.

That’s what Feoria and Miluna helped me with. Those two have quite a strong bond between their devas and through that we were able to extract some information of Feoria’s experience from the time she had first been infected.’

(Feoria) ‘I remember … well, my deva remembers hearing the same word being whispered again and again. It was ‘hate’ and the way that voice said it … it was like an order.’

(Exo) ‘So you’re saying you hear that word when infected with mind control particles because that’s the word used to actually activate them?’

(Reimei) ‘I think so. Can you give us some confirmation about this, Segune-sensei? Were you able to get out more about how Mara’s mind control works out of her?’

All the youngsters’ attention now shifted to their Literature teacher who had had a very thoughtful look on his face during the discussion up to that point, finally joining with a comment of his own.

(Obur) ‘Mara’s a really tough nut to crack, but based on what I know about mind control devas, they always revolve around using one of the senses to put people under. Saying a certain combination of sounds to achieve that goal is perfectly reasonable.’

(Yuki) ‘But if all they need to put someone under is Mara’s voice saying ‘hate’ …’

(Hikaru) ‘… they could just play a recording of her saying that to whoever they know has been infected and take control of them.’

(Feoria) ‘Me and Mei were thinking about that, too, but isn’t Mara kept under Sunbird with deva-neutralizing cuffs on? How could she control anyone from there?’

(Seiren) ‘There’s always the chance they’ve like made some gadget to copy her powers and someone … probably Jill … is hiding somewhere and sending orders to all the mind slaves from there. Anti-deva tech like that might just be a thing on the ordinari black market.’

Ayli had been the only one completely silent throughout the whole conversation the others were having, Reimei, however, not having failed to notice she had a look on her face for a while now saying an idea had come to her mind. Miss Scarlettai’s hare-morph classmate was only waiting for the right moment to share what she had thought of, seizing the opportunity provided by the silence that had fallen over everyone in the aftermath of Seiren’s suggestion.

(Ayli) ‘Guys, does it really matter who’s controlling everyone? I mean, it’s like Mei said. We just need to counter what they’re using to activate that mind control in the first place.’

(Obur) ‘Alright, then, Ayli. What do you have in mind?’

(Ayli) ‘How about listening to music?’