[F106] Chapter-32: Family time Part-4
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Akane had been acting oddly ever since that sudden kiss yesterday, and Sai found himself preoccupied with trying to decipher her behavior. Even now as he sat gazing out over the pond, his thoughts kept returning to analyzing the new tension that seemed to have sprung up between them.


He knew Akane quite well after their many years of friendship. And this almost nervously flustered version of her definitely seemed out of character for the normally disciplined, steadfast girl he was familiar with. Sai had to wonder...could she have developed some form of fixation on him that went beyond just a passing impulse from yesterday’s heightened emotions?


If Sai recalled correctly, there were aspects of Akane’s alternate storyline in the old Earth video game that had hinted at subtly darker facets of her personality. Driven by past trauma and get determination to defeat the dragons at any cost, she had demonstrated an almost ruthless pragmatism. And that had extended to deliberately trying to build a harem around herself of powerful mages that could be weaponized into an unstoppable force against the looming threat.


Initially Sai had theorized Akane might only be cozying up to him now as she unconsciously followed that same harem-building mentality from her intended narrative path. But the genuine emotion she had displayed today told another story. This went beyond calculated recruitment of magical allies. Her newly flustered behavior seemed to indicate a personal possessiveness focused exclusively on Sai rather than interest in anyone else. 


“You seem rather lost in thought over there."


Sai blinked, pulled from his musings by his father's voice as Marlin took a seat on the grass beside him. Sai managed a wry half-smile in response. Was he truly so obvious right now? Though he should have expected his perceptive father to notice something preoccupying his normally unflappable son.


Marlin smiled gently at Sai's wordless acknowledgment that his thoughts had indeed been wandering. “Let me guess...this pensive mood of yours is related to matters of the heart?” 


Sai couldn’t restrain a small huff of surprised laughter as he turned to meet his father’s softly knowing gaze. Marlin had read him instantly despite Sai not voicing a thing about Akane or the kiss aloud. His father had always been exceptionally skilled at intuiting Sai’s thoughts and feelings from the most subtle of cues.


"Am I that transparent right now?" Sai asked wryly. 


His father chuckled. “Only to one who knows you as well as I do. But I can’t recall seeing you so deep in romantic contemplation before...so who has managed to turn the head of my normally unflappable son so thoroughly?"


Sai hesitated. But his father merely watched him patiently, no judgment in his eyes for Sai's conflicted reactions lately when it came to Akane. Deciding it was safe to open up, Sai slowly summarized the situation, including Akane’s unexpectedly impulsive kiss and subsequent odd behavior. 


Marlin listened thoughtfully as Sai explained his puzzlement over whether Akane’s fixation on him stemmed from residual aspects of her old storyline or genuine emotion unique to this reality. When Sai finished, his father gazed out over the pond for a long moment before responding.


“While I can’t fully understand the complexities of alternate selves and predetermined narratives you’ve had to contend with,” Marlin finally said, “I may be able to offer some simple advice from my own experience when it comes to romantic affairs.”


He went on to calmly explain about Sara’s fiery, short-tempered personality when they had first met and how it had nearly dissuaded Marlin from pursuing her despite an undeniable attraction between them.


“She was willing to soften some of her rougher aspects though and meet me halfway due to genuinely caring for me. That compromise is what convinced me in the end that what we had was real and worth nurturing into love.” Marlin smiled gently at Sai. “My point being...focus less on untangling origin stories. Simply see if she is willing to adapt herself only for you. That is the greatest proof of selfless devotion in my eyes.”


Sai absorbed his father’s advice thoughtfully. It was true that he had been caught up trying to deduce if Akane’s behavior stemmed from influences beyond her control. Perhaps he should instead judge based on her actions and choices in the here and now when interacting with him. If aspects of an intended path still lingered within her (from the game), but she willingly chose to divert from that route to instead walk a new one aligned with him, was that not meaningful itself? 


Sai nodded slowly. “I think focusing on whether her choices are meant to close the distance between us rather than potentially drive us apart for other reasons is wise counsel,” he acknowledged. “Thank you for the guidance...and for listening without judgment.”


Marlin smiled, reaching over to briefly clasp Sai's shoulder warmly. "Of course. I know matters of the heart can be quite confusing to navigate at times even without mystical complications involved. But listen to yours and I've no doubt you'll find clarity." 


His father then stood, brushing a few stray blades of grass from his pants. "Now then, shall we head back before your sister eats all the food herself?" he chuckled. 


Sai agreed with a small smile, falling into step beside Marlin as they circled the pond. His thoughts were already turning back to Akane though and considering his father's advice. Perhaps it was time he and Akane had a frank conversation about this subtle but profound shift occurring between them. If she was willing to be vulnerable in honestly conveying her feelings and motivations purely focused on him rather than ulterior motives, that would tell Sai all he needed to know about what new path they might walk together.


Author Note: Alright, everyone! I'm excited to share that I'm planning to create a novel solely centered around Mr. Ben. This idea has been brewing for quite some time, even before I started working on the current project. Although I'm unsure about how it will be received, I'm eager to explore something entirely original. The title of the novel will be "Mr. Shopkeeper's Parody."