Flickering Light (2)
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Maddy, Dobby, and Zach ventured forth through the sea of biters, each step a reminder of the fragility of life and the cruelty of fate. As they analyzed the once-human figures now reduced to mindless husks, remorse gnawed at their hearts. Many bore no sign of bites or scratches but bore instead the brutal scars of violence — bullet holes riddling their bodies like macabre constellations in the night sky.


Approaching a yellow house with 'Armoury' painted in fading black letters on its side, Maddy's eyes fixed on the weathered inscription. Zach, ever the vigilant one, approached the doors cautiously. "It’s clear," he announced, pushing the door open with a mixture of trepidation and determination. Yet, what awaited them inside was a scene of chaos — the room lay in disarray, as if ravaged by a tempest of desperation.


Dobby's breath caught in his throat as he surveyed the scene. "Perhaps they never found the armory," he suggested, his voice weighed down by the heavy scent of decay that hung in the air. Maddy, her face hidden behind her hand, grimaced at the foul odor. "I doubt I'll ever get used to this stench," she remarked, her words tinged with a mixture of revulsion and resignation, as she swept her flashlight across the room.


Zach nodded in solidarity. "You're not alone in that sentiment," he agreed, trailing behind Maddy as she moved further into the room. Meanwhile, Dobby veered off to the left, his determined steps echoing softly in the silence of the dilapidated building. Along the walls, cryptic messages scrawled in blood served as grim reminders of the tragedy that had unfolded here.


Zach's flashlight revealed the chilling words 'We die here' etched onto the wall, followed by 'They killed everyone,' and finally, 'There’s no such thing as a flickering light upon the darkness.' The weight of these messages hung heavy in the air, a somber tribute to the lives lost within these walls.


As Maddy's gaze fell upon a row of baby cribs, each adorned with a carved cross in place of a child, her breath caught in her throat. Suppressing a sob, she struggled to maintain her composure. "Let's just get the hell out of here after we get the guns," she managed to choke out, her voice quivering with emotion. Zach stood beside her, his expression mirroring her distress as they pressed on down the blood-stained hallway.


At last, they reached a metal door identical to the one in the medical center. Zach's flashlight pierced the darkness, illuminating the cache of guns within. "How do we get in?" he pondered aloud, scanning the room for any sign of a key or mechanism. Then, Maddy's keen eye caught sight of an oddly placed plank nearby, its position seemingly out of place amidst the chaos around them.


Maddy approached the plank with a mixture of determination and caution, her heart pounding in anticipation. With practiced precision, she knelt down and retrieved her blade, its gleaming edge catching the dim light as she expertly wedged it into the small crack. With a firm grip, she applied steady pressure, coaxing the stubborn plank to yield to her efforts.


As the wood creaked and groaned in protest, Maddy's muscles tensed with the strain, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Inch by inch, she worked the plank free, her eyes never leaving the prize hidden within. With a triumphant grin, she finally succeeded, extracting the plank and revealing the coveted key nestled within its depths.


Eager to claim their reward, Maddy wasted no time in seizing the key and hastening to Zach's side. With a sense of urgency, she placed the key in his outstretched hand, her eyes alight with anticipation as he inserted it into the lock and twisted it with a satisfying click.


"Dobby, we found it!" Zach's hiss of excitement echoed through the room, his eyes gleaming with triumph as they crossed the threshold into the armory. With a sense of purpose, they set about their task, their hands moving swiftly as they plundered the room, cramming their packs with ammunition and firearms.


Meanwhile, Dobby ventured deeper into the house, his flashlight cutting through the darkness like a beacon of hope. His footsteps echoed through the silent halls, the only sound the soft shuffle of his boots against the floorboards.


But as he made his way down a dimly lit hallway, disaster struck in the form of an unexpected encounter. Without warning, a biter lurched from the shadows, its hungry gaze fixed on Dobby's unsuspecting leg. With a cry of alarm, Dobby stumbled backward, his heart pounding in his chest as the biter lunged for him with ravenous intent.


"No!" Dobby's cry of anguish filled the air as the biter sank its teeth into his calf, tearing through flesh and sinew with brutal efficiency. Agony flared through his body like a searing flame as blood gushed from the wound, staining the floor crimson with each desperate beat of his heart.


Hearing his screams, Zach and Maddy raced to his aid, their hearts pounding with fear and urgency. With trembling hands, Zach raised his gun and took aim, the deafening roar of gunfire shattering the stillness as he dispatched the biter with lethal precision.


Tears streamed down Dobby's face as he clutched his injured leg, his body wracked with pain and shock. With unwavering resolve, Zach knelt beside him, his hands gentle yet firm as he lifted Dobby to his feet, his muscles straining with the effort.


"We need to go," Zach declared, his voice grim as he surveyed the scene unfolding before them. With Maddy's help, they staggered toward the exit, their progress hindered by the relentless pounding of the biters at their heels.


With the door in sight, they raced toward it, their hearts pounding in their chests as they prepared to make their escape. But as they reached the threshold, disaster struck once more in the form of a sudden onslaught of biters, their hungry cries filling the air as they closed in on their prey.


With no other options left, Zach's eyes darted around the room, searching for a means of escape. Spotting a broken window, he wasted no time in seizing the opportunity, his mind racing with adrenaline-fueled determination.


"You have to go first, okay?" Zach's voice was urgent as he urged Dobby toward the window, his hands trembling with fear and uncertainty. With a nod of understanding, Dobby braced himself and clambered onto the windowsill, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to make the leap to safety.


As the chaos escalated, Tommy's heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging through his veins as he realized the danger that Zach and the others were facing. Without hesitation, he drew his gun, his hands trembling with urgency as he prepared to rush to their aid.


But before he could take a single step, disaster struck with a deafening roar. The damp spot above them gave way, crumbling under the weight of the encroaching horde. Tommy's eyes widened in horror as he dove out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the torrent of debris that rained down upon them.


As the dust settled, Tommy staggered to his feet, his ears ringing with the echoes of the collapse. But before he could catch his breath, another threat emerged from the shadows above. With a sickening thud, a biter crashed through the crumbling ceiling, its twisted form hurtling toward him with deadly intent.


"SHIT!" Tommy's voice rang out in terror as he stumbled backward, his heart racing as he braced for the impact. But even as he tried to evade the creature's grasp, fate had other plans in store. With a bone-jarring impact, the biter collided with a nearby bookcase, sending it toppling toward Tommy with a sickening crunch.


Pain erupted through Tommy's body as the weight of the falling debris bore down upon him, trapping him beneath its crushing embrace. Agony lanced through his limbs as he cried out in anguish, his cries drowned out by the roar of the encroaching horde.


But even as darkness threatened to engulf him, Tommy refused to surrender to despair. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he reached for his gun, his fingers closing around the familiar weight of the weapon as he prepared to fight for his life.


Meanwhile, Andrew raced to Tommy's aid, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought to reach his friend before it was too late. But even as he drew closer, fate intervened once more, sending yet another biter hurtling toward him with deadly speed.