Promise (1)
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A flash of metal gleamed under the city's muted lighting as the woman swiftly raised her gun, letting out a sharp crack. A biter crumpled at her feet, a dark pool of viscous black blood seeping out from a fresh bullet hole. 


Aya, with a fierce determination in her eyes, plunged her blade into yet another advancing creature. "We need to retreat! It's not safe here!" she shouted over the din, her voice heavy with urgency.


From the shadows, Raven, the black-armored warrior, sprang forth, his mace swinging with deadly precision. With a solid impact, it met the head of an encroaching biter that was dangerously close to Aya.


 "Worry not, lass!" Raven's voice, tinged with a thick Scottish accent, rang out as he skillfully elbowed another monster that lunged towards him.


Hearing his voice, Cody frantically scanned the chaos, spotting Aya. "Aya!" he shouted.


 As he made his way towards her, he swung his weapon at the knees of a biter, unbalancing it. 


Rose, her face set in a grimace, rushed to his aid, bringing her baseball bat down with brutal force on the fallen monster, silencing it forever.


Through the maelstrom of violence, Raven's voice rose again, calling out, "Emmy!" The woman he referred to, a striking figure with short brown hair and deep blue eyes, turned swiftly. 


Clinging to her back was a bear demi, a young boy with pronounced bear features, his luxuriant, puffy hair echoing Emmy's hue. His backpack, a bright red with a distinct 'T' stitched on it, bobbed with every movement.


Emmy, with a gentle, maternal tone, spoke to the bear demi, "Ted, sweetie, watch out for those monsters, alright?" Ted nodded vigorously in response, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and determination.


Backing Raven were four other soldiers, their black armor gleaming ominously in the dim light. 


Behind this protective phalanx, a small group of civilians huddled, among them a figure in a white coat – unmistakably a doctor.


Ed's face lit up with relief upon seeing the doctor. He quickly disengaged his assault rifle, slinging it over his shoulder and made his way to the group. 


Amid the cacophony, a soldier pulled out a glass bottle, its contents glowing ominously. With a swift motion, he lit it and hurled it towards a nearby car. 


The resulting explosion was both blinding and deafening, drawing the attention of the nearby biters. "Move! Now!" Raven's command sliced through the air.


Mr. Peterson, his face grim, beckoned them over, "This way! We have a haven!" he whispered, ensuring the biters weren't alerted.


The group moved in unison, their jog echoing through the eerily quiet streets. 


However, this quiet was disrupted by the sporadic sounds of biters thumping and thrashing inside locked shops and derelict buildings.


Suddenly, a chilling sound of shattering glass resonated from above. 


Before Cody could even tilt his head upwards to discern its origin, a biter plummeted from the heights, landing with a grotesque splat on the pavement. Another shatter echoed, and yet more biters began their deathly descent.


Raven's voice boomed, "Watch out! Don't let them land on you!" He deftly sidestepped an incoming biter, which met the ground with a sickening crunch, its head bursting like an overripe fruit.

Another biter fell, landing on a car, causing a loud crash, the windshield shattering as blood gushed out of the biter's head, the car alarm suddenly went off, drawing more attention as the group retreated into the street near the bus.


The chilling air surrounded them, punctuated by the distant moans and shuffling of biters. 


Cody's eyes darted frantically across the sea of abandoned vehicles, their lifeless metal husks gleaming eerily under the dim light. 


The biters, in their mindless state, ambled towards the noise of the explosion, seemingly unaware of the living souls nearby.


Mr. Peterson, a desperate urgency in his eyes, approached the doctor.


 "We have a child, she's been bitten. We need your expertise." The doctor, a tall man with salt-and-pepper hair, stared back, his face losing color. 


"I'm Dr. Newton," he began, voice filled with concern. "Where was the bite?" 


"On her arm," replied Mr. Peterson, the weight of his worry evident in his voice. Dr. Newton pressed on, "How long since she was bitten?" 


"Last night," came the somber reply. A troubled look clouded Dr. Newton's face, causing Mr. Peterson to press, "What's the matter?" 


The doctor hesitated, choosing his words carefully, but before he could speak, a rhythmic pounding interrupted them. 


Cody's gaze was fixed on the bus. Horror gripped him as he realized that the bus doors gaped wide open. 


Three biters, their decaying forms illuminated by the dim light, pounded on the bus's side. Instinctively, he shouted, "LILLY!" His voice filled with raw anguish.


Hayden lunged forward, tackling a biter with lethal precision, his knife finding its mark. Aya swiftly followed suit, her blade sinking into another biter. 


Rose, adrenaline pumping through her veins, struck another biter down with her bat. It struggled, growling, before a second, more forceful blow from Rose ended its advance.


Cody's world began to blur as he reached the bus, confronting a horrifying sight: a crimson trail of blood smeared across the stairs and beyond. 


Shaking uncontrollably, his gaze followed the blood trail leading into the dense forest.


A sinking feeling of despair enveloped him.


 "No... not like this..." he muttered, tears threatening to spill. Without hesitation, he charged into the forest, the underbrush crunching underfoot, Aya and Mr. Peterson close behind. 


The others, paralyzed with fear, could only watch the trio's desperate dash, while Raven offered a somber condolence to Ed, saying softly, "I'm sorry."


Cody's frantic pace brought him to a clearing within the forest, where the soft glow of dandelions greeted him. 


The serenity of the scene was shattered by a distant, guttural growl. His heart felt like lead as he saw Lilly, now a shadow of her former self, in the midst of the dandelion field.


A sob escaped Cody's lips as he moved closer, noting the grim evidence of her attempt to immobilize herself – her legs were stabbed, rendering her immobile.


 The zombified Lilly responded to his presence, her growls growing louder as she reached out with her decaying hands, trying to grasp him. 


"Lilly..." Aya's voice trembled, her eyes brimming with tears. Mr. Peterson, usually stoic, was visibly shaken. "Damn it all..." he muttered.


Clearing the tears from his eyes, Cody faced the two. "She deserved better... I promised her," his voice quivered. 


Taking a deep breath, he added, "I'll do it." Gripping the crowbar with resolve, he looked into Lilly's now lifeless eyes, her growls filling the silence, as she continued to snap her jaws at him.

The weight of the moment bore heavily upon Cody's shoulders as he stood before Lilly, whose lifeless eyes seemed void of any recognition. 


Each of her attempts to grasp at him was like a dagger to his heart, a cruel reminder of the innocence that once resided within her now decayed form. 


Tears streamed unchecked down Cody's face, a mixture of grief, guilt, and sheer helplessness. The pain was palpable, each droplet a testament to the agony wracking his soul.


 He took a shaky breath, trying to muster the strength to do the unthinkable, but the words lodged themselves in his throat, escaping only as a whispered, "I'm so sorry."


The weight of his sorrow reached its peak, and in a heart-wrenching crescendo, Cody unleashed a scream—a raw and anguished sound, filled with despair.


 With every ounce of strength and emotion, he swung the crowbar. As the metal connected with Lilly's head, an eerie stillness settled upon the scene, the cruel cacophony of the world momentarily silenced by the gravity of Cody's act.