Days Gone Bye (2)
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A biter limped across the streets of what seemed to be a neighborhood surrounded by thick trees. Birds chirped from afar. Suddenly, a metal clunk could be heard to the left, causing the biter, a woman in a ruined and dirty wedding dress, to turn to the sound.


A tin can rolled out of an alleyway of a small plaza. The biter snarled and limped towards the alleyway, growling as she turned the corner.


There stood Cody, a bow in hand, aiming the bow with an arrow locked in. “Hey there, ugly.” Cody snickered and released the arrow. The biter reached for Cody, growling as she did. The arrow, however, stopped her. It went clean through the eye.


Black blood seeped out as the biter fell to its knees. Cody walked over, kneeled down, and yanked the arrow out, small black droplets falling onto the pavement. “There's more.” Lucifer whispered, sniffing the air.


Aya, walking right next to Cody, glanced at Lucifer. “Does your nose detect how many?” She grinned, and Lucifer shook her head. “What type of logic is that?” Lucifer scoffed and peeked around the corner. There was a small group of biters in the streets.


“We need to stay in a relatively nice-looking house. Not as destroyed, okay?” Mars approached the three, Guts right behind them, peering over.


“Right.” Cody analyzed the streets, the growls of biters echoing around, the sound traveling over to them. “If we have to find a house, then we have to clear the streets. Better to be safe than sorry.” Cody suggested, locking an arrow into the string.


Cody pulled the string back and stared at a biter, a man in a suit, nearly as identical as the woman. “Married on the day of the fall?” Guts looked at the body of the bride and then at the biter in the suit.


“It was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives.” Mars couldn’t help but frown, feeling empathy for the two souls. Cody frowned and looked at Mars. “He can join her now.” He looked back at the biter and fired the arrow.


The arrow entered the biter's head, causing it to fall to the ground. The biters around them looked at the body but continued to wander around. Cody analyzed them more; there were other biters with suits and dresses. They were not as fancy as the other two. “Do you think anyone at this wedding survived?” Guts asked.


“The chances of that now are unlikely considering the timeline.” Mars answered and snuck over to the small group of biters. “Guts on me.” He ordered, and Guts nodded, following him. Mars analyzed the biters; around 6 of them. “A small wedding?” he whispered to himself.


Guts looked around. “There could be more.” He whispered as Mars snuck right behind a biter and pulled out his two blades; he then jabbed one of them into the biter's head, a loud bone-crunching sound echoed, black blood oozed out.


Mars pulled the blade out, letting out a small grunt, the other 5 biters turning over to the two. Cody released another arrow without hesitation, hitting a biter in the forehead, killing it.


Guts raised his fists and swung at the biter, bringing it down to the ground in one swing. Guts then kneaded the biter in the face, finishing it off. Mars plunged the other blade into a biter's head. Cody walked over and pulled out the arrow from the other biter.


Guts grabbed a biter that was about to chomp down on his shoulder. Guts flipped the biter to the ground, sending it landing on its head, black blood splattering. Guts then raised his fists one more time and swung, killing the final biter.


Cody wiped the sweat off his forehead, retrieving his arrows. "Alright, let's keep moving. We need to find a suitable place to stay," he said, shouldering his bow.


Aya nodded, "Agreed. The biters are getting more organised. We can't afford to underestimate them." Lucifer, looking around with her keen senses, chimed in, "I can smell more of them nearby. We better be cautious."


Mars nodded. "Let's stick together. Guts, keep an eye on our six. Cody, Aya, stay sharp with those bows." Guts took his position, glancing over his shoulder periodically.


As they continued through the eerie streets, they spotted a relatively intact house. "There, that one looks promising," suggested Mars. They approached cautiously, checking for any signs of life inside.


Cody peered through a cracked window, "Looks clear." Aya chimed in, "We need to secure it properly before nightfall." Lucifer, always ready for action, volunteered, "I'll check the perimeter."


Inside, the group started barricading windows and reinforcing doors. Mars scanned the rooms, ensuring there were no surprises. Cody glanced at the family pictures on the walls, remnants of a life that once was.


Guts, finishing up barricading a window, grumbled, "We can't let our guard down. The biters are evolving, becoming more strategic." Aya, putting down her bow, agreed, "We need to find a way to fight back, understand their patterns."


Lucifer returned, reporting, "The area seems clear for now, but we should establish some traps outside." Mars nodded, "Good thinking. We'll need all the advantages we can get."


As night fell, the group gathered around a makeshift table. Cody, looking at the map, said, "We need supplies, maybe a vehicle. There's a small town to the east. Could be worth checking out." Guts added, "We can't stay here forever. We need a plan, a destination."


Aya interjected, "But we can't forget those we lost. We can't just abandon them." Mars, with a solemn expression, spoke, "We won't forget. But our survival depends on moving forward. Tomorrow, we head to that town."


Aya, caught in her thoughts, felt the weight of the camp on her shoulders. Abandonment lingered in the air, a bitter taste she couldn't shake. "We can't leave them behind," she insisted, her voice breaking the silence. Mars turned his gaze towards her, acknowledging the gravity of her concern.


"As much as I'd love to search for them, we're marked. We have to distance ourselves from Hora," Mars replied, his eyes reflecting the harsh reality. Cody, always ready with a quip, teased, "You mean Whora?" A mischievous grin crept across his face.


Lucifer swiftly intervened, delivering a light smack to Cody's head. "HEY! HEY! HE DESERVED THE NAME CALLING!" Cody protested, shielding himself. Lucifer paused, a surprising grin softening her stern expression. "It was funny, but you're a kid," she remarked.


Mars, suppressing laughter, turned his attention to Guts. "Alright," he said, looking back at Aya. "We'll search a few more days for the others. After that, we can't keep wandering aimlessly. It's not a sustainable strategy, right?"


"Mars is right. Also Raven's resourceful; he'll ensure the gang on the bus is safe," Guts assured, attempting to offer some comfort. Guts added, "We didn't find Raven's body on the bus, and that counts for something." Cody, with a solemn tone, whispered, "But we found others..."


Guts scratched his head, acknowledging the harsh truth. "Yeah..."


In a dimly lit bathroom, Riot stared at his reflection, blue eyes locking onto his changing features. Silent and focused, he flicked on the lights, revealing a hint of stubble. Grabbing a razor from the cupboard, Riot began shaving, his wounds fading away.


However, as he continued, Riot's expression shifted from emotionless to wide-eyed, as if he'd seen a ghost. His gaze darted around the mirror, reacting to invisible entities. "Stop it," he muttered, hair falling across his face.


A tense silence filled the room before Riot, without warning, swung his fists at the mirror, shattering it. "STOP IT!" he shouted, breathing heavily. Glass cuts adorned his knuckles, blood dripping. Riot's eyes met the broken reflection, a spot stained with his internal struggle.