Not Forgotten – Part 017
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Six years after Silva took in Scott and Compton the three had become inseparable. Scott and Compton always had each other's backs and Silva was like their big sister. She was the one in charge of them but they both seemed to be the ones who stopped her from doing stupid stuff all the time. More than once they had to carry her back from pubs around the city and on several occasions had to prevent her from spending all their money at gambling dens. Despite this they were more like a family than any of them had been a part of in the past. 


Mama Louise was sort of like a grandmother who always seemed to worry about them and Iscaral was like a crazy uncle. Together the three of them had made the city of London more peaceful than it had been in the past hundred years. It wasn’t until a letter came from the Agency that changed that. It read:


Dear Silva,


Due to the lack of Agent’s we have decided to make a division of traveling Agents who can take care of situations where our Agents aren’t stationed or don’t have enough people for the job. As such we require one of your apprentices to come to the Agency and join this division. Both have done well throughout the years and showed exemplary talent. Either will be fine, so please choose one of them before the end of the month. This is an order but I would like to ask for your forgiveness since the three of you have become like a family. 


My condolences,

Mordred Pendragon


“So who are you going to choose?” Compton asked.


“I don’t know. I never thought they would do something like this.” Silva replied with a shaky voice. She knew she had to choose but she didn’t want to let go of the people she loved.


“Well, you still have time. Let’s just carry on with our normal days and you can decide later. There is still three weeks until a choice has to be made so you have time.” Scott said.


“You’re right, I think I should just lay down for a bit. You two go on your normal rounds and I’ll meet up with you later at Monty’s place.” She said as she stood up and walked into her room.


Scott and Compton both stood up as well and grabbed their weapon of choice before leaving to peruse the streets of London. They didn’t like the letter either but both of them had been prepared to have to leave at any time. It was rare for someone to have two apprentices at the Agency and even rarer for both of the apprentices to be five star agents before their training was technically complete. 


“So Scott, what are you thinking? I know you have feelings for Silva and you even bought that ring.”


“What are you talking about? I don’t have a ring.”


“Don’t lie to me. I know you planned on asking her to marry you and just don’t have the courage to do it yet.”


“Alright fine, you’re right. However, that doesn’t change anything since the decision is up to her. Plus asking her to marry me right after she received that letter would be an awful thing to do to her.”


“I understand, but if she chooses me then what are you going to do?”


“Then it just means that she would have said no even if I asked her. I don’t have to worry about making things awkward by asking her anymore and we can still be as we have been. Only we’ll be farther away.” he said in a way that seems cheerful but Compton could tell it was hurting him to think about.


“Well, no matter what her decision is we have to figure out what her plan is still.”


“That’s right. She has always eluded us to a plan she has had since before she met either of us but she has never expounded on it. We haven’t even found the slightest clue to what it is in the five years we have known of its existence.”


“All we know is she met someone who gave her the idea for a plan and now she is waiting for the right time.”


“Again I think that whole thing is sketchy. This person would have to be incredibly trustworthy for her to accept whatever it is they said. She even questions us from time to time and we are part of her family now.”


“Maybe one of us will find out after leaving London?”


“Don’t say that. Also didn’t you dream of becoming one of the directors at the Agency?”


“I still do, maybe leaving would increase my chances? Who am I kidding? I’ll probably be an old man by the time that that happens.”


“True, but I wish you wouldn’t say stuff like that.”


“Stuff like what?”


“The fact that you said it might be good to leave.”


“Oh, sorry.”