Beginnings – Part Forty-Eight
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I heard footsteps coming towards me so I did my best to look where they were coming from. I saw Scott’s lower half coming towards me. The only reason I could tell that it was Scott was because of the bottle he carried at his side. He got up next to my head and crouched down like someone in a boyband cover from the nineties. “You did good kid, I thought you might die there for a second but you beat it.” He said.


“So much for you thinking I could win, you cunt. Now are you gonna get Elysif over here to heal me or what?” I said in a disgruntled tone.


“No, she’s sleeping so I’ll wait till she wakes up. You’ll live for a while.” He replied.


“You really are a cunt. Now wake her up and if she has a problem with it she can suck my cock.” I replied now pissed off.


“You must be in a lot of pain for you to be speaking like that. I’ll tell her though and you can feel her rage.”


“Please don’t. I’m just suffering from internal damage, I can’t move, and my entire body feels awful so you can see why I would be angry.” I said hoping for some remorse.


“Okay, I’ll wake her up but first drink some of this to help with the pain.” he said sticking the bottle against my mouth and forcing me to drink it. I couldn’t stand it, not because it was booze but because it was Yeager. I despised yeager and that horrid liquorice aftertaste that came with it.


Once I had drunk some of it he pulled it away and started walking over to Elysif. I waited a few minutes before I heard the frantic footsteps of someone running over. I saw Elysifs lower half running to me. She crouched in front of me in the same way Scott did. “He did a number on you, didn’t he?” She said.


“How is it that within the five minutes it took for me to walk over, talk to it, and kill it you fell asleep?” I asked with an angry tone. She gave me a look that made me think she didn’t exactly appreciate that question.


“I have been walking all day and unlike you, I haven’t been asleep for two days.” She stated. I felt bad for asking and felt bad because my internal organs weren’t being fixed.


“Sorry. Now can you stop me from dying a slow and painful death?”


“Perhaps.” she said reaching under my head and propping it up. She then grabbed a vial from her bag and after ripping the cork out with her teeth she put the vial to my lips. It was an awkward feeling but then she tipped the vial all the way up and basically forced the contents down my throat. It tasted like cat shit and I wanted to spew it back up but before I could Elysif started her chant.


Within a few moments I felt lighter and more agile. When she finished the chant she looked at me and sighed. “You should be able to move now but the damage to your organs from this fight as well as the past one with the Willowisps have to heal properly. That medicine can only stop the bleeding and heal some of your less serious wounds. The others are going to be stable but you will need some time to recuperate.” She said like any doctor talking to a patient.


“If I’m stable then where are the horses.” I said with a light chuckle. To be honest I feel like I am a little out there because of blood loss. Elysif looked at me like I was an idiot then flicked me right where the internal damage was. I winced in pain.


“Why would you do that? I’m still very sore even with your medicine. You just finished telling me that.” I asked.


“If you’re able to make a joke that bad then you must be fine. If not then my mistake.” she said trying to put off the fact that she knew damn well that I was still in pain.


“Anyways, where did Scott go?” I asked. She looked around and realized the same thing as me, he had disappeared.


“Maybe he went back already? We should head back and if he isn’t there when we get there then he’ll show up eventually. That man seems to be able to avoid death better than most so I know he’ll be fine.” She said helping me to my feet. I reached down and pulled the knife from the side of my shoe sole. As I put it back in it’s sheathe I realized that I should probably reload my gun so I did so as we started to walk back.


* * *


“How long were you spying on us?” Scott asked.


“A while but I didn’t expect you to realize that I was even doing so. How did you figure out I was doing so.” Compton replied as he turned around to face Scott. He had been hiding behind a tree and watching Lou get healed by Elysif when Scott came around behind him.


“I knew your mission pertained to me when you didn’t tell me back at the Agency so I kept an eye out for you. Though to be honest I was half expecting you to blow your cover and help the kid. He barely won that fight and would have died had he messed up. You knew that.” Scott said.


“I did but this was an order by the Concil and the directors. I couldn’t refuse and you understand that.” Compton stated, trying to make it sound like he wasn’t in the wrong.