Beginning Of the End – Part 027
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As soon as they were done bathing everyone except myself disappeared back inside the pendant. Since I didn’t have any reason to put off helping Silva I decided to start looking. Before she took in Scott and before she went to London. 1870 was probably the best year to start which would put her around thirteen years old. Since her father is one of the Directors then she would probably be seen around Warwick castle. Thus, that is where my search begins.

Closing my eyes I focused on the castle and when I opened my eyes I was standing near a bush just beyond the walls of the castle. Looking over I saw two guards standing in front of the entrance to the Agency headquarters. Both looked bored out of their minds but still hard at work keeping an eye out. As I watched I wondered how the hell I was going to get inside without raising any suspicion. It wasn’t like I could take off this mask. Then it hit me.

“Lily, I need your help.” I said. Not a second later the Fae girl appeared out of the pendant.

“What do you need?” she asked.

“I’m going to go inside the pendant. I need you to shrink down and sneak me inside that door whenever you see someone entering or leaving.” I explained as I pointed towards the wall that the guards were standing around.

“Okay, you can count on me.” She replied with a smile. I then disappeared inside the pendant and watched everything from inside. Just as instructed Lily shrunk down to about eight centimeters tall and picked the pendant up. I watched as she flew over to the castle wall above the entrance and rested on a small stone groove.

After what felt like half an hour she saw someone approach the door. The guards pushed a blade into the wall just as they had done when I was first brought here and the wall opened up for him. The man nodded before going inside. Lily jumped down and flew inside before the wall closed once again. Avoiding the man’s line of sight Lily flew down the hallway until she reached the giant circular room.

Like the last time I had seen this place, it was bustling with people. Which was a problem. Lily flew around in such a way to avoid detection as best she could, however, she still managed to make people look around with a look that they had seen something but brushed it off without another thought.

Once she had found a safe spot for me to come out she stopped and I appeared out of the pendant. Much to my surprise, I was in a closet near Mordred and Merlin’s office. Although this made it difficult as I didn’t want to be seen by either of them I did now know where exactly I was. Since it was probably better for me to stay hidden I sent Lily off to find Director Langston. I knew she didn’t know what he looked like but she could at the very least find someone with the name Langston as long as she listened. About an hour later she returned.

“Did you find him?” I asked with a hushed tone.

“I did. He’s coming this way. Apparently, he has a meeting with Mordred.” Lily replied.

“Thank you.” I said before she disappeared inside the pendant. Looking out into the hallway between a small gap I made by opening the door just a little I saw Director Langston walking down the hallway with a silver-haired girl around thirteen years old. I assumed that was Silva beside him.

Watching the two of them go up to the door at the end of the hallway Director Langston said the passphrase and the door opened wide for them. As they entered I snuck behind them and was about to try and sneak inside with them when I remembered that there was pretty much nowhere to hide in there. Instead, I jumped into the last room at the end of the hallway. As I did I noticed that I could hear them through the wall.

“You wanted to see us, Mordred?” Director Langston asked.

“Yes, I actually have a mission for Silva. I believe that she is old enough now.” Mordred said with a formal tone.

“Really mother! Thank you.” Silva replied ecstatically.

“Dear, please do not call me mother. If anyone were to find out that you are my daughter then it would cause a huge scandal.” Mordred said sternly.

“Yes, ma’am.” Silva replied with an apologetic tone. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing Silva was Mordred’s daughter? I mean, it made sense but still. I leaned up against the wall even further in order to hear better.

“As for your mission, you will be heading to Bakewell to look into a dispute involving some witches. Don’t worry, none of them are violent as of yet. However, they are in disagreement over which coven gets to use the land. Just go there and make sure that their dispute doesn’t become violent. If it does then we will have to intervene. It seems like a nice first mission for my prized pupil.” Mordred explained.

“Yes, ma’am.” Silva replied.

“I think that this is far too much for her. She is still too young. At least send someone with her.” Director Langston complained.

“I would but we are lacking in hands right now. This is why I’m entrusting her with this mission. I trust her.” Mordred replied.

“All right then.” Director Langston said with a depressing tone.