Exorcist Wern’s Investigation Log (#2)
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Exorcist Wern


Investigation log for November 11th 1547


    At 5:08 we arrived in Lenal’s public cemetery, so that we could see if Ren Tundwa had turned into a vampire. We found that the soil surrounding Ren Tundwa’s grave had been disturbed before we exhumed his grave. When exhumed we found that the coffin was empty, save for the claw marks on the lid and blood. 


    After further investigation we found a dead body in a mausoleum dedicated to the victims of Hem the Vile Sorcerer. The corpse looked as if it had recently died and was warm to the touch. We stored it in a local mortuary as we summoned Davin Tundwa. I was under the assumption that this was Ren Tundwa. After showing him the body and asking if he knew who it used to be, he replied with a firm no. We called on a few of Ren Tundwa’s acquaintances and met with the same response. We decided to keep the body in the mortuary's storage for another day.


    At 12:13 we arrived in Lenal’s public hospital. It was small for a hospital, being one story and having 20 doctors, 50 nurses, and 60 rooms for patients. We asked to see Ren Tundwa’s medical history but it was surprisingly disposed of. 


    At 1:50 we met with a local apothecary to ask about the traih plant, and its properties. We were told to come back tomorrow. 


    At 2:36 we arrived at Jen Dy’s practice to schedule a meeting with the patients that may have come in contact with the rumored witch cult.


    We hired a private investigator firm to look into the history of Davin Tundwa, as well as to follow him. This will cost us 3 doubloons a day.


My conclusion is that Ren Tundwa’s grave showed obvious tampering. The disturbed ground and empty coffin could be a sign that Ren Tundwa had risen from the grave, or that his grave was robbed. The scratches on the coffin lid could be a sign of vampiric activity or a sign that Ren Tundwa was buried alive. The fresh blood found in the coffin could be a sign of Ren Tundwa consumption of blood, or that a grave robber cut themselves when reburying the coffin. More investigation is needed. The corpse we found in the Lena’s public cemetery needs to be investigated further as well.


End of log.