Letter 5: From Gen Mahler to the Gren Monastery
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To whom it concerns,


    I am writing to the monastery to recommend an exorcist to investigate a supernatural event in the township of Lenal. I am willing to pay 15 silver credits on the solving of the event. I am Gen Mahler, an architect from the Swenn Republic. I currently reside in Davin Tundwa’s worker dorms in Lenal.


    The event, to my knowledge, started six months ago with the death of two people, Ren Tundwa and John Ben. John Ben died a week after he lied in a truth telling ceremony. After his funeral I saw a bad omen around the memorial to the victims of Hem the Vile Sorcerer. The omen consisted of dark tendrils growing from the top of the monument. Shortly later a painting in remembrance of the unraveling was stolen from me. At the same time there have been rumors about a witch-cult gaining an artifact related to the unraveling. Ren Tundwa died of disease, and has been draining the luck of his father Davin. I believe the events are related, and I humbly request the help of an exorcist.



                Gen Mahler







New Rules: You are part of the Detective department. You are looking into the Thread Tree incident of 1547. You can send memos to the archive department, the exorcist department, the monastic department, and to the research department. To send a memo, type a comment starting Memo to ? Department:, followed by your request. However keep in mind your superior vets your memos before passing them forward, so do not be surprised if the memo never arrives at its intended direction.