1 – Died and return from death (Denial)
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It was a normal Sunday morning. It really was, it should have been a normal day for me. I was eating out with my family, we ordered a nice big pizza in P*zz* H*t and ate.  Once we were done, we went to the mall to spend the time together. Once we arrived at the mall, a huge explosion could be heard in the mall's other entrance point. The people around us started to panick and head towards the exit point. Desperation could be seen in their eyes, they want to get out to safety. Screams of people warning each other to get out of their way. Children scared and bawling their eyes due to the confusing situation. Some people were trampled along the way.

I felt a shiver down through my spine. Never in my entire life I would imagine seeing a this kind of scene. To my right, I saw my father carried my mother in a princess carry while I urged my brother to run. I ran behind him to make sure he didn't get lost and got caught in the crowd. Eventually after what it feels like a long time, we were about to arrive at the exit point. My father was panting heavily after he ran and carried my mother, my little brother was leaning on the bench. And while I was about to pass by the exit point, a bright explosion appeared next to my body and blasted me towards the wall. The ceiling and surrounding structures around me collapsed, covering up the exit. The last thing I saw before my vision faded was my family screaming and being pulled back by other people. 

Present Time...

Those were the only thing I remembered. I do not however, remember arriving inside a blank white void. There is nothing in here and there is no one around this place. I ran around searching for anything besides me here. Nothing exists in this white void besides me and that made me unconfortable. I sat down and took a deep breathe and try to calm myself down. It took me a while and it worked well for me, perhaps too well. Then I start to recall everything again to reorganized myself. 

To sum everything up, I have died due to an explosion and is now inside this white empty void. I take a look at my body and noticed that there are no human flesh on me. My arms look like an animation of a contstantly moving black squiggly lines. Like the ones you usually see in an amnesiac person flashbacks. 'The lines were blocking an important memory for them or something.' The same goes for my torso and legs. And when I touched my head, there are no hair on my head, only a smooth round feeling. 

(If anyone is curious, the current appearance of the mc is like an ajin but with more scribbled and thinner lines with more smoke effects like the black silence.)

I observed my body, trying to stretched them out and rectracted them, and maybe shapeshift them into claws or enlarge them. 'I can still continue fiddling my new body later, right now I need to figure out what is actually happening and why I have an ajin like body.' So I roamed around the endless void. Testing my newfound body more along the way. Sometimes I would glide in the air, sometimes I would slither. As more time passed, I  noticed that I have not felt tired, hungry nor sleepy or panicking at all. Even after reminding myself that I would never be able to see my parents, starngely I still feel calm. And that is the only thing that scares me out of all the things in this void. I began to specualate that maybe my mind has been tampred with and I fear that after a while that those memories will later be considered irrelavant to me. More and more disturbing thoughts appeared, what if I never cared for them anymore? Do I want to see my family again? What is the point of worrying about such things? I clutched my head, telling myself to stop thinking about those negative thoughts for now, in order to prevent myself from deteorating any further.  For now I must keep on searching in this white void.

More time passed, there is still nothing within the void other than some occasional black dots appearing  and dissappearing in the horizon. One time, I managed to get close to one to see what they are. And for a brief moment, I saw another place within the dot, a castle within the sky surrounded by floating islands. I assume that they are actually portals leading to another place.  Curiously, I walked towards the direction where that portal appeared. Loh and behold more and more portals started appearing and disappearing. I watched the portals, they seemed to be randomly scattered. However, after further observations, the closer I walked to towards a certain area, more portals appear. And the further I am from that certain area, less portal appears. In conclusion, I should stay near this place and observe more. 

More time passed...

As I stared at the portals appearing one after another, I noted that each portal has a time limit before they close and reappear again. One such example is this particular portal I am observing. The scene within contains a lush green forest, filled with fruits and insects lying around. There was also an image of four boars sleeping together within a den. Then right after the time limit, the portal dissapears. And if I waited for some more time, the portal appears. This time the scenery changed, instead of the previous sleeping boars, this time there is a small boar being bossed around by huge boar. The smaller creature clearly seemed fed up with its boss's attitude. That is when the scene infront of becomes funny, the small boar suddenly gains a powerup and beats the living crap out of the bigger one as it beg for mercy. The young boar feels so smug at his achievement. That was all that was shown within the portals. 

As I watched more scenes of this portal, I come to the conclusion that this is a dreamscape of the small boar. Sometimes it would feel happy and dreamt of its family, while other times it was dreams of it beating anyone it didn't like. Then other times there are dreams or nightmares of it being chased around by his superiors. I was bored of seeing the same dream pattern of the small boar and thought about interacting with this portal, no, this window. I decided to call these portals that show the dreams of the person within "windows" as they let me see such dreams.

As I reach out my hand towards the window, I feel my entire body getting sucked in like when a person slurps up a spaghetti strand. 

This story is one of many that I have come up with within my head. I hope you readers are able to enjoy this story and point out some mistakes here. Understand that I also don't have a definite release schedule. Sorry and thank you for reading