Every Night Star 4 (_End_)
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A bad choice, while Stary rolled his eyes mockingly, he noticed something peculiar, a thin ray of sunlight, echoing through the window, proving the truth, it was dawning, was it the end?

"What?" Stary chokes, “I think it’s better… that’s it.”

But before he can say anything, a loud scream echoes around, followed by a strong earthquake, the walls of the abandoned school shake, freezing everyone's soul, especially Stary,

“Damn…” Stary falls to the ground in despair,

"What was this?" Ryn asks innocently,

Little by little, another tremor occurs and the sound of the machines intensifies, echoing throughout the city and filling the air with a dark aura, along with birdsong,

In the next window, everyone starts to hear a peculiar sound, it was like several metal knocks, coming from the wall, climbing the wall, an invasion,

The walls begin to shake more intensely, and the recently freed thieves join the group, looking at the window together,

The sound approaches, revealing the apparition, a patched being, with metallic parts, climbs the window, passing by them, ignoring the school, it was like a figure, fortunately he had not seen them,

"Devils?" Anaa cowers in fear, in a corner of the room,

“These, um, aren’t demons, they’re much worse things!” Stary states, “Now come on, we have to get out of here!”

Several screams begin to be heard, outside the prison, was the city under attack?

Without wasting time, they run towards the exit, guided by the survival instinct,

The scene in the streets is chaotic, blood in the snow, bodies scattered, a real massacre, but there was no fire or anything, which was also extremely strange,

There were no marks of shots or bombs, like in the tribe, why not send artillery machines? A direct attack instead? apart from the screams, there was nothing,

“Well, let’s not waste time, Anaa, guide us to the passage!” Stary shouts, running again, "And take Ryn with you, don't let her look at the streets,"

The sound of the apparitions' screams and hurried footsteps echoed around them, it was as if they were invading the houses first,

Suddenly, one of the apparitions appears, breaking one of the windows, falling in the middle of the street, in front of the group,

She was trembling, in her claws was a man with a needle, the machine moved quickly through his head, in a miserable act, killing him in the process,

The apparition laughed, with incomprehensible creaks, it was a machine different from the others, with the purpose of scaring its victims. Its multiple arms were composed of sharp needles and its legs were as thin as brittle metal branches,

The creature watches them with its lifeless glowing eyes, emitting a metallic hum from its long, sharp steel teeth,

With clumsy and irregular movements, the apparition begins to scan the surroundings,

The group trembles with fear when they see this, but continues to run, towards an alley, getting close to where the passage out of the city was,

In an alley, they hear the sound of the monster behind, climbing the walls, ahead were the walls, the exit from that nightmare,

"Help!" one of the thieves shouted, as he ran, being pulled into one of the houses, breaking the window,

The group runs, one after the other, some thieves disappear behind, disappearing,

"What is happening?" Nyla asks, only to see the same figure from before in the distance, running after them,

In the middle of the square, there was a solitary barricade of sales, that was where the secret was!

"We do not have time! Quickly, enter the passage, it’s under that tent over there!” Anaa screams, going to her revealing a passage below, a hidden wooden trapdoor, which led to a tunnel to the outside,

“Quickly, quickly, move forward, you will emerge next to the wall in the forest!” Anaa says, drawing her daggers from her back,

Ryn looks at it, and she notices that her robe is still full of gold, it was a shame, but she would have to throw it away,

“I’ll try to delay them, go quickly!” Anaa screams, grabbing Ryn's bag of jewelry, and trying to throw it at the apparition, making a mistake in the process.

"Hey! I was going to use that, you know?” Ryn screams, before being thrown by one of the thieves into the passage,

“I'm staying too, you can go, I'm the leader here after all! And I’m good at fighting!” Raven also says, drawing a short sword,

“Raven! You can't…” Ryn tries to get up, before receiving a punch to the head, causing her to fall into the passage again,

“Hurry up you idiot, and Stary… take good care of her ok!” Raven says, turning her attention

Half of the thieves had already passed through the secret passage, and the rest passed quickly, Stary and Nyla were waiting their turn,

Raven and Anaa, took up a defensive position, an apparition arrives first,

The morning light was revealed over the city, the rays shone on the metal and blood of the machine, the same light also shone on the swords of the human and the wolf, now, they had to endure, and defend everyone,

Anaa launches herself against the apparition with dexterity, dodging its attacks and slashing with her daggers,

The machine was brutally murderous, and was willing to kill everyone there, with each attack, it found an opening, and stuck a needle into its target, making small blood marks on Anaa's fur, painting it red,

The battle is intense, with flames crackling in the air as weapons clash,

Anaa's body was, in just a few seconds, full of needle wounds, and Raven was struggling to stand, trying to overcome her extreme fear,

The apparition suffered damage, but that was the objective, to get closer, cause as much pain as possible to the target, tire him, and then kill,

“Ugh, ugh” Anaa, sighs in pain, feeling her senses disappear,

Stary and Nyla watched in fear, defending the rear from the rest of the group's escape,

“Anaa! Raven! Don’t stay close, fight at a distance, that’s what this machine does, don’t fight close, retreat slowly, we can all escape!” Stary shouts, waiting for the last thief to pass through the secret passage,

“Stary, now it’s our turn!” Nyla screams, calling him,

At the same moment, Raven throws her sword at the apparition, stabbing it in the chest, causing the monster to fall to the ground, defeated,

"It worked out!" Raven, scream with joy, Stary thanks for the tip,

In the distance, several other apparitions appeared, five in total, climbing houses and running, trying to get to them as quickly as possible. Despair grips them as they fight fatigue and fear,

Nyla tries to shoot as much as possible to try to knock someone down, but she quickly uses up all of the crossbow's darts,

“Damn… I ran out of ammo!” Nyla says, quickly grabbing her sword, protecting Stary,

Raven, seeing the imminent arrival of the apparitions, understands that they do not have enough time to escape safely. With a determined look, she turns to Stary and Nyla,

They go! I'll slow them down! I can't let them get to you!" Raven screams, grabbing her sword again from the apparition's body,

Stary and Nyla hesitate, reluctant to abandon their friend, but they know that every second is precious,

“Raven…” Anaa says reluctantly, moving closer to stay and fight too,

"NO! Not you!... I lived my life helping your people Anaa, GO!” Raven screams, pushing her away,

“More Raven, I’m a Lu-a warrior, I can help!” Anaa exclaims,

“Your Mother, Lanary, was a good queen, I can’t… let you die, NOW GO! If not for me, for her, for her people…” Raven says, “Relax guys, I have a plan ok!, I’ll catch up with you in a bit,”

“Raven…” Stary, Nyla and Anaa, look at her, before fleeing through the trapdoor,

“Stary! Nyla!, I know you don’t care, it’s okay,… those thieves… Ryn, they’re my family, just like you, I want to protect them, so… TAKE CARE OF THEM OK!” Raven screams, retreating back,

The screams got louder, the apparitions got closer and closer to the square,

“I'm not angry, friends... we step over everyone, to protect the ones we love... that's how it should be!” Raven says sadly, but with a smile

“I never had a family, you know? I was always abandoned, left to die, but NOT TODAY! Today I am the one who will protect, that is my wish” Raven says her last words,

With a quick movement, she throws Stary, Nyla and Anaa down, and violently closes the Trapdoor, standing on top of her,

They both look at each other, listening to the noises above in fear, but they know, they had to run now, as quickly as possible, for her...

They continue running down the tunnel, Raven's battle cries ringing in their ears, before coming to a complete stop. They feel a mixture of gratitude and sadness when leaving their friend behind, but it was necessary to continue,

Stary's heart beats fast, adrenaline, euphoria, in a few moments, he sees the light of day, like a big crack in the wall, in one jump, they leave the city, joining the rest of the thieves,

Few were there, or those who managed to get there, the forest right behind them was immense, they finally got out, now it was time to run, and hope they wouldn't be chased,

"What do we do now?" one of the thieves bows to Anaa, before there were 30, now there are only 23 left,

“I’m not the leader, it’s him, our Lyor!” Anaa says quickly, throwing the lead on Stary's back,

"He? why?" another thief asks angrily,

“It doesn’t seem like it, but he is our god, I would follow him, until my death!” with a hand on her heart Anaa responds, without fear,

“Psss! I won’t stay with him, being the leader, see you later!” one of the thieves shouts, leaving in the process, with a few others following him, leaving only 16 left,

“Thanks huh…” Stary sees this, with a neutral appearance, “Does anyone else want to go out?”

“Hey, guys, now is not the time, okay! Come on, let’s run again, we have to get out of here,” Nyla puts herself between Stary,

“I know Raven sacrificed herself…she saw you as family, so…I'll help in any way I can. Stary let’s get out of here quickly, how about that direction on that mountain in the distance!” Nyla gives an amazing idea,

“Great idea Nyla! Ok there might be good, from there, I already have an idea where to go” Stary says,

A cold wind was blowing through the forest, and small snowflakes began to fall again, bringing the melancholy with it,

Stary looks up at the sky, deciding to turn his attention to running,

But another tremor happens, stronger this time, interrupting everyone's thoughts, throwing them violently to the ground,

The world falls, the earth shakes, everything collapses, a huge crack begins to form in the wall, and small stones fall from above,

An earthquake happens!

“Hey, Let’s go quickly, towards… the… mountain…” Stary tries to run as much as possible, being followed by the group,

The unstable ground makes their progress difficult, but they persist, moving with determination amidst the chaos,

At some point they arrive at a large elevation, the agitation is interrupted again with a futuristic noise, putting an end to the earthquake,

Stary stops for a moment, trying to identify the source of the strange noise, looking around, and occasionally looking up,

In the sky, there was, like magic, a huge shadow, powerless, hovering over the city,

Giant, enough to stop some sun rays!. The group looked, their eyes did not believe the vision, was it an ancient god?

“Stary… what’s that?” Nyla asks, mesmerized by the sight,

Stary also can't believe what her eyes see, from the distance, the object was immensely gigantic, and seemed to be very far from the ground, in space...

“A ship!?” Stary says confused, he was very surprised,

The innocent ship floated calmly over the city, in the distance, for everyone but him, it was an indescribable sight, something that shouldn't exist, obviously they would think it was a god, but no, it was something much more deadly,

"Guys! We have to keep going, that ship, it’s not a good sign!” Stary tries to get everyone's attention, but in vain,

“How does something like this exist?” Ryn asks, losing her balance,

The ship moved slowly, swimming among the clouds in the sky,

In a moment of calm, another noise, agonizing this time, echoes throughout the region,

Stary looks again, it was as if something had activated, they had to run, he already knew what it was, most likely it was a weapon!

"Let's run! NOW!" Stary lets out a fierce scream, immediately running back,

The unstable ground shakes and crumbles beneath their feet, but they move quickly, avoiding falls and debris.

The snow begins to fall more intensely, creating a landscape that is both stunning and frightening at the same time,

Stary maintains the pace, urging the group to continue, ignoring the exhaustion that begins to weigh on them. Arriving at the mountain, the group climbs quickly, running between the elevations, trying to find a safe place,

Finally, a base between the mountain appears, the cold and pure air surrounds them, bringing brief relief. Looking back, they see the city, motionless,

A simple vision takes away all peace,

Fast, Unexpected, like lightning, a thin line of light, descends from the top of the spaceship, resting in the middle of the city,

Calm, and then, next to the sun, behind, a light as strong as, is thrown, breaking the air around, hitting the ground,

A huge blue laser descends on the city, previously splitting the vision,

Simply, in one second, creating a huge explosion, dismantling all matter in the impact radius, shooting lightning into the sky, and annihilating not only the city, but the entire region,

In a moment, houses, the palace, the nearby village, caves, shops, everything, are evaporated,

The group looks at this catatonic, unable to understand the scene in front of them. Except for Stary, he knew very well, it was an orbital bombardment, that ship, it must have been from the company!

As they watched, a large shock wave spread through the forest below, ripping some trees from the ground, reaching them within minutes, throwing them back with the wind,

The air was charged with electricity, Stary, Nyla and Anaa's hair stood on end, metal weapons acted strangely, giving small shocks to the thieves, a truly terrifying scene, it was like forbidden magic,

The city of Lost Rain, and the Province of Rain, on that day, will also disappear,

The world around trembles under its devastating force,

The group quickly recovers from the impact of the shockwave and stands up, covered in dirt and disoriented,

Some thieves are in shock, Ryn cries uncontrollably, Anaa, kneels on the ground paralyzed, and Nyla holds Stary tightly, hugging his tail,

He looks at the horizon, where the city once stood proud, now only burnt land remained, the forest was gone, there was only absolute nothing,

A reminder, of what true power was, demons, gods, machines, technology, could truly do, the whole world was under attack,

On that winter day, a real war began, a war that would change that world forever,

The day had turned into night, the smoke that evaporated the city, still cracked the skies, not letting the light pass through,

In this scenario, a small discouraged group walked through the long forest,

“Stary, do you still have a long way to go?” Ryn asks,

“After all, where we are going, everyone is hungry and tired” one of the thieves says, “And why are we following a talking animal?”

“Wow, how much you complain” Anaa enters next to Stary, “Look he's almost a god, he knows what he's doing, now you just because you walked a little want to stop?... you want to go back there with... what's the name again? Stary? Machines?”

“Yes, yes, machines…” Stary responds, walking again,

“See… do you want it?” Anaa asked, making everyone silent,

Everyone's morale was below zero, literally, at least Anaa and Nyla were giving them all the support to keep them calm,

Stary, in turn, analyzed, this was not good at all, they had to leave this region, it was a mining company, in a short time, they would mine everything around here, we have to go far away, the temple from before... was a day trip, it was a good place,

He looks at the horizon, where the city once stood proud, now only burnt land remained, the forest was gone, there was only absolute nothing,

All of this, technology, robots, weapons, this world, every day Stary felt a deep sadness for this world. In the end they didn't have the slightest chance of fighting against it, it was the end, not just cities, but this company wanted the whole world, that was strange and oppressive,

“Look, we’re getting close, ok! A few more minutes of travel” Stary says, breaking the silence,

“Stary… is there really going to be a war?” Nyla asks, shivering, walking right behind,

“Let’s think, okay, does Anaa have any other tribes of humans and wolves?” Stary asks,

“For humans there are 4 large regions, Rain, Stone, Tree and Iron… well now only 3, for wolves… there are a few, ours only one!” Anaa is scared when she remembers, “The only thing left is the Ice Rune, to the north, the rest, it no longer exists…”

“Ice Rune… and what are they like?” Staty asks, receiving the simplest answer of all,

“Worse than Lunar Light, among all, the strictest” Anaa trembles, were they that bad?

“Vish… what about humans? There’s not even another kingdom to help?” Stary seemed completely hopeless now,

“Not one…” one of the thieves cuts off the conversation, “At least, as far as I know the other kings don’t owe us anything, besides, they are very far away… miles away”

“We need a plan…” Stary mutters,

However, amidst the darkness and sadness, small rays of light began to filter through the dense fog. They lit the way, revealing the hidden beauty of the surrounding landscape,

Snow-covered trees began to stand out, and the chirping of birds echoed softly in the ears of weary travelers,

tary met with his group and shared his reflections and ideas, trying to cheer them up,

“We are going to the temple ofKirysiny… where I… oh forget it, from there we will set up a base,” Stary stamps his paw hard on the ground, assuming a leader’s stance,

“I know it seems like a losing fight, but we're going to make it, this company, they... they're not gods, all of us, we're going to find our place in this world, and we're going to be safe,” Stary says, hoping this will keep everyone's morale up,

Now, with their spirits revitalized, Stary and his companions moved forward. With every step, the nature around him seemed to come to life again, promising that in the end, everything would get better,

With determined steps, and half a day, at dusk they finally reached the ancient temple of the Kirysiny, where Stary awoke,

When they got close, the middle mountain rose majestically, they surrounded it, enough to find the entrance to the temple, the giant ice crystal had already melted. The entrance was still collapsed, further to the side there was a large passage, into the temple, that wall without a pillar, which collapsed,

Everything was there, as if it were the first time, it didn't even seem like it had been that long, apart from the snow covering everything, everything was the same,

“Wow, everything is just the way I remember it…” Stary looks around, entering the temple,

Looking around he sees, the fox statues, the vases with magic gunpowder, and the unforgettable stalactite, still aimed deadly at where he slept,

“Hihi, I miss you…” Stary lets out a cute laugh, “Come Nyla, I want to show you something!”

“Hey Lyor, what do we do?” Anaa asks,

All the thieves moved in, trying to get out of the cold, settling down in some corner of the temple,

“Well, I know you’re tired, but do what you want, okay, rest, we’ll have this talk tomorrow, okay!” Stary says, turning her attention to Nyla,

“Nyla! Come, come” Stary murmurs, jumping up and down, calling her to see,

“Look Nyla, this is where I woke up… without memories, I don’t know why, I don’t know… but what about the curiosity?” Stary says, standing on top of where he slept before,

"Here? You didn’t get cold, did you?” Nyla says worrying,

"Cold? there is! You can’t even imagine!” Stary lets out a laugh, “You didn’t even see, I was sleeping under that stalactite!”

The two laugh together, it was a really funny situation, until Nyla caressed him,

“Idiot, it’s not funny, you could have gotten hurt, don’t ever sleep in random places again, okay?” Nyla says, controlling her laughter,

“Look…” Nyla pulls the sword from her back, and with little strength she throws the sword with precision, hitting the stalactite, making it fall, cracking the ground, “See Stary, now you can sleep peacefully, I defeated her for you, ”

“Phew, haha, you saved me Nyla!” Stary laughs, making a funny scene,

The two of them spend long enough cracking up together, and playing stupid pranks, long enough that they don't notice, Ryn, Anaa and the thieves, all looking at them with shame,

After all, they were in a cave, a temple, their laughter echoed throughout the place,

“Aiai, these two…” Anaa shakes her head, laughing a little too,

“Wow, they're really friends, I'm going there with them,” Ryn says, running over to them,

“Stary, Nyla, do you guys want to play something?” Ryn asks,

“Well… we don’t have anything much to do…” Stary says, with a playful tone, “Of course! What do you think of tag?”

After Stary, Nyla and Ryn spent a lot of time playing, the night approached,

With their combined skills, Stary and his group began to set up the base inside the temple. Each person contributes their knowledge and talents, creating a functional and welcoming environment,

Luckily, some of the thieves had brought tents. Several of these were erected, supplies organized and a designated training area was established,

Anaa collected some fruit with the help of the thieves, enough to satisfy everyone's hunger,

Little by little, the abandoned place created a welcoming atmosphere for everyone,

Some began to create improvised fires near the tents, warming the place,

“Hey, be careful with the vases, they have a magical substance that explodes, take it from me!” Stary screams at everyone, scaring some, and making others laugh,

“Hey Stray Thanks! Thanks!" one of the thieves, shouts in the distance,

Inside the improvised base, everyone found a comfortable corner to rest. The tents offered shelter from the cold of night and winter, and the fire pits dotted around the area provided a soft, comforting light, they even reused the braziers,

It was time to sleep, and everyone was in their tents, well, almost everyone, there wasn't enough for the 20, so some would have to sleep outside, at least for today,

"LET'S GO! Stary comes in soon!” Anaa says, pushing the fox into a tent,

“NO! EU NO I GO!" Stary shouts back, with even more force,

Nyla was on the side with her arms crossed, laughing at the whole situation,

“Hey, what’s going on here?” Ryn asks,

“This stubborn fox, he wants to sleep on the ground instead of accepting my tent!” Anaa responds, angrily,

“I, no, I'm going to sleep there, Anaa relax, there's no need, IT'S AN ORDER... ok? I’m fine sleeping… with Nyla!” Stary says blushing a little at that ending,

Nyla in a corner of the temple, couldn't help but laugh victoriously when she heard this sentence,

“Okay Lyor, if you need anything… just talk,” Anaa growls, looking at Nyla, “But you know, I’m not going to sleep in a tent either,”

“I’m not going either!” Ryn shouts along with Anaa, trying to sound funny,

“Aaaa but yes you will!” Stary says, giving a gesture to Nyla, making the white wolf simply pick up Ryn with ease, and throw her into the empty tent,

He felt a rush of gratitude to be surrounded by loyal friends, courageous individuals who chose to face adversity by his side.

“Well Nyla, shall we go to bed? I’m already sleepy!” Stary yawns, being followed by her,

Nyla lay down next to Stary, resting her head on her front paws,

“You were really cool, you know? refusing the tent just to sleep… with me…” Nyla says blushing, covering him with her fluffy tail,

While the group was resting, a sound was heard in the distance. Anaa, talented with her flute, played a soft and calming melody. Music filled the air, calming tired minds and easing worries. Everyone slept, forgetting the day and the problems,

The night advanced, and the group surrendered to restful sleep. Dreams and hopes intertwine in their minds, fueling their determinations for tomorrow,

As dawn broke, sunlight filtered into the cave, dispelling the darkness of the night. Stary and his companions awakened, renewed and full of energy to continue their journey,

“Stary… Stary… wake up… I know it’s good to sleep, but you always wake up last… Stary, everyone is outside waiting for you, come on!” a voice says, poking the fox, and letting out small, affectionate giggles,

“Who…Nyla! Yesterday… I mean… was it real?” Stary wakes up, looking around, seeing the wolf in front of him, gently biting his face, trying to wake him up calmly,

“Yes… it’s me, Nyla remember? your friend…” Nyla says, looking at the floor in absolute shame,

“Ha… hihi thanks for waking me up!” Stary says, standing up, shaking her body, “Did I sleep much?”

“Hmm… how do I say this…” Nyla rubs her ears thoughtfully, “Yes! Look, there was time for me to make even more arrows for my crossbow… so shall we? You have to get up!”

Around the base, equipment was arranged. The thieves skillfully set up strategic traps, ensuring the camp's safety. Anaa and Ryn, inspected the supplies, making sure everything was in order,

Everyone worked in sync, united by a common goal: to create a safe place where they could grow stronger,

They were gathered outside, ready to come up with a plan about everything, everyone was awake, and Stary as always, was the last one to wake up,

Outside the view was incredible, for some reason they had set up a big table, and Anaa was shouting at everyone, along with some men, trying to make an incredible plan, but it seemed like everyone wanted to do it differently,

"I'M SPEAKING! We have to hide!” a thief shouted,

"WHAT? And do you want to die? WE HAVE TO ATTACK!” Anaa replied,

“IT AND ATTACK WITHWHAT?! Two wolves, and half a dozen men?!” another thief screams,

There was an endless discussion, Stary seeing this couldn't help but approach, coughing a little, drawing attention to him,

“...” Stary, walks towards the table, stopping just in front of everyone, it was a mess, everyone had an idea of ​​what to do...

“Lyor…” Anaa stops shouting at everyone, and remains silent

“Hmm here it comes… what’s your big idea talking fox?” one of the thieves makes fun of him,

“... you can do whatever you want... you...” Stary says despondently looking at the thieves, “You're going to do whatever you want, right? I don’t care… go wherever you want!”

“Gods... this is what we are facing, many of you are going to die... it's the truth... the most I did was show you this shelter, to protect you... that was Raven's last request after all... now, I don't want to get involved in your stupid choices,” Stary finishes, ignoring the rest, walking past them,

There were 16 thieves, 12 men, and 4 women, at that moment, they all lowered their heads, in the end, the truth is that neither they had a plan for all this, nor did they know what to do next,

“I'm going to the lake nearby to drink water, when you want to talk, I'll be there” Stary finishes, leaving a little depressed,

The fox walks a few meters, entering between the trees, being followed by Nyla, who was worried about his attitude,

The small lake had been half frozen, the water was cold, crystal clear, enough to reflect its reflection and sunlight, conveying a feeling of calm and serenity,

Nyla lies down next to him, watching him with loving, understanding eyes. She knows that Stary is going through a difficult time, struggling with the expectations and responsibilities placed on him as leader of the group,

“Stary… all that, you never wanted to be a leader, right? Ialso I wanted to live an adventure just with you, I wasn’t expecting a war,” Nyla lowers her head looking next to him at the lake,

Stary sighs and looks at the calm water of the lake, a slight headache starts to happen, but he ignores it,

“You don’t have to face everything alone, I’ll always be here!” Nyla comforts him,

“Thank you…” Stary says, putting a paw on his head, “Oh…”

“Hey… what’s up!” Nyla jumps when she sees the scene, he looks like he's in pain,

“I don’t know… I’m just a little dizzy,” Stary responds, feeling her head throbbing in pain,

The water in the lake began to sway in the wind, ruining his reflection, making him feel more and more headaches,

“I… I don’t know…” Stary, crouches on the floor, unable to form thoughts, in extreme pain,

In the midst of his grounded vision, on the other side of the river, he sees a figure, amidst the shadows, with a skeletal, almost astral appearance, the head was a wolf skull, it was pointed to the side, heading south, whispers echo the forest, a voice,

“South… a broken soul… the last one to trust… broken… alone… save…” the being says, disappearing along with the headaches,

“South…” Stary, he says, getting up, but everything around him was still normal, apart from Nyla, who was at his side, completely desperate,

“Hey Nyla, did you see anything there?” Stary asks, recovering from the shock,

"YOU FOOL! Of course!" Nyla runs over hugging him, “Do you realize how much I worried? I thought you were going to faint…”

“Nha, I’m fine, see… Nyla! I already know what to do!” Stary, says stretching, showing her that he was fine,

"What?" Nyla asks,

Before he can explain anything, a quick and sharp noise echoes through the forest, giving them both goosebumps, they already knew what it meant,

It was a machine! An imposing-looking robot emerges from the trees, blocking the path to the lake, it was gigantic, with four metallic legs, the same one that attacked them the first time,

Nyla growled and assumed a defensive stance, ready to protect Stary at all costs, drawing her crossbow and sword,

The mining robot seemed to have not yet been identified, but its sensors were analyzing everything around it, it was a matter of time,

Stary analyzes, he had no weapons! Good thing... it would be much easier that way, instead there were only mining drills,

“Nyla… he has no weapons, when he sees us, let’s run, to the clearing remember?” Stary whispers, with her nodding then,

Various noises happen, the machine analyzes everything, and quickly turns towards them. She had captured them, the robot quickly advances towards them with determination, emitting threatening mechanical sounds,

"NOW!" Stary screams, running quickly, through the trees,

The two move with agility and dexterity, jumping over fallen trunks and dodging branches, arriving at a beautiful clearing,

“Do you have any plans Stary?” Nyla asks, catching her breath,

“Well, I can’t attack, I distract him, and you try to attack him from behind!” He explains,

“Haha, no problem, I’ve always wanted to kill one of those machines!” Nyla, smiles, sharpening her sword in her claws, assuming an attack pose,

The robot runs into the middle of the clearing, apparently not locating them with the sensors,

Nyla quickly fires a shot from her crossbow, hitting some circuits,

The machine moves back, starting to rotate the drills, and runs towards her,

Stary then picks up a rock from the ground in his mouth, and throws it towards him, catching his attention,

The machine runs somewhat clumsily, trying to pierce him, its gears move, releasing smoke to the sides, giving him energy,

Nyla goes around it at incredible speed, and with all her anger, she jumps on the robot's back, stabbing her sword, making the machine swing with her weight,

“What Nyla, try to find some kind of boiler… a giant iron barrel, light it there!” Stary screams, retreating as far as possible,

Upon seeing this, the automaton retreats, and starts a combat module, it contracts the drills, steam, and then, to the side, something resembling a gun appears,

"FAST!" Stary runs after a mean stone,

The robot shoots a powerful laser, rotating, and cutting out some trees in the middle, drawing a scribble on the stone where Stary was standing,

"I thought!" Nyla screams, preparing her claws,

With one hand firmly on her sword, she holds on to avoid falling, and with the other, she makes several scratches into the boiler, releasing a stream of water,

The machine spins, throwing it away and then activates a second method of attack, a compartment emerges from its back, with several mini missiles,

Its gears moved like crazy, the body began to overheat, burning the metal of its housing,

“Nyla, try to aim for one of the legs!” Stary shouts, with her readying another bolt at the crossbow,

A shot happens, from Nyla, she fires at it, the wooden arrow travels, staying in a gear on one of the metal legs, blocking it, making the robot unbalance,

Steam and noise, the machine shook, trying to activate modules and protocolssecondary, too later, with a thud, Nyla runs up, scratching her so hard that she knocks her to the ground,

Ending the battle with a small jet of steam, the machine then deactivates, falling to the ground, becoming inanimate,

Stary and Nyla approach cautiously, observing the inert robot,

“Phew… did we make it?” Nyla asks, withdrawing her sword and throwing it on the ground, "They're easier to defeat than I thought!"

“That wasn’t a Nyla combat robot… it was just a mining one, that explains why it didn’t have many firearms… the cooling system was unprotected, thank goodness…” Stary analyzes the dead machine,

The clearing offers a wide view of the surrounding environment, allowing them to observe the trees cut in half and the half-burnt ground, it was a close call.

“HEY YOU GUYS” a voice shouts in the distance, it was Anaa, running with some thieves,

“Anaa!” Nyla shouts back, waving her presence, “Look we defeated a robot!”

Anaa and the thieves approach the clearing, panting and full of curiosity. His eyes fix on the inert mining robot, lying on the ground, as the smoke dissipates around him,

“Wow…” Anaa whispers, fearfully approaching to touch the machine,

“Anaa, relax, she’s disabled, see… Nyla and I make a great team!” Stary boasts, both giving a high five!

The thieves watch the robot with a mixture of surprise and fascination, they did not expect Stary and Nyla to be able to defeat such a formidable opponent. Some of them even come closer to examine the wreckage and exposed gears up close,

“You guys!… you are amazing! I never thought I would see something like this!” says one of the thieves, his eyes shining with admiration,

"This victory shows that we are on the right path, if we can beat a machine like this, we can face any challenge that comes our way," Another thief adds,

Everyone stays around the machine, talking a little and filling them both with questions,

“Well… Nyla, can you help me here? I want to analyze his back!” Stary turns to her,

She helps Stary remove the iron plate from the back of the mining robot, revealing a complex network of wires and circuits. Everyone was intrigued by the inner workings of the machine and began to examine it more closely,

They approach the group, forming a small circle around Stary, Nyla and the machine,

“Well, I don’t know… anymore! I remember the basics of these things, the cooling system is here, look! But that’s not what I’m after, I want to find, ha… the sensor module, here’s where the robot was produced and what its task is!” Stary, with a proud expression, explains,

"And how did you guys know that? You guys are really smart!" A fascinated thief asks,

“Well, let me see…” Stary removes the sensor module, and starts moving it, activating a small screen,

There was a small map of the region, it looked like they were in the northern part of the planet, the coldest, and guess what... just to the south, the company had set up a warehouse, separate from the main base,

Probably to separate the arsenal and ores from the main base, where they would transport the resources to the ship orbiting the planet,

“Hey, I found out where their base is! Apparently there’s a giant antenna, kind of… something that controls all the robots!” Stary tries to explaingeneric,

“Wow!” Everyone in the place talks together,

“Wow, right? Not only that, but I think I have something to show you…” Stary says, with a mysterious look on his face, “I just need a bucket from one of the temple vases!”

Now yes! We are all super mega, curious about what Stary would do, a man brings the vase, with the freezing powder inside, and hands it to the fox,

With some magic tricks on the sensor module screen, several numbers and letters appear scrambled,

“Okay, I reprogrammed the basics… actually… I just removed the programming for attacking humanoid targets and fauna, that would be a problem, right?” Stary says, making no one understand anything,

Stary instructs them to throw some water and powder into the boiler, and cover it with nailed wood, after some effort, and the wood firmly, the magic was ready,

“Watch!” Stary screams, messing with some wires with her mouth, ripping out the module.

First, the lights in his eyes turn on, glowing an intense blue hue, then his gears begin to slowly move, regaining life. The machine emits mechanical sounds and, finally, its engines roar, causing it to rise from the ground,

Everyone is left open-mouthed, witnessing the rebirth of the machine they themselves defeated. The clearing is filled with admiration and surprise at Stary's skill,

Believe me, haha ​​I can control it now!" Stary exclaimed, proud of his accomplishment,

The machine obeys Stary, walking across the clearing in an impressive display of power and control,

“What the fuck…” Anaa says, with her jaw on the floor,

“Stary… Wow!” Nyla says, proud to have a friend like him,

They witness the fox overpower the robot that threatened them before, now transformed into a tool,

"That's amazing! You're a true genius, Stary!" exclaims Anaa, amazed,

With the machine under their control, they have a significant advantage against the enemy company,

“Now, let's go back to base, I already know where to go! Let’s go South!” Stary screams, straddling the robot,

He had gained everyone's trust now, a wizard, that's how the thieves saw him, the only one who knew the truth there was Nyla, now Anaa, she saw him more as a god now, and Ryn isn't even talking, the little girl I was shaking on the floor with excitement when I saw this,

As night approaches again, the clearing is lit up by the glow of the bonfire, the group celebrates their victory and plans their next steps,

"Let's call him Guardian", proposes one of the thieves. "He will be the protector of our group!"

“Stary, speaking of which, what will our group be called?” Anaa asks,

“It’s true, I don’t think we’re thieves anymore!” a woman says happily,

“A name…” Stary thinks, making everyone look at him “I think I already know one!”

“How about it, super fox god evil group?” Stary says with a glamorous pose,

“…” Everyone looks at each other,

“No…” Everyone responds,

“Okay, okay, wow… you guys are demanding!” Stary says thinking further, “How about…”

“Fragments of the Moon!” Stary speaks, thoughtfully, surprising everyone,

“...” Everyone looks at each other again, more with hope this time,

“I liked this one!” Ryn says excitedly,

“Okay from today onwards, we are from the group, Fragments of the Moon, Our goal is to expel the invaders, from our planet!” Anaa raises her daggers, motivating everyone,

The battle has just begun, and Stary and his companions are ready to fight for their freedom and a future where everyone can live in peace, but for now, it was best to enjoy it, as a party was going on,

Everyone drinks, laughs, and talks together, enjoying today, they even draw pictures on the guardian, and create a symbol for their flag, everyone was having fun,

They had time to clear the debris from the entrance! And harvest a stock of ice star fruit, Everything was wonderful!

At dawn, Stary, the two wolves, and some thieves, meet at the top of the mountain, to decide the next step, the log that Stary placed was still there, being at the top they could see everything around,

The stars were still as beautiful as ever, the days were so busy that Stary didn't even look at the sky anymore, sometimes he even forgot he was on another planet,

With the Fragmentos da Lua group meeting, the following was decided,

The base at the temple looked great! It felt like home, but unfortunately, the group couldn't stay there long, they had to attack,

Altogether they were a group of 20, enough to make a difference,

The company's goal was to mine the planet, so within a few days, they arrived and invaded the temple, killing everyone,

Their objective would be to attack the warehouse first, equip everyone with firearms, and attack the main base, taking down the antenna, or retreat to the temple,

Stary and Nyla, with half the group, would go south, towards the forest of blue trees, and with the guardian, attack the warehouse, and wait for reinforcements,

Anaa and Ryn, along with 3, would seek help from the remaining Rune Wolves, the Ice Rune Wolves, to the north, and get as much reinforcement as possible for the final attack,

The remaining 5 will try to rebuild the Moon temple, with as many resources as possible, weapons and food, and wait for the wolves that Anaa and Ryn will bring, to prepare them for battle,

Stary explains to everyone present what firearms are, he shows them by asking Nyla to make some illustrations that demonstrate how these weapons work,

He emphasizes the importance of keeping safety first and instructs everyone to be careful when handling, and if they find any, it was to keep them, and avoid wasting bullets, it would be impossible to win the battle, without having weapons,

“Okay, everything is planned! You can go to sleep, we leave at dawn with the first drops of dew!” Stary Speaks, like a true leader, encouraging everyone,

Everyone sleeps calmly, in happy dreams, their minds desire a worthy end, that in the end this war will be simple, and that not one of them will die, now in the world of dreams, everything was perfect, it was time to enjoy,

In the end, wolves, men, foxes, everyone dreamed, it was their divine right after all, everyone dreams of a better tomorrow, whoever doesn't, could only be sleepwalking,

As the night turns to dawn, the Fragments of the Moon group gathers again at the temple of the Moon, ready to set off towards their respective goals,

“I know… I also didn’t want to be fighting with a crazy intergalactic company, but right? This is the life! When someone wants to tell you what to do, the only choice is to scratch their face!” Stary climbs onto a statue and speaks,

“The next time we see each other, everything will be normal, remember, if you don’t want to go, you don’t have to, it’s okay to run away… whoever wants to continue, we’ll see you on the battlefield!” Stary emerges all in his voice, saying goodbye,

Meanwhile, Anaa, Ryn, and the other three members of the group prepare for the journey north,

Stary watches the group separate, feeling a mix of emotions, he knew that the battle would be hard and that it would not be easy to achieve freedom, but it was better this way, the deaths would not stop,

In the end, wasn't he different from Raven, selfish? Yes, except with their friends, they just wanted to protect them… and Nyla! The entire planet, and this company was just among them,

As the night progresses, Stary and Nyla lead their group towards the forest of blue trees, walking through the snow,

Walking alongside the wolf once again, they were ready for another journey,

“Nyla… I would die in this useless war, just to save you…” Stary says in a whisper, as she walks, knowing that she heard,

Nyla, in turn, didn't want any of this either, but if everything was going to be destroyed anyway, it would be an honor to die with him,

As they walk away from the temple, the snow-covered landscape begins to mysteriously disappear, as if it weren't winter,

In the forest, they came across the majestic and lush landscape of blue trees, whose leaves shine like sapphires under the moonlight, and beautiful green grass, it was as if the trees chased away the winter,

One week, in one week, would be enough for the company to destroy the planet, in a short time, these forests, animals, it would be a bombed and burned desert,

It was a race against time, who would arrive and attack first? fire or ice?

A forest frozen in time, forever experiencing autumn, trees filled with bluish leaves, it was neither so light nor dark, simply the perfect blue, branches as black as the night, and beautiful shining flowers,

“Wow… this forest, it’s beautiful” Stary comments in awe, walking with the group,

“Hey Stary, do you want to know something fun? This forest is called Fallen Night, legends say that the first Runic Wolves came from here…” Nyla speaks, admiring every corner,

The two were mounted on top of the mining robot, relaxing in the breeze, while the machine carried them, looking around and commenting on how beautiful the forest was,

Small giggles were heard from Stary and Nyla, while the group of 8 thieves continued walking down, entering the forest, looking for the best route,

“What exactly are we looking for Stary?” Nyla asks, pouring some into the machine,

The trees provide shade all along the way, the group was traveling at a good speed, in a few days, Stary hoped to get close to the base, but that wasn't all he was looking for...

“Something broken… I think,” Stary replied, scratching behind her ears, with a confused face,

“Speaking of square… I have something to tell you… I’m sorry,” Nyla says discouraged, taking her crossbow off her back, apparently she had broken it in the previous fight,

“Wow, what a shame… I was already planning several improvements for her Nyla, like explosive arrows and everything…” Stary says, stroking the wolf’s leg, comforting her,

“Relax, one day, I’ll make you an amazing weapon!” he says, with a huge smile,

“You’ve already done… the best one ever,” Nyla says softly, holding the sword to her back tenderly,

After a few hours of walking, enough for the landscape to change three times, next to a river, next to a cool breeze, the guardian they were in suddenly stopped, together with the entire group,

“Stary… I mean, I think you better see this!” a woman in the group screams,

It turns out that Stary and Nyla, an hour ago, had decided to eat some of the fruit, and this whole time, they were hiding upstairs, comfortably taking a long nap,

“A…Me?” Stary says a little sleepily, still waking up, with a fright, “Me, right! Yes, we arrived then... haha, I'm the leader, I'll check, what do you think?”

“Aiai, nothing good lasts forever,” Nyla also wakes up, a little blushing, for some reason,

Ahead, a huge clearing followed, surrounding the river, in the center, a huge stone pillar, with a circle, ancient runes filled the ancestral place, along with flowers and vines,

“I’ve never seen anything like it…” some men in the group begin to explore the place, with swords and daggers in hand,

“That… was simply in the way?” Stary asks, descending with Nyla from the guardian,

“Yes, along the way there were always rocks, small statues, then a little while later, we found this…” a woman says, right next to them on the ground, N

In the center of the circle, there was a small pillar, with runes carved on top,

Stary approaches the group, supporting himself, trying to read the mysterious markings,

“A single sparkling flower will call me to talk…” Stary stands aside, amazed,

“Since when do you know how to read runes? What are you? One does it all?” a man in the group makes fun of him,

“Well, let’s obey then… a flower, right?” Nyla ignores the comment, feeling like punching whoever made it in the face, leaving the circle,

She goes towards some, picking one up abruptly, returning and simply throwing it on top of the pillar,

"And now? It was just that…” Nyla says, crossing her arms, waiting for something to happen,

Something happens, scaring everyone, the flower shines! a strong wind blows through the trees, and a flute melody begins to play,

A brief, beautiful song plays for a few seconds, with the ending, triggering a quick tremor, cracking the floor, in the middle of the circle,

Everyone retreats back, another small tremor occurs, only the ground inside the circle collapses below, following a fierce noise, like a wild beast,,

“Rrrrrr” a growl passes through the air, coming from the center,

Fast and lethal, a large, shiny metal claw comes out of the ground, as if something dead is trying to crawl out of the earth. It was gigantic, stones broke, and with great force, the being stood up, throwing rubble everywhere,

“Finally…” The being says, in a tired tone,

It was a Metal Wolf! Giant, like a machine, but conscious, runes spread across its body, it had vines and earth spread out, it was something ancient, everyone was sure of that,

“Who woke me up? Now, where is my education…” a noise runs through the day, along with speech,

Upon activation, the creature's eye glowed green, sharp teeth and claws like blades, it was a literal wolf!

“Sorry for the bad translation, but… who is the leader here?” The wolf lies on the ground, shaking the ground around him, just with his size,

Everyone looks at each other in fear, retreating back, leaving Stary and Nyla in front,

“Hmm, do you talk? like… I mean, hi!” Stary says shaking a little,

“Curious, 9 humans… 1 wolf, and you?” the wolf approaches with its metallic face,

"Nine?!" Stary steps back curiously,

"Machine!" one of the group shouts, shooting a bow and arrow, towards the robot, with the project being countered by an invisible shield,

The being recoils from the attack, a strong glow runs through its body, towards its large sharp metal ears, and with a shake of its head, it launches a sonic attack,

A strong noise passes through everyone, adjusting the right frequency, at times fainting, all the men and women of Stary's group,

“Sorry… your friends will wake up soon… now you! I don’t sense any aggressive intentions from you!” the metallic wolf approaches again,

Her voice was feminine, I knew, but sometimes, she sang in a masculine tone too, as if she was changing it, for everyone's better understanding,

“So, you are the leader here? curious little creature… thanks for waking me up” The wolf says, bending down to talk to Stary,

“Ehh…why did you say nine? There are only eight here…” Stary says, trying to retreat with Nyla, distracting the machine,

“Oh, that one over there… is that yours? impressive! Do you already have automatons? Has it been that long? There... there's a human being, piloting that one..." the wolf says, noticing the two retreating,

Stary signals Ela to go check it out, as an excuse to get away from danger. Once there, she quickly searches among the guardian's gears, finding a lock of red hair,

“Stary… look what I found here!” Nyla screams, pulling the sleeping little girl,

“Ryn?!” Stary shouted in amazement, “How… ha, I see… she hid, right?”

“Hmm, you guys are so fun…” The wolf says, reminding the two of his presence, “I can wake your friend up if you want…”

The machine was as tall as a tree, another sound, different, more harmonious, waking only the girl, now scared by everything. The wolf turns its attention to Stary, stealing the attention,

"And you? What is your name?" The wolf asks,

“It’s good… Stary!” Stary moves away, crashing against a rock,

“Your bone structure, your organism, is not in my database… are you an alien? I won’t have to kill you, right?” The wolf stands up, with its eyes analyzing him from top to bottom,

“Well, I’m not from here… and it would be nice if you didn’t kill me! You know, I'm helping them, there's a much greater danger attacking this planet, a mining company, and it's destroying everything…” Stary says, using all his non-existent charisma,

“Hmm, are you helping humans? But what about this lupine… is she your friend?” The wolf in a few steps comes close to Nyla, “I'm happy! That your species went forward, I remember when you didn't even have tails, and here you are, you are an incredible female!”

“My kind… is almost dead, in a few days, I think so am I,” Nyla responds, being rude,

“Haha, don’t be rude little girl, my job has always been, to give life, I will help you!” The wolf rises, dancing backwards, each step shaking the earth, and with a glorious pose he says,

“My name is Jade! Project Life, for my creators, now Jade, I invented it myself! Did you like it?” Jade says proudly,

"What are you? an artificial intelligence?” Stary asks, putting her fear aside,

“Oh, do you know what this is? Yes! Now the question is, where did you come from? My analyzes may be flawed, I have been inert for a long time, but based on the graphs, the next planet with the possibility of life is 115 light years away…” Jade, it was difficult to believe that life existed like that,

“Sorry for the delay…enough with the introductions,” Jade, moves some runes on her body, releasing another sound, to wake up all the humans this time,

“I… will help you, I don’t guarantee victory! Time hasn’t helped me much, my secondary systems are inoperative… I couldn’t create or modify the genetics of a bird like that, but I can fight with you, that’s my duty!” Jade speaks, looking around,

Stary looked at this in disbelief, not even he knew what this Life Protocol was, apparently it wasn't something dangerous, it seems that this planet was created by someone before, Kirysiny?

Stary, Nyla and Ryn look at each other, doubting what just happened, this was so strange, what's more, but strange still, was Stary having seen this in a vision, was this broken being he had to find?

“I thought she was cute, I’m going to go talk!” Ryn, shouts, running towards the giant being,

Little by little the humans wake up, Stary takes the lead to explain the new ally, which makes them worship the fox triple, thinking he was really a god!

Ryn spends some time playing and talking with Jade, it seems like she didn't really care about the detail of her being a giant wolf, but that's okay...

Stary approaches, after talking to everyone about the change in plans, and decides to clarify the situation with Jade,

"Jade! Hi, so... I'll tell you the truth, ok, a few days ago, half of the Runic Wolves were killed, and a human city exploded with a laser, this company, MinerSpaceMS, they have an army, ready to decimate this place, I All I know is that their base is here, in the south… you… help us?” Embarrassed stary plays his charm,

“Hmm, well the air is more electrified than usual… so it’s true! So is this machine theirs? And you reprogrammed it?” Jade asks, pointing a claw at the guardian,

“Yes, it was a mining robot, but it's pretty old and worn out, we just tinkered with the heat… thing, to adjust… the temperature,” Stary replied, trying to sound intelligent,

“Hmm, apparently, their technological level is still 2, I see sensors, modifiers, but nothing more advanced than that, you are still at level 1, daily for swords, you already know how to work with steel, but not with alchemy or electricity…” Jade analyzes,

“I'll be honest, it's going to be difficult! But first… is that there on the machine a mini antenna?” Jade says, letting out a laugh, standing up,

Without much effort she raises a claw, and simply slams it against the machine, flattening it against the ground, and exploding,

Everyone looks scared, at the show of strength, cables come out and connect to the former guardian, collecting information,

“Sorry about that, Stary... it should have taken work to fix this robot, but now... I managed to access the main antenna via transmission! This base is closer than you think, a little to the west now, the warehouse is, close by, beyond that valley!” Jade says, removing her claw from the rubble,

“No problem…” Stary says, perplexed, “Come on then! Attack the warehouse!”

It's the perfect opportunity to attack and disable the robots' control system,

Stary and his companions quickly prepare. Jade, with her imposing presence and unique abilities, is a valuable ally on this journey,

“Well, I was thinking, these resident machines probably come from there, there must be some way to access them all, and cut communication with the main antenna, right? Jade, can you hack it?” Stary asks, standing on top of her head,

The huge robot wolf walks between the trees, its simple presence is enough to push some out of the way, Stary, Nyla and Ryn were holding on to vines, avoiding falling from above,

“It’s a good plan! I’ll come with you to the main room,” Jade says, cautiously dodging obstacles,

As they head to the warehouse, the group remains cautious and in constant communication,

Stary leads with determination, using her intelligence and strategic skills to avoid unnecessary deaths,

“Okay group, it's time, me, Nyla and Ryn, will follow behind Jade, to the control room. Let’s clear the way for all of you to the weapons room, there remember what I taught you about them, get equipped, and look for a place to shoot from afar!” Stary screams,

In the middle of the valley, Jade lowers herself close to the ground, letting them climb out, then assuming a combat stance, activating the large shield, which surrounded her entire body, almost magical!

As they approach the warehouse, they can see a tall security fence and mechanical guards positioned,

With the information provided by Jade, they plan a stealthy approach to enter the place without arousing suspicion,

With enviable speed, she climbs a hill next to it, jumping into the fence. With a simple scratch, she uses her claws, tearing the electric fence, opening a passage,

His imposing presence is enough to intimidate any enemy that may come his way,

The group enters the path, lowering themselves onto an iron wall,

The battle begins with the entry of the Fragmentos da Lua group into the MinerSpaceMS warehouse,

"OK, let's go! ADVANCE!" Stary shouts, with everyone immediately shooting arrows,

Jade advances, with a single blow, dividing a machineRandom in the middle, being focused by the mechanical turrets,

The sound of gunshots echoes across the fields, Jade defended as many shots as possible with her shield, operating in front of the group,

“TRY NOT TO DIE!” Nyla shouts, charging after Jade,

With a swing of her tail, Jade knocks down the door of what appeared to be the place's weapons stockpile,

The entire warehouse had now noticed their presence, they were going to attack with everything,

“Come on quickly, grab as many weapons as possible!” Stary shouts, running alongside Nyla,

The huge iron shed had shelves full of boxes, with newly mined raw metals, and some firearms, scattered around the place,

Sounds of missiles are heard, exploding in the distance, Jade due to her size cannot enter with them, and was outside, facing everyone at once,

“Stary! Help me with this box here?” Nyla screams, next to Ryn, crouched in fear behind her,

"Clear!" Stary runs to help her, the box was huge, and there was a symbol indicating a weapon on it,

Opening the compartment, inside was a huge laser rifle, a large weapon, with steel rods, it looked brand new,

Nyla's eyes light up when she sees this, she cunningly takes the weapon, it was perfect for her size,

Most of the thieves together had also equipped weapons and armor for combat,

“Stary! Will you teach me how to use it?” Nyla asks, with a mischievous smile,

Outside, volleys of shots hit Jade, her long-range system was severely damaged, making things difficult, her energy shield was starting to fail,

The door quickly opens, Nyla comes out shooting laser blasts at everything that moves, with a well-aimed shot, opening a hole in a mining machine, melting the surrounding metal,

“LOOK FOR COVERAGE!” Stary screams, leaving then, bending down next to Nyla,

The entire group leaves, and begins to counterattack, shooting at the machines, trying to hit as many as possible,

Jade was on the other side of the field, close to a certain one, crouched down, being the target of several explosions,

"Jade! Nyla, let’s go there!” Stary tells her before shouting, “TO COMMAND ROOM!”

The ground shakes, on a mountain, something starts to rise, a huge metal robot,

It was a war machine, long adjacent arms mount, in the center, a large metal eye opens, lighting the day red, several cannons are armed, aiming at the Fragments of the Moon group,

“GET DOWN!” Stary screams, before the thunder of gunfire echoes through the air,

To the sides, several explosions occur, destroying the ground and part of the buildings, hitting some men, then killing them, throwing metal shrapnel everywhere,

Stary closes her eyes, hugging Nyla and Ryn, it was the end, for a moment, everything seemed quiet, until...

“Stary… the control room remember?” It was Jade! Protecting them with your body from explosions,

“Jade…” Ryn cries when she sees her,

Their invisible shield was gone, their metal plates were shattered on the ground, proving the inevitable, they had to be quick,

“I was trying to hack the control room in the distance, I found… the password…” Jade says succumbing to the damage from the shots,

“And which one is Jade?” Stary screams, desperate,

The War Machine in the distance began to reload its high-caliber weapons, preparing another volley of death at them,

“Ryn…” Jade says, bending down, getting close to her, with her big eyes shining the purest jade green,

“The password… is very long, but it works for everything, could you give me your arm, young lady?” Jade says, resisting, calling Ryn close,

"A! Of course…” Ryn says, wiping her tears, approaching, showing her arm,

“Sorry…” Jade says, with a leisure, leaving her eyes, quickly writing the terminal password on her arm, making the girl groan in pain, “I like you!”

“D312, Avb2, 232A, 3Bf4,” Stary reads, the inscription being made on Ryn,

“Jade… you’re not going, right?” Ryn begins to cry uncontrollably, hearing Jade's armor slowly breaking,

“Stary… later… take my heart ok?” Jade blinks, gathering all her strength to get up from the ground,

The exchange of fire was intense, deafening the air, Jade, walked ahead of Stary, Nyla and Ryn, protecting them with her shattered body, each step was a challenge, towards the warehouse's control room,

“The door is close!” Stary shouts, ducking to avoid getting caught,

Nyla growled in pain, some shrapnel had caught her, but she remained brave, in any gap, getting up to shoot. His rifle was powered by magnetism, so if high it charged with electricity from the air, even better on stormy days,

Jade starts to walk faster, throwing her large body close to the central building, serving as a barricade,

A large red light lights up again, indicating the war robot's imminent attack,

“Go…” Jady says, growling to get up,

“Jade… thank you!” Stary says, running trying to open the control room door,

The machine takes aim, starting to shoot, bombarding the place, a hail of shots takes place, with all of them, hitting Jade's body, exploding the surrounding area,

She falls to the ground, her body collapses, but she resists, trying to stay upright as much as possible, before her systems shut down,

A single cannon shot hits her squarely! In an explosion,sorting out the guardian wolf's body in several pieces, throwing her lifeless carcass to the ground, deactivated...

The last spark of her green eye shines, and goes out, the metal guardian wolf falls defeated, now only lifeless scrap remains,

The explosions stopped suddenly, all the shots were focused on her, giving time for Stary and the others to invade the command room,

The room was cold, with a large computer in the center, outside, he could hear the war robot recharging, he had to be quick,

“Ryn! Give me your arm!” Stary shouted, pulling her close, copying the code,

“Stary!” Some men enter the room together, “Three of us died, will we make it?”

“Almost there…” Stary shouts again, hearing the sound of the large machine activating,

"READY!" Stary presses a button with her snout,

Then... nothing happens, next to that, all the sounds of gunshots stop, leaving everything in deadly silence,

Stary runs towards the control room door, leaving the technological scene behind, outside, he growls, seeing everything bombed. The war machine, at the top of the mountain, was deactivated, it was in chaos, he really hated war,

Upon leaving, he comes across the inert and dismembered body of Jade, the metal guardian wolf, lying dead, next to the door, motionless,

“Because…” Stary retreats a little, not letting out a tear,

“Stary! Wait!" Nyla shouts, close behind, “Oh… are you okay Stary?”

“Yes… it’s just, she saved us all, right? we would be dead now without her…” Stary responds, approaching the fallen Jade,

“She saved it!” Nyla states, with courage, seeing her friend depressed,

Ryn follows, right behind, throwing herself at the inanimate metal body, still crying,

Stary observes the once-living rubble lying on the ground. His gaze falls on her last spark, something like a green sphere, which glowed dimly amidst the destruction,

Carefully, Stary approaches and collects it, placing it in a bag on her waist,

“Your heart… was that it?” Stary asks, depressed,

As Stary holds the spark, silence hangs in the air. The sounds of war cease abruptly, and the Fragments of the Moon group emerges from the warehouse, stunned by what they have just witnessed, the five survivors approach Stary, looking with expectation and relief,

"What will we do now?" one of them asks, his voice full of emotion,

Stary takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. He looks at each of the hopeful faces surrounding him and gathers his words with determination,

"Now! Let's maintain position, and wait for Anaa's reinforcement...assemble camp, and search everything around,” Stary orders, leaving shortly afterwards, head down,

It was close to dusk, and Stary retreated to a corner of the base, trying to process what had just happened.

Nyla watches Stary from afar, playing with some stones on the ground. With compassion in her eyes, she approaches and sits beside him,

“Stary, are you okay? I know… it must be difficult, I… I didn’t want to be in this war, I just wanted… to be together with you, in our cabin, eating and playing!” Nyla says, resting her head on his shoulder,

“How is Ryn?” Stary asks,

“She… she’s there, lying next to Jade” Nyla responds, with a sad expression,

“I was scared, you know?” Stary breaks the silence, “Of losing you…”

“You won’t lose me ok! You… are amazing Stary, I trust you, always to save me!” Nyla blushes, standing up,

“Plus I have this gun now, wow it’s good! I’m invincible now haha!” Nyla laughs,

Stary laughs a little, from her attitude, the rest of the group, was exploring the place, and standing guard,

“Hey Nyla! Shall we go somewhere… be alone?” Stary asked blushing, dying of embarrassment,

“Hmm, sure, where to?” Nyla says, a little embarrassed, not understanding the reason for the request,

It turns out that they were in a corner of the warehouse, near a giant warehouse, and the door was half unlocked, which Stary entered,

“Come… this way, it’s kind of… a surprise, you know!” Stary laughs, entering the place,

“More Stary… it’s dark in here!” Nyla says, trying to find him,

Nyla follows Stary, a little hesitant but curious about the surprise he mentioned. She enters the dark place, trying to see in the pitch black,

Suddenly something scared her, it was Stary, who in the middle of the darkness, ran to hug her,

Nyla is startled by Stary's sudden approach and lets out a small scream of surprise. However, as soon as she realizes it's him, her heart calms down, making her blush with embarrassment,

“Stary! What you doing?" Nyla laughs, a little awkwardly,

Stary lets out a nervous giggle, tightening her hug around Nyla,

“I always wanted to do this, you know?” he admits, blushing slightly,

“Wha…hug me?” Nyla steps back, placing her hand against a wall,

“Well, I thought… I was going to die today, so… I don’t want to live anymore, without attitude!” Stary responds, pushing her against something,

At the same moment, the lights in the shed come on. In front of her Nyla feels her heart speed up as Stary looks at her shyly,

Nyla is speechless as she stares at Stary, her violet eyes are so beautiful.

“Hi…” Stary says, trying to look at her,

“Hi…” Nyla replied, her eyes taking in every detail of his face,

“You… can come and hug me, whenever you want… okay?” Nyla says, not knowing what to feel,

The time, for, it seemed, that this could last forever, it was something unique, special, Stary felt, that they could, do the impossible, together...

'WHAT'S THAT?" a voice shouts, in the distance, traveling towards the two, scaring them

"ANYTHING!" Stary and Nyla scream, immediately breaking apart,

It was Ryn, walking calmly through the front door, with a curious expression,

"Ryn! Hi, you won't believe it, Stary was showing me… I mean…!", exclaims Nyla, trying to hide her embarrassment as she fixes her hair,

Ryn looks at them with a raised eyebrow, a mischievous smile appearing on her lips,

"Oh, don't tell me I interrupted, something..." Ryn laughs, amused,

"No, no, no… I was just showing her… how it works and weapons…" Stary blushes even more and tries to explain herself quickly,

"Of course, of course! Did you forget? I don't understand anything about these things," Ryn can't help but laugh,

“But hey, why are you even here?” Nyla joins in the laughter, realizing the situation is becoming funny,

"Alright, alright. I won't pick on you anymore," Ryn shakes her head, laughing even harder, "But, I have to say… you guys look so adorable together!"

Stary and Nyla exchange glances, their faces still flushed. They can't help but smile at the situation. Even with the initial embarrassment,

“But I wasn’t talking about you… I was talking about that!” Ryn laughs, pointing into the distance,

Stary and Nyla had a bad perception, not to notice the spaceship, right behind them!

Stary and Nyla quickly turn around, following Ryn's pointing finger. Their eyes widened when they saw the spaceship there, so close. Stary lets out a feminine scream of surprise mixed with excitement,

“Yayyyyyy!” Stary, jumps, running to throw himself at the ship, hitting his head on the metal,

“Wow… what's that again?” Nyla says, not understanding anything,

The spacecraft, in perfect condition, is medium in size, large enough to house five people comfortably. It has a futuristic appearance, with aerodynamic lines and a shiny silver paintwork, its wings extend elegantly, suggesting speed and agility.

“That was my dream! A SPACE SHIP!” Stary screamed, throwing herself to the ground in happiness,

“ONLY MINE… Hahaha… hahaha,” Stary was having a power crisis, rotten fox,

With shaking hands, they open the hatch and enter the ship. Inside, they discover a spacious cabin, equipped with control panels and comfortable seats. The ship exudes the smell of advanced technology and adventure,

Stary, in turn, runs to the main seat, sniffling breathlessly with so much emotion,

“I…oh…wow…yay…” Stary says, with his face buried in the controls,

“That's surreal... but what does that do?” Nyla asks, still not understanding anything,

Stary takes the pilot's seat, her eyes shining with excitement. He becomes familiar with the controls, feeling connected to the ship,

"Let's leave for a new destination, away from this war," Stary says, her voice full of hope,

“Away…” Nyla and Ryn look at each other, starting to wonder,

"Where are we going?" Ryn asks, looking at Stary,

“Wherever you want!” Stary, says excitedly,

“Stary!” Nyla shouts getting his attention, “But what about the war? the company… the planet?”

Stary pauses for a moment, looking at Nyla and Ryn seriously. The sparkle in his eyes begins to be replaced by a more normal expression,

“I think… it's time for us to talk… I promised you…” Stary says, backing up, towards the wolf,

“I… I'm not from here…” Stary says breaking the silence, “I don't remember anything, I just know who I am, I think… Stary… that's my name! But I don’t know where I’m from… But I know where I’m going… it’s complicated,”

"Where?" Nyla responds,

“Remember my treasure map Nyla? I call him that, he’s there!” Stary says pointing with his snout, upwards, “In the stars!”

“Stars?” Ryn asks,

Stary then sits next to them, and explains literally everything,

"You know, we are not alone in this vast universe," Stary begins, his voice filled with wonder,

He then explains about everything, what planets are, what stars, suns, galaxies are, what they were, and that everything, infinity, was much bigger than they thought, each place in the cosmos had its own own culture, and mysteries,

“I have this intuition, this calling, that my true origin is linked to distant places,” continues Stary. "I feel, something like stellar coordinates that point to possible destinations where we might find clues about who I am and where I came from."

Nyla and Ryn listen intently, their expressions reflecting a mix of curiosity and fascination,

“Remember, I told you that the moon spoke to me? to go to her? So… I just needed a ship, now I have one!” Stary screams, wagging his tail,

“The Guiding Moon? Do you want to go there?” Nyla says in surprise,

“Aren’t you… just a talking fox with no memory then?” Nyla asks in amazement,

Stary shakes her head, making Nyla's eyes sparkle with excitement,

"I can't wait to see what the universe has in store for us, Stary. It's like a fairy tale!" Ryn nods, sharing Nyla's enthusiasm,

“This war… I don’t want to abandon them… Do you trust me?” Stary asks, turning to the controls again,

"Sim!" Ryn, scream,

"Ever! Stary” Nyla sits next to him, confident that he would make the best choices,

“Thank you for trusting me,” Stary says, moved. "Our journey may be challenging, but I'm sure we will find a place, with answers, of our own!"

With renewed determination, Stary looks at the ship's controls. He starts to program the coordinates,

The engines purr with fire, the lights come on, revealing a control panel full of options and possible routes,

By pressing a button, a laser is launched at the shed door, destroying the obstacle. The men on guard outside feel the vibrations coming from the shed…

The spaceship reveals itself, generating curious looks from everyone below in the warehouse. Like lightning, the spaceship rises into the sky, cutting across the horizon with determination, leaving everyone confused below,

“Stary! Are we flying? more like?" Nyla laughs excitedly, her mind full of questions,

“All in good time... now, let's see what we're dealing with!” Stary says, with his paws resting on the steering wheel, swooping the ship,

It was an incredible feeling to be able to fly, down there, through the glass of the cabin, the forest was dazzling, with vivid colors, little by little the warehouse was left behind, next to the blue trees in the distance,

But what made the difference was the sky, the clouds up there were fluffy and calm. The sunset stretched across the horizon, painting the immensity orange,

Stary configures the ship, making it glide calmly for a few moments,

“It’s beautiful…” Stary smiles, he didn’t believe it, he had finally gotten his ship, easily, it was almost a gift,

Nyla was next to him, struggling to fit into the chair, due to her size, admiring the landscape, with shining eyes,

“Too bad… we have something to do first… this planet has already lost too many lives!” Stary says, turning her attention,

"I have a plan! I left our guard group at the outpost, let’s try to locate Anaa, and deactivate the tower… with the code on Ryn’s arm!” Stary speaks, pulling a lever,

The ship descends in a low plane, activating systems, calmly landing on top of a snowy mountain, in the distance, a huge antenna divided the skies, it was the main base!

“This… we are on top of a mountain?!” Ryn says in shock, “It was so fast!”

The light of the sunset passed through the glass of the ship, hitting their faces, coloring Nyla's fur,

“Let's wait…” Stary says, “This ship has a computer… I hope to start that war machine at the outpost, to attack, the main base… agent needs a distraction, to get in, if that doesn't work… Anaa will be our hope !”

“And how are you going to do that?” Nyla asks,

“This code… it must be universal, high-ranking, it can activate or deactivate everything in the company… including that robot, I just have to find the right frequency. For now, let’s sleep here today!” Stary says, deactivating the ship's engines,

“Damn huh… it’s hard to control it with just your paws and nose,” Stary laughs, resting on the chair,

Night falls over the mountain, enveloping the spaceship in a tranquil atmosphere, stars dot the dark sky, while the moon shines softly. Stary, Nyla and Ryn find comfort inside the ship's cabin, their tired bodies settling into the seats,

As silence reigns, the gentle sound of the wind passing through the mountain trees echoes in the air. A cool breeze enters through the nave's open window, bringing with it the scent of pine trees and damp earth,

However, amidst this tranquility, the distant sounds of explosions and mechanical noises begin to be heard, waking them up,

"What is happening?" Nyla wakes up worried about the sounds of destruction that disturb the serene night, holding Stary's tail,

Stary stands up from her seat, looking out the window at the mountainside,

On the mountain in the distance, there was a giant metal being, climbing it with ease, with lights scanning it. He sees the bright lights of the company's machines, digging and drilling the earth in search of valuable resources,

“They must be mining the mountain, looking for iron and resources, to make more machines,… probably for money too,” Stary comments, looking curious,

Ryn joins them at the window, watching the scenery below, her face reflecting indignation,

“We better try, go back to sleep, I don’t think Anaa will arrive today… tomorrow I’ll activate the war machine… I’m sorry, I’m just sleepy…” Stary says, settling back down,

The first rays of sunlight appear, traveling through Nyla's sleeping remains,

As Stary nearly drifts off to sleep, Nyla tosses and turns in her seat, unable to ignore the sounds of distant explosions and flashing lights in the valley. Concerned, she gets up and approaches Stary, poking him lightly on the shoulder,

“Stary…Stary, wake up, I heard sounds downstairs, it’s morning!” whispers Nyla, worried, “It feels like a battle,”

Stary opens his eyes, now completely alert. He gets up and runs to the ship's window, but he can't see anything,

Nyla and Stary run out of the ship, followed by Ryn. They nimbly descend the mountainside, looking for a better view, as they get closer, they see a glorious and astonishing scene,

It was the Ice Runa, an army! Anaa had done it! There must have been a thousand, or two thousand down there!

“Come on, let’s go, it’s time!” Stary screams, running back to the ship, activating the controls,

The ship rises, marking the snow below, flying second with it, towards the mountain below,

Several shrill howls were heard, as they got closer they could see,

A gigantic number of wolves. The Ice Rune, a formidable army, are gathered below the mountain, ready to face any challenge that comes their way,

The wolves, with their cloaks adorned with glittering crystal designs, display a majestic and determined posture. Astride giant grizzly felines, they move in perfect harmony with their deadly mounts,

Anaa led them, along with other generals, there were carts with several pots, the same ones from the temple, those with ice gunpowder! O'Which indicated that Anaa had passed there,

Ice Rune's wolves boldly advance against the company's machines, which dig the earth in search of valuable resources,

The wolves, mounted on their powerful and agile brown creatures, launch a furious attack against the machines. Blasts of ice light up the battlefield, freezing everything in their path,

Ice spears are wielded by the wolves, cutting through the air with lethal precision, each strike is accompanied by an explosion of ice that envelops the machines, freezing their gears and paralyzing their movements,

The blue glow of the spears stands out against the white landscape, contrasting with the gray metal,

The company's machines try to fight back, firing bursts of shots, lasers and launching missiles towards the wolves, causing several casualties,

The snowy field turns into a stage of chaos,

The snowy field witnesses the clash between wild nature and uncontrolled technology,

“Stary! What’s the plan now?” Nyla asks, holding on to some shelves,

“Let's go up to the antenna! and try to get the code in, before more people die!” Stary speaks, turning the ship,

At top speed, they head over the battlefield, with Stary trying her best to shoot lasers at the fleet of robots below,

“Nyla, can you run there? Look, just put these numbers in the terminal… easy, easy, then you will find, hmm… SpaceSM, or something like that, then just click on them, and click on connect!” Stary shouts, flying over the antenna,

“Hmm ok, but why me?” Nyla asks,

“You are faster! I’m not going to turn off the ship, run there, turn it off, and run back here… then let’s go!” Stary nods, opening the hatch, just inches from the ground,

Down below, the war rages on, the big cats jump on the machines tearing them apart with their claws, while the wolves destroy as much as possible,

They are determined to protect their land and their freedom, whatever the cost,

As they fly over the antenna, a little song plays, showing the company's logo, in which Nyla growls in disgust,

He looks into the distance, ignoring the thought of being in a war as much as possible, concentrating on balancing the ship for Nyla to jump,

Stary frowns, worried about the current situation of the war, he knew that the imminent confrontation could get worse, lucky that Anaa had managed to convince the wolves to fight,

“Stary… the situation down there doesn’t look good,” Nyla says, opening the ship’s hatch,

“Okay, don't worry, they should be fine. It's time to activate it." Stary speaks urgently,

“Activate it?” Nyla and Ryn look at each other,

“Haha, that was my secret surprise! Remember the war robot back in the warehouse? So…” Stary laughs out loud,

He then presses a button on the ship's control panel, sending a signal to the antenna on the side, accessing the network that with the password Jade gave,

Back there, in the warehouse, the war robot trapped in the mountain begins to move, digging itself out among the stones, collapsing several rocks,

“Okay, there he goes… I programmed him quickly, so he wouldn't attack anyone! He will only walk in that direction, focusing shots on him, ensuring the protection of the Ice Rune wolves!” Stary, explains,

The Ice Rune wolves watch in awe and surprise as the robot approaches. Its spears and ice blasts seem ineffective in the face of the machine's imposing presence,

The war robot advances, ignoring the attacks of enemy robots, advancing towards the antenna tower. The wolves unite with the war robot, taking the opportunity to counterattack with even more ferocity,

With each step, the ground shakes, explosions echo across the battlefield, and the ice shatters beneath your path,

“Oh, they’ve already started attacking!” Stary comments, noticing large numbers of wolves, running against the main base,

Down below, the atmosphere around them takes on a mystical air. Snow begins to slowly fall from the sky, forming sparkling crystals,

“Okay, now we have all the time in the world to disable the antenna!” Stary says looking between the controls,

“Sorry… but you're going to have to jump into the tower Nyla…” Stary says, stepping back awkwardly, returning his concentration, “Here, I copied the code from Ryn's arm onto a piece of paper,”

Stary, descend with the spaceship, close to an iron platform, high up in the tower, high enough to be close to the clouds,

The scene is a true work of art, with the silhouette of wolves fighting below, and the ship next to the transmission tower, standing out against the colorful sky,

The war machine, reaching its limit, crossing the border of the base, advances closer and closer to the control antenna, its destructive force leaving a trail of chaos and destruction along the way,

The confrontation between Ice Rune's wolves and the company's machines reaches its climax, as gunfire and explosions fill the air, huge ice crystals form below, filling the entire battlefield,

“Wow, looks like they found a good use for that magic gunpowder!” Stary analyzes,

“Okay now… Nyla you just jump and…” Stary starts to speak, before getting scared,

Ryn, who had been cowering behind a chair on the ship all this time, has a lapse of courage, and for some unknown reason decides to act on her own,

Stary and Nyla watch Ryn, with determined eyes, jumping from the ship towards the metal structure, clinging desperately to the tower structure,

“Ryn!” Nyla screams, trying to catch the little girl, “Get back here already!”

Ryn is determined to stop the antenna from continuing to send control signals to the war machines, she wants to help everyone, for Raven, for Jade,

"NO! I will help everyone this time!” Ryn screams, holding onto metal bars, balancing herself due to her height,

Nyla's heart races with anxiety as she sees Ryn running to a nearby computer,

Below, the confrontation between wolves and machines intensifies, explosions echo across the frozen landscape, leaving a trail of death and destruction. The air is filled with the painful howls of fallen wolves and the metallic sound of machine bodies colliding with each other,

Stary focuses on keeping the ship stable, while the scene below him unfolds in frantic chaos,

But above them, something worse was revealed on the battlefield, casting a sinister shadow over everyone,

It was the ship from before! The one that destroyed the city, covering the sun, leaving the battlefield, like night, not letting even a single daylight pass through,

The control ship, which was in orbit around the planet, begins to appear above the battlefield, launching small drones and gunfire in the distance. The deafening sound of its turbines echoes across the skies, announcing its menacing presence,

“Ugh, it’s the company’s command ship!... RYN COMES BACK SOON! LET'S GO!" Stary screams, but to no avail,

From the top of the ship, small bombs begin to be launched towards the battlefield. They hit the ground, bursting into flames and sending fire across the ice,

“RYN IF YOU DON’T COME BACK I’LL THROW YOU FROM THIS ANTENNA!” Nyla also screams, without any success, the little girl, wasn't even paying attention to them,

Meanwhile, Ryn runs desperately in search of the nearest computer. She knows that every second is precious and that the lives of many are at stake, with her small trembling hands, she tries to enter the code,

The computer starts playing a company marketing video, with commercial music,

"Damn it! Stupid machine!” Ryn curses, trying to close the video,

The sight below is frightening and desolate, with the earth shaking beneath the feet of the fighters and clouds of smoke and dust covering the horizon,

“Stary, can you get the ship close to her, then I can jump tohandle-the!" Nyla comments worriedly,

Meanwhile, on the battlefield above, the control ship continues to launch its destructive attacks, unaware of what is about to happen,

As bombardments continue to fall from the sky, Ryn presses the final button, sending the code into the system. For an agonizing moment, there is no immediate answer,

“Code accepted!” The computer says,

Ryn had done it! Then a subtle change occurs on the battlefield. The war machines begin to shake and fail, their weapons becoming inoperative,

“She did it…” Stary and Nyla look at each other in disbelief, with Nyla, opening the hatch,

The Ice Rune wolves, surprised by the turn of events, take the opportunity to counterattack with even more strength and determination, invading the main base,

The great war machine behind deactivates, moments before reaching the tower, falling in flames to the ground with a tremor, exploding in the process,

The control ship, realizing its imminent defeat, slowly retreats into the sky, disappearing toward the horizon. The bombings cease, leaving behind a tense silence and a devastated landscape,

Drones sent from space deactivate in the air, becoming small flaming meteors upon entering the atmosphere,

“Ryn! “ Stary shouts controlling the ship next to the antenna, “RUN FAST!”

Ryn runs as fast as she can towards Stary and Nyla's ship, but time seems to conspire against her,

As it approaches the spacecraft, a meteor drone descends from the sky at high speed, hitting the spacecraft with a deafening boom, driving the sensors crazy,

"Damn it!" Stary grips the controls tightly, “Nyla! Hold on!”

Debris flew in all directions as the ship began to slowly fall,

Ryn watches the scene in terror, her eyes wide with fear. She clings to the control tower's antenna, feeling the biting wind and the force of the nearby impact,

“RYN! Ugh, Nyla only has one way for us to save ourselves! I’m going to have to use all the spacecraft’s energy to go forward, then we use the air to land!” Stary shouts, pulling the lever as far as he can,

Ryn, holding on with all her might, watches Stary pull the lever with determination. The ship begins to tilt forward, and like lightning, an impulse launches it away, towards the sky, disappearing into the immensity,

The feeling of loneliness consumes her, as now she is alone in that desperate situation,

Meanwhile, the remaining drones sent by the control ship continue falling from the sky, scribbling across the starry sky,

Anaa and the few remaining Ice Rune wolves look up at the sky, with this day being marked forever in history,

It was not known how many casualties there were, but for the good of the world...

The war was over! The company had fled!

And Stary and Nyla's whereabouts were now a mystery!

Tears stream down Ryn's face, from the top of the tower mixing with the dirt and grime of the battlefield,

In the sky, next to the clouds, a solitary burning ship, calmly traveling in the wind, slowly falling due to gravity, towards the earth,

Already inside, Stary and Nyla were running from one side to the other, desperate, with several warning signs beeping in red,

"WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Nyla screams, hugging him,

The controls were crazy, lights were flashing in the terminal indicating the damage suffered and Stary was holding the ship's steering wheel with her teeth, trying to balance it,

“Relax Nyla! I can… as long as we have our wings, we can land peacefully,” Stary explains, shifting his weight to one side on the chair,

With one impulse, the ship begins to slide below, falling lightly from the skies, breaking through the clouds,

“Why didn’t we land back there?” Nyla asks in fear,

“Well, you saw that rain of fire falling… that means…” Stary says hopefully, “It means Ryn did it, she deactivated the tower!”

“STARY, LOOK!” Nyla screams, turning her head forward,

The ship was falling faster than expected, almost hitting a mountain halfway,

Stary sticks to the controls, throwing her sideways, scraping one of her wings, into a pine tree on the hill,

“Phew… that was close,” Stary says, he then presses a button with his paws, revealing a map with his location,

“See! Get ready Nyla, we're going to land, however... we're a long way from the temple! I’ll have to find some field or clearing!” Stary screams, desperately looking at the map,

Nyla was scared, poking him frantically, with a catatonia expression, looking to the side, trying to get his attention,

“Stary…” Nyla says in disbelief, with a thin voice,

“I know, I know Nyla, we’re going to land now ok! Look! There’s a field there, near that river!” Stary shouts, redirecting the ship downward, activating the flight flaps,

“Stary…” Nyla nudges him, without response,

"OK! It's all planned, I'll activate the ship's shields, with the air friction on the wings, we'll land smoothly,” Stary replies confidently,

“STARY!” Nyla screams, desperate,

"WHAT?" Stary is startled, looking at her back in the cabin,

Nyla then grabs her head with her hand, and turns her, exactly 75 degrees to the side, towards the window,

It turns out that the ship's wing was on fire, releasing smoke everywhere, but as if that wasn't enough,

“...” Stary and Nyla, look at the wing being ripped off violently by the wind, throwing it away,

“Okay this is bad…” Stary tells her, feeling the ship shake,

With one of the wings missing and the ship shaking uncontrollably, Stary quickly assesses the situation,

He checks the ship's remaining propulsion systems and realizes that there is still a little control over steering, Stary makes a risky decision,

“Okay Nyla! I'm activating the side thrusters to compensate for the lack of a wing, I'll try to balance the ship as we approach the field! Get ready and hold on” warns Stary, adjusting the ship’s controls,

The ship begins to tilt dangerously from side to side, but Stary manages to stabilize it using the thrusters,

As the ship quickly approaches the ground, Stary activates the emergency brakes and parachutes, trying to reduce the speed of descent,

The ship scrapes the ground, tearing the landing system off the grass, as it was in winter, the snow also helps, minimizing the impact,

“Activating shield system,” A voice said, with Stary pressing a button,

Stary tries even harder to balance the ship, feeling it slowly gain weight,

Nyla, sensing the imbalance, grabs Stary, running with him to the left side, being the safer side, and wrapping her body around him, protecting her friend,

With a loud thump, the ship slides over the ice, hitting a tree violently, stopping it.

Scared, Nyla hugged Stary, and Stary hugged Nyla,

The sun had not yet begun to rest, a slow smoke was forming on the horizon, Indian by accident,

The two were lying together, as if their senses hadn't realized that they were safe now,

Stary is the first to get up from the hug, Nyla's white fur was extremely fluffy and comfortable, when he looks, his eyes meet hers,

Nyla's face was marked by three tears, she looked incredible,

“I never want to fly again, haha,” Nyla says, laughing a little,

Stary smiles, feeling a comforting warmth fill her heart. She gently strokes Stary's fur and stands up, extending her hand to help him,

Together, they exit the ship, looking at the wreckage scattered across the snow-covered ground,

“Well… there goes the ship… are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" Stary asks, sighing, in the fresh air,

The day was beautiful, well, apart from the trail of the ship, marking the ground, but other than that, the birds were singing, the fresh air came with the wind,

Relief, finally, for now with the company leaving, they hoped it would never return,

Stary, he knew deep down that this was impossible, now the next step was to leave, he had a ship, unfortunately broken and without a wing, but it was a start,

“I’m fine Stary, and you?” Nyla says, with one hand grabbing him, checking his body,

“Hihi, I Nyla stop, it tickles,” Stary laughs, dropping back to the floor,

“It feels like it’s just the two of us again, what are we going to do now that the war is over?” Nyla asks, jumping off the ship, skipping across the soft snow,

“I don't know... I'm still a little dizzy from the fall, what do you think about looking around?” Stary asks, then descends, bumping around corners, like a drunk,

“Ha, I don’t even remember the last time I ate something, come on, let’s explore!” Nyla says, heading towards a forest,

The fallen ship made a desolate scene, it was somehow cool to see something so technological, resting on the frozen ground,

Instead of letting hopelessness get to them, they support each other and move forward, walking side by side, happy that they both survived,

Ahead, they find a clearing next to a river. The surrounding vegetation begins to show signs of life. gentle sound of running water provides a feeling of peace and serenity,

A huge war robot was lying on some trees, disabled, proving that they had won! Leaving their hearts worried about Ryn calmer,

“Stary, you won’t believe it…” Nyla screams, surprised, running towards the robot, she had noticed something, really cool, “Do you see that?”

“Hmm, the robot?...” Stary asked, a little confused, that was what Nyla was talking about right?

“I’m not stupid… that… remember?” Nyla, run further, pushing past some nearby bushes, clearing the view for him to see,

They enter the nearby clearing, feeling a huge dejavu, as if they had already been there before, in the past,

The sun begins to set on the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink, the same pine trees as before were now covered because of winter, but the place itself was the same,

“Look, remember? It’s the clearing where we slept, the first day we met!” Nyla runs through the trees, excited,

“Ohh, it’s true… I didn’t remember this place being so beautiful, look! Even our trunks are still here!” Stary says, looking around, with a huge smile, everything was the same,

“Hey look what I found!” Nyla speaks, calling Stary,

She goes a little further, finding a tent made of leaves, covered in snow, it was the tent that Stary had set up,

“I remember that…it's a shame she couldn't handle the snow,” Stary says, brushing aside the frozen leaves with her paw,

The despair of falling from the sky, and almost dying, finally begins to give way to peace, in the end, the two got what they wanted so much,

Stary got his ship, and finally has a starting point, he would find his treasure map, and even better! With friends! Nyla was an amazing girl, he lost things, yes, more like a fox with no memories, in a new place, he had done very well, he was happy,

Nyla, well, she found someone who understood her, someone special, who liked her, she had left her old life, and she no longer needed to prove her strength to anyone, now it was just her and Stary, in the middle of nature, everything wasn't It could be more perfect,

They sit on a nearby log, letting their hearts calm down,

Nyla looks at Stary, her eyes overflowing with gratitude and affection. She approaches him, placing her head on his shoulder, letting out a light laugh.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, okay?” Nyla says laughing, betraying what she had just said, Stary, just nods, accepting,

Their clothes were tattered, torn to rags, but they were grateful,

"Stary, you are more than a friend to me! You are my family! My only friend, I'm so glad I found you that day!" Nyla speaks, with tenderness in her voice,

“Hey... you're my little wolf too... I mean family!, you know? If you asked me to stay here, in this clearing with you forever… I would accept!” Stary says, calmly and affectionately,

As the sun sets completely, the sky fills with bright stars,

“It’s over, right? the war… everything… finally. Hey Stary, we can go wherever we want, right?” Nyla asks, looking at the stars,

“Yes!… wherever you want…” Stary laughs, letting out a slight smile of inner peace,

Stary and Nyla sit closer together, looking at the starry horizon,

“You talked about a map right? What do you think about going after him?” Nyla asks, laying her head on it,

“Maybe… we just have to fix the ship… but… not today,” Stary says, leaning on her too, “Today I just want to be with you! All day… together,”

Nyla smiles, feeling reinvigorated, she felt, deep down, that happy days were coming,

“I can’t wait to live adventures, by your side, little fox…” Nyla says, still on his shoulder, slightly falling asleep,

In peace, a wolf and a fox sleep together, a comet above, leaves a line in the starry sky,

The guiding moon appears in the sky, illuminating the magical night, like a message for Stary and Nyla, charting a course of hope, a sign of peace,

But it's a pity that the two would already be asleep now, without seeing the spectacle in the sky above,

Sleeping with your tails together no matter the adversity, from now on, nothing would separate us, not the universe, not anything!

1 week, 3 days, 6 hours, 21 minutes and 21… not 22 seconds, Stary and Nyla, were alone in the clearing, surviving,

Not knowing anything, not even a word about Anaa, Ryn, or the Moon Shards. They did their best to spend as much time together as they could,

They had enough time and effort to transform that peaceful little clearing into a real home,

Obviously not as good as Stary's house in the tribe, but definitely a special house,

In one week, they talked, laughed, slept a lot, and truly got to know each other,

Stary for example, he was terrible at paying attention, which led to some fights between the two, calm fights, arguments, but the poor guy only lived in the world of his imagination, trying to remember his past. Selfish too, lucky it was with someone he didn't know, with Nyla, he was super cute,

Nyla was very narcissistic, she always liked to demonstrate to Stary that she was the strongest and most beautiful wolf in existence, he never complained, it was cool, apart from her looking at herself in the ship's reflections. Proud, she didn't bow down to anyone, no one but Stary, the rest, she just wanted absolute death,

They were cute together, little by little, their destiny was to get to know each other more and more, until they completed each other, after all, a night sky is much better with stars...

The rags they were wearing gave way to beautiful improvised clothes, Nyla hadn't mentioned that she knew how to sew, the basics, enough to know fashion,

Before, her clothes looked like circus clothes, full of symbols and wrong seams, until now, Nyla had sewn new ones, with parts of black fabric that she found on the fallen ship, and parts of her old clothes,

Stary had won a beautiful black, flexible cloak, he would never be naked again, it was an achievement, definitely a gothic look for the fox, with the contrast with his fur, he looked super stylish,

Nyla, in turn, decided to put some metal plates on the war robot, she had to use some of her old clothes, giving a more black and white look, a long hood, a runic sword, along with a laser rifle on her back. , she was really like a space pirate,

“Wow, how quickly a week went by, right? I didn't even have time to move the ship today, and thanks to your clothes Nyla... I never felt cold again..." Stary says, as he leaves a small makeshift hut,

“Then captain! Is our exit from here ready?” Nyla asks, laughing in the process,

“Wow, you’re taking this piracy thing seriously, huh,” Stary laughs along,

A simple hut, found itself in the middle of the clearing now! Together, they had built a cozy cabin, fulfilling Stary's dream,

With Nyla's strength, able to lift some logs, and Stary guiding her, in record time, they had made a beautiful cabin, Stary was even standing in ice berry bushes outside,

Next to the cabin, the wingless fallen ship stood as a constant reminder of the past war, the world was at peace again. With Nyla's help and some log scaffolding, they managed to bring it closer to the clearing,

The spacecraft was partially destroyed, but still retained its technological grandeur. Parts of the fuselage were dented and the broken wing hung dangerously, but they considered it a valuable treasure,

The once desolate clearing had now finally transformed into a refuge,

“So… seeing as half of the wing is missing, let’s just say… it’s almost ready!” Stary says, leaning to the side, “The damage was minor, due to the shield… the biggest problem here, is the power and the wing,”

Thanks to the war robot lying nearby, Stary was able to use some of its technology to fix some broken parts,

The interior and exterior were intact, thanks to the shield, almost nothing had broken, just a few wires, the real problem was the wing,

As he had never done this before, he took as long as possible, fixing every crack and external damage with extreme care, and a lot of attention,

“Hey Stary… what are we going to do about the wing?” Nyla asks, helping him, she too, had learned several new things about technology,

“Look... I was planning to make another one from scratch, but that would take time... I guess we'll have to go with plan B,” Stary responds simply,

Plan B was the quickest, but also took the longest, it consisted of waiting until summer, when the snow melted, and traveling with Nyla towards the path where the ship fell, trying to find the lost wing,

“Really?... oh yeah, it’s better like this hihi, like thisagent you’ll be able to spend a whole month together!” Nyla laughs evilly,

“Ha, that’s fine with me!” Stary responds, closing the last repaired panel on the ship, “Okay, that was the last one… Hey Nyla, if you're too cold, we can sleep on the ship… now there's no more outside wind coming in”

Stary and Nyla look at each other, before letting out a laugh,

“Ha, no way, the cabin is cooler!” Nyla laughs, being supported by Stary,

At night, they would sit around the small fireplace, watching the flames dance and light up their faces, the glow of the stars in the night sky complementing the magical atmosphere that surrounded them,

They told stories, laughed and looked into each other's eyes, every day was perfect,

“Hey Stary… I know we’ve had this conversation before… but is Ryn okay?” Nyla asks, “She was alone in that tower…”

“Is there Ryn? that little girl has blood in her eyes, of course she is fine! After she single-handedly deactivated the robots in that antenna, I don’t doubt she’s with Anaa, setting up a kingdom on her own!” Stary laughs, removing Nyla's concern,

“…” Nyla is silent, looking around at the night landscape,

“Nyla… are you okay?” Stary asks, seeing her friend distracted,

"Oh me? Yes… I was just wondering… what are the chances, right? that I had met you, and not died that day, if I hadn't captured you... that robot would have found my group sooner, and the planet now, along with everyone, would have died..." Nyla speaks gently,

“Nha, even if that had happened, I’m sure you wouldn’t die… I would show up to save you, no matter where!” Stary laughs bragging,

“Nooo, I’m the one who’s going to save you from now on!” Nyla laughs along,

“Is it? and who will let it?” Stary asks stupidly,

“I uh… forgot that I have a laser gun that cuts trees in half, so nothing is going to stop us now!” Nyla laughs, with a victorious pose,

“I promise Stary, never again, you or I, will have to save ourselves… we will one day be so strong and badass, that we will be invincible… then we can build as many huts as you want!” Nyla speaks, stroking Stary's tail,

“Hmm deal done! Now one little thing… I also want a laser gun ok!” Stary laughs,

“Next time, I'll make sure to get the most powerful and beautiful weapon, just for you,” Nyla points out, with motivation,

“…” The two remain silent, while eating some berries,

“Stary… you know that talk about planets? so are you really from another?” Nyla says curiously, this idea apparently still didn't make sense to her,

“I don't know... but I know it's a planet, and on mine, there are a lot of things that aren't here, like strawberries, fruits, trees... well, other foxes... I think... everything is so nebulous, you know? I... when I start to remember, it ends... I don't even know my planet, everyone was a fox... or what?” Stary says

Apparently I still didn't remember anything, so many days had passed, enough to change this planet, but I'm still the same as before. Since I woke up in that temple, I haven't changed anything...

“Hey… there’s no need to be so discouraged, little fox, now we can get out of here! Go get your map…don’t be sad Stary,” Nyla says with a small growl, nudging her with her leg,

“You’re right…” Stary says, trying her best to stay well,

“Aaah, it’s true, I never told you what this map was, right?” Stary remembers, cheering up,

Nyla listens to this with her ears pricked up, excited together to finally know what it was,

“My map… it’s this big oh!” Stary shows off the size with her paws, filling the sky above, leaving Nyla more confused,

“He will lead us to something very special! Creating something new! How does a forge know? There we can create something unique, something that surpasses even dreaming...that's all I know...I think..." Stary says excitedly, feeling a huge sleep fall over him,

"Hey! Don’t sleep, explain more… Stary…” Nyla tries to wake him up, but in vain,

It was as if the simple act of citing his map brought a deep sleep over him, making him immediately sleep,

Another day passed, leaving Nyla with several more questions, Stary was the best friend in the world for her! Mysterious, and cute!

As the night passes, the starry sky begins to give way to the sunrise. The timid warmth of the first rays of light envelops them as they rise from the hearth,

“Good morning, little wolf,” Stary says, standing up from Nyla's embrace,

“Good morning, little fox,” Nyla responds, resting her head on Stary's chest,

A few minutes pass, while the two wake up, Stary was so sleepy, he didn't even notice Nyla hugging him tightly,

“Stary… could you finish talking about your map?” Nyla asks, with curious eyes, lying with him,

"Map? what is that?" Stary says, going back to sleep,

"Map! Remember? treasure… come on, please if you tell me I promise to be a good girl and hug you even tighter!” Nyla begs blushing, teasing him a little,

"You?" Stary asks, dazed with sleep,

Nyla just nods cutely, following him, hugging him,

“Well, my map was…it was…I…” Stary tries to pay attention to her, but something makes him feel more sleepy, making him sleep again,

“See, he must be sleepy... okay, then when he wakes up I'll tease this fox, until he tells me everything,” Nyla says funny, giving Stary one last hug, before getting up,

A time passes, enough for the sun to set again, the same vigor that Nyla had to stay awake for days, Stary had to sleep for days,

In a mysterious lapse, Stary wakes up alone, feeling an emptiness around him. He gets up, rubs his eyes and looks around, realizing that Nyla is no longer by his side,

Everything was so quiet, there wasn't even any wind blowing in the trees, a slight feeling of worry began to appear in his chest, this wasn't normal,

As he walks through the clearing, he hears a call in the distance. The voice seems to echo among the trees.

“Nyla?” Stary asks as I walk alone,

As Stary stands up and walks towards the cabin's entrance, he hears a distant voice calling his name. Your ears perk up, catching the familiarity of the voice,

As he turns a bend in the path, Stary comes across an extraordinary sight, he finds Nyla!

Along with Anaa, the new leader of the wolves Runa Gelo, accompanied by a giant group of wolves. They have robes adorned with glittering crystals and exude a majestic and powerful aura,

Stary approaches cautiously, her eyes wide with surprise and joy,

“Hi Stary! Look who I found!” Nyla, who was on the side, speaks excitedly,

“Stary! I say Lyor! We finally found you!” Anaa exclaims, running towards him with a smile on her face. The surrounding wolves also show signs of joy, howling in celebration,

“Lyor… I didn’t expect to hear that so soon,” Stary says awkwardly,

“Anaa, guys… where is…” Stary starts to speak, before another surprise,

“STARY!” Ryn shouts, rushing in for a huge hug, “I thought you guys died,”

“Hi Ryn! Not for now, I haven’t died yet,” Stary steps back a little, surprised at being hugged, but giving in a little, “Look, have you gone to hug Nyla yet?”

“Hmm yes… but I can hug her again!” Ryn sings, releasing the hug and running towards Nyla,

"Anaa! Where have you been? How did you find us? Is the war really over?" Stary asks, barely believing her eyes,

"I followed your trail, Stary, we came looking for you and Nyla. We were worried and we didn't rest until we found you," Anaa responds, stroking Stary's head, with obvious respect,

As Stary processes the information, Anaa looks around and notices the cabin and the fallen ship,

"Were you guys here the whole time? What an amazing place you guys built!" Anaa exclaims, admiring the cabin and the impressive nave,

Stary smiles proudly, explaining how they turned the clearing into a welcoming home. He mentions the plan to find the lost wing when the snow melts,

At this moment, Nyla appears next to Stary, with a mischievous smile on her face,

“Stary! Guess what, huh? What did I… they found,” Nyla says, leaning on Anaa,

Anaa laughs, looking at the two tenderly, suddenly, several wolves, appear through, carrying a huge piece of metal, it was the wing!

"Surprise!" Anaa speaks with emotion, making Stary extremely excited,

“Nyla! Do you know what that means?" Stary shouts excitedly, “We’ll be able to repair the ship today!”

She then introduces Stary and Nyla to the rest of the Ice Rune wolves that accompanied her, explaining how the two became her friends and allies,

"He? Is this Lyor from Kirysiny?” one of the Runa Gelo logos speaks, in disbelief at what he saw,

“Not only that, he is almost a god, who can talk to machines and control them with ancient magic,” Anaa responds, impressing everyone, except Stary who was extremely embarrassed,

“Haha… little do they know that this isn’t magic… right Stary?” Nyla whispers, caressing him,

He smiles and nods in agreement with Nyla, accepting her affection,

“Hey Anaa! How is the Fragmentos da Lua group?” Stary asks,

"They are well! They helped a lot with the ice bombs! Now the ancient temple of the Kirysiny is our new tribe! We are even building some houses around it,” Anaa says, proudly,

“New tribe?” Stary asks, not quite understanding,

“Yes, see, when I got there, the wolves of Runa Ice, were almost going into a civil war, their entire tribe was divided, I managed to convince 2 of the groups to come help, now they are no longer Runa Ice…” Anaa says , explaining everything,

“They're what? Now the objective of the Moon Fragments has been completed, can we change the name if you want?” Stary speaks, reinvigorated,

“I haven’t decided on a name yet… Stary, can we stay here for a while?” Anaa reveres him, with him accepting in return,

As the group gathers around the cabin and ship, Stary alongside Nyla carefully examines her condition, planning to begin installing the wing today,

Anaa and Ryn explore their beautiful cabin, and the rest of the group sets up some tents,

“That’s it, carefully…” Stary lifts some wolves to install the wing, while he starts to repair some parts,

Stary watches gratefully as the wolves work as a team to carefully place the wing in the right place, completing the task perfectly,

As the Frostrun wolves continue to admire Stary, Nyla approaches him,

“Now, the only thing missing is the energy, right Stary?” Nyla asks confused, “Where are we going to get it?”

“Let’s borrow it from our friend, war robot over there!” Stary points to the huge machine up the mountain, “Hey Anaa, could you send some wolves over there?”

“Of course! You’re the one in charge of Lyor!” Anaa lights up, reuniting with him,

As the afternoon rested again, Stary explained everything possible, to Anaa, O'Que is an energy crystal, in the core of the machine's matrix,

A group of them heads towards the war robot, while Stary, Nyla and the rest of the group prepare to receive the necessary energy for the ship,

“I missed you, you know?” Ryn appears right behind, scaring them both,

“Ryn, it must have been horrible being on top of that tower… sorry,” Stary comments, regretfully,

“It wasn’t that bad, Anaa rescued me quickly… I’m the one who owes an apology, I shouldn’t have jumped there in the first place…” Ryn says, also regretful,

“You did the right thing… we’re not mad ok,” Nyla comforts her, removing any feelings, that she or Stary would be mad at her,

As they talk, they spot the Frostrune wolves returning from the warbot, carrying glowing crystals in their jaws and claws. These are the energy crystals that will be used to power the ship's engine,

Stary and Nyla hurry back to the cabin, where the wolves carefully deliver the crystals, they were perfect, each one, carrying a mix of metal and energy, that could destroy this entire clearing,

With the energy crystals in hand, they prepare to install power on the ship. Working in perfect harmony, connecting crystals to systems and ensuring everything is working correctly,

"You two are amazing together. Stary, your ability to interact with machines is truly legendary, I'm proud of you being the leaders of our new tribe!" Anaa says, sincerely,

Stary and Nyla exchange a curious look, waiting for Anaa to come out to talk,

“Hey… when are you going to tell her we’re leaving?” Nyla asks in a whisper,

“I don’t know, she can’t get this idea of ​​Lyor out of her head, she really wants me to be the leader of something…do you have any ideas?” Stary asks, to which she just nods,

Finally, power is restored to the ship. The lights come on and the systems start to power up,

With the emergence of another starry night, the ship is ready to fly again,

“We have to tell her… I don’t want to be a leader, I just want to be free…” Stary says a little sadly,

With the ship properly powered up, Stary and Nyla reunite with Anaa and the rest of the group outside the cabin. The night sky is dotted with stars, creating a magical atmosphere,

Stary looks at Anaa, feeling her heart sink from having to tell her that they are about to leave,

“Did you manage to fix the flying house?” Anaa asked excitedly, to which Stary just nodded yes,

All the wolves in the place began to celebrate with excitement, howling and happy, they didn't know what this flying house was, but they were grateful to have helped,

"Anaa, I need to talk to you," Stary says, approaching her cautiously, silencing the other wolves.

Anaa and Ryn on the side look at him curiously, noticing the serious expression on his face,

"What's wrong, Stary? Did something happen?" Anaa asks worriedly,

“No… it’s just about, our next step, our destiny… mine and Nyla’s…” Stary responds, searching for the right words to explain her decision,

Nyla joins them, supporting Stary with an encouraging look,

Stary knew what to do to say goodbye, he gathers every ounce of charisma in his body, and as before, he jumps in front of everyone, stopping in a position worthy of a god, with his glorious tail in the night wind,

“Anaa, yes you! She is an incredible leader… Come closer, for with heavy hearts, my work here, as Lyor das Kirysiny! HE FINISHED!" Stary speaks to everyone,

"He finished?" Anaa, along with several wolves, look at each other, confused by his speech,

"Yes! It's over, the war is over... Anaa... it's time for me to leave..." Stary says getting closer,

"Although? More Stary, who will govern?” Anaa despairs upon hearing this,

“Hours, who will govern? You are clear!" Stary responds, giving her a light headbutt,

"Anaa, you've been an incredible leader for the Frostrun wolves and I'm grateful for everything you've done for us. But... we need to move on," Stary explains, choosing her words carefully,

“And Nyla is going with me! Why? Because I want!" Stary shouts, backing up next to her, “Come on Nyla get on the ship quick,”

Anaa is silent for a moment, processing the information. Then she smiles sadly,

“Stary, you are incredible, I will never forget our friendship, and if it’s up to me, no one will… Nyla! You will enter the legends of the WolvesRunics, as the one chosen to walk with Lyn through the stars,” Anaa says sadly, saying goodbye,

Stary feels a lump forming in her throat, noticing the sadness in Anaa's voice, before boarding the ship,

“Anaa! Aurora Wolf Tribe! It's a good name…” Stary shouts the name of the next tribe, before the hatch closes,

Anaa nods, her eyes shining with a mix of sadness and pride,

“Aurora Wolves is a good Stary name!” Anaa screams, feeling some tears form,

The group of now Aurora Wolves gather around them, howling in farewell, showing respect and gratitude,

The ship sparkled in the starlight, ready to take Stary and Nyla back to space,

The engines purred and the ship rose into the air, leaving behind the clearing that had become its temporary home,

As the ship takes off and cuts through the skies, Stary and Nyla settle into the cabin, feeling the mix of emotions that surround them, leaving the planet behind, Livy, Raven, Jade,

A new chapter had begun for Stary and Nyla, and a new chapter also begins for the Aurora Rune Wolves tribe,

What awaited them beyond the stars? a map! One way…

Towards the stars! Stary and Nyla, advance through the skies, in seconds, being above the clouds, above everything,

Increasing propulsion, with blue fire, a rapid rainbow, they pass through the atmosphere, airless, nothing, just the universe, existence, and stars,

Stary couldn't believe it, he was finally here, a month ago, that was a distant dream, but now, it was real!

Nyla thought this was incredible, it was like traveling to a place that no one could tell where it was, but it would be incredible,

In the distance a medium planet appeared, that was where they were, Nyla ran to the back window, admiring it with admiration, feeling something she had never felt before, a unique emotion,

“Were we there?” Nyla points out, shaking with anxiety,

“Yes… it’s really hard to believe, right? something so small here, but so huge there!” Stary comments trying hard to study the controls,

“Where do we go now? Don’t tell me…” Nyla freezes, asking the obvious,

“Yayyy, let’s go to the guiding moon!” Stary responds, making Nyla throw herself back,

“The moon guides? Stary wow! Like… for generations… myself, I grew up in my tribe, hearing stories about the guiding moon, as a deity, is it a planet? Are there wolves there?” Nyla fills him with questions,

“Well, it’s a moon… so no, the atmosphere is different…” Stary says, looking on the ship’s map, where this moon could be,

In the distance, they saw the planet's two giant twin moons, nothing more than a third moon, strange...

“Strange…” Stary says silently, analyzing the onboard computer,

Nothing, there was nothing, not even a record of a third moon. He swore it existed, he had seen it himself, how come there was nothing here?

“Knock knock…knock…” a noise echoes through the cabin,

“...” Silence, Stary and Nyla stop everything they were doing, analyzing the unusual noise,

“Did you hear that?” Nyla turns away from the window asking,

“Toc…ai…” a thin, grounded voice says,

They cautiously move towards the sound, following it to a small hidden compartment,

With their hearts racing, they open the compartment door and find Ryn cowering inside, her eyes wide with fear,

She looked scared and shaky,

“RYN!” Stary and Nyla scream, as the little red-haired girl leaves,

Ryn swallows hard before responding, her voice still shaky,

"I… I heard something, something scary. It sounded like a voice whispering strange things, I got scared and hid here," Ryn says, stepping back, scared,

“I didn’t want to leave you either…” the little girl says, leaning against a wall, with Nyla going to help her, worried,

“A voice?…” Stary asks himself, before returning to the ship’s controls,

Tension rises as silence settles again,

Suddenly, a wind passes through the cabin, coming from a mysterious place, carrying some red autumn leaves from a fan,

Stary, Nyla and Ryn look at each other, approaching in fear of the wind,

"Sheets?" Stary approaches, it was actually dry leaves, not typical planet blue, more red,

The wind blows again, stronger this time, causing Stary to slip on the leaves, falling to the ground,

"There!" he screams, falling face first, dropping everything from the bag he was carrying on his waist,

A small green metal ball rolls on the floor of the ship, stopping centimeters near Nyla, with a slight green glow, illuminating the room,

“Stary… what is this?” Nyla says curiously, running to help him get up,

"HEY!" Ryn screams, grabbing the object, “I know what this is! It’s Jade’s heart!’

Upon touch, the sphere decreases its brightness, stopping the wind and leaves from falling from the ship's air grilles at the same speed,

“She was the one who asked me to keep it… if you want, you can stay… she seemed to like you more, Ryn…” Stary says, getting up from the floor with Nyla’s help,

Ryn is amazed at what Stary said, and keeps the small sphere with the greatest affection in the world, and a thief's bag that she used to steal things,

Stary started to get up, a little dizzy, they heard something again, whispering incomprehensible words that echoed through the cabin,

The three friends look at each other, alarmed by the intensity of the sound,

“Did you hear that this time?” Stary says scared, leaning on Nyla, with Ryn running into the hug too,

Deciding to follow the sound, they head to the ship's control room,

Stary, Nyla and Ryn approach the control panels, trying to identify the source of the sound,

Then, they realize that the voice doesn't come from anywhere, it's just an electronic device in the ship's system,

While examining the control panels, Stary notices a blinking light on one of the consoles,

Approaching, the sensors simply signaled the location of a third planet nearby, influencing the ship with its gravity,

It was the guiding moon! which now clearly appeared on the ship's radar!

“Hmm, it must have just been a miscalculation… let’s move on!” Stary speaks, taking control again,

He approaches and presses the corresponding button, causing a secret panel to open, revealing a small communication device,

"That's a voice transmitter!" Stary exclaims in surprise, "Someone was watching us and communicating with us the whole time!"

They notice that the device was emitting the strange voices they heard earlier,

“Wasn’t that the company’s ship? how is this here then…” Nyla says, pointing to a symbol on the monitor,

Stary analyzes the transmitter and finds a small symbol engraved on it, similar to the symbol of the ancient wolf tribes they encountered earlier,

That couldn't be a coincidence,

“Let’s go to the guide moon, there I hope to find answers…” Stary says, adjusting the thrusters,

Heading towards the guiding moon, Stary skillfully maneuvers the spaceship, bypassing the third planet in the system. As they get closer, they are amazed at the sight that unfolds before their eyes,

The guiding moon was majestic, with its silver glow and the planet's two twin moons reflecting their light on it. However, something seemed wrong,

Huge cracks crisscrossed the moon's surface, forming an intriguing pattern that resembled a compass.

The moon was covered in electromagnetic storms, creating a luminous and dark spectacle,

When it gets close, the ship's sensors go crazy and start flashing uncontrollably.

“We won’t be able to land, this storm could destroy our ship…” Stary comments, retreating from the planet,

“Let’s follow the compass pattern!” Ryn says surprising them, “Look! the lights flash more in that direction, let’s go there!”

Stary hears this in surprise and shrugs, the girl's idea wasn't even that bad,

"Right! Let’s go,” Stary turns the ship’s controls, following gravity, bordering on the moon,

The ship finally reaches the center of the compass pattern, with a subtle vibration,

From space, one of the compass marks, similar to an arrow, pointed directly at the sun, causing the moon to come in front, creating an eclipse,

“It’s beautiful…” Nyla admires the arc of fire, being separated by the circumference of the guiding moon,

“Stary! Look there!" Ryn shouts, pointing to the side,

The said arrow pointed to northern space, following the moon, in one of the sun's fiery arcs, where there was nothing, now, a giant object revealed itself,

It was a ship! just like a cruiser, only bigger, mysteriously flying over the moon,

“That wasn’t there before!” Stary, says curiously,

As they approached, the ship appeared ancient, and had an alien architecture, unlike anything they had ever seen, even for Stary,

The ship's gravity was so great that it pulled their small ship, attracting it to a trap, like a magnet, forcing an abduction of their smaller ship,

“Get ready… this ship… has taken command of ours, we don’t know what to expect, Nyla! You and I will go out first ok! Get ready to shoot!” Stary screams, releasing the controls,

Upon entering, you are greeted by a stunning environment. The walls are covered with shiny blue and purple metal, reflecting the light of the stars that seem to have been engraved on them,

The ship's advanced technology is evident in every detail,

Landing inside, without any preparation the hatch suddenly opens, scaring Stary, with her paw covering her mouth,

He was afraid of running out of air, and the aliens suffocating them to death, but his mind soon rested when he saw Nyla and Ryn breathing and leaving the ship calmly,

“Stary, are you going to stay there? He comes!" Nyla screams, walking around exploring everything,

“More Nyla!” Stary runs after her, “And the preparation part, they could be enemies!”

“Relax, the place is abandoned, there’s no one here!” Nyla exclaims, putting away her rifle,

"Abandoned?" Stary looking curious, leaving the ship with them,

The ship had actually been abandoned for what seemed like centuries or thousands of years!

As they explore the corridors, they notice drawings of stylized foxes adorning the walls. The drawings portray the creatures in a majestic and revered way, as if they were guardians or important figures,

As they explore the ship further, they find rooms with interactive holograms, showing constellations and distant star systems,

“Wow,” Stary said to each room they passed,

Arriving at a large central chamber, they come across an imposing statue of a fox, carved from a crystalline material,

The statue seems to emit a subtle aura, and its eyes seem to watch the visitors intently,

“Stary… that’s a lot of adventure for one day,” Nyla says in surprise, her day was amazing,

“This… appears to be the command room…” Stary approaches the statue in the middle, revealing a stone throne,

Some holograms were broken, others activated, showing graphs and analyzes of the planet below,

The ship appears to be a true cosmic library, an archive of knowledge of the stars,

“Ah, sorry guys, but I have to do this!” Stary lets out a megalomaniac scream,

The fox then runs and throws himself, sitting on the throne, laughing uncontrollably, feeling like a god,

“Hihihi, look Nyla, I’m the king of space!” Stary laughs, jokingly as she supports herself,

He accidentally rests a paw on a hologram, revealing something incredible!

Patterns of lights form from the entire control room, making the entire ceiling of the ship transparent! Revealing the outside, like an invisible metal,

The view of the sun, the guiding moon, and the planet of the Runic Wolves in the distance color the entire ceiling. Several lights light up with the gesture, as well as a giant hologram in the center of the room,

“Wow,” Stary, Nyla and Ryn admire, transfixed by such beauty,

In this giant transparent panel, they see a peculiar constellation, where the stars form the outline of a fox,

The constellation is connected to a series of solar systems and unknown planets, placed in a layer, something difficult to understand,

"This is amazing!" Stary jumps with excitement, laughing with joy,

Nyla and Ryn run closer to the throne above, anxiously looking for a better view.

“Stary!” Nyla shouts running over, “Is that your treasure map?”

“…” Stary analyzes, with one ear pricked, “Hmm No!”

Nyla collapses at this statement, leaving Ryn laughing, seeing her funny reaction,

“But still… this is TOO MUCH!” Stary jumps, stumbling and crashing into more controls,

So, let's say, removing the ship's camouflage field, which hid it in space, causing, moments later, several lights to start flashing,

“...sorry…” Stary says, frozen, turning back slowly,

Quickly, in the orbit of the moon, next to them, a giant spaceship jumps, teleporting, appearing in front of them,

It was the company ship, the same as before!

Stary, Nyla and Ryn stare at the sudden appearance of the company ship before them,

“Stary… it’s gone, right?” Nyla asks simply,

The company's ship wastes no time and starts firing a volley of shots towards the alien ship they are on. The explosions shake the environment, making them grab each other for balance,

"HEY! I apologized, right?” Stary screams, the ship shaking from side to side,

Nyla and Ryn look at each other, with neutral expressions, glaring at Stary angrily,

The ship's cannons began firing, bombarding the shiny blue and purple metal of the alien vessel. Immediately she releases a flurry of drones towards them,

“STARRY! DO SOMETHING!" Nyla and Ryn scream, holding onto the metal throne,

The impact of the shots caused the ship to shake violently, while the walls showed signs of damage,

"I DON'T KNOW!" Stary shouts, fiddling with every possible button and control in front of him,

He knew they couldn't surrender without a fight. It was time to act,

"I already know!" Stary shouts, calming everyone down! “I’m going to deactivate the company’s earnings, and activate ours!”

“And how are you going to do that?” Ryn asks, before an explosion rocks the ship further,

"I DON'T KNOW!" Stary cries again, throwing herself onto the control table, practically taking a bath in it, messing with as many controls as possible,

“So this is how… we’re going to die… it was good while it lasted Stary…” Nyla says, sadly,

"WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Ryn next to her screams, running across the entire command room,

Explosions and gunshots echoed through the ship, leaving them even more distressed,

Suddenly, a thought crosses Stary's mind, the blacksmith's book of ruins... was the answer...

He stops between explosions, placing a sequence of runes on the panel, then…

The ship comes to life again, activating the shields, generating a huge explosion of accumulated energy, enough to disable all the technology on the company's ship, leaving it wandering in space, forever,

The engines start, activating the impenetrable shields, and making the ship turn slowly, towards infinite space,

“Stary, did you make it?” Nyla speaks, taking her hands away from her eyes, looking at him proudly,

“Runes… Y emotions, A power, F destiny and W leave… I learned this, to make your weapon…” Stary responds victoriously, as the ship reactivated,

"Where when?" Nyla starts to ask before a tremor happens again,

The drawings of foxes on the walls glow, surrounding Stary's throne, making Nyla run to hug him,

The huge ship's thrusters begin to activate, bending the space around them,

“Stary…” Nyla says, starting to feel herself getting sluggish,

“Nyla…” Stary starts to speak before being stopped next to her,

A giant force field surrounds the two, completely paralyzing them, they hug each other on top of the metallic throne, with runes and symbols, all around the floor,

"Guys!" Ryn screams, running closer, she was far enough away to not be affected,

Runes however, begin to form at their feet, creating the same shield around them, paralyzing time, protecting everyone,

The ship gains more and more power, filling the room with a beautiful rainbow light,

It was time, the time for the end,

Like a spear of light, it advances in one direction in infinite space, towards nothing,

Towards infinity, like a shooting star, she follows the light, flying alongside it, traveling between the universe,

In Stary's last thoughts, before he blacked out, his entire adventure passed through him, Nyla, his friends, an anxiety enveloped him, along with the runic symbols in front of them,

It turns out that the ship's engine wasn't just any one, which only folded space, it was a cosmic engine, unlike anything else, which traveled between dimensions, between concepts,

Taking the heart of those who commanded it along, leaving matter and dust behind, carrying the spirit, to a new place

Among the stars, but not only that, among the stars of the soul, which guide each of us to our destiny, incomprehensible, cunning,

Like a fox, leaving only its tail behind, the ship will take them to a new destination, completely different from what everyone thought,

A new place, a new concept, appears in front of them,

A ship falling from the sky, leaving a trail, a rainbow tail,

A mountain immobile in time,

Y, A, F, W, Conflicts, normality, pride, advancement,

Walking among bright stars, I immersed myself in the cosmic immensity. My soul, already eager to unveil the secrets that the universe held, with a treasure map in hand, I walked on a path,


But this time, I was with my friends, my family,


I was always a fox who knew where to go.