4. Convenience in the public
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"I need to use the restroom," I stated.

"This is going to be your first time using a public restroom as a girl, right?" Kenro noted. 

"Yeah? Why? Are you planning to write my biography and include this?" I retorted, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Nah, I just wanted to wish you good luck," he said, giving me a thumbs up. I didn't quite understand why, but I didn't press the matter further.

"Speaking of a biography, I should probably start keeping a diary," I suggested.

"Great idea."

"Remind me later that we need to head to a bookstore, okay?" I said.

"Sure, I won't forget," Kenro nodded. 

We approached the restroom, standing in front of it, overthinking the situation.

"Say, where do you think I should go, to the men's or women's restroom?" I asked, pondering my moral dilemma.

Kenro responded, "The women's, of course. Even if you were once a male, you identify as a girl now."

I scratched my head, feeling conflicted. "It just doesn't sit right with me. It doesn't feel gentlemanly to take advantage of the situation."

Kenro sighed. "You don't need to be a gentleman; you're a girl now. Besides, not everyone knows your circumstances or understands them. It could be an awkward problem if you use the men's restroom. And honestly, do you think anyone will care in the women's restroom? You're not going to peek."

"What if I accidentally do something inappropriate?" I argued. 

"You're not a pervert, so don't worry. I doubt you even have the guts to attempt that." 

"Yeah, you're right," I conceded. "Whatever."

With that, I entered the restroom. To my surprise, a long line greeted me, making me realize that public restrooms might pose a challenge for me.

"Public restrooms will be a hassle for sure," I muttered with a heavy sigh. The situation was causing me significant discomfort. I felt like I was about to leak – in fact, I felt like a portion already had. I was ashamed and felt like a disgrace. I vowed never to drink water again.

"Are you okay?" a concerned someone behind me asked.

I turned to the lady behind me and replied with a forced smile, "Yeah, please don't mind me, miss."

This was the first time I had encountered such a situation. I probably look embarrassing right now. It was torturous, and I couldn't wait to be done. I had a feeling I'd be scarred for life. 

After what felt like an eternity, I finally reached a toilet stall, and I was left in solitary relief. The sight of the pristine white porcelain felt like a sanctuary. I quickly removed my pants, revealing slightly wet briefs. I hadn't worn panties before this, so this was a reasonable adjustment.

I sat down, finally releasing the remaining burden I had been carrying.


Kenro noticed my dim expression as I exited the restroom and asked, "Why do you look like it's the end of the world?"

"You predicted this, right?" I sighed.

"The what?" Kenro seemed clueless.

"I mean, you wished me good luck earlier. But, it didn't exactly go well."

"I see. I get it. So, want to head home, lie down on your bed under a blanket, and cry?" Kenro teased.

"No! We're already here. Let's just get our business done." I growled. Then, I had an idea. "Wait, I can change my underwear!"

"Lower your voice, man," Kenro warned.

"Oops," I mumbled, covering my mouth.

We returned to his car, avoiding another long restroom line. Once there, I removed my soiled unmentionables, which had a rather unpleasant freshness. Then, I unpacked the new panties from the paper bag and marveled at them for a moment before putting them on.

From sliding my feet through the leg holes to adjusting the fabric around my legs while sitting in the back seat, I tried my best to stay hidden behind the tinted windows.

There was a comfort in this change. However, the bra was another story – I still couldn't get used to it. Despite my reservations, I wore it since it was meant to be worn as a set.

"Are you finally done?" Kenro inquired as I exited the car.

"Obviously," I replied.

"Great, now we can go," Kenro said, leading the way.

As we're about to leave the parking lot, I noticed Kenro was no longer beside me. "Hey, Kenro, I'm not in the mood for games," I said, scratching my head. Despite my nonchalant words, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. Something was bothering me.

For some reason, I couldn't be at ease. There's something that's been bugging my mind, I couldn't help but think it's related to 'that'.

"Kenro, where are you?" I called out, looking around and searching behind cars and walls. However, he seemed to have vanished, leaving me alone.


Frustration crept in as I muttered to myself, "Boo!" Suddenly, just when my worry was growing, Kenro appeared behind me, making me jump in my mind. He couldn't contain his laughter. "Ahahaha!" he laughed at my reaction.

"Where did you go?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Playing hide and seek?" Kenro responded with a grin.

"Childish," I said, trying to conceal the relief I felt.

Yet, despite my initial concern, I couldn't help but wonder why I had been so anxious. After all, this was typical behavior for Kenro.

"How do you manage to disappear like that?" I asked. 

"I guess I'm a former assassin?" Kenro joked. "Anyway, as compensation, I'll buy you some ice cream."

"I can buy my own, you know?"

"But it's better when it's free, right?" Kenro insisted. "Now come on, I'm craving it."

We headed to an ice cream shop, where I ordered my favorite, cookies and cream. Kenro, on the other hand, chose strawberry.

"Since you're a girl now, don't you want to try eating it in a lewd way?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

I knew where he was heading and quickly interjected, "I know what you're thinking, but no."

Kenro was undeterred, "It's easy. All you have to do is suck your ice cream like how you suck—"

I cut him off, "No way."

His determination unwavering, he decided to demonstrate himself, much to my shock.

I stared at him in bewilderment, deciding that I would never like a guy who did that.

"How's my performance, sweetie?" Kenro asked, looking unfazed by my reaction.

"Yuck... Do it again," I said, eager to record the moment in case I needed it as leverage.

"Wow," he marveled, before attempting once more. However, this time, I recorded the whole thing, thinking it might come in handy someday.

He noticed and abruptly stopped. "Anyway, do you still have your, uh, damp memento blessed with your holy girl waste water?" 

I responded, "I threw it away." In reality, I hadn't yet, but I knew I would do so later.