Chapter 1-Fishbone
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Natsumi had a great life: She was one of the most popular girls in school. Everyone liked her, and she was dating a boy who was completely out of this world. Heaven must’ve sent him. She was also the president of the student council and in 5 clubs. Great athlete. Great reputation. An ample chest. Not even a god could dim her incredible intelligence and charm. Girls and boys alike often fainted from their love for her if she looked at them long enough. She knew how to make everyone’s day.

She had no enemies. None. Tons of friends. She was one of the greatest, most competent presidents in the history of the school. She implemented new policies for the betterment of everyone’s school life. She did a lot of things for her school and gained lots of achievements that she could brag about.

The teachers absolutely loved Natsumi. She was the ideal student that the faculty wanted every other student to be. She tutored many students and won medals from sports tournaments.

Her boyfriend was proud to have her. Her parents were prouder.

It was a good life. A good, good life, and she couldn’t ask for anything more.


It was lunch time. Natsumi sat in the cafeteria with the brightest smile. Her friends filled the large table around her. Today’s special was GOOD: delicious himino! Basically dried and salted fish. But it was so good, especially with all the different varieties in sauce. And this seasoned rice made it all even better.

They all dug in.

“Hey, how about a race?” one person proposed to the rest.

“YOU’RE ON!” Natsumi pointed her fork at him with a full mouth. “THE FIRST PERSON TO FINISH GETS… um…” She was blank.

“How about a grope at that chest?” he retorted with a smirk.

“DEAL! BUT YOU BETTER GIVE UP NOW!” Ha, idiots. I’ll just have to win. “If I win, you’ll all have to do what I say for a week! You’ll all be in my entourage!”

“Pfft. Everyone knows you’re a slow eater.” He was pretty confident.

Natsumi would have to prove him wrong then. At least just this once. She couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when she won. She dug in, munching hard and fast. To win, she  had to skip chewing all her food thoroughly. One time wouldn’t hurt.

But once she swallowed part of the fish, something got stuck. She frantically looked around for water. The table had none. Did they really all forget to get water?! She couldn’t breathe or scream. They were all too busy eating to notice her. Before she could try something to get anyone’s attention, she fell over on the floor.

Someone from another table saw her. Then another. More and more people looked at her, starting to mumble to themselves.

“Hey, is that Natsumi?”

“No way.”

“I think it is actually.”

“Must be another funny antic then.”

“Haha, yeah. She’s so funny and creative.”

“I know right? I wish I had her talents.”

You idiots! Do something! This isn’t a joke…

The noisy chatter around her was fading.

She thought she heard a few voices calling her…

She could hardly see anything now…

She saw someone’s face. Then she felt a faint touch…

Everything turned black.


When she woke, everything around her was white. There was nothing. Just an endless whiteness in every direction except for a woman sitting on a throne.

“Are you…?” 

“A god, naturally.” She grinned.

“Did I…?”

“Yep, yep, that’s right, my girly girl! Your life just went bye-bye.” She waved. Her hair was extremely long and white with a flawless glow. Her eyes had sparkles in them.

“...Huh? HUH? You’re… joking…”

“Nope. Natsumi Kitamura. Busty teen. Highly attractive and incredibly smart. Well, people thought that until…”

“Until… what?”

She lowered her head as she held her stomach tightly with an odd smile, holding something back. And then she couldn’t hold it back anymore. She burst out laughing. “HAHAHAHA! YOU CHOKED ON A FISHBONE!”

Natsumi remembered it and flushed. “Shut up! I’m pretty sure your job isn’t to laugh at people!”


“Yeah, well, it’s not my fault,” she mumbled, hanging her head.

“Oh! You’re right! It isn’t your fault. You know who you should blame? BLAME THE FISH!” She fell out of her seat and rolled around, still laughing. “HAHAHAHA! That fish was out to get you!”

Her high-pitched voice was annoying. 

“In fact, how about I hand you an actual cake? You’ve earned it for your funniness!” She floated to her feet. A slice of cake on a plate appeared in one hand. As she approached her to give her the cake, teardrops rolled off her chin and fell on the floor. “Wait, are you actually crying?”

Natsumi turned her back in silence.

“Aw, hey, I’m sorry.” She put a hand on her shoulder.

Natsumi brushed her hand off. “You’re not a god. Just a bully.”

She stiffened as she felt that inside her. A hard hit right to the core of her soul. Bullying a child? Really? “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“Just do what you have to do. I never want to see you again.”

Another solid strike. She could die of shame right now. In fact, maybe she should die if all she was going to do was pick on others. “Okay, look, I’ll give you another chance.”

Natsumi turned around, sniffling. “Would you really…”

“I was planning on giving you another chance anyway, especially because choking on a fishbone is nothing to write home about. It’s pretty embarrassing and sad actually. Like, I wouldn’t want to be in your place. You should’ve seen the people who laughed at you.”

“They… what?

“Yeah, they thought you were playing dead at first. They thought you would get up eventually, so they just left you there and went to class, including your so-called friends.”

“Oh…” Some friends they were… Tears welled up in her eyes. 

“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t start the waterworks again, please!” She reached out desperately and held Natsumi’s wet cheeks in her hand. The guilt was crushing her enough already.

“I’ll reincarnate you into another world. How’s that?”

“Better than staying dead, I guess…”

She ruffled Natsumi’s hair. “You’ll enjoy it! Trust me!”

Natsumi stepped away and folded her arms. “You’re not my mom. Don’t touch me. And I don’t trust bullies.”

Her heart twinged in her chest. She collapsed. That third hit had been a brutal pierce to her heart. Oh, the cruelty. But she managed to recover a little and got up with a defeated sigh. “Alright, kiddo. I’ll let you see it for yourself. I’ll give you a special gift too.”

A gift? Natsumi wondered. “What gift?”

“That’s a surprise.” She smiled faintly and waved. “Have a good one. “And always chew your food properly. We don’t want another accident.”

A bright light flooded her vision, and everything turned black.