A few weeks later
Once he got settled into his school life, knew where most things were, and got used to his schedule, he headed to the library during his free time. It was time for his research. A lab where he could test potions would be ideal too, but that would have to wait: the basics mattered most right now.
He walked around the library, following the alphabet and hanging signs that displayed the topics for each section.
Love and Sex
Close enough, I think.
Are you certain? Suki asked. I think otherwise. I do not believe this is the right section. Judging from the correlation between the 2 words—
Oh, what does a dragon know!
Elly wasn't about to pass up this chance. He went into the aisle and glanced over the book spines on his right and left. He pulled out a pink book and skimmed through the pages until he stopped on one particular page.
He read halfway down, looked up and shut the book, flushing immensely. NOT THIS KIND OF SEX. GENDER, NOT ACTUAL SEX! WRONG SECTION. He should've known, but he was just desperate to find anything remotely close to his interest.
I did warn you. To ignore a dragon's wisdom is to be foolish.
As soon as he put back the book in its slot, a girl slipped it out.
“You won't be needing this anymore, riiiight?” She had a thirsty look in her eyes and a creepy grin. “Girl-on-girl action is the BEST!” she said while hugging the book. Her hair was brown and tied into a side ponytail. She adjusted her glasses. Her armband had an E. Earl. 2 ranks above him. Under her open jacket, her white shirt was unbuttoned all the way down to her stomach, narrowly revealing her bra that covered her average bust and midriff.
Not what I need to see. “Sure…”
“But hey, I like boys too! Especially the reeeaaally girly ones.” She came closer and leaned in as if about to kiss him. “I don’t care about ranks. I’m a second-year. You?”
“Ah! You look a bit young, but I'm sure we can make it work…” She leaned even closer. Her breath was sweet and minty.
Elly turned blue in the face, stepped back in disgust, and averted his eyes. He didn’t care how nice her breath smelled. “Sorry. Not into girls.”
“What?! You're into boys?!”
He didn't answer.
She took that as a yes. “THAT'S HOTTER THAN HETERO!” Her mouth began watering. She wiped away her drool with the back of her hand. “I LIKE SO MUCH WHEN IT’S ROUGH!”
An old man with gray hair, formally dressed and wearing a monocle, walked into the aisle behind her. “Keep it down, or I'll ban both of you!”
The girl turned around and bowed. “Sorry! We'll be quiet!”
While she had her back turned, he took that chance to escape.
But as soon as he turned away and took one step, she caught him by the wrist. “Not so fast! Let's at least talk a little, hm?”
Suki, help, please! What should I do?!
Who, me? I cannot help. I am merely a dragon.
Damn you.
“I don't know…”
“Let's go somewhere else. I want to show you something!” She dragged him through the library towards the door.
He prayed earnestly that it wouldn't be anything indecent.
The girl brought him to the art room.
The room was vast with big tables and shelves holding paint supplies and canvases. And standing canvases were scattered everywhere. The walls themselves had their own paint decor of varying colors. Different styles of paintings decorated the walls, and there were sculptures at the back of the room.
He had never understood abstract art. It all seemed like randomly thrown paint on a canvas. He began to wonder about it…
Abstract art contains no references to any physicality of reality. It is visually independent and transcends materialistic concepts that are comprised of the visual principles of our reality.
I didn't ask. He didn't even understand any of that.
She led him to the back of the room and stopped at a canvas that was covered in a thick, white cloth. “It took me 2 months to do this. Feast your eyes!” She grabbed onto the cloth.
Oh, she's an artist? That's nice. So, she wasn't just a perv. There was more to her than that.
“I present to you, TRUE ART!” She yanked off the cloth to reveal the canvas.
Elly was eager to see alright. As he looked at it, his expression gradually shifted. His heart jumped. 5 boys. He blushed as his eyes went wide. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” He covered his eyes with his hands.
Ah, fascinating.
Suki, you're not helping!
“What? You don't like it?” she asked.
“Th-they’re all…” He peeked through 2 fingers to look at her.
“I know!” She threw her arms up, grinning proudly. “This is GREATNESS!”
Objectively, it has coherence, clarity, and vibrance. The passion is quite apparent and is well demonstrated. Additionally, the brush and pen strokes have been masterfully executed. They are consistent, but intentionally vary in key places. Overall, the theme and setting are easily communicated—
Suki, you are NOT helping.
“It's… something alright…” He kept his eyes covered, no longer peeking.
“I knew you'd love it!”
She couldn't be any more wrong. The sight was overwhelming.
Elly found the courage to remove his hands and open his eyes. By then, she had re-covered the canvas with the cloth. “Can I go now?” He asked in a timid tone, sweating a little.
“Oh! I forgot to introduce myself!”
Because you were too busy being a freak.
“Marcella Osbourne.”
He nodded. “Elliorette ViQoné. Just call me Elly.” He had grown attached to the nickname.
“And you can just call me Marcy.” She smiled and reached her hand out for a handshake. Finally, a normal smile.
Elly shook her hand. Her hand was wet and sticky with a clear fluid. What the… He wondered what it was, so he put his hand to his nose and sniffed it. The smell was weird, and he was sure that it wasn't sweat. “What is this?” He was disgusted.
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know?” She leaned in close to him, smirking with a blush. “I can show you where I got it. Hehehe.”
“Never mind.” He shivered, afraid to know. He would wash his hands thoroughly with soap several times in a little while. That's the last time I'm shaking her hand. “I’m going to class.”
I can’t help but want to gag but for some reason I feel scared to open my mouth… I feel she’d take advantage of it somehow