When Elly was sober again, he couldn’t believe he was so weak to tickling. He had lost that one-sided battle against Marcy, a sound defeat that he wasn’t proud of. And now he was imprisoned and irritated.
He looked down at his hand as they walked around the school.
Marcy was holding it as if they were a couple. How embarrassing. And people were looking at them.
He utterly despised her but was afraid to run away, fearing that she would hunt him down and tickle him again when he had dropped his guard.
Why couldn’t a simple boy do his simple research in peace? At least her hand felt clean and dry this time.
“So, where do you want to goooo?” Her shirt was unbuttoned again down to her stomach.
“Away from you,” he retorted.
“Haha! That’s a good one!”
A pair of girls walked past them along the corridor as they eyed Marcy and Elly. “Wow, she’s really lucky to have him as a boyfriend,” one of them commented after they passed him and Marcy. “I’d steal him in a heartbeat if he was alone.”
The other girl giggled.
Elly flushed intensely. THANKS FOR BEING SO SUBTLE, GIRLS. His left eyebrow constantly twitched as he tried not to explode.
Why are you thanking them? You seem angry, so I believe that contradicts your gratitude—
Not… really…
Go find a dictionary.
Will you acquire one for me?
No. When she turned human, she could go find it herself.
“Oh, don’t look so angry.” Marcy started swinging their connected hands playfully with a smile.
Elly stayed quiet for minutes.
Marcy broke the silence and tried to strike up a conversation. “So, what do you like?”
“Not seeing your face.”
“Oh my, you're even more charming when you insult me!” She blushed with a silly smile.
What the hell?! Just when he thought she couldn't get any freakier…
They walked through halls and passed classrooms and more students.
“Good day to you both.” Mr. Nelson was walking past them from the opposite direction, carrying a tall stack of books with both of his hands.
“Mm-hm,” Elly mumbled, unenthused.
“Good day, teach!” Marcy waved enthusiastically.
They made their way down the stairs and outside to the garden.
The sun was bright and high in the sky.
“It’s so hot. I should take my clothes off.”
Elly turned his head and looked at her, seeing the sweat run down her face and drip off her chin.
She fanned herself with a hand then took her jacket off. “Can you hold this for me?” Her neck glistened with sweat too.
He took her jacket from her. “What are you…?”
Marcy unbuttoned the remaining buttons at the bottom of her shirt and opened it wider, exposing her bra.
“Come on, it’s just for 5 minutes.” She unbuckled her skirt and dropped it to her ankles.
“OSBOURNE! THAT’S 20 DEMERITS FOR PUBLIC NUDITY!” SQUEAK. Across the garden, Ms. President shouted from her megaphone on the fourth floor of the main building.
Elly and Marcy turned their heads to the prez.
“20?! But that’s too many! I only—”
“Serves you right,” Elly grumbled.
“Quit being a killjoy!” Marcy yelled back.
“That’s not what I said!”
“THEN BE QUIET! WORMS DON’T TALK! AND YOU, WORM NUMBER 2, I’M WATCHING YOU.” SQUEAK. She stepped away from the window and walked off down the corridor, apparently having places to be.
Apparently, Elly was worm number 2.
Marcy groaned. “Clarrisa’s so strict and annoying. I just want to take my clothes off!”
Something’s wrong with you.
Hm? You mean people are not allowed to disrobe? Suki asked.
Not in public.
Oh, really? What reason is there for such a silly rule?
Elly rolled his eyes. She didn’t wear clothes, so of course she didn’t understand.
“Let's head back inside where it’s shady.” Marcy frowned and took her jacket from him and put it on. Once she pulled up her skirt and rebuttoned it, she held his hand.
The warm sweat on her hand caused him to shiver. Instinctively, he pulled his hand away. “Gross! I don’t want your sweat on me!”
“Aw, why? You don’t like my sweat?”
“Obviously!” He wiped his hand clean on the side of his pants.
“But sweat is a nice kink!”
“We obviously don’t have the same kinks.”
“Oh? What’re your kinks then?”
Elly walked on in silence.
“Come on, at least tell me your biggest.”
His biggest? “My biggest kink is being alone.” He began speed walking ahead of her.
Marcy speed walked and caught up. “Ohhh, so you can do it all by yourself, huh?” She smirked. “Never pegged you for that kinda boy.”
A vein popped up on the side of his forehead.
“Don't worry. I won't tell anyone! I do it too—a lot in fact.”
He didn’t need to know that. “That's not the problem,” he replied through clenched teeth.
She giggled. “Okay, whatever lie works for you.”
He was about to lose it.
They made it inside, walking down another hallway together.
He wished he had a class right now to get away from her, but the rest of his day was free. “Don’t you have class or something?”
“Nope! The rest of my day is free!”
Damn her.
“Same.” Sadly.
Is this not a wonderful opportunity to bond and develop a healthy relationship with a fellow schoolmate and make an ally you can lean on when faced with dire, unforeseeable circumstances?
No. Again, Suki wasn’t helping. Elly was smart and highly skilled in many different fields with immense power. He didn't need anyone's help. They'd only neglect and abandon him as his previous friends had done in his old life. A fishbone. One fishbone, and no one could've helped? No one??? It had only shown how oblivious, selfish, and self-conceited people were. The bystander effect was a cruel thing.
When Sapphire had been around, she suppressed his bitterness just by being there. He had felt safe and loved having her around. She was an exception: she had given him all the love he needed over the years.
But now, her absence and Suki’s suggestion made him think about it again, how he truly felt about people. Mom and Dad in this world were okay, just okay. They hardly gave him attention, being in the capital and working their butts off. He wasn't sure if he could blame them. But then again, was working always more important than giving attention to their own child? Thankfully, he had Sapphire to fill the role that they should’ve properly filled.
When I needed my friends the most, they weren't there for me. Because of that, he would stay strong and independent. And he would avoid fish, naturally. Fish were evil, even when dead.
I am sorry that you are feeling this way.
Stop reading my thoughts. I don't want your sympathy. You don't understand what it means being human, not even on the simplest level, so what good is your sympathy?
Elly wanted her to hurry up and decide on a human form, so she could get out of his mind and allow him the privacy, solitude, and silence he wanted.
His bitterness still ran deep after so many years, and he was just coming to terms with it…
Marcy landed a quick kiss on his nose.
It pulled him right out of his thoughts. He stared at her in confusion then realized they had stopped walking.
“You’ve been quiet for a while now. I’m kinda worried.” She frowned.
“Just a stomach ache. I should go.” He turned his back to her and walked away.
“Do you want my company?” She began following him, walking too closely behind him.
He stopped abruptly and turned to her.
She stopped and nearly ran into him.
“Marcella, I want to be alone.”
“Oh, alright…” She hung her head.
Elly walked away.
Thanks for the chapter~❤️