Elly stood by the empty wall space in deep thought.
The boys talked amongst themselves, and the chefs went back to working behind the counter—whatever they were doing in the back of the kitchen.
He looked at the surrounding walls to see the materials they were made of. What if he reconstructed the wall… Actually, a temporal spell would be the best solution to rewind the age of the wall and restore it to its former state. But ironically, he would need time to do that. He dabbled a little in temporal magic, but not much.
He summoned his spellbook and flipped through it. He also had to fix the shattered tables and bribe the chefs to keep quiet…
Suki sauntered along the corridor. Elliorette had given her permission to go and procure the dictionary she had been wanting and to hopefully acquire some delectable tea and sandwiches as well. He had said there was a kitchen in the teachers’ lounge and wished her “good luck” in her endeavor to sneak in. However, his words and tone had implied that he had no faith in her.
So, she had two tasks: 1. Obtain a dictionary in order to find the meaning of the word “sarcasm” and 2. Find tea and sandwiches in the teachers’ lounge without being detected. She would start with the first quest.
She knew the location of the library, since she had visited it several times while in the company of Elliorette. And so, she went on her way, walking across the quadrangle—a square courtyard enclosed by buildings—and passing the water fountain in its center.
Clarissa sat at her desk in her office. It was empty and quiet. Where was her vice president? It really took him this long to complete a simple errand? She had sent him to the cafeteria half an hour ago to fetch her lunch. Her stomach growled. She could not focus on anything, and she only grew crankier as the minutes passed. Forget it.
She rose from her seat, deciding to go to the teacher’s lounge for some food, since it was nearby. She went down the hallway, down the stairs, and then out the door, now moving across the courtyard. She passed a young, short, blue-haired girl who was likely a first-year, given the girl’s unfamiliar appearance. Had she been at the orientation? Clarissa could not recall, but she did not have the energy or patience to stop her and ask for her ID. At the moment, she only desired fishcakes—hot, steaming, and tender with butter—and cold, peachy lemonade with cold, crunchy, sweet apples.
The thought made her salivate. She swallowed and went on her way.
Art was love! Art was life! Marcy’s work was a splendid song upon the canvas of creativity! And after a few more deft strokes and jabs with her paintbrush to the private areas, she was done with her next art project.
Lust was but a part of the beauteous human soul. A necessity: an intrinsic characteristic that was crucial to one’s identity. Such a feeling was essential to procreation—to the birth of new people and meaningful ideologies that society and civilization required. The absence of lust would spell the death of astounding potential.
With all of this considered, Marcy’s artwork was to serve as encouragement and inspiration to all doubters and seekers. Arousal was a blessing to be appreciated.
She set the paintbrush down in a bowl of water, finished and proud. Another guaranteed A. Now for lunch. Fortunately, she had a few sandwiches in her bag, so she didn’t have to head to the cafeteria today.
I wonder what Elly’s up to…
He didn’t have the time to break down the spell, analyze it closely, and reconfigure its fundamental workings, or at the very least come up with a temporary shortcut. He only had time to figure out how it worked and use it as soon as possible.
Standing by the empty wall space, he scribbled furiously in a notebook. Why am I stuck doing theory just to fix one stupid wall?! He needed to understand the theory first before moving on to the practical applications. And then only after understanding the practical applications could he cast it. He felt like setting the notebook on fire, but that would only destroy his valuable progress.
He had thoroughly searched his spellbook, front to back, and had concluded that this particular spell was best suited for his situation, so he was stuck doing it. The explanations were convoluted and wordy. He had to read everything like twenty times despite his big brain.
Pompadour Boy was busy whining to the rest of the boys about his burned hair. The top half was gone.
“Release me at once!” The VP ordered, still tied up with the rest of the boys in the center of the room.
Elly paused and looked up from his spellbook. “SHUT UP. I’M BUSY!” He needed to concentrate. He resumed his reading from the spellbook… whereby the known numerical values and unknown numerical values as well as the unknown numerical values and the known numerical values intersect in formulas 989 and 990, or more commonly, formulas 990 and 989, such that the true value becomes known, but in actuality is not fully known in most instances, except under the unique circumstance, ento, which is a derivative of cento, and under the common circumstance, which is also ento, which is, again, the derivative of cento, except when… “Stupid nonsense,” he mumbled. HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT “CENTO” MEANT, AND THIS DAMN BOOK WOULDN’T EXPLAIN IT TO HIM.
He screamed in anger, and all the boys and chefs looked at him.
Tamori lay on her bunk bed in her dorm—on the bottom mattress. She took a bite of her sveet pastry, cheving. Ze pain in her fang vas all gone, sanks to her dentist who had fixed her bent fang. A good dentist for sure. Her favorite actually. Her dentist alvays knew how to get ze job done.
And now she could enjoy her pastries in peace. Her roommate vas out for ze afternoon, so she had ze whole place to herself for a good vile.
Zat fight vis Elly had been a good von. She vas rarely beaten by a non-vamp. She vondered how he vas doing…
Elly had calmed down, quietly writing in the notebook as he occasionally glanced at the open, floating spellbook. He was making steady progress…