Hot Summer Days of June (CH 01)

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Who wants to work in the boiling heat of summer, I Don't want to and as for others they do have the same wish as mine, we do things because it's our compulsion, not our need.
As for me, I am also the victim of that compulsion which is called work.
Wednesday of June 2028 weather changed much from my childhood time we do have winter in December but now we don't have much of winter, and December also feels like the boiling desert of the Sahara, winter came fast in March, like the blinking of an eye and went faster than that, many things change but humans were being of absorbing change and change to its nature, so did all change to what brings to us by our upper peoples like military commanders and other higher-ranking officials. the world was to blame for this change in atmosphere which harms millions before we adapt to it, but what we can do now after have a long time of riots and rebels still we are in the same system, as for me I can only say this let be gone be bygone because past can't be repeated, but I can say this for future that will be more damned than this and will bring many changes to the world, but I didn't imagine about it to be so fast and early.
Today I woke up doing my everyday chores before going to work at 10:30 am riding my bike to my workplace looking at the greenery of waste it doesn't much of a change of sight, it is the same as before the Great change specifically called (Blooming), same shitty traffic every day as for the flying enemy of ours, plastic bags on roads and many more things, but at last, I reach to my destination and I felt like I have aged much.
Building Guard: Hello Haris how are you today you look tired, did you sleep well last night?
You know that I slept well last night but you know the traffic and other things between this place to my living place make me a hell of tired Shah Sahab.
Shah Sahab hahahahaha, boy you took the words out of my mouth, take care of your health, well ya know I love you hahahaha.
As he said those words I ran fast inside the building because I knew that he was going to hug me so tightly that my breath stuck in my chest, I could hear his laughs inside the building too.
As I was running I stumbled into someone.
Hey, man look where you going, OHHHH my god it's you, my buddy, what makes you run blindly did you fall in love with someone in the office and run so fast to meet her because you can't control your emotions and want to meet her as fast as you can.
(OMG why do I have to stumble into him) this is the first thought that came to my mind after hearing that voice.
Abu Bakar ohh it's you my friend you are early today what brings you this early in the morning?
Abu Bakar: are you drunk or are you teasing me it's 11:26 am and nearly after half-hour it will be a half-day, my friend………
Ohhh you got me, buddy, just teasing you haha just as you were doing with me just now.
Alright alright, buddy I will take the revenge later as we both parted after that.
I went to my cabin and started working but from inside I didn't feel well and had a bad premonition but I ignored it and made myself busy with work, as time passed by fast and the closing time was. Abu Bakar barged into my cabin saying hey buddy I will be going with you so please give me a ride to my home and don't say no you know it's on your way home, now you stuck to me like a leach How can I shake it off you from me please leave me alone I promise I will drop you to your place.
As he leaves my cabin I thought today I would ditch him and will see his reaction tomorrow hahahaha.
As I finished everything and went to the parking to take my bike, and just as I started my bike I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and gripping me very strongly, I screamed while I was screaming I heard the laugh of my devilish friend hahahaha I took my revenge and make an extra point f******ing S***h you freak me out buddy, I thought I am going to have a heart-attack never do the same s**t again or I will F******ing beat you to death, hop on or I will leave you here to walk alone to home or take a bus, he sits with me so tightly like a Spiderman in an instant I was astonished on his agility, as we ride back chit chatting I drop him near his house and went on my way.
Please let me know what you think about my work.
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