Did I Hit Something.? (CH 03)
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The next day morning: I woke up early before my mother. I took a bath and made breakfast. After finishing it all, I woke up my mother and told her, Mom I going to work BYE………….
On the way to the workplace: I look up in the sky and find those holes in my head. Same as it was yesterday, but lacking the electricity. I find many people taking pictures of those holes. And uploading and enjoying the moments. Those holes look beautiful as if they are the gateway to heaven.
 At Work: Hey there,
Guard: Yes, what do you need?
I don’t see Shah Sahab today, where is he?
Guard: Don’t you know the last day he passed away?
WHAT ARE YOU SAYING………………. He was alright when I left him laughing, what happened to him, astonished as I asked to guard.
Guard: you know the holes in the sky, when the first blast happened he got a heart attack. We took him to the hospital but he didn’t survive and passed away in the hospital. at 7:23 p.m.
Mmmmm I didn’t think that meeting of us would be the last meeting.
Do you have any information about the funeral, When will they hold the funeral?
Guard: I do, today at 1:30 p.m. in the mosque near his house.
Ok, I understand.
In the office: hey buddy how ya doing, you can see I am not doing the shopping at the moment, hehehehe so you asked my father about that, yes I did. Saba told me that you are very ill, OMG OMG do you care about me has…… you do.
Nah I just want to make sure that it is true. Because if it were I would be very happy, that a leech gonna be stomped.
Ohh you think that I am a leech, I suck your brain and blood huh.
Yes, you do 100% true and you are doing it now as well.
Ok ok, I won’t talk to you if you think I am a leech good Bye Cockroach.
As time went fast and the time for the funeral was near I stopped my all work and went to my leech buddy.
Hey, sucker you ready to go to the funeral.
Yes, I do, so just tell everyone to be ready to join the funeral.
At the funeral: of Shah Sahab's relative (he was really a good man and always laughing and hugging everyone who got close to him. I hope he will rest in peace and will be in heaven for his good deeds and good Ethics.)
At work: I will remember him. He was a good man.
Yes, he was, I like him too he was nice and good.
Yeah but now we can only pray for him to be in heaven.
Hey, Haris I have to ask something, just ask it but the question should be sensible.
Yeah I know I know, I just want to ask who you like………..
What do you mean?
I mean whom you like in the office, there are many girls around.
I heard them talking about you and whispering. You are very popular among girls.
Do you think that I am that much of handsome that girls will fall for me, I don’t think that I am that handsome and please don’t make those kinds of fantasies about me, I leave that work to my mother to find a suitable girl for me to marry.
Ohh then I will meet Aunty and tell her that in our office there are a lot of girls and they are beautiful, I will kill you if you do that.
Why wouldn’t I do that, you know I am a leech and I will suck you dry, as I stand to hit him he ran like a leopard and left me astonished.
Way to home: may I hang with you till my place come, will you not If I deny you shi***tty leech. Just sit and keep silent or I will crash my bike into someone and will make a scene, that you were trying to rob my bike.
Ok ok, bro don’t go to that height I won’t I want to live and I have to marry a beautiful girl I can’t just die yet.
Then keep quiet or you will be forever deprived of those girls.
OMG, you are the cruelest human I have ever seen in my life.
As this chit-chat keeps going in the way, hey just jump I won’t stop my bike, WHAT ARE YOU FU****KING INSANE? I will die you sh***, yes that is what I want haha haha. As his apartment passed by he got noxious but I stop my bike and said, I got you sucker. As he leaves my bike in a blink, as see the death angel in the shape of me.
I will get you in my spider web my cockroach buddy I will get you. As he walks toward the apartments.
As I alone going home when I was 3 to 4 km away from the area of my residence I saw some light globs ascending toward the hole. From the hole some light globs descended toward the ground, I focused and counted and there were a total of 10 light globs that were descending to the ground, and 10 ascending toward the hole not very fast.
What is happening what are those light globs why are they going up and some of them coming down or it is just an effect of the hole, the more I thought the more I got confused, and the thought of an alien being doesn’t fit right, cause the scientist claims that these holes are not aliens warm holes to attack humankind. This announcement made every single citizen of the world calm so why should I not, I just shook my head and thought whatever that is I don’t have to investigate that, there are scientists and an army to solve this mystery. As they cover the whole area of that hole only the people who live In that area can go in and out freely, otherwise, people not from the area should need clearance and many more things to go in.
But the security is only tight at a distance of the whole borders, and the army and scientist garrison at the local Government School observe the whole activities.
When near home just half a km, the road was so empty at that time, I shouted ohhh yeah now I will show you guys my bike riding skills, as I sped up. and the bike meter shows that my speed reached 45km per hour my left side crashed into something and it felt like I hit a wall, It was lucky for me that I was holding my speed accelerator and clutch handles very tightly, if I don’t I will be flying like superman, on the road. I fell to the left side half of my body was lying beneath the bike, the people walking on the sidewalk saw this and came running toward me, some of them picked up the bike and some people picked me up.
People: hey are you alright, what happened, what did you do, how did you fall, are you ill, the people ask many questions.
As I came to my senses I checked my body. have some scratches and nothing more, but my bike was not in good condition, the headlight and indicator on the left side were totally broken, and the mudguard got heavily dented so to say my left side of the bike got trash. I stood up with people's help and walked a bit to check my body, and that if I did get any internal injuries, but everything seemed fine when people saw this they scattered away leaving only a few behind when I felt good I said thanks to them and make them leave, and I pick up my bike to walk to the mechanic because i can't make it start, as I was picking up my bike I saw something on the left side on the garbage and it was leaking something, I put my bike on stand and curiosity drag me toward it.
I have some suspicions that the thing hit me or i hit that thing, it came from this side and now I can see some purple liquid leaking. The 1st thought came into my mind I have to check.
I reached the point on the garbage where that purple liquid was, sat down and I moved my hand to touch it, as I touched the purple liquid where it was gushing out I felt that there was an object, and in an instant, a jolt of electricity rush in my right hand and through it, rush in my whole body and make an explosion. 
AN: A trash site refers to a trash dumping place.
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