Chapter 69: Strategic Plan
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Amelia's POV:

Everything enveloped me in darkness, an impenetrable abyss with no glimmer of light. Am I dead? Or is this a dream? I'm not sure. It was all dark and silent that surrounded me until I heard whispers break through. Some voices felt familiar to me, others weren't.

You're a disappointment...

You will never find happiness...

You're a heartless bitch...

Stop. Please. 

You don't care about who dies or lives...

You'll forever remain cold and unloved...

Shut up.

You can't change the past, and it will haunt you...

In this world, you need to be cold blooded in order to survive...

Stop it. 

You'll lose everything you cherish and become that lonely little girl again...


The whispers repeated endlessly, echoing in my mind. I just want them to stop. I just want them to stop tormenting. Please someone, anyone, make them stop...

But then, I heard a familiar voice.

Amelia? Amelia?!






Amelia awoke with a start as her surroundings came into focus. She noticed she was still in the car and her head resting on Green's right leg with tears streaming down her face. She turned her gaze forward to see Green looking at her with concern.


"Yes, it's me," Green replied, relief in his voice as he gently wiped away her tears.

"What happened?" she asked, trying to piece together what had transpired.

"You passed out for some time until you started crying in your sleep, so I woke you up. I'm just glad you're okay." He offered her a reassuring smile.

Amelia glanced down at her right hand and saw it was bandaged, then looked around to see Rodeo was in the front seat, watching her intently, while Miguel focused on driving. Green, meanwhile, was seated beside her in the back.

"...Amelia, why did you do that?" Rodeo asked.

"I saw the bite marks on Chilli Pepper's arm and assumed it was from Green's Stand. He was about to stab your Stand, and since you said any harm to the Stand injures the user, I didn't want to..."

"See me get killed?" Green interjected.

Amelia nodded, "Yes."

Rodeo and Green exchanged a glance, their expressions reflecting concern. Then they turned their attention back to Amelia.

"Please, don't do that again," Rodeo implored with worry and concern in his voice.

Amelia placed a gentle hand on his face. "Alright, Rodeo," she said softly.

Rodeo nodded and shifted his gaze to the Stand arrow he held in his left hand before looking back out the window.

"Amelia, how are you feeling right now?" Green asked.

"Just a minor headache, but other than that though, I'm completely fine."

"Green, can you call out your Stand?" Rodeo asked.

"But why?" Green asked, puzzled.

"I need to know whether she can see your Stand or not." Rodeo explained.

"Alright then. Cerberus," Green called out.

Once Green called out his Stand, Cerberus appeared above him before asking Amelia. "Can you see it? It's right above me."

Amelia blinked twice, initially seeing nothing, but with another blink, her eyes widened as Cerberus became clear.

"War. War," Cerberus intoned.

"Oh my god."

"Can you see it?" Green asked.

"Yes, I can see it," Amelia confirmed, her voice filled with awe.

Rodeo hummed thoughtfully. "So now both of you are Stand users. Amelia, try calling out your Stand."

"How do I do that?" she asked, unsure.

"Just focus and concentrate."

Amelia took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, but nothing happened.

"I don't feel anything," she admitted.

"That is unusual," Rodeo remarked. "Perhaps your Stand hasn't fully awakened yet. Don't stress about it, take some rest instead."

"He's right. You should get some rest," Green agreed, and Amelia nodded in response, accepting their advice.

As Amelia closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, Miguel turned to Green and asked, "How far is Site-19?"

"Just continue down the road, take two lefts, and then a right," Green instructed.

"Got it."

Green looked at Amelia, now peacefully asleep, and gently patted her head. 

"Do you think the Foundation will classify you and Amelia as SCPs?" Rodeo asked, breaking the moment of quiet.

"I'm not sure, Rodeo. But we'll figure it out when we get to Site-19."

"Let's hope so," Rodeo said with a hint of apprehension.

Green paused, then asked, "...By the way, how did you get that jar with dirt?"

"Oh, that," Rodeo replied with a chuckle. "I told Evan to grab some jars from the cafeteria and fill them with dirt. Just in case we needed to, you know... a quick getaway."

"That does make sense," Green acknowledged with a nod.

"You know we stole this car, right?" Miguel said as he joined in the conversation.

"Yeah, we did," Green replied.

"Don't worry," Rodeo added with ease. "We'll tell Emma, and she'll have a Foundation agent return the car to its original location. Simple as that."

Green chuckled before pointing out, "You two did escape from Site-19 as well. Emma will likely have something to say to both of you."

Rodeo and Miguel exchanged glances with anime sweat drops appearing on their foreheads as they turned back to face forward.

"Agreed," they said in unison.

Green turned his attention to Amelia, who was still asleep, and whispered gently to her, "Thanks for saving me."

Amelia's eyes opened slightly, surprising him. She whispered back with a sweet smile on her lips, "You're welcome." She then gave him a gentle kiss, which he returned.

After their tender moment, they parted and decided to take a nap until they reached Site-19. Rodeo and Miguel, absorbed in their own conversation, surprisingly remained oblivious to the intimate interaction between Green and Amelia.


– Emma's Office, Site-19, America - 12:30 AM –

Emma was visibly upset as she addressed the Stand group in her office. The room was also occupied by Carson, Molly Collingwood, Sgt. Johnson, Simmons, Gustav, and Sophia, who now has a new mechanical hand thanks to SCP-212.

"You didn't even consider telling us about this?!" she demanded.

Evan tried to calm her down. "Rodeo made a calculated and logical risk. He'll be back."

"But he's still injured," Molly interjected. "He's in no condition to fight."

"Miguel is with him," Evan countered.

"But still," Molly persisted.

"That's not the only problem, Evan." Emma interjected, her concern deepening. "This is the Foundation, you can't just go wherever you want or do whatever you want. If the O5 council finds out, they won't hesitate to enforce stricter containment measures for all of you."

The Stand group exchanged uneasy glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. Their actions had serious implications, and the consequences could be severe if they were found in violation of the Foundation's protocols.

Just as the conversation was about to continue, Michelle suddenly froze.

"...I sense something." 

Now that she mentioned it, the Stand group including Evan felt the two new presences. Stand presence, and they are approaching the office. 

"We have two Stand users heading this way," Evan announced, and his words heightened everyone's alertness.

"What?!" Emma exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency as the tension in the room increased.

"They're nearing the door," Jeff added, his gaze fixed on the entrance.

Everyone watched the door with apprehension, readying themselves. Carson, Johnson, Simmons, and Sophia armed themselves with their pistols, while Emma, Molly, and Gustav positioned themselves behind Carlos for protection.

"They're here," Jeff announced.

Then, the door swung open, only to reveal Green, Miguel, Rodeo, and Amelia. 

"YOU PICKED THE WRONG SITE, FOOL!" Evan yelled out with ten knives poised in his hand and prepared to hurl the blades at the intruders with all his might.

Rodeo quickly raised his hands in surrender. "Evan, it's me! Rodeo! Chill! Chill!"

"Oh! Thank god, you guys are finally back!" Evan's shock turned to relief as he recognized the group. He discarded the knives and pulled Rodeo, Miguel, Green, and Amelia into a hug. But their reunion was interrupted by Emma's questioning tone.

"Guys, where on earth have you been? Rodeo, I swear-"

Her sentence was cut off as Rodeo showed the golden Stand arrow, leaving everyone in the room stunned.

"Is that...?"

"Yes, it's the Stand arrow," Rodeo confirmed.

"I'm impressed," Jeff uttered.

Rodeo continued, "But we discovered something about the Stand group we took it from."

"Tell us, then," Emma prompted.

"Alright," Rodeo agreed, ready to share their findings.

After a lengthy explanation, pretty much the room was filled with astonishment and disbelief.

"Nani!?" Evan exclaimed in shock, "You're saying the Spy from Team Fortress 2 has become Silver Chariot?!"

"Yes, and they are hunting Amelia for money, of course," Rodeo confirmed.

"So, Chilli Pepper and Ride Me to Hell's user were indeed working together after all," Sophia noted, piecing things together.

"And he has the Hanged Man on his side?!" Both Simmons and Carson echoed in shock.

"Do you suspect this Spy made a deal with one of the Foundation's enemies in exchange for Dr. Buck and the arrow?" Emma questioned, trying to grasp the implications.

"And Dr. Buck and Agent Green both unfortunately fell prey to the arrow and acquired a Stand as a result?" Molly recalled from the explanation.

"Well, Green's Stand has already awakened, but Amelia's hasn't yet," Rodeo clarified. "Green, show them."

"Cerberus," Green commanded.

Following his words, Cerberus appeared, its imposing form crossing its arms as it stared at the Stand group, who stared back at the Stand with a mix of curiosity, wariness, and amazement in their faces as they felt the weight of its presence settling them.

":0 Oh my God, your Stand looks awesome!" Michelle exclaimed excitedly.

"It seems powerful," Jeff noted, eyeing the Stand with interest.

"THREE HEADS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!" Psycho Kreig yelled, as was his usual enthusiastic manner.

"And it's impressively buff," Evan added, admiring Cerberus's muscular form that might rival his.

Carlos growled, not entirely sure what to make of the situation.

"Thanks, but let's get back to the point," Green interjected, steering the conversation back on track.

"You're right," Emma agreed. "We now have a solid lead on who the French man is, which turned out to be another video game character like Kreig here. He has two Human Stands and three Stand Users on his side."

"And we know only one of the Stand users' names and faces. Jack Barton," Amelia stated.

"He is the Stand user of Ride Me to Hell," Miguel confirmed.

Emma voiced her concerns, "But you nearly turned the city into a battleground, and your confrontation with Spy's group caused some property damage. But by luck, you weren't spotted by the public."

"Yeah," Rodeo acknowledged.

"And you also stole someone's car," she added.

"Yeah, that as well," Green admitted, chuckling nervously.

Emma sighed. "I'll instruct an agent to return the car to its original owner. Overall, I'm impressed with your work, Rodeo and Miguel."

"Thanks," Rodeo replied.

"Gracias," Miguel echoed, expressing gratitude.

Emma's concerns were valid, but she couldn't deny the progress and information the group had gathered.

The group's attention turned to the Stand arrow Rodeo held. And Carson, of all people, broke the silence with a question.

"Think I could get a Stand of my own if I got scratched by it?"

Rodeo regarded Carson with a serious expression. "You know how the arrows work, right?"

"Yeah, I do. Just saying it wouldn't hurt if I-"

"Carson, don't even think about it," Rodeo interrupted firmly. "The virus inside this arrowhead is ruthless and will kill you if it deems you unworthy of receiving a Stand."

"Okay, okay, sheesh," Carson conceded. "I'm just saying. It's not like I want to get scratched by it right now... unless the Foundation-"

"The Foundation will not create Stand users just for the sake of experimentation," Amelia interjected firmly. "If they did, we couldn't predict the type of Stand that might result, and we can't take the risk if it turns out to be dangerous."

"Says the doctor who got scratched by it," Carson retorted.

"I never wanted to get scratched by it," Amelia shot back. "I never wanted any of this to happen."

"Well, it sucks to be you, then," Carson said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Carson, shut up," Rodeo deadpanned, cutting off Carson's comment. The group exchanged looks, their expressions a mix of concern and agreement with Rodeo's reprimand.

"I have a question." Someone asked.

And this time, it was Gustav who was asking the question.

Amelia sighed, "What is it, Gustav?"

"Is there a chance that Spy's gang might try to raid Site-19 and attempt to retrieve you and the arrow?" he inquired.

"Gustav, this site is well-guarded and fortified, given the dangerous anomalies and entities we housed here, they wouldn't be reckless enough to raid Site-19 without a concrete plan."


Before anyone could respond, the alarms started blaring throughout the facility, which caught the group's attention.

A voice from the P.A. system announced, "[Warning! Six unknown entities have entered the facility. All Mobile Task Force members and guards take action and capture the entities. All D-class personnel must return to their respective cells, and all Foundation staff should head for the designated safe zones. SCP lockdown procedures have been initiated, and all SCP cells will remain in permanent lockdown until the entities are captured. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill!]"

"Well, shit," Evan cursed audibly.

"They really are crazy enough to raid this place," Sane Kreig added.

"Should we panic?" Michelle asked, her voice laced with worry.

"No," Rodeo shook his head confidently. Everyone turned to him as he spoke, "We will fight them, and we will capture them. I have a plan." He turned to Emma and Carlos. "Emma, give me the map and layout of Site-19. Carlos, bring the table from the center of the room."

Following his instructions, Carlos lifts Emma's office table and places it in the center of the office while Emma brings out a bunch of blue prints and documents from the file cabinets and places them on the table as requested. The group rallied around Rodeo as he prepared to lay out their strategy to counter the incoming threat.

"All right," Rodeo began, his brow furrowed with focus. "We'll use Amelia and the arrow as bait to draw Ride Me to Hell into this large room here." He pointed to the map, indicating the designated room. "During our encounter in the city, Ride Me to Hell said 'targets', not just one. This suggests it is going to go after both Amelia and the arrow, leading Spy's gang to follow it to her."

Amelia nodded. "Okay, but where will I be during this operation? In the large room?"

"No," Rodeo clarified. "You'll be in the security room, which is a bit far from this room here. When they attempt to pass through the large room, we'll force Ride Me to Hell to fight us and draw its attention away from you. Our interference should keep it occupied and focused on us," he finished, but as Amelia and the others listened intently, his demeanor suddenly shifted, "However, Ride Me to Hell has evolved from our last encounter."

"What do you mean?" Evan raised a question.

Miguel explained, "During me and Green's fight with Ride Me to Hell, it used whips made of flames and hurled fireballs at us. And be alert, those fireballs could set the entire streets into a sea of flames."

"So, it's gained pyrokinesis abilities," Evan remarked.

"Exactly," Rodeo confirmed. "We'll need to be cautious of its new powers, especially Chilli Pepper, Spy, the Hanged Man, Faded, and N.I.T.R.O.N are involved. But the problem is that we still don't know much about Faded's other abilities, so that remains a wildcard."

The group absorbed this information and prepared themselves for the complex battle ahead. They knew they would need to be alert, coordinated, and adaptable to handle the threats posed by Spy's gang and their powerful Stand users.

"What about this N.I.T.R.O.N?" Molly raised a question.

Green explained, "Let's just say it helps an average human to run at high speeds, capable enough to catch up to a car or a motorbike. And the Stand is quite fast and agile, much like Chilli Pepper."

"So it's a speedster Stand?" 

"Yeah," Green nodded.

Rodeo refocused the conversation, "Back to the point. We still have no clue what Faded's other ability might be since we only know that it allows its user to fly and store items and weapons in it's top hat, so we should be careful of any hidden short- or long-range abilities he might have."

"Okay, but are all of you going to fight them?" Johnson asked.

"Yeah, Green and I, along with the Stands here, will fight them. Why do you ask?"

"I wish to volunteer," Johnson offered.

"Me too," Simmons added.

Sophia nodded in agreement. "Count me in as well."

"Wait, you're all going to fight them?" Evan asked with concern. "You do know that each of them probably could take on a large portion of guards here in this facility."

"Doesn't matter," Johnson shook his head. "You still need all the support you can get. Carson, are you joining us?" he asked Carson as he turned to face him.

All eyes turned to Carson, who had been silent until now. His mask made his expression unreadable, but he responded evenly.

"I'll join. If we don't capture them, we won't know who their client is. And I could use some action, so count me in as well. If I die... please be at my funeral."

"Sure," Rodeo nodded before turning to face everyone present. "All right people, we're moving out. And Krieg, are your bulbs off?"

"Yes, they are." Sane Krieg held up his fists.

"Good. Now let us begin."

With the plan in place and everyone ready, they dispersed to their assigned positions. Rodeo and the rest needed to go on the defensive, determined to stop Spy's mercenary group here and now.