Chapter 39 Will of the World
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Chapter 39 Will of the World

Almost five years had passed since the start of the hostage trade. Since both sides had been peaceful, Grand Darkness and Starlight believed that it was time to move on to the next stage. Starlight called another meetings of the Grand Elders.

In the same room as the last meeting, most of the Grand Elders had already arrived. Only Sunlight, Purelight, Grand Darkness, and Starlight had yet to arrive. Forest Fire did not come. Sunlight and Purelight walked in.

“Grand Elder Sunlight, Grand Elder Purelight, welcome.” {Radiant Firelight}

Sunlight said nothing as he took his seat, while Purelight gave a simple reply.

“Grand Elder Earthlight, why do you think Starlight called this meeting?” {Creationlight}

“I can only assume it has something to do with the peace treaty.” {Earthlight}

“I mean what about it? Just to confirm how it is going? Or another agreement, such as stopping the growing restlessness of the monsters?” {Creationlight}

“I do not know. But speaking of the monsters, Grand Elder Lightspeed, you are the one normally sent to deal with any events. Any thoughts?” {Earthlight}

“The Light Birds have been more active lately but still within expectations. Moreover, our Cultivators have been well trained to fight them, thanks to the work of Grand Elder Purelight. Thank you again for raising them.” {Lightspeed}

“You are welcome Grand Elder Lightspeed. But please, it is ultimately just a hobby, and all I did was make it to where the birds would not leave an area. They were not trained or domesticated, only feed every so often.” {Purelight}

“Still, that is what makes them good to train against.” {Lightspeed}

“They are here.” {Daylight}

Grand Darkness and Starlight entered the room and took their seats.

“Everyone is here. Grand Elder Starlight, you may begin.” {Daylight}

“Thank you, Grand Elder Daylight. Everyone, thank you for being here.” {Starlight}

“Grand Elder Starlight, what is this meeting about?” {Metallight}

“Yes, we were wondering about that.” {Creationlight}

“I will hand over the questions to the Grand Darkness.” {Starlight}

“Starlight, this better be good.” {Radiant Firelight}

“Firelight, this is a proper meeting. Speak with Grand Elder Starlight with the respect he deserves.” {Daylight}

“Grand Elder Daylight, with all due respect, I am. Starlight brought this outsider, this enemy in. How long can this so called peace treaty really last?” {Radiant Firelight}

“Grand Elder Firelight, with all due respect, shut up.” {Sunlight}


“Grand Elder Sunlight, have our relationship degraded this much?” {Radiant Firelight}

“It has. How many times have I come to see Refulgence and have been turned away?” {Sunlight}

“How many times have I said Refulgence does not want to see you?” {Radiant Firelight}

“That is why I bring letters for him to read.” {Sunlight}

“Firelight, Sunlight, quit your petty squabbles.” {Daylight}


“Grand Darkness, you have the room.” {Daylight}

“Thank you, Grand Elder Daylight. I have asked you all here today to discuss the possibility of killing my ancestor.” {Grand Darkness}

Sunlight, Purelight, Creationlight, and Lightspeed held their breath. Waterlight, Earthlight, Metallight, and Woodlight looked on, still not knowing about this ancestor. Radiant Firelight held back a look of hate and looked on calmly.

“Grand Elder Daylight, would you like me to explain what my ancestor is? Or would you like to?” {Grand Darkness}

“Proceed.” {Daylight}

“For those of you who do not know the full story, here it is. The one known only as my ancestor ruled Tenebrosity before the appearance of Luminescence. Or in your case, before the appearance of Tenebrosity. He was one of the most important Cultivators and fighters for our side.” {Grand Darkness}

“But does that not mean they would be dead by now?” {Waterlight}

“Normally yes. They would have aged to dust, if not for one or two reasons. One is that he is what is known as a Vampire.” {Grand Darkness}

“SHIT! Mercury did say something about that!” {Earthlight}

“From what I have gathered, they are one of the Immortal Monster Races. Potentially on the same level as Dragons or Phoenixes.” {Grand Darkness}

“!” {Everyone}

“You cannot be serious.” {Radiant Firelight}

“Agreed. Dragons and Phoenixes are just stories, or idealized goals we work towards.” {Creationlight}

“Grand Darkness, I have heard about the concept of a Vampire while I was on Tenebrosity, and I know that your people called your ancestor a Vampire. But why do you say that they are on the level as Dragons?” {Sunlight}

“It is mostly just information gathered from old records. They did not explain why. I say this to let everyone know that this is most likely why the other reason could have happened at all. The reason he was captured and not killed.” {Grand Darkness}

“Does this have to do with ‘that thing’?” {Daylight}

“If you are talking about the “Will of the World’, then yes.” {Grand Darkness}

“Mercury said something about that too! Why did I stop the conversation!?” {Earthlight}

“This is a complicated matter, and I only have bits and pieces, but the ‘Will of the World’ can be seen as the heart and soul of a world. Destroy it and the world dies with it.” {Grand Darkness}


“Do you mean to say that your ancestor took this ‘Will of the World’ and is holding it hostage!?” {Metallight}


“It is more complicated than that, but basically.” {Grand Darkness}

“How is it more complicated?” {Purelight}

“I believe that there are two ‘Will of the World’ on this world. One for Tenebrosity and one for Luminescence.” {Grand Darkness}

“Then should it not be ‘Wills of the World’?” {Woodlight}

“No. As far as I am aware, from the records I have seen there should only be one ‘Will of the World’ for each world.” {Grand Darkness}

“Then is what you said not just wrong?” {Radiant Firelight}

“Well, let me explain. I think that our world was once two separate worlds.” {Grand Darkness}


“How can anyone believe that?” {Radiant Firelight}

“It does sound impossible.” {Lightspeed}

“Makes sense to me.” {Earthlight}


“What? Both sides believe that the other just appeared out of nowhere. Two worlds becoming one makes sense.” {Earthlight}

“But still” {Sunlight}

“I agree with Earthlight.” {Daylight}


“Grand Elder Daylight.” {Starlight}

“Grand Elders. It is with a heavy heart that I must admit that I knew most of this information about our two worlds already.” {Daylight}


“This is something that the last Head of the Sacred Light Sect passed onto me. I was hoping that Grand Elder Starlight would take my spot for me to pass it onto him, but now it is already known to everyone here.” {Daylight}


“Okay, but why does that matter?” {Earthlight}

“What?” {Grand Darkness}

“The main point of this meeting was to discuss killing your ancestor, what does this ‘Will of the World’ stuff matter.” {Earthlight}

“Thank you, Grand Elder Earthlight. I will get back onto that topic. My ancestor was able to merge with the ‘Will of the World’ from Tenebrosity. This gave him great power but overestimated himself and when he invaded Luminescence, he was captured. Vampires have a natural weakness to light and Light Qi. However, when they tried to kill him, he threatened that killing him would destroy the ‘Will of the World’ and doom Tenebrosity and because they were part of the same world, Luminescence. This led to imprisoning him in a special tomb. The one where he still resides to this day. Grand Elder Daylight, is there anything you would like to add?” {Grand Darkness}

“No.” {Daylight}

“Okay, but why tell us about this now?” {Purelight}

“I believe that my ancestor is trying to control his descendants to free him. This was my plan as well but realized that doing so would only doom this world and everyone in it. Only by killing him can we all be free from the threat he poses.” {Grand Darkness}

“How can anyone here believe you? You just admitted that your goal was to free him. Would killing him not require us to free him first? To take the Will back before he is dead?” {Radiant Firelight}

“Yes, that would be required. But I also want to stay away if possible. I do not know how much control he really has over his descendants. I have been in talks with Starlight about the best way to go about it.” {Grand Darkness}

“Yes. In truth I have hidden that I know a person who could have passed his second Tribulation.” {Starlight}

“WHAT!?” {Lightspeed}

“HOW!?” {Metallight}

“THE F*CK!?” {Sunlight}


“Grand Elder Starlight, please explain.” {Daylight}

“Grand Elder Sunlight, do you remember that around Mercury’s 12th Birthday, that you told me to investigate an abnormal Tribulation.” {Starlight}

“I do.” {Sunlight}

“I held back on my report that the person responsible forced another person to start their Tribulation. This person formed a body out of blood in front of me.” {Starlight}


“What?” {Daylight}

“It is as I said. A person formed out of blood. Clothes and all. I cannot explain it more than that.” {Starlight}


“How? I mean… How high was their Cultivation?” {Sunlight}

“I do not know. I could not feel any Cultivation at all from them.” {Starlight}

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” {Radiant Firelight}

“Firelight, is something funny?” {Daylight}

“It is just that they really expect us to believe this farce. I bet that Starlight is doing this to help Grand Darkness free his ancestor! We would have more if any information about this Cultivator if they were around! Well, what do you have to say for yourself!” {Radiant Firelight}

“Well, I have only meet him the one time. But he said that he was from another world and” {Starlight}

“More excuses! Maybe if you bring him to show us then ” {Radiant Firelight}

“I have also meet him.” {Earthlight}


“What?” {Radiant Firelight}

“I have also meet him and can agree with Starlight that this person is most likely able to kill Grand Darkness’s ancestor easily.” {Earthlight}

“Starlight, Earthlight, do you have a way to contact this person.” {Daylight}

“I have tried but no luck. Earthlight?” {Starlight}

“Well, ” {Earthlight}

“HOLD ON! Grand Elder Daylight, you cannot ” {Radiant Firelight}

“Firelight. I have respected your opinions and your right to be here as a Grand Elder, but you have not respected this meeting. We can and must believe that Grand Darkness is genuine with his desires until shown otherwise. If we can meet this person, and they can do it, then we can make our plan. If not, then we will go from there. Do I make myself clear?” {Daylight}


“Understood.” {Radiant Firelight}

“Good. Earthlight as you were saying.” {Daylight}

“I believe I have a way to contact them, but it could take a little bit of time.” {Earthlight}

“Good. Then for the time being, everyone but Grand Elder Earthlight may go. Grand Elder Starlight, please return after escorting Grand Darkness home. I would like to speak with you both about this person.” {Daylight}

Starlight and Grand Darkness left first while everyone else slowly left afterwards. Soon it was only Earthlight and Daylight left.

“Grand Elder Earthlight, what do you know about this person?” {Daylight}


“They are strong. I do not just mean with Cultivation but something more. Something only it can do.” {Earthlight}

“That is concerning. How much do you trust them?” {Daylight}

“Very much.” {Earthlight}

“Why?” {Daylight}

“They could have killed me several times over, and this was after I attacked them.” {Earthlight}


“Then I will trust your judgement for now.” {Daylight}

“I… I also think they already killed the ancestor…” {Earthlight}


“What?” {Daylight}

“I do not have much to go off of, but he told me that the ancestor was dead.” {Earthlight}

“Hmmm. Do not say anything about this to anyone else. We need to confirm it before we act on this information. We must also find out if this person has the Will now, if it is true.” {Daylight}

“I will ask out it when I contact him, but I am not sure they even know what a ‘Will of the World’ is.” {Earthlight}

“From what I know, Tenebrosity’s Will should look something like a black chain.” {Daylight}

Thank you for reading.