Chapter 49 Hostage Negotiator?
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Chapter 49 Hostage Negotiator?

Before anymore words could be exchanged. Mercury felt his body become locked in place from the Shadow Queen’s divine sense. She quickly appeared behind him and gently picked up her child. She checked to see how injured her child was and found nothing wrong. She quickly reappeared a distance in front of Mercury with the child resting on her chest.

“You are that child from back then. So, I will ask you this once. What happened here?” {Shadow Queen}

“When I arrived here, I found that child being held by another larger Shadow Lizard with a Cultivation around Dao Seeking. I realized that they were not working together but the larger one was forcing your child to fight me. Ask your child if you do not believe me.” {Mercury}

“There is no need. I see the blood on her face is from a Shadow Lizard. What I want to know is how and why you knew this and why you did not attack my child.” {Shadow Queen}

“I remember them from when we met years ago, and long story short I am trying to be more aware of plots around me.” {Mercury}

“Explain.” {Shadow Queen}

“The Elder who sent me here was the one who told you that I would be here. He did this without telling Weaving Metal or anyone else about this plan. Meaning he worked for someone else and was planted into Weaving Metal’s group to spy and cause trouble. My guess is that someone wanted me to kill your child and as a result have you kill me.” {Mercury}

“Why would you matter?” {Shadow Queen}

Mercury frowned.

“*Sigh* First rule of negotiation. Do not let the other party know how much you know.” {Mercury}

“What?” {Shadow Queen}

“I am saying that your lack of information can cost you when trying negotiating. You just made the clear blunder of telling me that you do not know who I am.” {Mercury}

“Cheeky brat! I was going to let you live after sparing my child. Tell me one good reason why I should not kill you!” {Shadow Queen}

“I will give you two. First is that I am Starlight’s grandchild and Weaving Metal’s apprentice. Killing me would only anger them, while take me hostage could allow you to have better negotiations.” {Mercury}

“Are you speaking the truth?” {Shadow Queen}

“I am. That is why I ‘matter’ as you put it.” {Mercury}


“Why are you telling me this? What do you have to gain?” {Shadow Queen}

“It is because I believe that you are also being played. What do you know of Radiant Firelight?” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen appeared in front of Mercury, grabbed him by the neck, and held him up against a tree. Her nails dug into his neck.

“Looks like you do know something.” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen glared at him.

“If you value your life, explain everything you know.” {Shadow Queen}

“First, what do you know about Grand Darkness’s ancestor and the ‘Will of the World’?” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen tightened her grip on his neck.

“Firelight is also another descendant of Grand Darkness’s ancestor and as such knew about a powerful artifact known as the ‘Will of the World’. Hidden and protected by the Sacred Light Sect. One that he could not get it without a major distraction. Otherwise known as your attack a few days ago.” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen loosened her grip but did not let go.

“How do you know this? What can this ‘Will of the World’ do?” {Shadow Queen}

“Earthlight tells me things because he trusts my judgement and insight. As for what it does. I do not really know. I only know that if it breaks, then this world dies along with everything on it.” {Mercury}

“Your lying. If Firelight had such a weapon” {Shadow Queen}

“I never said he got the artifact. That weird thing that happened caused Starlight to guard it and stopped Firelight from getting it.” {Mercury}


“Why tell me any of this?” {Shadow Queen}

“Simply put we have a common foe in Firelight. I was also attack that day by assassins. I will also bet that today was his plan as well.” {Mercury}

“Firelight is not my enemy.” {Shadow Queen}

“How is he not? At the very least he is working with someone who is. I mean have you not figured it out yet?” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen’s grip tightened once again.

“Someone knew where your child was. Someone had the people to force not only me. Someone had a Dao Seeker Shadow Lizard come here to threaten your child! How can you not see that someone planned this!” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen had a moment of realization before her face turned to hate.

“Hollow! I knew he wanted my crown.” {Shadow Queen}

“If I may.” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen let go of Mercury and was about to leave before Mercury yelled.

“WAIT!” {Mercury}

“What?” {Shadow Queen}

“Take me with you.” {Mercury}

“I… What?” {Shadow Queen}

“I bet this plan was also to make you look bad in front of others. Your attack on the Forest Fire City ended in failure. Even if you being there would not have made a difference, they will say that it was your fault that it failed. Take me back and use me as a hostage and that will allow you leverage in negotiations.” {Mercury}


“Why would you do this?” {Shadow Queen}

“This will cause Firelight’s plan to fail the most and could be what is needed for peace. I do not see a reason for this war. It will only end in pain.” {Mercury}

“Then you know nothing. This war needs to happen.” {Shadow Queen}

“Does it!? If this war does not end quickly then your child will be forced to deal with it! Your child would be the best target to try and kill.” {Mercury}


“At the very least, take me as a hostage. Doing so will give you options that you did not have before.” {Mercury}

Mercury felt the Shadow Queen’s divine sense enter his body. He let it happen and fell unconscious. The Shadow Queen looked over him. She decided to pick him up and fly away. Mercury stayed awake in his soul space while his body was asleep. That way he could still hear things that happened around him.

They quickly arrived in large, forested mountain area. The Shadow Queen entered a cave and arrived in a large city like space carved from the inside of the mountain. Glowing rocks acted as what light there was. There were large pillars that large Shadow Lizards rested on. Mercury heard the noises that they made but did not understand them. He worked on trying to translate it. The Shadow Queen made her way to large flat platform overlooking the city. A very large Shadow Lizard, large enough for a person to ride on top on, was waiting there.

(“You failed.”) {Old Shadow King}

“I have. But a feel that a larger threat is present.” {Shadow Queen}

(“There is nothing more important than the safety of our race!”) {Old Shadow King}

“Which is why having a traitor in our ranks is a problem.” {Shadow Queen}

(“What do you mean?”) {Old Shadow King}

“Someone gave our plans to the humans. That is why they knew of our attack and how they sent someone to attack my child.” {Shadow Queen}

(“That is just a coincidence. They must have realized our plans on their own.”) {Old Shadow King}

“What if it is not? How could a human know my thoughts enough to plan where I would hide my child. No. It must be someone who knows me very well.” {Shadow Queen}


(“You think it is Hollow.”) {Old Shadow King}

“You know that he wants the crown. But even if I die, my child has the most potential out of everyone. She will clearly be the next ruler. That only leaves him with one option to take the crown.” {Shadow Queen}

(“I will not disagree with your ideas. But Hollow has never shown any disloyalty to our race. However, you are standing here after failing to take Forest Fire City and losing many of our fighters.”) {Old Shadow King}

“That is why I brought this human. He is the Starlight’s grandchild and is a valuable hostage.” {Shadow Queen}

(“You believed this humans words. They lie all the time.”) {Old Shadow King}

“I believe that when you listen to him you will we why I believe him.” {Shadow Queen}

The Shadow Queen tossed Mercury on the ground while removing her divine sense from him to wake him up. Mercury slowly woke up. The first thing he saw was the body of a very large lizard.

“Oh, neat.” {Mercury}

Mercury slowly started to stand.

(“That is… new.”) {Old Shadow King}

Mercury started stretching.

“Well of course. It is not every day that one sees an Elder Shadow Lizard. Now I assume I was woken up to explain how Firelight played you.” {Mercury}

Mercury felt the pressure the old Shadow King gave off increased massively.

(“What can a child like you possibly know?”) {Old Shadow King}

“More than a dumb lizard like you knows.” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen looked on shocked as the old Shadow King stood silently. Until an unholy noise came from his mouth. Mercury assumed that it was laughter.

(“I like you child. I cannot see any fear in your eyes. So, I will be nice, tell me how would you like to die.”) {Old Shadow King}

“Old and surrounded by loved ones. But before then, there is a simple fact that I want to ask you about. Where is Grand Darkness?” {Mercury}

“?” {Shadow Queen and old Shadow King}

“Why does that matter?” {Shadow Queen}

“Well, I assume both of you understand that Grand Darkness would quickly try to kill the one who almost killed his daughter. Is this true?” {Mercury}

Both nodded, wanting to see where Mercury was going with this.

“So, can you tell me why Grand Darkness is not attacking you right now, and is instead probably going after Firelight?” {Mercury}

“!” {Shadow Queen and old Shadow King}

(“EXPLAIN!”) {Old Shadow King}

“What is the point of me doing it?” {Mercury}

(“THE GALL OF YOU!”) {Old Shadow King}

Mercury pulled out a long distance communication jade and tossed it to the Shadow Queen.

“That is Starlight’s long distance communication jade. Ask him about whatever you want to know. You will probably trust his word over mine.” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen and old Shadow King just stood unsure of what to do.

“Well, use it.” {Mercury}

The Shadow Queen quickly used it.

(“MERCURY! Thank you for contacting me. I heard that the Shadow Lizard Queen though you had harmed her child. But this means that you are safe. Where are you? Are you hurt?”) {Starlight}

(“I… Um. This is the Shadow Queen.”) {Shadow Queen}


The Shadow Queen felt fear unlike anything she had ever felt before. Like the very world itself wanted her dead.



(“From now on, call Radiant Firelight by Radiant Deadman. And give the jade to Mercury so that I can confirm it.”) {Starlight}

She quickly did. She also realized what Mercury said about the ‘Will of World’ was most likely true. Moreover, they were not even a threat anymore. Starlight could most likely kill them at any time he wished.

(“What is wrong?”) {Old Shadow King}

(“He… We cannot win against him.”) {Shadow Queen}

(“What!? After just one second talking to him you just decided that!?”) {Old Shadow King}

(“Did you not feel that!? I truly felt that I was about to die!?”) {Shadow Queen}

Mercury tossed back the jade to the Shadow Queen, who hesitantly answered it.

(“Mercury has told me why he believes that you have been fooled into participating in Radiant Deadman’s plan. If you help us capture him, I will make sure these past grievances will be put to rest.”) {Starlight}

(“I WILL!”) {Shadow Queen}


(“I feel that you are a little too eager to help us.”) {Starlight}

(“I FELT LIKE I WAS ABOUT TO DIE!”) {Shadow Queen}


(“Oh, I am sorry. I did not realize that you could feel my anger from here.”) {Starlight}

(“You… was that the power of the ‘Will of the World’?”) {Shadow Queen}

(“Oh. Now how do you know about that?”) {Starlight}



(“Okay. Just help us capture Radiant Deadman.”) {Starlight}

(“Wait.”) {Shadow Queen}

(“What is it?”) {Starlight}

(“The old Shadow King did not feel what I had felt. I do not think”) {Shadow Queen}

The old Shadow King felt Starlight’s anger and the fear of death. It was clearly visible to Mercury and the Shadow Queen that he felt something.

(“Better?”) {Starlight}

(“Yes. Thank you.”) {Shadow Queen}

(“Just make sure Mercury does not get hurt.”) {Starlight}

(“YES! I will protect him with my life.”) {Shadow Queen}

After the jade disconnected, she handed the jade back to Mercury.

“Has everything been decided on?” {Mercury}

“Yes. We will help the Sacred Light Sect capture Radiant Deadman… Also, Firelight is to be called Radiant Deadman.” {Shadow Queen}

“Oh, in that case. You need to work on your taking prisoners skills. I am seriously, both of you are amateurs.” {Mercury}


(“What?”) {Old Shadow King}

“I mean you let me keep my storage rings. You did not chain me up or put me in cage or cell. There was a lot I could have done. Poison, instant Formation disks, even just a classic explosive. Why are you both looking at me like I am crazy one?” {Mercury}

Thank you for reading.