The Beginning of The End
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When contemplated upon, everything in this world is a depiction of perfect circles. Everything that grows from the earth will return to the earth, and everything that descends from the heavens will return to the heavens.

Each entity is a complex system that, when viewed with the naked eye, appears abstract. However, when understood with an open mind, it reveals perfect order.

In its perfection, there is no room for progress. Just like a salmon defying impossibility, swimming against the strong currents with their small fins and bodies. From the sea to the source.

Indeed, they succeed in placing the next generation in the best place. Yet, all their sacrifices end with a languid body, nothing more than a zombie. Perhaps to those who observe, this may be seen as development, but to those who contemplate, it is merely a perfect circle of life.

So perfect that it becomes repulsive.

That's why when the world decided not to remain a perfect circle, it provided its creatures with the opportunity to deviate from that path. A path where every struggle, up to the brink of destruction, no longer ends with hope for a new generation to carry on. Instead, it's a clear path that can be climbed by one's own hands and feet. It becomes a new lifeform, far more intricate and complex, creating a ladder to perfection that knows no bounds and doesn’t culminate in a perfect circle.

The beings in this world call it "Level Up."

Level Up transforms the salmon that successfully swim upstream and spawn, no longer into zombies awaiting death, but into new lifeforms that are more than just fish.

Unfortunately, the salmon is just a metaphor. However, because it has become an apt metaphor, it's best to continue with it.

Just as the salmon must risk their lives to swim upstream, the world also challenges its creatures to Level Up.

In the dark corners of space, chaos and destruction unfold like two colliding galaxies. Planets shatter and scatter like grains of sand flung aside. Stars extinguish and fade like small candles being blown out.

However, this impending apocalypse is not the result of some natural celestial phenomenon but rather the consequence of two individuals locked in battle.

One of these figures is a demon, shrouded in a sinister, deep crimson robe that conceals its entire form, emitting an aura of malevolence. The crimson cloak flows dreadfully, resembling a river of blood, hiding its true nature.

In its withered and skeletal hands, the demon clutches a staff forged from the essence of terror. The staff's base is crafted from a peculiar skull, its hollow eye sockets burning with menacing, blue fire that seems to pierce the souls of anyone daring to gaze into them. The flickering flames dance with malevolent delight, casting eerie, flickering shadows in the abyss.

Beneath the tattered edges of the crimson robe, a nightmarish visage reveals itself – a horrific tapestry with mouths resembling jaws, each bristling with jagged teeth, as if the demon longs to devour anything that dares to touch it. These ghastly mouths writhe and gnash, emitting a terrifying symphony of dreadful sounds that send shivers down even the bravest spine.

From its body emanates a dark aura, akin to swirling black smoke, hanging like a sinister shroud. Anything touched by this dark aura disintegrates, even mighty planets are reduced to fragments and debris, a grim testament to the formidable power of this infernal entity.

He is the All-Hunger Lord, the infernal devourer who consumes anything he touches. He brings destruction and famine to everything in his vicinity. His insatiable hunger leads to ruin with every step he takes.

Another figure is a mesmerizing presence in this world hurtling towards destruction. Standing at a height of 6 feet 5 inches (195.58 centimeters), he possesses a giant physique akin to a sculpted statue, radiating a flowing red aura around his body like fiery embers. Every inch of his body is chiseled with firm, rippling muscles, making him a testament to physical perfection.

His skin is smooth and golden brown, accentuating his rugged handsomeness. His face is a perfect blend of human and tiger-like features. He has a strong, square jaw that adds a sense of masculinity, while his high cheekbones impart a regal grace. His eyes are a pair of captivating shades of deep yellow and red. One eye akin to molten gold possesses an almost hypnotic allure, and the other eye like a blood diamond craved by the hand of Terra herself. Framed by thick, dark lashes, these eyes emit a sharp and piercing gaze that can both enchant and intimidate.

His nose is finely sculpted, with a subtle arch complementing his robust facial structure. His lips are full and sensual, curving into a charismatic enigmatic smile that can disarm anyone he encounters. His teeth, sharp like a tiger's, hint at his primal nature.

His jet-black hair gleams and cascades luxuriously down to his broad shoulders in waves, tied back to reveal his powerful neck. Two prominent white tiger stripes flow down his cheeks, a striking testament to his unique heritage.

He is known by various names: The Killer of Heroes, The Most Envious, The Gigolo Slayer, Defender of the Green-Hat-Man, The One Who Lurking Behind The Cheater, Protector of the Betrayed, and many others. Yet, he always rejects these names, despite the incredible legends behind them. The only name he accepts to be branded upon himself is "Blood Master."

The battle between these two pinnacle beings in the food chain has raged on for what seems like an eternity. Star system after star system has been obliterated each time they decide that the battlefield is no longer sufficient. No one cares about the destruction and its consequences anymore because there is nothing left in this world.

Only two top-tier lifeforms remain, locked in a deadly struggle. These are the final moments of their battle, where every ounce of energy and skill slot they possess has been drained. They are left with the trump cards they have kept hidden all along, reserved only for opponents they deem worthy.

"The Rule of Gluttony: World of Hunger!" proclaimed the All-Hunger Lord.

His hands formed seals beneath his tattered cloak, and both mana in his body and the surrounding environment responded to his will. Suddenly, a phenomenon that defied the laws of logic manifested as his ultimate spell took shape.

Instantly, the dark world seemed to tear apart, forming a thin, rapidly expanding rift. It revealed sharp teeth that made the sun appear as a tiny speck in its celestial teeth.

The gaping maw widened further, devouring everything nearby like an abyss without end. What happened when something entered that colossal mouth was uncertain, but one thing was certain - the depiction of a sorrowful end was far too delicate.


"Ugh!" Blood Master also felt the pull from the gaping maw.

Even skin impervious to primordial weapons seemed to be pulled and torn, causing him, the world's strongest tank, to suffer from the sheer force of the maw's suction.

He knew this would not end well for him. It was only a matter of time before he was sucked into the World of Hunger, starting with his skin, flesh, and bones. He could no longer hold back from unleashing his ultimate weapon.

[Depiction of All-Control: Sea of Blood]

The Blood Master's blood which was being drawn into the World of Hunger, roiled and multiplied rapidly, in the blink of an eye becoming a sea of red filling the space. It surged like a living entity, forming waves vast enough to devour millions of suns. It crashed against the giant teeth that sought to consume it and resisted the powerful suction from within.

Using his ultimate skill, Blood Master managed to halt the effects of the World of Hunger. However, he knew this was only temporary. The spell employed by the All-Hunger Lord was a 7th-tier spell, while the Sea of Blood was only a 6th-tier skill. He had to kill the All-Hunger Lord before the World of Hunger devoured the Sea of Blood.

Blood Master was aware that All-Hunger Lord also knew this. That's why he didn't hesitate to unleash a 7th-tier spell, even though the battle had been evenly matched until now.

As a result, the initiative in the battle shifted to All-Hunger Lord. He could bide his time until the World of Hunger consumed the Sea of Blood. However is another story for Blood Master, surviving in this battle alone was already exceedingly difficult for him, let alone having to kill the strongest adversary as quickly as possible.

"HAHAHAHA... What will you do now, Blood Master? You should realize the difference in our strength and not be arrogant! I admit that you are the strongest Adherent, and your power far surpasses the others! But it will only end in balance with what I possess. If only there were one more Adherent, I might be at the mercy of your claws right now. So, I want to thank you for eradicating the other Adherents HAHAHAHA!!"

All-Hunger Lord's laughter thundered, causing Blood Master to grimace. He couldn't argue with what All-Hunger Lord had said, as it was indeed the truth. If there were another Adherent fighting alongside him, this battle wouldn't have endured for so long.

Unfortunately, Blood Master couldn't turn back time. All the Adherents in the world had been wiped out by his hand. Furthermore, upon reflection, he found no remorse in his heart for exterminating those degenerates. Perhaps if he could do it all over again, he would still do the same because they had truly gone too far.

‘Fucking Degenerate!’

"Heh... Maybe you're right... But that won't stop the end from coming," Blood Master said, a sly smile playing on his lips.

Seeing this, All-Hunger Lord sensed danger. He realized that despite the one-level difference in their Lifeform, he couldn't underestimate his opponent's strength. Aside from the INT attribute, all their other attributes were quite similar. Especially the VIT attribute, which, somehow, Blood Master possessed in abundance.

"While I may not have a spell that can harm you, I possess a Skill you shouldn't underestimate. If I sacrifice all the Vigor I have, your time will be limited!" Blood Master declared, forming new seals with his hands.

[Blood Control: Hemocyte Slash]

With a single sweep of his hand, unseen claws traversed space and time, targeting All-Hunger Lord. The imminent danger made All-Hunger Lord's hair stand on end as he realized that he couldn't block or evade this skill. It was the pinnacle of Blood Master's mastery over blood.

This skill targeted the blood cells within the enemy's body, meaning that if the enemy was a living being, there was no way to escape its effects. By controlling the blood cells within the enemy's body, Blood Master could make those cells harm the enemy.

Without delay, All-Hunger Lord used another ultimate spell.

"Hunger Sacrifice: Body-Mana Connection!"

He managed to utter the spell just before Hemocyte Slash struck him. However, despite the attack, All-Hunger Lord didn't seem injured; in fact, he appeared unharmed. But Blood Master's blood diamond eye wasn't fooled.

"Tch, shifting the damage to a Mana reduction. But that's better because, in any case, my Vigor is greater than your Mana!"

With these words, Blood Master launched a relentless assault. Skill after skill, he unleashed them, adding Vigor effects to increase the damage tenfold. All-Hunger Lord managed to withstand it by sacrificing his Mana in exchange for damage to his body.

However, All-Hunger Lord didn't sit idly by and let himself be at the mercy of Blood Master's ferocity. With spells and skills at his disposal, he retaliated with equal force.

The battle between these two individuals once again left the cosmic realm in chaos, until there was nothing left, just debris.


“Got you!!”

The Blood Master seized his opportunity and wasted no time in using one of the ultimate skills he had been holding back.

[Blood Control: Hemocyte Grasp]

This was a 6th-tier skill, allowing the user to manipulate the blood within the target's body within a certain range. The effect of this skill was instant, so there was no delay between forming the hand seal and activating the skill. In an instant, the blood within All-Hunger Lord's body fell under Blood Master's control.


However, this skill had a weakness - its limited range of only 10 meters. In high-level combat like this, it was almost impossible to approach a spell master like All-Hunger Lord. But for various reasons, including a reckless attack by Blood Master, they were now at exactly a 10-meter distance.

Yet it was impossible to make the blood within All-Hunger Lord's body destroy him from within. His body was not just composed of blood; it was also formed by Mana. Therefore, Hemocyte Grasp could only stun All-Hunger Lord temporarily, without causing any other damage.

And this effect lasted only one second.

But one second was enough for Blood Master to finish this battle. His hand suddenly turned as red as blood, and his sharp nails elongated menacingly.

[Blood Claw]!

Blood Master lunged forward and plunged his sharp claws into Lord of Hunger's chest. And...


Blood spurted out, covering the decades of light due to its sheer volume. However, the blood wasn't flowing from All-Hunger Lord's body; it was pouring from Blood Master's chest.

It could be seen that the skull staff in All-Hunger Lord's hand had pierced through Blood Master's chest to his back. 

“[Aspect of Demon: All Things Are Food]!”

A sly smile played on All-Hunger Lord's lips as he whispered, his gaze fixed upon Blood Master as if he were a delectable meal laid out on his dining table. Moreover, from the shattered chest, a terrifying force gnawed at his body relentlessly. It felt like there were thousands of hungry mouths devouring him rapidly.

Blood Master recognized this skill, as it was quite famous for its devastation. When All-Hunger Lord arrived on a planet, all he needed to do was touch the tip of his staff to the ground, and everything on the planet would be devoured in an instant.

"H-How..." Blood Master stammered in disbelief.

"Hehehe... I never expected that when you were pushed to the brink, you'd become this foolish. Unfortunately, I was also waiting for you to engage in close combat with me! You were too naive to assume that I, the master of spells, couldn't fight in close quarters. Not only do I possess skills that can match some Adherents in close combat, but I also have other skills that allow me to hold my own against you, even if only for a few seconds.

"Hemocyte Grasp may control the blood within my body and immobilize me. Moreover, it's an attack that doesn't deal damage, so its effect can't be nullified by the Body-Mana Connection spell. However, just because I can't control my body doesn't mean I can't control the Mana within my body.

"The staff in my hand is called the Demon Spine Staff. Hehehehe... Do you realize it? That's right! This staff is made from my own spine, so even though I can't control my body, the Mana inside the Demon Spine is the same as the one inside my body!"

The smile on All-Hunger Lord's face widened, revealing his sharp teeth.

"HAHAHAHA... Finally, our battle comes to an end HAHAHAHA... Although I've enjoyed it, it's time to stop and enjoy the delicious feast that awaits me. I promise you, Oh Blood Master, that I won't waste a single strand of your hair! Everything will go into my stomach and nourish my body! By consuming you, I will become stronger, more perfect, and better!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Pfft..." Blood Master spewed blood that soaked his chest, but the blood was quickly absorbed into the Demon Spine, as was the blood that had sprayed from his body earlier. However, he continued to gaze calmly at All-Hunger Lord, who was laughing joyfully.

He appeared so calm that it was evident that his previous panic had been an act. All-Hunger Lord was aware of this strangeness, but he thought it was Blood Master's way of upholding his honor.

For a tiger werebeast, fear and regret, even when death was imminent, were a sign of weakness. But when a smile slowly crept onto Blood Master's lips, All-Hunger Lord realized something was amiss.

"If demons had mothers, she would surely have told you this: 'Don't snack carelessly.' Unfortunately, you'll never learn this little lesson. Goodbye, All-Hunger Lord! GG!"

[Blood Sacrifice: Hemocyte Burst]!!

Simultaneously activating the skill, all the blood within Blood Master's body exploded. Not only that, the blood that had been absorbed by the All-Hunger Lord also exploded. Both individuals detonated simultaneously, causing a supernova phenomenon that obliterated the entire cosmic realm without leaving a speck of dust behind.