2: Maple
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Just a heads up, this chapter does get a little steamy at end; I'll mark it off so you can skip over it if that isn't your thing. Other than that, should be fun. Hope you enjoy meeting Maple!

When I woke up the next morning, I noticed that I felt really good. I hadn’t slept that well in years. There was something fluffy on top of me. I dimly realised I was completely naked, but that didn’t bother me. It normally did, but at the moment it didn’t. I continued lying in bed, eyes closed. I felt the fluffy thing brush my face, and my lips formed into a smile.

I opened my eyes. In front of my face was the end of my new tail. I grinned wider. I absentmindedly started to stroke it a little. It was sensitive - not nearly as much as my new breasts or even my ears, but it felt nice.

I was startled out of my blissful moment by the muffled buzz of my cell phone followed by a musical alarm noise. I pouted. I didn’t want to get up! I had to, however. I had classes today.

I froze.

Classes. Shit.

I couldn’t go to class looking like this!

Ok, maybe I could go to class looking like a hot girl, but the ears and tail would definitely draw far too much attention. Maybe I could hide them in my bulky hoodie? It would be uncomfortable, but it was definitely more than big enough to hide them. Only question was how I was going to comfortably wear my jeans.

I groaned and sat up, stretching my hands over my head. I let out a little sigh. “Alright, Alex. You can figure this out boy.” I frowned. “Girl.” I smiled. Definitely girl, I liked that better. I hadn’t noticed during my freak out the night before, but my voice had also changed. Gone was the rough scratchiness from puberty; instead, my voice was high and melodic. It sounded nice to me. I liked it. I felt my stomach do jumping-jacks in excitement. I giggled.

“I’m a girl,” I squealed. “I’m a girl, I’m a girl, I’m a girl!”

I knew this would bring massive problems when my parents got back in under a week, but I couldn’t dwell on that at the moment. I was a girl! That was exciting, right? I was allowed to be happy about my transformation, right? I wasn’t a complete idiot, I knew trans people were a thing. It was 2023, it was difficult to go anywhere online, especially on Twitter - sorry, X - without seeing some reference to trans people. If I actually liked that I was a girl now, maybe that made me trans. I wasn’t sure, I hadn’t engaged too much with anything because I was afraid that if I said anything too supportive, my parents would punish me severely. How they would find out, I had no clue. My parents didn’t know about my account and they weren’t nearly tech savvy enough to find it. Of course, could they see me now, they would probably have a heart attack.

I stood up and wobbled over to my bathroom on unsteady feet. I stopped in front of the mirror again. The excitement built more as I looked over my reflection again. I was just so pretty. My ears wiggled slightly, and I noticed that my tail started wagging. I grinned. Fine then, I was a girl. More specifically, I was a cute foxgirl. Of course, the fox part of that would likely cause me some issues… okay, a lot of issues, but I was just so flippin' adorable that I looked past that. I grinned, and noticed something else new. My teeth were suddenly much sharper than before. The canines were slightly enlarged. I decided to try baring my teeth at my reflection. I supposed it would look kind of intimidating if the rest of me didn’t look so gosh-darn adorable. I just looked adorable, like a puppy trying to act tough.

I figured I would have to do something different when brushing my teeth, but I just brushed them the same way I always had, and it was fine. Afterwards, I remembered I was still naked, but I still didn’t feel any shame. Honestly, why should I? I was hot now, there was nothing to be ashamed about with this body, with my body. I would obviously still need to put on some clothes to go to class, but - after checking my phone - I still had a bit of time before I had to leave.

I picked up my hoodie off the floor and pulled it over my head, just in case someone happened to glance in the window while I ate breakfast. I was about to leave my room when I stopped. I headed back into my bathroom. I wanted to see what I looked like in this hoodie. I looked at myself in the mirror, and my brain went a little fuzzy. The girl looking back at me (the girl who was me) looked so fucking adorable. The massive hoodie made me look even smaller. It felt so cosy. I instantly fell in love with the look. 

I kept staring. Before I would have been terrified to look at a girl this cute, but I was the girl. I was looking at myself - my true self - for the first time. I had to pull myself out of this it was so difficult to look away. She… I was gorgeous. I finally managed to pull away 5 minutes later. I rifled through my clothes hoping I could find a forgotten pair of pants from when I was little so they would fit. I didn't have luck. So, I walked to my parents' bedroom. I knew they weren't there, but I was still petrified. I opened my dad's drawer and found a spare belt. It was a tacky Texan cowboy belt that he bought decades ago. It had a giant brass star instead of a normal clip. 

"I am not wearing that."

It took me several more minutes to find a more modest belt, but I finally found one. A plain leather with a gunmetal clip. Good enough. I raced back to my bedroom, pulled up my new jeans and clumsily did the belt. I had to be careful so I didn't hurt my tail. Fuck, I had a tail. The jeans still wouldn't fit. I went to my drawer and grabbed a pocket knife. The only cool thing I was allowed to have since I guess it was "manly". I cut a slit in the jeans for my tail. It was uncomfortable to get on, but I managed to push it through. I had to hold the hairs forward and slide it on. I needed a more permanent fix, but for now this would have to do. I tucked it back under my hoodie, then pulled the hood over my ears. My ears twitched before eventually settling down flat. I quickly took my backpack and ran to the bus stop. I was just in time, the bus arrived as soon as I turned the corner; I leaped on and tapped my Presto card. Soon, I was off to my first day of university…  and my first full day of being a girl.

The bus ride was mostly uneventful. I did notice a bunch of guys staring at me. A teenager across the bus was trying to hide it. He wasn't fooling anyone. Well, I can't blame them. I stared at myself too instead of getting ready or eating. Still, it felt weird. Eventually the bus came to a halt. I got on the Yonge subway line to head down to UofT. Again, uneventful. I thought about listening to some music, but didn't think I could get my headphones over my ears properly. The subway stopped at Bloor. I took the Bloor line to St. George, which was so short of a ride it barely was worth mentioning, other than the creepy old guy who stared at me the whole time. I leaped out of the doors and jogged all the way to campus. UofT's Campus was massive. It would take ages to walk. Luckily the large campus would mean I got less attention, or at least I hoped it would. 

Luckily for me, when I got to campus there was no one there checking IDs or anything, so I was in the clear for a bit. I pulled out my phone to check my course schedule and the campus map to find where I needed to go. I hoped they didn't check ids in the class itself. I quickly found where I need to go.

I was a bit early, so I stopped at a Tim Horton's to buy a sandwich or something. I ordered a bacon melt. I normally didn't go for much with meat, but I was suddenly craving it for some reason. Maybe something to do with my transformation? I was clearly a hybrid with some sort of predator animal; an arctic fox, I thought. I had always thought foxes were pretty adorable animals.

I ate my sandwich as I walked to the lecture hall my first class was at. Once there, I was relieved to once again find no one checking IDs, so I found a seat in the back row of the massive room, sitting down carefully so my tail didn't get hurt. I was just in time, too. The professor immediately greeted us and then got right into explaining the course's syllabus. I tried to listen along, but it was nothing I hadn't already learned from the course page weeks ago after I had enrolled in my courses. So instead I pulled out my phone. I thought about browsing reddit, but it left a sour taste in my mouth. I had stumbled onto a subreddit called egg_irl in the past few months. I had found it weirdly fascinating, and now I knew why. Unfortunately, most of reddit was filled with reactionaries and other assorted assholes living in the recesses of their parents house. I instead opened my discord.

I found that I had a few notifications. There was a stream announcement from some streamer whose discord I was in, and a few DMs from my friend from high school, Maple. They were non-binary. They had come out over the summer, but only to certain friends in discord. I decided to see what they had to say.

MapleLeafEnby: yo, where were you. last night? I thought we were gonna game?

I groaned. I had completely forgotten in the wake of the transformation. I typed out a quick response.

AlexanderPlays: sorry. Something came up and I forgot. We can game tonight if you want? I doubt we'll get much homework today.

The response was quick.

MapleLeafEnby: what happened Alex?

I hesitated. I was nervous about telling, but I could trust Maple, right? They were trans too, so they'd definitely accept me being a girl. Still, I was nervous. I don't know why, but I was. After a minute of building up the courage, I decided to tell them.

AlexanderPlays: I realized something last night.

AlexanderPlays: I'm a girl.

The response to that was even faster.

MapleLeafEnby: HOLY SHIT

MapleLeafEnby: Welcome to the queer club.

I smiled. We had agreed to meet up for lunch on campus. They were studying geology, also at UofT. Odds were we'd spend a lot of time together.

AlexanderPlays: maybe I should change my username?

MapleLeafEnby: lol if ya want

MapleLeafEnby: do you want to change your name?

Not really? I mean, I liked Alex. It was itself pretty neutral. But 'Alexander' was definitely more masculine. Not my cup of tea for my name. Also, my horrible middle name would have to go. I mean, seriously? Clyde? What a stupid ass middle name. I briefly considered using the name Alexandra, which was a feminised version of Alexander, but I didn't particularly like it.

I had actually always disliked being named Alexander, especially being as much of a history nerd as I was. In a lot of the spaces I hung out in online, people would often make dumb jokes about Alexander the Great.

I went into Discord's settings and found the name change option. I hovered my finger over the button, but didn't tap. I continued thinking about my name. Obviously if I changed my mind later, I could change my username again, it wasn't any sort of commitment. I tried to think of girl names that could shorten to Alex. I could only think of one more - Alexis.

Actually, I liked the sound of that. I whispered it to myself.


I giggled.

"My name is Alexis."

It sounded perfect. I tapped the button and quickly entered the name 'Alexis,' but stopped. I didn't want to leave it at that, but what could I…

Oh. Right.


I hit the confirm button. My stomach did a flip in excitement. It was done. All of my discord friends would see the new username.

MapleLeafEnby: Congrats! That name is adorable ASF! what made you choose it?

Telling someone your trans is one thing, but telling someone you got magically transformed into a hot foxgirl is something completely different. I trusted Maple, but did I trust them that much? I didn't think I could fully explain over discord though.

AlexisSnowFox: um…

AlexisSnowFox: there's something I need to show you.

There we go. I could show Maple my transformation. And if they didn't believe me, I would just have to prove it.

Just then, the other students started getting up. I guessed the lecture was over. I scrambled to get up, shouldering my bag and slipping my phone in my pocket. I only had the one lecture this morning, and Maple's were all in the afternoon, so they should already be waiting for me at the little café we had found when we had taken a tour of campus back in June. It was a cosy place - calm and quiet. I needed quiet. The noises of the students all around me were getting extremely overwhelming for my newly heightened fox senses.

I walked to the café. dodging and bumping into the sea of bodies going to lunch. It was extremely overwhelming compared to the small private school my parents had stuck me in (side note, school uniforms suck; why are they always so gendered?) I almost had a panic attack, but made it to the café anyway. I rushed inside, immediately relaxing. In the corner of the café was Maple, patiently waiting for me. They were wearing a denim jacket, with a red shirt. in the centre of the shirt was a white heart. Their messy brunette hair bobbed along to their rhythm. Their dark skin was painted with cute dark freckles. Their olive eyes gazed absently at their phone. From either ear they had large metallic purple earring loops. From their neck was a necklace with a beautiful teardrop bead. I hadn't seen them in person since we graduated. They changed a lot. They were comfortable, happy. I was relieved. They made me feel safe.

  I ordered a hot chocolate and a sub, and went to wait for it.

Maple was sitting at that counter thing that's next to the window, in one of those chairs that's too tall for your feet to reach the ground. Beside them was an empty seat, my seat. Their feet were swinging back and forth as they scrolled through some social media app or another. Their vibrant neon pink shoes kicking along. I sat down next to them.

They didn't look up or acknowledge me in any way. Made sense, I looked nothing like they remembered.

I sent them a message on Discord.

AlexisSnowFox: I'm right next to you.

They looked up and spotted me. Then they frowned and turned back to their phone.

MapleLeafEnby: only one next to me is this really cute chick with white hair in a bulky hoodie.

MapleLeafEnby: it looks like they have some sort of cosplay thing under their hood too. Like a set of animal ears.

"It is me, Maple," I said out loud.

They turned to me again, startled. "Alex?!"

I nodded shyly. "Yup. That's me."

They scowled. "You look nothing like her. Is this some sort of joke?"

I frowned. "N-no, it's really me. I'll prove it!" I showed them my phone screen.

They looked at it, but didn't stop scowling. "So what? You could have stolen my friend's phone."

I hadn't thought of that.

"W-what if I told you something only we would know?"

They crossed their arms. "I'm listening."

I took a breath. "Ok, so. Remember in grade 9? You had this crush on that girl, Mary Miller. You even asked her out, but she turned you down because she's straight. You made me promise not to mention it to anyone ever, and-"

"Ok, ok, jeez. I don't need more reminders of that. So either my friend suddenly turned into a real asshole, which I doubt, or you're telling the truth. But if you are telling the truth, that begs the question. How did all of this-" they gestured at my body "-happen?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the cute barista at the counter. "Hot chocolate and sub for Alexis!"

"That's mine," I said.

I quickly went to grab the drink and sandwich from the worker, thanking her quietly. I couldn't look her in the eyes, though. My parents always tried to insist I should, but it just stressed me out every time.

I returned to sitting next to Maple, and started telling them the story of last night as I ate my sub. It really was delicious. I had ordered one with turkey and bacon in it. Once again, my new fox brain made happy noises at the taste of the meat.

When I was done telling, they sat staring at me incredulously. "You actually touched it? When you didn't know what it was? It was glowing for fucks' sake."

I swallowed a piece of delicious turkey. "I was curious! I wanted a closer look. Besides, it turned out alright. Well, mostly alright."

"What do you mean 'mostly?'"

"Well, I just thought someone dropped it on a walk. How was I supposed to know it was going to turn me into a foxgirl? I'm not complaining though, I am fucking adorable."

Maple retorted, "Well, what did you do with the figure?"

I ashamedly admitted I had left it.

"No gaming tonight, we are going back to the trail and getting that statue dweeb."

I hope no one stumbled on the statue since I had been there last night. I doubt they would find anything noteworthy, but what they hell, why not. 

"Deal, I'll walk with you there. umm… by the way, I don't know if this is permanent. If I can't change back… could I stay with you? I know this is all on such short notice. I don't think my parents would be very pleased with me looking like this."

"Of course you can stay in my dorm. Don't eat all my food. I will poke and prod at you to make sure you are my Alexis. You act like my Alexis, so I am pretty sure you are. Still fucking bizarre!"

It was bizarre. I don't know how I transformed, just that I did. All I remember was pain. I can only assume the energy from the idol remodelled every system in my body. No modern medical technology has ever come close to that. I glanced at my phone's time; lunch was almost over. I finished my hot chocolate and said goodbye to Maple. 

"See you there after school?"

"Fuck yes."

I tossed my cup into recycling and headed to my next class. I am so glad they believed me. That could have been a lot worse if they didn't. I guess my nerdy tendencies still apply, even as a cute foxgirl.

The day dragged on. More introductions, more basic lessons. Rinse, repeat. Finally the classes ended. I sent a quick message to Maple.

AlexisSnowFox: Where are you parked? I was hoping I could take a ride. The bus and train ride here was uncomfortable.

MapleLeafEnby: I'm parked by the ROM

I made my way across the block to the Royal Ontario Museum. I should have expected Maple to park there. They love rocks, and dinosaur fossils are just cooler rocks. Right by the entrance I spotted Maple, sitting in their red Toyota Corolla was Maple, lighting up a joint. They were barely too young to smoke, but I didn't care. Life was bullshit and anything that made the bullshit feel better was good. I opened the passenger side door and slid in. 

“Thank you so much for this Maple.”

“Don’t sweat it Alexis… I am curious on what the fuck is going on.”

I lifted my hoodie, my fox ears twitched and moved nervously at Maple. I lifted my hoodie and my tail popped out, curling around my chest. Maple reached out towards it before quickly drawing away.

“May I?”

“Of course Maple, I don’t mind.”

Maple carefully placed their hand on my ears and gently touched them before petting my head. If I opened my mouth I would have been mindlessly drooling; it felt so good. My eyes closed and my face had a huge grin. My tail began to flutter back and forth. I let out a low rumble from my chest. 

“Okay, aren’t you adorable Alex.”

“Umm… ummm… *purr*” You know the pleading emoji? That was the exact face I made when they said that. Call me pathetic, but try keeping a normal face when a cute enby is petting you. That’s right you can’t.

Maple took their hand away. I returned to normal, readjusting my body in the seat. I kind of wished that they could have kept petting me forever. I let out a small yelp when I accidentally pinched my tail between me and the seat. I contorted myself in the seat in order for my tail to not be squished. I struggled to get my seatbelt on. After a minute of struggling I got it on. Then we were off to Don River Boulevard; the place where I first shifted.

The drive was quiet, which was nice. All that I heard was the bassy rumble of the road and the quiet breathing of Maple. 18 minutes passed before we parked nearby at the dog park. I threw on my hood and carefully tucked my tail into my hood. I opened Google Earth on my phone and placed a pin on where I found the artifact. We walked through the dog park and quietly jumped the fence into the wooded trail. There, in the ditch below the fence I jumped, sat the artifact. It was still completely dull, the shape was all that was identifiable. I bumped shoulders with Maple and pointed it out to them. Maple was dumbfounded.

“I came all this way for a fox-shaped rock?”

“Trust me, that is what did it. Please take a look at it.”

“I will give me a week and I will give you a report my foxy Alex”

“Thank you so much! Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Maple snatched the idol. I winced, but nothing happened. Maple then shoved it in their backpack and started walking back to their car.

“See ya tomorrow Alex!” 

“See ya!”

They walked back down the footpath to the dog park to drive off. I dusted off my jeans and made my way back out to the road, walking back to my house. I wasn’t feeling anywhere near as skittish as I had been the night before, but I still walked quickly. I made it home, unlocking the front door and slipping inside.

I sat down on my bed with a snack I grabbed from the kitchen, watching YouTube videos on my laptop. Mostly let’s plays for some games I liked, but I was having issues focusing.

I audibly whined. It had felt really nice when Maple had pet me, and I wanted more of that. I reached up to stroke my own ears, and while it felt nice, it wasn’t quite the same as having someone else do it. I flopped against the pillows, sighing, my laptop completely forgotten about.


I continued lightly stroking my ears, and my eyes fluttered shut. I remembered that other new parts of my body had felt even more sensitive. I quickly shoved my hoodie over my head, followed by my t-shirt. Immediately, I grasped my breasts.

Holy shit.

I squeezed them a little, and sighed a little at the feeling. So good. I brushed my thumbs over my nipples, and I heard myself moan at the feeling. I experimentally pinched one of my nipples, and let out a high pitched whine. I was breathing heavily. I carefully took off my jeans and boxers, pulling my tail through the hole I had made that morning. I tossed them onto the floor.

As I went back to playing with my tits, my mind started to supply images of a certain sexy enby climbing on top of me and pinning me to my bed while they took over pleasuring my sensitive boobs. I shivered. That was a wonderful image. It felt so good. I started playing faster. I started moaning Maple’s name. They were so hot, I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted to grab onto them; to be theirs. I was so wet, I kept pleasuring myself. Periods or slow motions before periods of fast ones. Every inch of my body was shaking. It felt so so so so so so so good. I flipped around so I was on all fours. I stuffed my face into the pillow, and bit down. It felt like the natural thing to do. My moans were only getting louder, more intense. I was yearning for Maple’s company. They were so… hot. I just wanted to be near them, to see them, to touch them… and strangely enough: to smell them. I bet they smelled really nice. Maple had been close for a lot of our high school years, but I never realized I felt this way about them. They finally came out of their shell, they had an aura of confidence that I loved. I hadn’t imagined how different they became since graduation. They were so fucking awesome. They made my brain melt at the slightest touch. I bit harder and started screaming into the pillow. The bed was creaking loudly. I needed to release. Maple flipped a switch in me. I felt more feral, wild, powerful. I moaned their name one last time and then finally released. It felt like I was coming for hours, but it was realistically only a dozen or so seconds. Afterwards, I relaxed against my bed, panting hard.


My pillow had a whole row of holes pricked in it. My teeth were sharper; I bit into my pillow so hard I tore it, without even trying. I realized that I would need to be careful about that. I felt really happy and satisfied, but also tired. I latched onto my torn pillow and embraced it; squeezing it, pretending it was Maple. I slowly drifted off to sleep cradling the pillow in my arms.

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