Meet The Sarrington’s
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With a triumphant glint in his eyes, BJ announced, "It's pretty cool that dad finally let us all work on a mission together." Ralph, his older brother, sneered in response, "I wish he hadn't. I can barely tolerate you." Ralph's harsh words hung in the air, causing BJ to feign tears. "Why do you always have to be so mean, Ralph?" he whined, his voice thick with mock sorrow. "Crybaby," Ralph retorted silently, his thoughts brimming with disdain.

Oklahoma, the sensible among them, intervened, "Guys, focus. If we botch this mission, dad won't let us work together again." She paused, a smirk playing on her lips, "Not that I'm complaining. I can't stand any of you." Katherine, the third child, piped up in agreement, "The feeling is mutual!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed through the room, "Well, well, look at this. Greg managed to assemble all his offspring in one place. I never thought I'd see the day." It was Mister Punchface, their target. BJ chuckled, "Oh, look guys, it's Mister Punchface! Apt, because I'm about to punch his face." His laughter filled the tense room. "I hate you," Mister Punchface seethed, his glare fixed on BJ, "You will never get your hands on my money! My men will take care of you!" His words were met with a smirk from Oklahoma, "You mean the men we just eliminated?" A look of horror washed over Mister Punchface. "Wait, what? No!" He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a bomb. "I have something for you four!" he snarled.

"Damn it!" they all exclaimed in unison as the bomb detonated. Miraculously, they survived the explosion, their bodies singed but intact. As the dust settled, Oklahoma muttered, "Just a reminder - let's never go on a mission together again." Her siblings nodded in unison, "Agreed." The echo of their collective assent marked the end of a mission they would never forget.

"My darlings! I'm so relieved you're all safe!" Kate, their mother, exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion. Greg, their father, tried to reassure her, "Kate, I told you they would be alri-" but he was cut off by his wife's fierce glare. "Enough! My children could have been killed, all because of your recklessness! You're banished to the couch tonight for endangering them!" she declared, pointing an accusatory finger at him.

"Mom, we're okay. I pro-" Ralph attempted to interject, but Kate cut him off with a wave of her hand, "I don't want to hear it! You all had to endure that ordeal and it's unacceptable. Now, I'm going to make dinner. Your favorites - meatloaf for you, Ralph; pizza for Oklahoma; macaroni for Kat; and nachos for my precious little BJ," she announced, already heading for the kitchen.

"Aw, Mom..." BJ began, but Oklahoma chimed in, "Mom, you don't have to go all out. Chill out a bit." Kate spun around, her stare icy, "Never tell a mother to 'chill out' when her children have just returned from a life-or-death situation. I'm making the food!" With that final declaration, she dashed off toward the kitchen.

Greg turned to his children, concern etching lines on his forehead, "You're all okay?" Katherine nodded, her voice a whisper, "Yeah, we are." Ralph added, "Good thing we all got out of there in time. Mister Punchface is probably toast by now, but who cares?" Greg sighed, "I care! I needed that money! But...I'm glad you're safe. You're more important than anything. Get some rest, and we'll talk about this tomorrow. See you at dinner." With that, he retreated to his office, leaving his children to their thoughts.

"Thanks for dinner, Mom! Good night, Mom, Dad, and, I suppose, the rest of you shitheads!" Ralph declared, sauntering off to his room. As he ascended the stairs, a sharp twinge in his torso caused him to wince. "My ribs are killing me," he grimaced inwardly. As he approached his door, he found an unexpected guest waiting - Eliza.

"Hey," Eliza greeted him, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hey. Didn't expect to see you here," Ralph responded, surprise evident in his tone. "Yeah, I heard about the bombing and got worried when you didn't answer my calls," Eliza confessed, her concern clear in her eyes. Ralph shrugged slightly, "Sorry about that. Mom confiscated our phones so she could ensure we were fully attentive to her mother hen routine." Eliza chuckled softly, "That's sweet. Now that I've seen you're okay, I guess I can leave." Ralph smirked, "Is that the only reason you dropped by?" Eliza nodded, "Yep. Bye." Ralph leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper, "Are you sure?"

The warmth radiating from his body was intoxicating. All I wanted to do was kiss him, to lose myself in those mesmerizing green eyes. And before I knew it, I found myself pulling him into a fierce kiss, free of any regret, Eliza thought to herself. 

"Let's take this to the room," Ralph suggested, his voice husky as he gently ushered Eliza into his room, the door closing quietly behind them.

"Dinner's really done me in. Goodnight, see you tomorrow," BJ nodded at his older sister, his voice heavy with fatigue. "Goodnight," Oklahoma responded, her attention already on the figure standing in the doorway.

"Hey, you," Tabby, Oklahoma's best friend, greeted her. Oklahoma rolled her eyes, "How many of you are going to drop by to check on me and my siblings? First Eliza, then Carson, and now you." Tabby shrugged, "Okay, we all came together. Toby too," she admitted. "Toby lives here," Oklahoma retorted. "He was at a nightclub with us when we heard the news," Tabby explained. "Of course," was Oklahoma's dry response. "Can't a girl check on her best friend?" Tabby asked, feigning hurt. "Sure, she can," Oklahoma said, fluffing up her pillows. "I'm surprised you're still okay with Katherine and Toby," she added, glancing at Tabby. "Why wouldn't I be?" Tabby deflected, sitting on the bed. "Because you're in love with him," Oklahoma stated plainly. Tabby sighed, "I don’t feel that way anymore. He's marrying your sister. I need to get over it." Oklahoma studied her friend's face and saw the sadness there. "Want to raid the leftovers and binge-watch 'Never Have I Ever' with me?" she offered. Tabby's face brightened again, "Of course I do. I need to see Devi mess up her life. Also, Team Ben!" They descended the stairs to the kitchen, laughter trailing behind them.

"Toby, I’m fine," Katherine assured her fiancé. "Okay, if you say so. But if you feel even a little sore, please tell me!" Toby pleaded, his worry palpable. "You sound like my mom right now," Katherine teased, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. "Sorry, I just love you a lot," Toby confessed. Katherine's heart ached as she thought, He really does love me. I feel so guilty. "You ready to sleep?" Toby asked, preparing to get into bed. "Um, would you mind sleeping in your room tonight? I feel like being alone," Katherine requested. Toby paused, "...Oh... okay. Goodnight, love you," he said, leaving the room. "Goodnight," Katherine echoed into the empty room. I should really open up to him. I am going to marry him, after all, she thought, a wave of sadness washing over her.

The following day at the Sarrington's warehouse,

"You're lucky my mom raised me to respect women, or I'd have you on the floor by now," BJ taunted, squaring off against Aspen. "BJ, shut up and keep fighting," Aspen shot back, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Right, I love this sexual tension between us," BJ quipped, dodging her punch. "Dude…I hate you," Aspen grumbled, launching another attack. "Love you too, bestie," BJ parried with a grin. "I don’t know why I’m friends with you," Aspen admitted, her tone exasperated. "Because you love me, bestie. We're platonic soulmates, at best," BJ declared, deflecting her next blow.

"Hey, guys!" Katherine called out as she entered the gym. Aspen looked up, "Finally, the best sibling shows up." BJ scoffed, "Please, Kat's not better than me. I'm at least 20 percent cooler than her." Katherine simply rolled her eyes at his comment. Suddenly, Greg's voice echoed through the gym, "BORIS JOHNSON SARRINGTON, get your ass over here!" BJ groaned, "Dad, why are you using my whole name? We agreed never to do that in public!" Unfazed, Greg retorted, "I don't care! I need you to show your brother how to use a sniper. I didn't teach him when he was young, thinking he wouldn't need it. Apparently, I was wrong." BJ smirked, "I love making Ralph feel useless. Coming, Dad!"

Aspen turned to Katherine, her brows furrowed in concern. "Are you okay? You know, after yesterday?" she asked. Katherine nodded, blushing slightly, "Yeah, I'm great." Aspen smiled, "That's good. I hate seeing you hurt." Katherine's blush deepened. Why am I blushing? She wondered. Aspen mentally scolded herself, Aspen, stop. This is your brother's fiancée. "Well, talk to you later," Aspen said, breaking the silence. "See you," Katherine replied, her heart pounding in her chest.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Miami, the Blackwood family convened.

"Hey, Dad! You called us all?" Aaron asked, entering the room. Hex, his father, looked up from the papers strewn across his desk, "Yes. You all know the Sarrington's gala is in two months. And you remember what we do every year - we infiltrate their gala and pilfer their weapons and gold!" Hex's eyes gleamed at the thought. Aaron grinned, "I love that annual tradition." Psycho chimed in, "I'm surprised Greg hasn't done anything to stop us from getting in." Hex scoffed, "Greg is weak, just like the previous Sarringtons who ran the mafia. The only kid of his who's strong enough to pose a threat is his daughter, Oklahoma. I can see why you were drawn to her, Psycho." Psycho inhaled sharply, his thoughts echoing, I still am. Hex stood, his eyes blazing, "We are going to bring the Sarringtons down, once and for all."

Camilia, always the joker, piped up, "Um, Dad, just for comic say that every year. Maybe it's time to give up?" Hex's face turned a shade of red that matched his anger, "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE, ALL OF YOU!" He roared. The children scampered out, their laughter echoing through the hallways.

Back at the Sarrington’s warehouse, a family meeting was in progress.

"So everyone, my gala is coming up in two months. Aspen, give me the updates," Greg ordered, his gaze focused. Aspen cleared her throat, "Alright. Miami Food Catering has agreed to handle the food. Our party planner has finalized this year's theme. And the security has been reduced, as per your request." Greg nodded approvingly, while Ralph interjected, "Reduced? Dad, are you really going to let Hex steal our stuff?" Greg waved him off, "Of course not. I have a plan to stop Hex and his crew this year." Katherine piped up, curiosity piqued, "What's the plan?" 

Greg leaned back in his chair, "The reason I'm reducing the security is because I've set a trap for Hex and his team. I anticipate Hex will send one of his kids to swipe our goods. So, I'm going to have Oklahoma and BJ on guard." Katherine frowned, a hint of jealousy seeping into her voice, "Why Oakley and BJ?" Even Oklahoma looked surprised, "Yeah, why us?" she asked, while BJ was asleep on the floor. 

"Because you two are the strongest here, not including me of course. And I know the sight of you two will be enough to make Hex think twice. But, if Hex decides to escalate things, you can call in the entire gang and I suppose we'll have to go to war. So, what do you all think?" Greg finished, scanning their reactions. The team agreed, all except his daughter.

"Dad, do you have a moment?" Katherine asked, catching up with him after the meeting. "Sure. What is it, sweetheart?" Greg responded, turning to face Katherine. "I don’t get it," Katherine admitted quietly. "You don’t get what?" Greg asked, his forehead creasing in concern. Katherine's voice was barely a whisper, "You chose Oklahoma, not me." Greg looked puzzled, "I don’t see the problem." Katherine's frustration was palpable, "It’s always pick her for these kinds of missions, either with the gang or with Ralph or BJ. Why not me?" Greg sighed, "Kat, you're not as skilled as Oklahoma, but that doesn't mean you can't learn more advanced skills. I can help you, you're my daughter after all. I promise, when you become more skilled, I'll include you in missions like these." Katherine forced a smile, "Okay, Dad. Love you." Greg kissed her forehead, "Love you too, sweetheart." Little did he know, Katherine harbored a worry that Oklahoma was always his favorite.

 At Carson's company, BJ was preparing to leave. He pulled his shirt back on, "Well, I got to head out." Carson looked disappointed, "Already? You don't want to stay for lunch?" "I wouldn't mind some free lunch, but I have to head home and get ready to go out with the gang," BJ responded, his eyes still glued to his phone. "Where are you guys going?" Carson asked. "To Club Titanic. Off Brand One Direction is going to be there. You're welcome to join us," BJ offered, finally looking up from his phone. "Nah, I'm busy. Plus, I've never heard any of their songs," Carson declined. "Same here. But Kat insisted we all go. Think about it. Here's a ticket," BJ said, placing a ticket on the table. "Talk to you later. And, as always, that was fun," he said, giving Carson a wink as he left. Carson watched him go, a twinge of longing in his heart. It will always be just fun to you, he thought wistfully.

"Off Brand One Direction, here we come!" Oklahoma cheered, downing a shot. "I can't believe you guys are making us go to this," BJ groaned. Katherine smiled, "It's a great bonding experience." Ralph rolled his eyes, "I don't even like any of you." Jay, ever the pragmatist, added, "I'm only here for the paycheck." Oklahoma turned to him, "Jay, shut the fuck up!" Tabby clapped her hands together, "It's time to go!" Ralph sighed, Why did I agree to this? he thought as they headed out.

Meanwhile, Psycho was in a contemplative mood, smoking a joint and gazing at an old photo of Oklahoma on his phone. A photo from when they were still together. I miss her so much, he thought wistfully. A worker interrupted his thoughts, "Hey, Psycho." Annoyed, Psycho shot back, "What do you want? Can't you see I’m having some 'me' time?" The worker quickly apologized, "Sorry, sir. But it looks like the Sarringtons and their gang are going to Club Titanic." Psycho's interest was piqued, "All the Sarringtons?" "All of them," the worker confirmed. A chance to see Oklahoma again? Psycho thought, his heart pounding. "Alright, let me get ready," he decided.

At Club Titanic, things were heating up. "Can you two get a room, please?!" BJ called out to Ralph and Eliza, who were making out. Ralph shot back, "BJ, why don't you find someone to hook up with instead of third-wheeling me?" BJ shrugged, sipping his drink, "I should. But I'm not really in the mood to hook up." Eliza snorted, "Wow, BJ Sarrington not in the mood to be a fuckboy. Never thought I'd see the day." BJ retorted, "Sorry Eliza, I couldn't hear over this music. “Who invited you anyway. Leave" Eliza lunged at him, "Ralph, let me at him. I'm about to kill him!" Ralph held her back, exasperated, "You two can't get along for shit!" BJ simply laughed at Eliza's futile attempts.

"I love Off Brand Direction so much!" Katherine declared, dancing wildly. "Same!" Tabby agreed, joining her. "Oh, our favorite part is about to come on," Oklahoma said, her eyes lighting up. But, before she could continue, everything went dark. And then, he walked in. "Hey, bitches. Miss me?" Psycho's voice echoed in the sudden silence.