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Now that it has been decided that Fi will work for me, I would have liked to head for my territory immediately, but I still had things to do in King's Landing.

 Although Fi's health had recovered to a certain extent, she was still far from her best condition.

'Yuri-sama. What are  we doing today?"

'Right. We're going to buy a lot of stuff. And then if there's someone good, I'd like to solicit them, but I don't think there's a better choice than Fi.'

I need someone who will not be able to turn his back on me.
 The one who seemed most likely to join me was the uncle at the stall, but as expected, I can't recruit him, as he probably has family here too.

 In other words, I already invited him to join us and he refused.

 He was smiling, saying that expected in a remote area, meat skewers don't sell well, but I had a feeling that there might be some other reason.

 This is why I didn't force it either, but honestly backed down.

'Huh, there are plenty of people who are better than Fi .......'

 The girl's face was reddening and she was hiding her face with the bucket hat she was wearing.

 The current appearance of Fi was a white bucket hat and a pretty maid's outfit with plenty of light blue frills scattered about.

 I would have said she was dressed in more normal clothes, but somehow she ended up in this outfit.

 It's probably not a mistake, as it enhances Fi's cuteness.

 I was actually checking it by touching it to see if there was anything strange on it.

 With Fi wearing her clothes, of course.

 ...... It's just a maid's outfit. No special abilities. No magical power additions. In terms of performance, it's like a +1 defence.

 After making sure it was safe, I looked at Fi's face and she was red-faced and tense, her body tense with tension.

 The servants had vanished.

 Apparently, they had been expecting a white-moya development and had wisely left.

 At first they looked at me suspiciously, like I'd brought a filthy beast back with me, so I decided to keep quiet about it, thinking that I might get better treatment for Fi if I made it look like I was taking her for such a purpose.

 Totally ....... I don't think a ten year old kid would do that.

 I'm a bit more mature recently, and I was completely unaware that the servants were gossiping about me and saying that my actual age was a bit older.

'Hey, I want you to say something.'

 I'm daydreaming on my own and Fee asks me worriedly.

'Yes, that's right. 'Well, it's almost time for lunch, isn't it?'

'I didn't say that!'

 The same time I say that, Fee's stomach growls.

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Fee's face turning red while she touched her stomach.

        ◇ ◇ ◇


 After eating at the usual food stall, we came to a dark alleyway.

'Oh, um, Yuri-sama? What are we doing in a place like this?'

'I've been looking around the city for a while, but there's hardly anyone passing through here at this time of day. It's convenient for me."

'What do you mean, convenient? ......, could it be--'

 Fi was clutching her skirt tightly.

'Well, I mean, it's my first time, so be gentle .......

'......? Yeah, I don't think it'll hurt, but I've never done it so carefully either. Let me know if you feel any discomfort."

"Ha, yes ......."

 Fee closes his eyes stiffly.

 It didn't hurt at all whenever I did it myself, but maybe it is scary to have someone else do it to you.

 I put magic in my right eye and look at Fi with it.

 Then, dimly, a text appears over her head.

Name: Fi.

Gender: female Age: 11 Race: beastman

Occupation: maid apprentice

Level: 1

HP: 16/16 (E)

MP: 0/0 (E)

Attack: 1 (E)

Defence: 1 (E)

Agility: 3 (C)

Magic: 1 (E)


Dagger: 1 (C)


Earth: 1 (E) Wind: 1 (D)

 Not very flattering, but not very competent.

 Still, I'm thankful that Fi, who has excellent assassination skills and qualities, is not hostile to me.

 However, it seems that this appraisal display is unique to me.

 From my point of view, it's a familiar status screen.

 But that's just because it's a game.

 I thought that if it was known in such detail, it would be easy to know that there was a difference in strength, but it seems that other people's appraisals are not numbered, but only their level is known.

 By the way, my abilities are as follows.

Name: Yuri Louth

Gender: male Age: 10 Race: human

Occupation: third son of a duke

Level: 1

HP: 32/32 (A)

MP: 20/20 (S)

Attack: 5 (A)

Defence: 3 (C)

Agility: 3 (C)

Magic: 10 (S)


Swordsmanship: 1 (B) Disguise: 5 (A) Appraisal: 10 (EX) Chant Destruction: 1 (S)


Fire: 1 (B) Water: 1 (C) Earth: 1 (A) Wind: 1 (B) Darkness: 1 (S)

 Is the overall qualities high because of the fact that I am still the mastermind and the last boss?

 There is no clear standard for the values yet, but from what I have seen with a few people, normal adults have a level of 5-10 and an ability value of around 10. They had one or two skills and their values were around 3 or so.

 Of course, soldiers who seem to train their bodies on a regular basis have even more double figures.

 The actual numbers may be more varied, as there is not much to judge from.

'That's enough. I know most of what I want to know."


 Fi, raising her voice in surprise.


'Oh, um, well, you haven't done anything yet ......"

"I already did, okay? I've already done an appraisal of Fee's potential .......'

 Fi opens her mouth with a pout.

"Well, then why didn't you just do it in your room instead of coming here?"

"No, there's a reason I can't do that."

Is it possible that someone might see it it if that done in my room,

  As expected, with such an obvious change, the timing of use is limited.

'But more importantly, I'm going to buy Fi's weapon now.'

Fi, Fi's weapon? But why has Fi never been in a fight before?

I know that. That's why I went to the trouble of having an assessment done to see if Fi's fit to fight."

But maybe there's some hidden ability hidden within Fi...

No, there was no such thing. The only thing that is normal is the dagger skill. ......?"

'Skill? Does Fi have a skill too!"

'Most people have one or two, you know?'

'Okay, I understand. Fi will try her best to learn the art of daggers!'

 The sight of Fi getting enthusiastic is just adorable, but it rather stirs up anxiety.

'That's why I'm going to buy Fi a dagger.'

'Okay. Oh, ......, but Fi doesn't have any money.'

'Of course I'm going to buy her a weapon, because it's something you need, right?'

"Is that okay?"

It's a no-brainer. I'm going to buy it faster with it. There's still a lot of work to do.'

'Oh, yeah. We're going to hand out meat to everyone again!'

'No, that's not on my schedule. ...... 'Yeah, that's right. Let's go there as soon as we're done with appointments.'


 And so we went shopping to the weapons shop...

         ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"Thank you, Yuri-sama."

i was holding the dagger with great care.

'Don't worry about it. I'll train you well in the future.'

'Yes, yes!'

 The two of us headed for the meat skewer stall with Fi, who was smiling happily at me.

 On the way there, we meets a boy from the back alley.

'Ah, it's the meat brother! I was looking for you.'

 He comes up to me happily.

Did he think he'd be given meat skewers again today?

 Not exactly a mistake, though.

'I'm not prepared enough meat yet.'

'Well, that makes it sound like I was only looking for you just for the food!"

'No? Then you don't want meat."

Yes, I do! That's not it. A lady came looking for you.

 Looking for me? But there's hardly anyone I know in this city, are there?

 I look at Fi next to me, thinking she's the only female acquaintance I have.

"Don't bother looking for her, she's right next to me".
"It's not her."

"It's not her. What did she call herself ?  Emilna I think."

 I've never heard of her.

 Came to thing of it in the original story' there was Emilina, but there was no reason for her, one of the main heroines, to go out of her way to meet me.

 No, it might not be strange that she, who would eventually open an orphanage, would be interested in me, who was handing out meat.

 But I might be mistaken, so I ask the young boy in return.

'Didn't that person say something about a saint?

'Oh, yes!  he said that. He said she was a saint or she was pure or something like that!

 No doubt about it. Then I'm going to take action.

    ◇ ◆ ◇

 Saint Emilina healed people in the church and gave money to poor children.

 However, there were children in the royal capital who were so needy that she could not keep up with their needs.

 The occasional church-led soup kitchen could not catch up at all.

 Then she learns that there is a boy who is giving meat to these children.

 He must have very noble thoughts.

 A man who can't allow himself to be moved by the fact that there are poor children today.

 When Emilina learns that there is such a person, she can no longer stand still, so she runs out of the church and heads for the alleyway where he is said to have appeared.

 She saw a boy scavenging through the rubbish and decided to ask him about it.

'Um, excuse me. Can I ask you something?'

'What is it, sis? As you can see, I'm busy, okay?'

'Excuse me. I'd like to ask you about the boy who came here the other day, the one who went around handing out free food.

'What, you want to ask about the meat brother? He's a good guy who gives out meat to everyone. And then there's the one who doesn't care what species someone is.'

 The boy tells me a lot about the rumoured person.

 All of them were very positive, which made Emilina more and more interested in him.

 If he was someone who cared that much about people, he might be one of the so-called heroes and sages comparable to the saints, the ones who are supposed to destroy evil with their faith.

'I understand. If that person appears, could you tell him that Saint Emilina wanted to meet with him? I will look for him for a while longer.'

 Saying this, he hands the boy a single silver coin.

 It stopped the poor man's movements a little. This is a kind of annoyance fee.

'Oh, all right. Tell him that Emina from the latrine wanted to see him, is that right?'

'It's not a latrine, it's a saint. And I am Emilina. If you come to the church, you'll see me right away."

I'll take care of it!"

 Although she felt a little uneasy, there was no one else to ask, so she decided to entrust everything to the boy.

 For the chaos that will eventually come to the world, she definitely wants to borrow some help.

'Come to think of it, I had no idea what kind of person he was. Only that he's someone who gives out meat, or something like that. ......"