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"What can I do for you?"

 Someone called out after hearing Miranda's angry voice.

 Miranda's eyebrows involuntarily raised as she turned her head in that direction.

"Why the hell are you here?"

 It was Alexia.

I'm here right now observing the children's studies..."

 If she looked closely, she could see a cheeky looking child hiding behind Alexia.

 The child then compares Alexia and Miranda and says.

'A cutting board and a watermelon?'

, "Who's the chopping board? It's still there!

"Oh, dear, you shouldn't refer to people as cutting boards."

"I could be a watermelon, right?"

"It's not good to hang on to illusions that are not real, is it?'

"You are the one who put two such objects in the way, and you are the one who is being vulgar".

"I agree. It's not a good idea to have two such objects attached to your body. I wish they would disappear, too. They make my shoulders stiff and I don't get any benefit from them."

 Alexia's words made Miranda even more furious.

"You're a saint, you know! Shouldn't you go back to the capital and get back to work?"

"I'm sure Emilina finished everything for me there. She did it all in one night."

 Of course, it couldn't have been done that fast, and she cleaned up little by little, but there was no way Miranda could have known that. ......

"If I had known you would be here, I wouldn't have come to this empty place."

"There's nothing here, Pettan's sister!

"Who's Pettan? It's still there!"

 Forcing the child's hand, she pulls it and makes him put it on his own chest.

 At that moment, Sasha comes into the room.

Sis, here's what we are going to do: ....... Huh?"

 Unable to read the situation, a voice unintentionally leaks out.

 The boy Al's face turned bright red.

 Miranda, the older sister, is forcibly pressing her hand against her own chest.

 Alexia is smiling cheerfully with her hand on her cheek, perhaps enjoying the situation.

'Well, don't tell me that's why you came to this city ......, sister?"

I'm not! It's just that this one says I don't have breasts ......."

"It hurts when it hits the bone!"

"Oh, my God, it's getting chaotic."

"Who caused this?"

I think Miranda-san is the culprit."

 Although this commotion had been going on for a while, Miranda was finally able to calm down after concluding in her mind that it was all Yuri's fault.

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So what are your plans now? There's nothing to see here, right?"

"No, it's father's land. I want you to report back to me how it's developing.

"Hmm. Well, that's okay.'

 In Miranda mind already, "This territory is plotting rebellion, so it's best to deal with it right away. Regardless of what is said about the chopping block," she intended to tell the second prince, her fiancé.

 From the prince's perspective, who wants a definitive event to make him king, preventing the treason from happening could be a positive evaluation.

 This territory was just the right platform for that.

'Flatten, flatten, flatten~! '

 A cheeky little kid named Al was singing a grating song in front of Miranda.

"No, Al, don't do that. You can't do anything she doesn't want you to do."

But the other day, the teacher said, 'Do what others don't want you to do."

"That time it was about cleaning, taking out the trash, and so on--"

"Isn't it similar? Cleaning, right?"

 Al's eyes seemed to light up a little.

 But it must have really been just imagination, because he immediately went back to being a damn cocky kid.

I understand," Then let's take a break and just do what Miranda-san doesn't want us to do, shall we?"

"What the heck?"

 Alexia's compromise plan made her pout.

 In any case, she would be in the wrong tone.

 The only reason her fiancé became the second prince is because she appeared when he was appealing to the first prince, and that made him lose his temper and not appeal well.

 It seems like someone else who sensed that Miranda was coming to this estate had called her in advance.

 Perhaps that person is the key person in this territory.

 Her name is ......, I believe.

"Emilina ......, a name I've heard somewhere before."

Does my precipitous sister know about the saint too?"

 She answered with a sigh as it no longer seemed worthwhile to say anything.

"I don't know much about her."

"She is a great person. After all, she is the one who is doing everything she can to help Yuri become independent."

 From the outside, it may look that way.

But it's not as if anyone knew that Yuri was annoyed with her.

"Oh, I see. Can you tell me more about this person"?

Of course I can. Wall-sister.

"Who's a wall!"

 Patience soon ran out.

 But Al was laughing, as if that reaction was amusing -