Part 1: The Work Week
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Josie awoke with a start. Shit. Had anyone noticed? Falling asleep in an interview was a new low, even for her. She wondered if this was some sort of self-sabotage? She needed this job. True, she didn’t particularly want this job, or any job, but rent and food continued to cost money. 

Mrs Kerr was still reading aloud the contract, in a dry, stentorian voice. Ms Hollie was apparently playing with a pocket-watch, and Miss Maddison was looking at her phone.

Josie shuffled in her seat. She thought maybe she had gotten away with it. The panel—the Management Panel, they called themselves—was quite attractive, she thought, idly. Mrs Kerr, the CEO, had at least a decade on her, and was quite heavy set, but had a sense of command about her. An imperious milf, perhaps, or a silver fox. Ms Hollie, HR, wore a men’s suit, had even shorter hair, and little make-up, but her features were fine and femme. Miss Maddison, Admin, dressed in a half-buttoned blouse and a short skirt. Her make-up was a little gothy; she had shown Josie into the interview, and Josie had been sure Miss Maddison had taken an admiring eyeful. How many of them were lesbians, Josie wondered?

“So, is that all clear?” asked Mrs Kerr, jolting Josie from her reverie. 

“Er, yes,” said Josie. 

“Including the part about the nature of the content?” asked Ms Hollie.

“Sure, yeah,” Josie replied.

“Well, excellent,” said Mrs Kerr. “We’d like to offer you the job, Miss Stevens.”

“Oh, yes, great,” she said, surprised. She barely remembered any of the interview, but she must have done alright. Odd; businesses didn’t usually find her useful. She could type, and the company was supposed to be trans friendly, that made it worth a try. Maybe they were just desperate. Well, so was she.

Mrs Kerr indicated the contract and a fountain pen. Josie hurried out of her chair to sign it; she found, to her surprise, that she was semi-erect. She hunched over as she signed.

“Welcome to the company,” said Ms Hollie. “It’s a great opportunity for you.”

Monday morning, and Miss Maddison was waiting for her in reception. She looked Josie up and down with no attempt at concealment. 

“I see you followed our guidance,” Miss Maddison said.

“Er, yes. Tried to.” Josie had been surprised by the detailed description of what to wear, from the pencil skirts to the shade of lip gloss.

“Yes,” said Miss Maddison. “We’re a bit old-fashioned as a business. Strict hierarchy, that sort of thing. You will get used to it.”

Josie hoped she was right: she hadn’t really got along with corporations before. All that guff about being a family, but really they just wanted you to give your life for their bottom line.

Miss Maddison led Josie to a small office, with the blinds down. An old TV and a pair of headphones sat on the only desk in the room.

“We’re all keen to get you properly started,” said Miss Maddison. “But unfortunately there are some HR and training videos you have to watch first.”

She gestured to the chair, briefly putting her hands on Josie’s shoulders as she sat, then leaned across her reaching for the headphones. She smelled good, a scent of myrrh and sandalwood. She put the bulky headphones on Josie, then lifted one and whispered, “I’ll be back when you are done.”

The television burst to life, a tinny jingle playing through the headphones. Two presenters, in a very seventies-styled set. “Human Resources. What does it mean? For you, and for your company? Think of a family…”

Josie heard the door close behind her.

The same door opening awakened her. She’d fallen asleep again. The TV was showing white noise, oddly spiralling, and she thought she could still hear faint voices from the headphones. 

“A bit boring, wasn’t it?” said Miss Maddison, turning off the TV, and then lifting off the headphones. She was very close to Josie, her warm scent enveloping her. Josie had awakened with a raging erection, and she was worried Miss Maddison would press against it. Well, half-worried; it might be nice. She did not.

“Still, it’s important to know this stuff, isn’t it?” said Miss Maddison. 

Josie surreptitiously wiped the drool off her chin. One of her blouse lapels was wet, she realised. 

“Yes,” she said.

“Ms Hollie is the head of HR,” continued Miss Maddison. “But, obviously, come to any of the management team with your concerns.”

“Management knows best,” Josie found herself saying. She wasn’t sure where that had come from, but Miss Maddison gave her a warm smile.

“That’s the idea,” Miss Maddison said. “Let me show you where you will be working.”

Ms Hollie met them by the lift. Josie was still walking awkwardly; her pencil skirt made it hard to conceal her erection. Luckily, no-one seemed to have noticed.

“All yours,” said Miss Maddison, exchanging looks with Ms Hollie. “I think she might do very well.”

She waved and got back in the lift. Ms Hollie led her through to a large room; there were perhaps a dozen women here, the small desks very spread out.

“This is yours.” The desk held a monitor, a keyboard, a small machine of some sort, and another set of bulky headphones.

Ms Hollie also stood close to Josie as she settled; her scent was manly, some cologne, maybe, but that mixed with her girl smell to form a heady perfume.

“Right,” said Ms Hollie, leaning over her. “The phrases will come over the headphones, with a pause afterwards. You type them out, as best you can. For non-words, just type ‘moans’ or whatever in brackets. Don’t worry about mistakes, we have multiple transcribers. Does that make sense?”

“I think so, yes,” said Josie.

“Let’s try one,” said Ms Hollie, “with the headphones out.” She unplugged the cable, and pressed play on the machine. She was uncomfortably close to Josie, who was having trouble focusing.

“We ought to tell the police, don’t you think?” said the machine. A line from some drama. Josie typed it in; she was a fairly good typist, one reason she had applied for the job.

“No, please, I can’t go back to jail,” said the machine. She typed it in.

Ms Hollie stopped the machine. 

“See? Easy enough,” she said. “Press pause if you need the loo, or to take a coffee break or whatever. My office is just down there, if you need anything.”

Ms Hollie smiled and departed.

Josie plugged the headphones back in, and pressed play.

“Well, maybe you will need to let us all ravage you then,” said the machine.

Josie found the rhythm pretty well; hearing a phrase, typing it in, and then repeating the process. The lines were obviously from some porn, but she supposed that needed transcribing too. There was one about a girl being passed around a woman’s rugby squad, one about a novice in an unusual order, one about a mafia princess and her plaything. Strange that it was all lesbian porn, but she wasn’t complaining. Josie managed to type them in almost unconsciously, though she had an uncomfortable erection most of the afternoon. And she was sure she heard soft voices below the normal audio on the headphones.

The only strange thing was when she tried to talk to her coworkers.

“They prefer us not to speak,” her coworker said, after a long pause.

“Who? Management?” asked Josie.

“Management knows best,” said her coworker, and went back to her work.

Her coworkers were a strange lot; mostly wearing the approved company look, but some with lurid pink lipstick instead, others looking dishevelled, some jerking awake at their seats.

Still, she thought, she’d had worse first days. She went home, masturbated, and fell into uneasy dreams about management.

“Miss Stevens,” said the headphones, interrupting something about a girl abducted by female aliens. “Please visit Ms Hollie in her office.”

This startled Josie from the typing-trance she’d been increasingly falling into. She hurried down the room towards Ms Hollie’s office. 

Ms Hollie’s office was large, and quite neat; minimalist, restrained. Ms Hollie was pecking at a laptop, but she gave Josie a look of acknowledgement as she entered. She kept Josie waiting for a few minutes though.

“How are you finding it?” Ms Hollie said, finally looking up.

“Um, good, I think,” said Josie. 

“Excellent,” said Ms Hollie, standing and walking round the desk. “There are a couple of things I need to talk to you about. Nothing urgent. But management like to keep an eye on things.”

“Management knows best,” said Josie, without really knowing why. 

“Exactly,” said Ms Hollie. She approached Josie, standing close behind her. Josie smelled her heady scent again; part of her wanted to relax back into Ms Hollie. 

Ms Hollie used a remote control to turn on a flatscreen behind her desk. Josie recognised some of yesterday’s text.

“A few spelling mistakes,” said Ms Hollie. She was almost whispering; Josie could feel her warm breath against her ear. “Nothing important. We just want to make sure that it doesn’t become important. Especially when you have that penalty clause in your contract.”

Penalty clause? Josie didn’t remember that. 

“Just read it for me,” whispered Ms Hollie.

“Um, ‘Yes, the strap is holy, novice,’,” she read, blushing. “‘The ribbing represents the sacred…’ oh, I’ve made a typo on sacred.”

“Keep going,” murmured Ms Hollie.

Josie continued reading, blushing, very aware of Ms Hollies closeness, and of her own erection.

“May I touch you, Josie?” interrupted Ms Hollie.

Josie was fairly sure she already was, and she was pretty sure it wasn’t appropriate. “Management may do whatever they like,” she said. It wasn’t what she’d intended to say, but it seemed right.

“Good girl,” whispered Ms Hollie into her neck. “Continue reading.”

She slid a hand across her waist. Haltingly, Josie continued to read the protestations of the novice. Ms Hollie slid her hand round to the front, laying it squarely over Josie’s erection. Josie’s reading trailed off; she could feel herself becoming harder under Ms Hollie’s warm hand.

“Some people,” said Ms Hollie, lips brushing her neck, “were worried this was breaking your clean, corporate lines. Can you make it go?”

Josie shook her head, burning with embarrassment.

“Oh. Keep reading, then, while I have a think,” Ms Hollie whispered. Trembling, Josie began to read again. Ms Hollie stretched her palm and began gently rubbing, through skirt and panties.

“Keep going,” she said, and kissed Josie’s neck. Josie tried. Ms Hollie sped up her rubbing. Josie attempted to focus on her reading, though it was mostly the novice moaning and begging. She relaxed into Ms Hollie; the rubbing was intense, as were the kisses on her neck. Finally, Josie couldn’t read anymore, closed her eyes, and gave a small groan, as she ruined her knickers and skirt.

“There,” said Ms Hollie, “look, it’s going down already.” She made sure Josie was standing upright, then moved away.

“As for the spelling,” she said, very casually, as if Josie wasn’t a sopping mess in front of her. “Miss Maddison usually deals with that, but I believe stage one is simply to apologise to management.”

Josie bowed her head, and found herself saying, “I am sorry for letting management down.”

“Excellent,” said Ms Hollie, smiling warmly. “Run along then, Josie. Let me know if you have any other problems.”

Josie went to the bathroom and scrubbed her skirt and panties until it at least looked more like she had wet herself rather than come in them.

At home, she looked over her contract; there was a rather serious penalty—a training clawback—if she was fired ‘for cause’ in the first few months. She wondered if that was legal? Well, management knows best, she decided.

The next day, her head wasn’t in it; she kept making typos. She would suddenly find herself actually reading the transcriptions, or thinking of Ms Hollie kissing her neck, or gently caressing her and she’d feel herself swell, even though she had her sturdiest panties on. And then she’d mistype whatever word she was on.

She was half hoping for a call from Ms Hollie, but when the headphone finally interrupted its programming, it was a summons to Miss Maddison’s office.

Miss Maddison’s office was a bit of a mess; papers and folders stacked everywhere. Miss Maddison sat on her desk, leafing through a ream of paper.

“Tut tut,” she said. “Who’s been a naughty girl?”

“Sorry?” said Josie. She was already blushing for some reason, and was already partially erect.

Miss Maddison walked over. “I believe Naomi, Ms Hollie, warned you about typos yesterday.” She placed a hand on Josie’s shoulder. “And yet today is even worse.”

Josie looked down, and said, “I am sorry for letting management down.”

“Aw, cute,” said Miss Maddison. She leaned closer. “But that is level one. This amount of mistakes is at least level three. You are lucky Mrs Kerr didn’t notice.”

“W-what’s level three?” Josie asked. Miss Maddison’s closeness made it difficult to think.

“We are a rather old-fashioned company,” said Miss Maddison. “Level two is on your knees.”

Josie found herself getting to her knees, almost without thinking. “I am sorry for letting management down,” she repeated.

Miss Maddison put a hand on Josie’s shoulder, and ran her other hand through Josie’s hair.

“Can you guess what level three is?” Miss Maddison asked.

Josie found herself nodding. “I must serve management however they please,” she recited.

“That’s right,” said Miss Maddison. Josie could see a tenting in Miss Maddison’s skirt. “Use your mouth to apologise.” She lifted her skirt and stepped closer. Her girlcock was curved and elegant, not too large. She had a flowery tattoo around the base, block capital letters intertwined amongst the flowers. “Girl lips here.” Josie kissed the tip and explored with her tongue. Miss Maddison’s scent was intoxicating. She put a hand in Josie’s hair and slowly pulled her onto her girlcock.

“Show me how sorry you are,” Miss Maddison whispered, and Josie began to bob her head. Going from almost too much—nose butting Miss Maddison’s tattoo—to a more bearable halfway, and back again. Miss Maddison had both hands in Josie’s hair now, and was breathing hard. Her foot was between Josie’s thighs, rubbing on her erection. Josie kept up the bobbing, sucking and tasting. She felt almost drunk on Miss Maddison’s scent, on serving management. 

Miss Maddison’s hands tightened in Josie’s hair, and she began to thrust. Josie tried not to choke, as Miss Maddison’s girlcock pushed deeply into her. A few fast movements and Miss Maddison came, filling Josie’s mouth and throat with her juices. Josie gulped and swallowed, licking and sucking the detumescing girlcock. 

“Very nice,” said Miss Maddison, slightly breathlessly. She stepped back, and offered a hand to help Josie rise. “I knew you’d be an asset to the company. Oh, one more thing…” She scrambled in her handbag, and brought out a tube of lurid pink lip gloss. “Hold still.” She leaned closer, and painted it on top of Josie’s worn lip gloss. “There. I like people to know. Run along now.”

Hoping no-one noticed her erection, Josie returned to her desk.

The next day, Josie went slower; she didn’t want to disappoint management with typos. Well, half didn’t want to. She half hoped Miss Maddison would demand an apology; as the day went on, she looked at her lurid lipsticked coworkers with naked jealousy. 

When the headphones called her to Ms Hollie’s office, she found that her semi hardened immediately, like some sort of conditioned dog. Hunched over, she made her way to Ms Hollie’s office.

Ms Hollie was perched on her desk, and gave Josie a knowing look.

“Stand up straight,” she said. Her face burning with embarrassment, Josie did so.

Ms Hollie walked over. “Still having trouble with that,” she said, casually placing her hand on Josie’s erection, thought skirt and panties. 

“Y-yes,” said Josie.

“Would you like me to help?” Ms Hollie asked, softly.

“Yes,” whispered Josie. “Yes, please.”

“Take your skirt off, and your underwear.” Josie did as she was told, blushing as Ms Hollie watched her undress. Her erection stood out at an embarrassing angle.

Ms Hollie took her hand, and led her round the desk, gesturing that Josie should sit on her chair. She leaned against the desk, and began unbuttoning her trousers. 

“I’ve watched you,” Ms Hollie said, slipping her trousers down. “You and Danièle, Miss Maddison.” She shimmied out of her panties. “It made me very wet.” She took one of Josie’s hands and pressed it against her pussy. She was indeed wet. Josie hadn’t known she was being recorded. But management may do whatever they like, she supposed.

Ms Hollie straddled Josie, and guided herself down onto Josie’s girlcock. She was slick, and Josie felt muscles welcoming her in. Ms Hollie kissed her neck, and then began moving; small thrusts, back curled.

Josie moaned, and began to thrust back. Ms Hollie groaned, letting Josie take more of her weight, lips brushing Josie’s ear and throat. 

They fell into synchrony; both unified in their thrusting, both gasping in each other’s ears.

Josie came first, but Ms Hollie’s grip was firm enough that she stayed mostly hard. Then Ms Hollie came as well, a long orgasm, her clenching muscles pushing Josie’s girlcock out.

She breathed heavily into Josie’s ear for a while, then kissed her delicately.

“Say thank you,” she whispered. 

“Thank you,” said Josie, automatically.

“Good.” She stoked the back of Josie’s neck. “Why don’t you have a little sleep?”

Josie closed her eyes.

She awakened to a click, and something cold down below. 

“Wha?” she said. 

“A cage,” explained Ms Hollie. She was fully dressed now. “Nice and tight. That will stop you having erections all over the place. I said I’d help you, didn’t I?”

Josie felt the cage tighten as she reacted to Ms Hollie’s closeness. Ms Hollie grinned.

“Oh, don’t worry. I have the key, so I can release you at home time. Now put your skirt on and get back to work.”

When the day ended, though, Ms Hollie was nowhere to be found, and Josie wore her cage home. She had a sleepless night, trying not to think about Ms Hollie or Miss Maddison.

She was tired the next morning; she kept missing entire lines of transcription, and those that she’d caught were full of typos. She squirmed in her seat, thoughts of Miss Maddison and Ms Hollie mixing with the porn she was hearing (a girl blackmailed by an older lesbian couple). Her cage was very tight.

When her headphones called her to Mrs Kerr’s office, she briefly wondered if she’d imagined it. 

She knocked timidly on the door.

“Come,” said Mrs Kerr, sternly.

Mrs Kerr’s office was enormous, and old-fashioned; wood-panels, pictures of yachts, filing cabinets. 

“Ah, yes, Miss Stevens,” she said, looking up from a file. “A week in. Would you say that it is going well?”

“N-no, ma’am,” said Josie. Mrs Kerr was a butch, she supposed, and had a solid physicality that Josie found both intimidating and arousing. Her hair was short and white, her features blunt but imperious. Again, she squirmed in her cage.

“No,” said Mrs Kerr. “You’ve needed attention from both Miss Maddison and Ms Hollie. And yet; inaccurate and slow work.” She shook her head. 

“I am sorry for letting management down,” said Josie.

“It would be such a shame to fire you, especially when the penalty clause is in effect,” Mrs Kerr said.

Josie said nothing. The clause would ruin her.

“Of course,” said Mrs Kerr, “metrics are only half the story. Some employees might not be good at the job, but are… good for morale. Do you understand?”

“I think so,” said Josie.

“The management team have very stressful jobs,” continued Mrs Kerr. “Sometimes employees might serve best in releasing that stress.”

“I must serve management however they please,” said Josie, again from nowhere.

“Quite, quite,” said Mrs Kerr. “Naomi and Danièle were rather pleased with your behaviour. Should I see for myself?”

“Y-yes, ma’am.”

“Very well,” said Mrs Kerr. “Remove your skirt.”

Josie slipped out of her skirt. Management knows best.

“And come here,” said Mrs Kerr, standing. “Bend over the desk.”

Josie did as she was told. 

Mrs Kerr rolled Josie’s knickers down rather brusquely, yet still traced the curve of her ass with her fingertips. Mrs Kerr forced her legs apart, and rattled her cage.

“Looks uncomfortable,” said Mrs Kerr.

“Yes,” said Josie.

“Not much room for an erection,” said Mrs Kerr. “Shame. I expect you’d be quite hard now.”

“Yes,” Josie squeaked.

Mrs Kerr chuckled, and placed a hand on Josie’s back, pressing her down effortlessly. Josie heard her scrambling in a drawer for something, then a cold shock of lube being squeezed. 

Mrs Kerr moved closer, and Josie could feel her girlcock pressing against her ass. She felt big, hot and hard. Mrs Kerr rubbed herself along the groove, and then pressed the tip against her asshole.

“Relax,” said Mrs Kerr. “You must serve management however they please, remember.”

Josie did remember. Management may do whatever they like. Happiness is obedience and service.

Mrs Kerr pushed herself in, slowly but inexorably. Josie breathed heavily in and out as Mrs Kerr pushed on. Her cage felt very tight.

Mrs Kerr paused for a moment, fully in, perhaps allowing Josie to get used to the sensation. Then she began to thrust, slowly and carefully.

Josie found herself drooling on the old wood of the desktop. She felt painfully full, but the thrusting was stimulating her p-spot, giving a rasp of pleasure on each movement. She gasped, almost silently, trying to take in enough air, as Mrs Kerr got faster.

Josie moaned, realising that she was leaking through her cage. She was oddly embarrassed by the fact. 

Mrs Kerr was grunting, going slower and deeper now, and Josie was not surprised when she came, although the volume felt remarkable. She felt Mrs Kerr scramble in the drawer again, and as she pulled out, something cold and hard went in.

Mrs Kerr sat down heavily in her chair. Josie remained bent over, trying to catch her breath.

“A buttplug,” said Mrs Kerr, eventually. “To help you stay awake.” 

Josie gasped as it vibrated hard in her ass, the sensation also affecting her cage.

“Say thank you,” said Mrs Kerr. 

“Thank you,” said Josie, unsteady. 

“Right,” said Mrs Kerr. “Get dressed and go about your work. It may be Friday, but there’s still hours to go. And I’ll have Ms Hollie pencil you in for some advanced training as soon as possible. I can see you being very useful.”

Josie got dressed; it took some time, and she was pretty dishevelled. Her skirt was a mess; her cage was leaking, as were Mrs Kerr’s juices around the buttplug. She sat very upright, as that was the most comfortable position the plug allowed. She thought of Mrs Kerr, Ms Hollie, and Miss Maddison, and shifted in her seat. She put on her headphones and began to work; management knows best.

Part 2 coming soon.