Harry Potter and the Mother Goose Play
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It was that time of year again at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - time for the annual school play! This year, Dumbledore had decided they would put on a production of Mother Goose. Auditions had been held last week, and now on this morning, the cast list would be posted in the Great Hall.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered the Great Hall and made their way over to the large piece of parchment hung on the wall. A crowd of students had already gathered around it, chatting enthusiastically.

"I hope I got a good part," said Ron, standing on his toes to try and see over the other students. "Maybe Jack Be Nimble or one of the King's men."

"I auditioned for Jill," said Hermione. "But any role would be fun."

"Yeah," said Harry absentmindedly. Truthfully, he hadn't put much effort into his audition. He had a lot on his mind with Voldemort returning and all. Playing a nursery rhyme character in a school play wasn't exactly high on his priority list.

Still, acting could provide a nice distraction from the darkness brewing in the wizarding world. And all the students were expected to participate.

Finally, the crowd parted enough for Harry to get close and scan the cast list. He searched for his name, expecting to see something like "Goose #2" or "Villager". But what he actually saw made his eyes go wide. Right there next to his name was the role of...Mother Goose?!

"There must be some mistake," said Harry, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't play Mother Goose!"

"Ha! Good one, Harry," said Ron, slapping him on the back. "Mother Goose, that'll be brilliant!"

Hermione pointed to her name on the list. "Look, I'm Jill, just like I wanted."

Harry was still staring at the parchment in shock. "But I didn't even try out for Mother Goose. Isn't she supposed to be an old woman? Why would they cast me?"

"It's Dumbledore's choice, mate," said Ron with a shrug. "I'm sure he has his reasons."

Other students were giving Harry bemused looks and giggling behind their hands. Great, thought Harry, this was going to make him even more of a spectacle than he already was.

Over at the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy was roaring with laughter. "Wait until my father hears about this! Harry Potter playing a little old lady in a nursery rhyme. How perfect!"

Harry felt his face burn hot with embarrassment. He caught sight of Dumbledore seated at the staff table, his eyes twinkling as he peered at Harry over his spectacles. Surely he had made some kind of mistake.

Ducking through the crowd, Harry hurried up to the staff table to speak to Dumbledore directly.

"Professor Dumbledore, I think there's been some kind of mix-up with the casting," Harry began awkwardly. "You see, I've been cast as...Mother Goose."

Dumbledore peered at Harry, an amused smile on his face. "Yes, I am aware. And you will make a fine Mother Goose indeed."

Harry's shoulders slumped. "But sir...isn't Mother Goose supposed to be an old woman? Wouldn't it make more sense to give that role to a girl?"

Dumbledore leaned forward, folding his hands on the table.

"Harry, as you know, things are not always what they seem on the surface. I chose you for this role for a very specific reason. Playing Mother Goose will require courage, understanding, and tenderness - qualities that you possess in abundance."

Dumbledore's expression was kind, but firm. Harry knew there would be no changing his mind.

"I understand, sir," Harry finally murmured.

"Excellent!" said Dumbledore, clapping his hands together. "I suggest you begin preparing for the role right away. Rehearsals begin next week."

Feeling thoroughly disheartened, Harry left the Great Hall and dragged his feet back to Gryffindor Tower. How in the world was he going to play Mother Goose convincingly? And in front of the whole school!

Over the next few days, whispers and stares followed Harry everywhere he went. News of his starring role had spread like wildfire through Hogwarts.

Malfoy in particular was having a field day. "Going to wear a big old dress, Potter?" he jeered during potions class. "Maybe a granny wig too?"

Crabbe and Goyle guffawed stupidly while Harry tried to ignore them. He just had to get through this play and then it would all be over.

Rehearsals were set to start on Monday evening in the Great Hall. Harry dragged his feet downstairs, bracing himself for three tedious hours of play practice.

To Harry's immense disbelief, there was already someone waiting on the stage when he arrived - none other than Severus Snape.

"P-professor Snape?" Harry stammered. "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you, Potter," said Snape silkily. "Rehearsing for the school play."

Harry's jaw dropped open as Snape held up a bound script. Scanning the title page, Harry saw that Snape had been cast as Baby Bunting, one of the children under Mother Goose's care.

Baby Bunting?! Snape with his hooked nose, sallow skin and greasy hair was going to play an innocent nursery rhyme infant. Harry had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing out loud.

Other students gradually filtered into the Great Hall, looking thrilled at this hilarious turn of events. Whispers of "Snape's playing a baby!" echoed around the room. Many of them were barely suppressing giggles.

Snape's eyes flashed menacingly. "Silence!" he ordered. The titters died down immediately.

"As you all know, performing in the school play is mandatory," said Snape icily, as though he would rather drink undiluted bubotuber pus. "Therefore, I expect complete professionalism from all of you during rehearsals."

His glare lingered on Harry, as if daring him to make one joke about Snape playing a baby. Harry quickly schooled his face into a neutral expression.

"Now then," said Snape. "Let us begin."

Professor McGonagall, who was directing the play, stepped forward holding a stack of scripts. "We'll start by doing a read-through of the entire show," she informed the assembled students. "Please turn to page one."

Harry flipped open his script, scanning the first scene. It depicted Mother Goose discovering the three children - Baby Bunting, Jack Horner, and Jill - who had been left on her doorstep.

"Oh my!" Harry read in an exaggerated falsetto as Mother Goose. "Whatever shall I do with you little ones?"

Ron, who had been cast as Jack Horner, delivered his line around bites of an imaginary plum pie. Hermione giggled as Jill while attempting to fetch a pail of water.
And then it was Snape's turn. "Goo goo!" he grunted unenthusiastically.

Harry had to stifle a snort. Hearing Snape utter baby talk in his usual deadpan baritone was absurdly comical.

They proceeded through the script, the students badly stumbling through their rhyming lines. Every time it was Snape's turn to cry "Goo goo!" or "Wah wah!" titters ran through the group. Harry noticed the potions master's jaw clench in irritation.

After they finished the read-through, Professor McGonagall had them run through a few key scenes to start blocking.

"Alright, for this next scene Mother Goose needs to rock Baby Bunting to sleep," McGonagall instructed. "Mr. Potter and Mr. Snape, please take your places."

Harry sat in the large wooden rocking chair provided as a prop. Snape approached reluctantly, wearing a giant bonnet and holding a rattle. Harry had to suppress a snicker at the sight.

"Come now dearie, let's rock you off to dreamland," said Harry in a high voice, patting his lap.

With a pained expression, Snape climbed onto Harry's lap and curled up like a baby. He was so tall that his legs stuck out comically from the blanket Harry had draped over him. Some of the younger students couldn't contain their laughter anymore and broke down in fits of giggles.

Harry began gently rocking the chair back and forth, trying not to laugh himself. Having Snape sit on his lap felt utterly ridiculous. And Snape seemed to feel the same, based on his tense, uncomfortable posture.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word..." Harry crooned in a lullaby, causing renewed peals of laughter from the students. He thought he heard Snape let out a soft growl. But the potions master remained stiffly in character, sucking his thumb as Harry rocked him.

After what felt like an eternity, McGonagall finally said "And scene! Well done, that will work splendidly."

Snape immediately leapt up from Harry's lap, shaking out his black teaching robes with as much dignity as he could muster. His face was tinged pink with embarrassment.

"I think that will suffice for today," Snape muttered before sweeping from the Great Hall, black robes billowing behind him.

Over the next few rehearsals, Snape only seemed to grow more disgruntled with his role. But McGonagall insisted he continue to play the part of Baby Bunting for authenticity.

"Now in this scene, Mother Goose has to give Baby a bubble bath," McGonagall informed Harry and Snape at the next rehearsal. She conjured a large metal tub and filled it with bubbles.

Snape looked like he had swallowed an entire lemon. "Must we..." he began through gritted teeth.

"Places!" McGonagall interrupted firmly.

With an exaggerated sigh, Snape peeled off his shoes and socks and climbed into the bubbly tub. Harry tried not to giggle at the sight of the intimidating potions master surrounded by mounds of fluffy white suds.

"Splash splash, scrub a dub!" Harry sang as he pretended to wash Snape's hair. "Isn't bath time fun?"

Snape just glowered, bubbles clinging to his lank strands. The other students were doubled over laughing. Harry saw Ron wiping tears from his eyes.

"Alright dearie, time to get out," said Harry, reaching for a towel. He wrapped up Snape, who was scowling ferociously.

"Aww, somebody's cranky after his baffie," cooed Harry, unable to resist teasing Snape just a bit. "Let's get you all snug in your jammies now!"

Snape looked murderous as Harry pretended to dust baby powder over him and zip him into footie pajamas.

"Mark my words, Potter...you'll pay for this humiliation," Snape whispered ominously. Harry just chuckled and patted his bottom.

"Okay, next scene!" called out Professor McGonagall.

The rehearsals continued in ridiculous fashion over the following weeks. Snape was forced to act out scene after scene of baby antics - getting his diaper changed, being spoon-fed, playing peekaboo, and throwing loud tantrums.

Harry and the other students could barely make it through each rehearsal without bursting into laughter. Seeing the intimidating potions master reduced to a slobbering toddler was just too absurd.

Even some of the other professors showed up occasionally to watch. Harry spotted Dumbledore chuckling merrily at Snape crawling around on all fours. And Hagrid guffawed loudly as Harry pretended to change Snape's nappy.

Snape grew more sullen and short-tempered by the day. He deducted points from Gryffindor over the smallest offenses and handed out detentions like candy.

But McGonagall refused to recast the role. "You're perfect for the part, Severus," Harry overheard her telling Snape firmly after one rehearsal. "The show will be a hit, just you wait."

Finally, opening night arrived. Backstage was bustling with nervous energy as students donned costumes and went over their lines last minute.

Harry adjusted his bonnet and dress, then made sure his basket of giant prop eggs was ready. He felt surprisingly confident about playing Mother Goose now. Over the weeks of rehearsals, he had truly committed to the warm, nurturing character.

Snape, meanwhile, was scowling in an oversized baby bonnet with a knitted bib tied around his neck. Harry had to admit, he made a pretty adorable Baby Bunting.

"Break a leg, Professor!" Harry told Snape sincerely. "You're going to bring down the house."

"Just get this over with, Potter," Snape grumbled. But Harry thought he detected a hint of a smile playing around his sour expression.

The lights dimmed and the curtain rose. Right from the start, the audience was roaring with laughter at Snape's antics. He crawled around, waved his rattle, and recited nursery rhymes in his typical deadpan monotone.

For the first scene, Harry settled into a giant rocking chair with a storybook. "Come sit with Mama and listen to a tale," he said in a sweet falsetto, patting his lap.

With a long-suffering sigh, Snape clambered onto Harry's lap, his long legs sticking out absurdly. The audience giggled at the ridiculous image.

Harry opened the storybook - The Three Bears - and began reading aloud in an animated voice. Snape sat stiffly on his lap, facing the audience with a murderous scowl.

"Then Baby Bear looked in his bowl, and he cried: 'Somebody has been eating my porridge!'" read Harry. He pretended to gasp. "Oh my, I wonder who?"

Snape just continued glowering at the audience, who laughed and applauded.

After the story time scene, Harry grabbed a toy broomstick. "Look darling, why don't you play with this while Mama tidies up," he said in a motherly tone, handing Snape the broom.

With an exaggerated eye roll, Snape took the toy broom and began halfheartedly zooming it around, his expression utterly deadpan. The audience roared with delight at the ridiculous juxtaposition.

"Wheee, look at you go!" cheered Harry as Snape listed the broom from side to side, clearly wishing to be anywhere else. "What a little flyer!"

Snape caught Harry's eye, giving him a murderous stare. Harry had to bite his cheek to keep from bursting into laughter himself.
Next, Harry announced it was time for Baby's tickle time. The audience squealed in anticipation.

"I'm going to get your tickle spot!" Harry sing-songed. Snape's eyes widened slightly in alarm.

Harry lunged forward and wiggled his fingers along Snape's ribcage. "Coochie coo! Tickle tickle!"

Snape remained straight-faced, not cracking a smile. But the audience was in hysterics watching Harry tickle the intimidating potions master.

"Somebody's not ticklish, are they?" said Harry, tweaking Snape's long nose. That got an even bigger laugh from the crowd. Even Snape's mouth twitched ever so slightly.

They moved on to a game of peek-a-boo, which Harry knew was a crowd-pleaser. He covered his face with his hands.

"Where's baby?" he called out playfully. "Peek...a...BOO!" He uncovered his face and bopped Snape on the nose, eliciting a fresh wave of laughter from the audience.

Snape simply blinked at him impassively. Harry grinned and mussed Snape's lank hair. "Silly billy!"

The audience was in stitches, some even wiping away tears of mirth. Seeing Snape sitting there stoically as Harry played children's games with him was simply too much.

Other hilarious scenes followed. Harry spoon-fed Snape imaginary baby food, making exaggerated "yum yum" sounds. At one point he pretended to change Snape's nappy, waving around a cloth diaper to the crowd's delight.

Snape retained a deadpan expression through it all, but Harry could tell he was secretly enjoying the audience's reactions. The tiniest smirks played about his mouth during the silliest moments.
Finally, the big finale arrived. Harry settled into the rocking chair with Snape curled up in his lap and a blanket wrapped around him.

"Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top," Harry sang softly, gently rocking the chair. Snape pretended to doze off, sucking his thumb.

"When the wind blows, the cradle will rock..."

Harry kept rocking and singing until Snape appeared to be fast asleep. The audience watched, enraptured.

"Sleep tight, my little one," Harry finished in a tender whisper. He carefully stood, laying Snape's head on a pillow.

The crowd burst into raucous applause and cheers. Harry took a bow, then motioned for Snape to stand up and take one as well.
Looking the tiniest bit pleased, Snape rose and stiffly bowed alongside Harry. The applause grew impossibly louder.

After multiple curtain calls, the actors finally left the stage. Backstage was bursting with excited energy.

"We did it!" Hermione cheered, hugging Harry. "The audience loved it!"

Even Snape had a rare smile on his usually dour face. "Yes, it was utterly humiliating but not entirely intolerable, I suppose," he remarked.

Harry grinned. "You were brilliant, Professor," he told Snape sincerely. "Really brought down the house as Baby Bunting."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Same to you, Mother Goose," he replied,

Harry smiled. "I actually enjoyed getting to be your mother. Even if just pretend."

Snape shifted uncomfortably at this.

"If you could be a baby again, just for a day, would you? Just to feel carefree and innocent again?" Harry asked gently.

Snape's face remained impassive, but Harry detected a flicker of longing in his dark eyes. After a long moment of contemplation, Snape finally replied, "We all must grow up eventually. The past is best left in the past."

His tone held a note of wistfulness that surprised Harry. It seemed the play had awakened certain feelings and memories within the complicated man.

Harry nodded slowly. "The past shapes us, but the future is ours to create," he said sagely.

Snape regarded Harry appraisingly for a few seconds. "Quite right, Potter," he murmured.

An understanding seemed to pass between them - former enemies, now bonded by this experience of innocence rediscovered, if only temporarily.

"Well then, I shall bid you goodnight...Mother Goose," Snape said with a tilt of his lips that was almost a smile.

Harry chuckled. "Goodnight, Baby Bunting. Sweet dreams."

With a swish of his black robes, Snape strode away down the corridor. Harry gazed after him thoughtfully.

Perhaps they had both gained something valuable from this unlikely role reversal. The reminder that everyone has a child inside, longing to feel safe and loved, if only fleetingly.

Harry vowed to hold onto that lesson - that glimmer of Snape's humanity - in the difficult times ahead.