The gods plan.
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The World of Celuroa was in a bad spot. Their dieties, the Dragon God, the Dwarf God, The Human God, The Elf God, and the Beast God had made some judgement errors, and accidentally Summoned A few too many heroes. Naturally it went wrong, and a few countries were destroyed, entire Races of Magical beast driven to Extinction.

That was 200 years ago. Most affected had recovered, except the dragons. The dragonic race was fine, but True Dragons were down to Two. Demigods, born of The Dragon God's love for a Mortal Dragon.

The gods were discussing options.

"I need my children to survive,but they are siblings, and cannot possibly Mate. We can no longer access the Creation Engine, father took it with him to the next universe. What am I to do?"

The human God, or Goddess rather, looked up at the others, hen the Dragon God stopped speaking for the hundredth time.

"Sister! You have an idea?"

"Well, Big brother... Yeah, maybe. It wouldn't exactly save the true dragons, but your children's line would continue... it would take us all working in concert, though..."

"Tell, me, please! What's your plan?"

"Sigh... The rest of us Will make an item. Have your children choose someone from another race. Then, the item will be bound to their chosen one. It will use the Evolution Engine, to make that person I ti their idea mate, but... It will drain us, and we can only do it ONCE, So they'll have to share."

"BRILLIANT! Anything else?"

The elf God spoke up.

"Yes. You need them to chose someone adaptable. So my elves and our brothers dwarves are out. Our youngest brothers monsters and other humanoid races might work, but I doubt it."

"And the lesser Dragonkin aren't adaptable either... so that leaves..."

"Yes, brothers. My children. Humans. They'll have to pick a Human."

And so, events were set in motion... and the Demigod Dragons, Tyrlith and Falnirth, began their Search at their father's Behest...

[Outskirts of Falna Vilage, home of the Dragon sect, worshippers of the Two.]

The two looked at what their Servants had brought them. A young human Male, Dark Hair, Brown Eyes, Almost No muscle... 6 feet on height, just barely, His hands were bound.

Falnirth spoke, his Deep Rumbling Bass shaking the room, voice Full of Amusement.

"Tell us, Glen. What is this."

Glenetta, the highpriestess, spoke.

"Master, Mistress. We caught this one, er... Exercising Self Care, if you will... while watching the Wyverns mating flights. We thought he might be suitable for your cause."

Tyrlith spoke, her melodic voice sounding decidedly un-draconic.

"Well, Boy. What have you to say for yourself? Ungag him, please, Glen."

The burly Priestess removed the gag.


"OH? Then tell me, please, who were you watching? Because the only other thing in the are were my daughters and If it had been THEM you were watching, well... I've killed men for less."

Tyrlith chuckled. Everyone knew Glenetta's 'Daughters' were the young priestesses she was training, and were also admitted lesbians.

"So, enjoying a nice little show, eh? Tell us, boy, what us your name?"

"Arin. My name is Arin Drakon."

"Drakon? As in the Dragoon Cecil Drakon?" 

"Yes, Ma'am, Lady Dragon... my uncle. Though he's just a drunk, now."

Tyrlith looked at Falnirth. He nodded approval.

"Well then, Boy. You have a choice. I turn you over to the mercy of the priestesses..." a gemstone lined obsidian Choker appeared in her hand. "Or, you can put this on, and Accept the Responsibilities that come with it, In leiu of punishment."

Falnirth spoke up.

"Listen Boy, before you choose... this will change you. You will share our life-force, our very being... you will outlive everyone you know, and thats just a portion of its effects. But it also comes with many blessings. But know, this choice is irreversible. Once it is on, it's on forever."

Arin looked thoughtful... and at a glance from Falnirth, Glenetta cut his bonds. He massaged his wrists as he thought.

He was six when his parents died. Since then, he was beaten and otherwise abused by his uncle on a daily basis. If he declined, And survived the priestesses punishment, he would just go back to barely surviving and daily beatings. A simple choice.

"I accept." He touched the Choker... and light flashed, and he screamed. Where a Young man had been standing was a massive egg made of human flesh... they watched the pulsating mass harden, becoming a solid shell... a glowing meter appeared above the egg.

[Metamorphosis in progress. Please wait. Time remaining: 24 hours.

Thats the beginning. Chapter 2 will feature some adjustments, and the first hints of smut.