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[Early the next morning, well before dawn, Arin POV.]

It had been difficult sleeping. After coming to terms with my new body, I got lost in my head, wondering why I wasn't bothered, after realizing I was mentally referring to myself in the Feminine sense... after a few hours, I decided it wasn't important, and fell into a fitful sleep.

I awoke to a smell, like cinnamon and Fire, with a touch of Caramel, and a pine forest after a rainstorm... and I was Hot. Burning. With each whiff, I got progressively hotter, then realized part of the smell was coming from me... the pine smell. The cinnamon, caramel, and Firey scents were from Elsewhere, and I felt myself drawn to them... I don't recall leaving the bed, or walking down the short hallway into the Central chamber, and beyond the altar, to the Dragons Den... but I found myself there, Completely naked. The room was a Cavern, filled with treasures, with a circular opening above the center, an awning, to block the rain, visible high above... the opening let out onto a barely visible cliff... at the center of the room was a large, Rectangular Matress, the size of a small house, with the Silver dragon on one end, the Gold on the other. Both had flared nostrils... 

Tyrlith,the gold, turned her head toward me...

"Already? It's been less than a day. Father must have arranged this..." she lifted her tail, curling it to her side. "Well... let's get this over with."

I was confused... but my body moved toward her... she was a bit larger than a Draft Horse, but twice the length, and as I climbed behind her I realized what I was doing... and was powerless to stop it, some other force was controlling me... 

She must have seen the panic in my eyes... "Calm down, Child. It's nothing Wrong. It's why youvwre changed... but I understand. My first Heat Terrified me... But you learn to control it... for now, just relax, and let nature do what is required..." Her head came down on my shoulder... and I took a deep breath. 

It was Her, the Caramel scent... her breath? No... It must be pheromones. But still... I felt myself relax... then I felt a jerk... and looked down to see my Erection triple in size, and felt something inside me shift... it was a Terrifying sight, the tip now flared into a spade-like shape, and small spines along the shaft...

Then my hips moved, Tyrlith gasped, and all I saw was Gold, As her tail twined around me.

"Don't panic, love... Even if it hurts... it will ease."

Tyrliths words confused me... until the Firey Cinnamon scent wafted over me... and I felt my bones shift... my hips seeming to disjoint, as that new piece of anatomy started throbbing, hot Fluids flowing down my legs... then a heavy pressure, as something sharp, hard, and hot Touched it...

My eyes widened, as my ears picked up a heavy wheezing... then it happened... a sharp pain as a powerful Thrust Slammed me forward... Pain... A lot of pain... tears began to flow, as I felt myself shifted backwards... then spines stopped The invading Member from fully retracting... a function my Own Anatomy was performing in front of me... but then he thrust again... and the pain flew away, replaced by intense pleasure... from both sides...

Oh gods, it felt wonderful, and only got better... I heard a soft voice gasping, only to realize it was my own, joined by a soft keeping sound, and heavy grunting... i felt myself Throb, a pulse running from the tip of my Penis to the base, and I achieved release... But Falnirth wasn't done yet... He thrust, withdrew, thrust, pounding into me like a hammer to a Mochi-Pestle... then I felt His massive Cock Swell, and hot fluid flowing inside me... all the while, my own Ejaculation continued, then Tyrlith Tightened, at the same moment her Brother Thrust in one last time... 

I screamed, but instead of sound, a gout of flame shot out... one matched by two much larger gouts... Tyrlith burned a nearby pile of Gold into liquid, my own Flame scorched the Stone floor, and Falnirth, who had his back arched, head thrown back, burned a hole straight through the Awning over the Hole above... an awning, I might add, made of fire-resistant material... I felt myself go limp, my exhausted Rod sliding out of The gold dragon before me... then I was lifted up for a few moments, before sliding down onto the large matress with a wet 'splorch-plop'... I started to shake, my body suddenly feeling cold... then soft scales wrapped around me from both sides, the smell of Cinnamon and Caramel wrapping me like a blanket... and I fell into an exhausted sleep.

[5 A.M. Head Maid's Room, Etta POV]

As head maid in the dragon temple, Etta was proud of her work. Her aunt was the guard captain, and Together they kept the place running. That didn't mean she wasn't miffed when the young guard Nina came rushing to fetch her on her day off.

"Sorry, Miss Etta, but Chaska said it would be better to get you than the on duty Maid's."

"It had better be a Damn good reason." I glanced back to my bedmate. A kind young fellow from the town. "You stay there, I'll be right back, and we can pick up where we left off last evening."

The boy blushed... "y-yes Ma'am" that timidity really got her going... 

"This had damn well better be a godsdamned emergency, or I'll have Chaska strung up by the shorthairs."

The Young Guard, Nina, led her to the Central chamber, where Chaska was waiting, her face pale.

"Whats the big emergency?"

The girl simply stared, wide eyed... So Etta Slapped her.


"What. Is. The. Emergency?"

"Right... I... I didn't know what else to do, I've never seen such a mess, and you are the only maid I'd trust with this, and I don't wanna lose my position, and if I'd just let the maid crew in the Commander would Kill me, and..."

"CALM DOWN, GIRL! What's got you so frazzled?"

"I... I..." she looked like a fish, gasping in air as her words failed her... finally, the girl pointed into the masters Den. "In there."

Etta helped her sit down, and sent Nina for a witnessing to calm the girl, then went to take a look.

She smelled hot metal and burned Wyvern skin before she got there. 

"Accidental Discharge again?" Then she actually entered the room... to see a huge mess...

A puddle of rapidly cooling gold, scorched stone, and cinders falling from above framed the scene. A large bed, with a gold and silver dragon Curled around a Girl who looked at least 75%  dragon herself... all three, the matress, and the Floor COVERED in Sticky, Slightly Glowing, Extremely Fragrant Fluid... 

"Well. Not the Discharge I was expecting." She heard a loud 'POP' And saw the Changed Child's hips moving, sliding back into place... "oof. That's gonna be sore tomorrow." 

She started to move closer, and a gout of black fire stopped her. Falnirth was glaring her way... except he wasn't. His eyes were fully lidded. He let out a threatening growl...

As she stepped back, likely alerted by the growl, Tyrliths Gold head came up, eyes half lidded, and looked at her... she spoke, her voice very weak.

"Et...ta... stay... back. Fal isn't... awake. So... sleepy... don't let anyone in... too... dangerous... when we wake up... we'll need... food... and Arin needs proper clothing... just... keep... away... unless... you want.... extra crispy... maids..Maid's... for... breakfast... good... night..." Her head had drooped by the word, and she had fully returned to resting position by the time she finished.

Etta backed out slowly, to find her Aunt there, alongside Nina and Chaska.

"Off limits. No-one inside until further notice, Lady tyrliths orders. Aunt Glen, Send someone down to Sandovals Butchery for at least five cows worth of beef. They'll need it when they wake."

"What exactly happened, Etta? Poor Chas was beside herself, and keeps shaking."

"Glen... She saw the results of the great Father's gambit. Quite a sight. And a HUGE mess my girls will have to clean, once it's safe to enter."

"Hmm? You mean the Tramsformed Peeper? She'd seen IT already."

"No. I mean the End result. Poor thing evidently went into heat, and was drawn in... Dragon Ejaculate and melted gold EVERYWHERE, The poor Girl's hips unhinge, apparently, as they Moved back into place as I entered, and THAT was disturbing to see AND hear... we will need to replace the flight Deck Awning, by the way. It's cinders."

"Oh? Well as experienced as Chaska is, why would THAT bother her?"

Nina spoke up at that moment. "Miss Etta, Boss, Chaska went in after we saw the first gout of flame... and I think they were, well... still in the act."

Chaska Shuddered. "It was HUGE, and Arin is so small, and... oh God, the SPLORCH-PLOP!" She doubled over and began to vomit.

"Dear gods, the poor child is traumatized!"

"No... I'll... 'barfSFX'... I'll be fine... it was just... disturbing on so many levels... and I saw Katya with Farren once."

Etta was very interested in this.

"So the rumors about the Wyvern Knights is TRUE?"

"NO... Just one of them. Katya, well... my Sister is a bit of a freak. But THAT... That was HORRIFYING. I... I think I need a day off... i..." tears were flowing down her face.... 

"Take it." Glenetta put her hand on her juniors shoulder. "The next two days. I'll get that Twisted Sister of yours to Fill in, She's grounded until Farren's wing heals anyway. Might do her some good to be around humans for a change." She turned to Nina. "Well, Nina, you are also releived for two days, but for a different reason. You are to help Etta with The masters Orders, by specifically guarding this hall. No-one unauthorized is to enter, and in the name of saint Anne, definitely don't let anyone in the den, but if the changeling awakens, send for food and clothing. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Good. Now, I'll go pick new door guards."

"And I," Etta raised her arm, one finger aloft "am going back to bed. And hope that boy did as ordered, and waited there... The masters aren't the only ones who will sleep late this morning!" 

"GODS, ETTA, YOU ARE TERRIBLE!" The two Women, Aunt and Neice but only five years apart in age, laughed as they left the room, poor Nina left standing there... Naturally, curiosity got the best of her... and she stealthily took a peek. 

"Wow... thats a Lotta Jism... glad I don't have to clean it." She softly shut the door...

Did anyone catch the covert references in this, and the last, chapter? I'll just say im a huge fan, and may the referenced author Rest in Peace.