The penalties of (in)human stupidity.
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Hey, im back. Got a couple other things im working on, one which is VERY personal, so updates will continue to be slow... but they will continue. In other News, i have Heard that SOMEONE i used to work with on my account,  shortly before his betrayal, commented a LOT of potentially Harmful garbage on several sites, so while my passwords are all changed, i Apologize if anyone was offended by any of what STUPID FUCKING EUGENE said. -Matt (ps, if you see anyone posting under the name ExceedKillsDeltagardPlus, That's The Fucker, or at least it WAS. HE STOLE A COMPLETED STORY I ASKED HIM TO UPLOAD FOR ME. so yeah...  he dosent seem to be ON Scribblehub, but if you see him elswhere, with a story about a demon-girl named Etra Flaune, just know its stolen.)

A dank cave, in a swamp.

Carlos had no idea WHY the Circle always met in swamp caves. But it did, and so, here he was.

The God of the Draconids, Lizardfolk, And other Dragon-kin had done something MASSIVE, pulling in the other gods, and that power left a mark on the world. So Naturally, the Circle of Haden HAD to take advantage.

He made his way into the cave, meeting the others. Clyde, Asha, Tate, and Cyrus. Carlos formed the fifth point of the Pentagram, standing at the point. Five Hooded Humans, standing on THIS: ⛧. At the center was a rams Horns, Bat wings, two melons, and a peach, floating in a cauldron full of Blood.

Clyde spoke. "The ingredients are prepared. The magic is Ambient. The moons are full. Now is the time. I shall speak the words, And the ritual shall complete! Summoning our very own pet SUCCUBUS! JOIN HANDS!"

We joined our hands together, overlaying the drawn Pentagram with a second formed of crossed limbs. And Clyde spoke, chanting: "Voo Lay Vouse Couch Air A Vec Moy. Arise Daughter of Lust."

The chant continued for over an hour. Before Cyrus had had enough. "Clyde, give me that spell, please. Now." Unlinking hands, Clyde handed over the spell... and Cyrus Laughed aloud. "CLYDE, you moron. This is in Gnomish!"(French, btw. Cajun Style) "You were saying it wrong. It's "Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi!"

And the Cauldron exploded.


"Ugh... my head." Carlos Woke... then froze at the voice. "What the!" The voice saying his thoughts. But that's not his voice. His was deep, with a twang like a Banjo being strummed. This was High, soft, and very Feminine. "Oh shit, don't tell me... Aaaa. AAAAAA. aaaa. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! FUCK. It's ME making this voice." He tried to stand, and an unfamiliar weight caused him to fall on his tail. "OH SHIT! THAT HURTS. WAIT... SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE A..." He glanced back, and sure enough, waving back and forth behind him was a thin tail with a ♥ shaped tip. He Reached his hand up, and felt two Curled Ram-like Horns sprouting from the upper forehead, and curling back to the sides. Moreover, he saw Steel-gray Hair. "Oh Hell no. Those Fuckers did NOT..." He loled down... and saw two, perky breast with Pink nipples. Dark, almost Chestnut skin. And beneath a small patch of Steel colored Fuzz... an opening where his 'Wizards Staff' should be. Long, shapely legs. And Strangely Shaped Hooves. They looked like those Uncomfortable Shoes the Prostitutes Wore.(In other words, Natural Stiletto Heels) Glancing back again, only higher, ge saw a pair of Bat-like wings.


As the spell ignited... Carlos Almost Hurled. His Fellow mages were still there... but Stone. On four points of the Pentagram Stood Statues of three men and one woman... But not whole... each face contorted in pain, their Stone Ribs jutting out of HUGE Holes in their backs... the walls Painted with their insides.

He turned toward his spot... and almost screamed. Standing there, rather than a man, was a stone egg... it too had an opening, toward the center. Carved in Flame, letters were on the surface. Glowing. 

/To Seal the Truth until time comes, I cast my child away. To save her from the human Scum, I cast my child away. The time shall rise, the moons align, four Fools their souls she'll Reap. And when their blood and bones to fly, Awaken from her sleep. -Lay-d marma-Lahd, Succubus Queen. Good Morning, Daughter./

"What. The. Fuck." Carlos was dumbfounded. He knew one thing, though. He had to leave Haden. Hell, he had to leave The Country of Nawlins completely, before the Demon Hunters of the Church in the capital, Creol, learned an unbound Demon was in their territory.

"Shit. I know, I'll head to the Dragonmount in Wyveria. They'll shield me. Sigh. Turned into a succubus, my friends killed abd their souls eaten, on the run... This is the worst Tuesday EVER. Shit, I'll have to change my damn name, I can't call All This Carlos. Fuck it. I guess I'm Charlotte now. I always did like the name... just thought it'd be for a future daughter, rather than myself. Wait, why am I rambling, who the fuck am I even talking to. And do these wings actually WORK?"

She stepped outside the cave, and learned that yes, the wings DO work. She clumsily flew to the north... toward Wyveria, and the dragonmount.

So yeah, New Character! And how bout that symbolism, eh? I hope you enjoyed the chapter AND the three References to a song about a Cajun Prostitute.