Chapter 16 – Taming The Beast
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At least five minutes had passed since Ellie left the location where the race was about to begin. She dashed towards where Andrew was now. That's what she thought, considering the conclusion she drew based on Grace's words. Her mind refused to entertain the idea of someone she knew and had encountered becoming a monster, the kind she had been hunting for the past two months. She had to confirm it herself.

If Andrew had indeed turned into an Umbra... no. Ellie shook her head, dispelling the premature conclusion.

Her steps raced ahead, her body slightly leaning forward. The scream that prompted her departure echoed once more. It’s close. Ellie turned her head, then ran towards the source of the scream.

There, Ellie found Clive in his full robe, standing in a defensive position with his staff pointed ahead. The direction of the staff made Ellie startle.

“What... is... that?” Ellie whispered.

The figure Clive faced is a creature that resembles a wolf. However, its fur was as dark as Umbra's. The look in its eyes was fiery red, similar to the creatures Ellie used to kill every day.

“That’s... Andrew?”

Ellie couldn't believe what she was seeing. However, she immediately recalled Andrew's words. When he was controlled by the entity residing within him, he would transform into a creature channeling its power throughout his body, akin to a wild beast. This was the first time Ellie had witnessed Andrew in this form. However, the question now is why is Clive fighting against him?

Her question was answered almost instantly. The figure she believed to be Andrew attacked Clive with agility and dexterity beyond human capability. Even from where Ellie stood, she could see that Clive was having some difficulty facing him.

Ellie looked around, searching for a perfect spot to safely place her shoulder bag before going to help Clive. Unable to find a place where her bag wouldn't be taken, Ellie decided to throw her shoulder bag onto a tree branch. Once she saw it securely hanging there, Ellie hurriedly went to assist Clive.


After shouting the name of the girl within her, Ellie felt a cold chill running through her body, even though she should have been warm and slightly sweaty from running. She heard a loud and brief laughter. Grace chuckled. However, Ellie had no time to dwell on her strange behavior.

Ellie's hand extended, and in her grasp, the black sword she usually used appeared. Once gripped, Ellie accelerated her pace.

Meanwhile, Clive was contemplating how to at least make the transformed Andrew pause in his tracks. The creature's movements were faster than Umbra, and Clive couldn't match its speed. Fortunately, each attack was blocked by an invisible barrier. Although Clive wasn't injured, it didn't mean he wasn't getting exhausted.

“Would you stay still already!”

After chanting a lightning-fast incantation, Clive conjured ten blocks of ice. The tips of the ice were pointed, resembling spikes ready to strike Andrew. The ten ice spikes shot forward simultaneously. However, their speed could only keep up with Andrew, who ran like a wolf. Despite directing all his ice spikes to attack from different angles, Clive still couldn't touch Andrew.

Then, one of the ice spikes managed to strike Andrew's head, causing him to stop. However, Clive refrained from celebrating too soon. Slowly, he chanted another incantation in preparation for the next attack. Clive's caution proved right. The ice spike that hit Andrew didn't harm him at all. Instead, the spike landed right in the creature's open mouth, attempting to crush the ice with all its might. Once its bite successfully crushed Clive's ice, the creature lunged at Clive from the front. Its mouth gaped, as if ready to devour its prey.

At that moment, Ellie arrived in front of Clive just in time. She directed the blunt side of her black sword toward the creature's open mouth. When the creature bit down, Ellie guided it to move away from both her and Clive.


“Clive. I'll just ask you straight away. Is that Andrew?”

“Yeah, you're right. That's what he looks like when he's under the control of the creature that resides within him.”

“Is he...” Ellie gulped. “... will turn into an Umbra?”

Clive peered at Ellie carefully, “Where did you hear that information?”

“This is not the time to discuss that! Just answer my question!” Ellie shouted back, her attention still focused on Andrew.

Clive returned his attention to Andrew, “We still have time before he turns into the creature you're talking about.”


This is the first time Clive has heard Ellie swear. Even though he had once been yelled at and pushed away, the words just now were not expected to come out of her mouth. However, right now isn't the right time to comment on it let alone think about it.

“Ellie, can I ask for your assistance?”

“What? You have a plan?”

“Yeah. And all I'm asking for is one thing. Hold him still for at least five seconds.”

“Got it.”

Ellie darted forward instantly. The wind generated from her swift movement left Clive somewhat surprised.

In no time, Ellie found herself face to face with Andrew. She swung her sword from the side, once again using the blunt side. The wolf-like figure leaped backward agilely. Upon landing, it let out another howl. Ellie gripped the sword handle tightly with both hands, pondering her next move immediately.

“Andrew! It’s me, Ellie! Don’t you recognize me?!”

“It’s useless, Ellie. His current self won’t be able to hear a single thing from us. There's no point in you trying to talk to him!”

Hearing Clive's statement from a distance behind her, Ellie clicked her tongue. Perhaps there was no way other than resorting to actual violence against her newfound friend. However, Ellie hesitated to turn her sword around and use the sharp edge on Andrew.

As if not allowing Ellie to think, Andrew charged. Ellie used her sword as a shield to protect herself, but it became a platform for the wolf-like creature to leap high.


Clive created five more ice spikes and directed them all quickly at Andrew, who was now suspended in the air, unable to move other than descending straight down. However, that conclusion proved to be hasty. The wolf-like figure cleverly used the ice spikes as footholds, adjusting its trajectory to land right in front of Clive. Just before its attack landed on Clive, Ellie arrived to block the claws with her sword.

The wolf-like creature retreated once again. Its attention was now solely focused on Ellie.

“Let me handle the offense. You focus on your plan.”

“You’re right. That was quite reckless of me.”

Andrew moved in zigzag patterns, while Ellie dashed straight toward him. The wolf-like thing rushed into the air, intending to strike Ellie from above. The wolf caught the blade intended to hit as the sword-wielding girl swung from the side. Ellie was surprised, not expecting her weapon to be taken and discarded so effortlessly by the enemy. Unaware of the wolf landing behind her, the creature left its claw marks on Ellie's back.



Clive promptly created a thin wave of ice from his position, moving swiftly until its sharp edge was above Ellie's back as she knelt from the pain. This deterred the enemy from launching a follow-up attack.

Clive quickly chanted a healing incantation for Ellie. Not only did she have a large claw mark on her back, but her clothes were also torn, revealing blood flowing from the unexpected assault. Clive's healing spell seemed to alleviate her pain. Ellie's previously rapid breath began to stabilize. The blood that had been flowing out was no longer visible, and the wound that had attacked her back was now closed again, leaving only the torn part of her clothing. However, Ellie's concern was not focused there but on Andrew, who made it difficult for both of them to restrain him.

[ That was such a pathetic display of you. If this is enough to cause you trouble, maybe you should just go to sleep. Let me take control of your body.]

“Shut it.”

[ Oh?]

“Don't you start taking action now to seize your chance. This is my body, you're just a mere freeloader.”

[ You... very well. But, if the situation gets worse and you're about to die, don't blame the freeloader such as myself for taking a stand to protect their house.]

Ellie then glanced at her sword. She could quickly retrieve it while running, but that didn't mean the wolf would stand idly by. And in that moment, Ellie's mind concocted a plan. Something reckless, something she herself couldn't believe she was thinking.

“Clive. If Andrew gets hurt in your plan, you'll still heal him like you healed me, right?”

Ellie turned her head slightly, but her eyes were still focused on Andrew.

“Of course. If I don't do that, who knows what kind of treatment in this world can be given to cure him.”

“Okay then,” Ellie looked straight ahead again. “Prepare yourself.”

Ellie bent her body slightly, taking a running position. The position she usually does.


Ignoring Clive's call, Ellie's focus sharpened. She alternated her gaze between her sword and Andrew. After estimating the time needed to reach her weapon, Ellie stepped onto the hard ground and swiftly propelled herself forward.

As she expected, the wolf-like figure closed in on her. Its movements were even faster than Ellie's. Considering the distance between her and her sword was just an arm's reach away, Ellie felt the timing was right. The enemy in front of her was gaping wide, ready to pounce on her. Simultaneously, Ellie managed to retrieve her sword and aimed its blade straight through the creature's open mouth.

Clive stared in disbelief, while Ellie's face was tense as she prepared to withstand the attack.

In an instant, the tip of her sword pierced through the back of the creature's head. The entire body of the beast fell silent for a moment. Clive, frozen in shock, was startled by Ellie's shout.

“Clive, do it now!”

Clive quickly created a large block of ice around the wolf's body. The ice formed slowly from above until it reached the surface.

“Ellie, get away from there!”

She drew her sword and retreated at Clive's command. When Andrew's wolf-like head looked up at Ellie, his body was completely contained within Clive's ice block, leaving only his head outside.

Clive made his way over.

“That was risky,” Clive said as he watched Andrew move his head, trying to release his trapped body.

“I'm also surprised. How could I think of something like that,” Ellie replied as she removed Grace's sword, letting it fade away slowly afterward.

“Is your back okay?”

“I guess so. Maybe my adrenaline just now prevented me from feeling any pain.”

Clive smirked, smiling slightly. The man then chanted one more time to relieve Ellie's pain.

“... Thank you,” Ellie murmured.

The atmosphere became silent for a moment. When Clive finished using his healing spell on Ellie, the girl asked.

“So, what’s the plan after this?”

“Remember what I did to you when you were repeatedly tortured by the creature inside your body? I will do the same to him.”

“You mean, you're going to go into his subconscious?”


“Well then...” Ellie glanced over at Clive. “Let me join you.”

“No can do.”

Ellie recoiled at Clive's spontaneous rejection.

“I can't risk you too. If something bad happens to you, I alone won't be able to help you two.”

“But, if it wasn't for me helping you earlier, you would still be struggling against Andrew.”

Clive slightly turned his head. His eyes met Ellie's serious face. No hesitation or fear could be seen on the girl's face. As a result, he could only sigh.

“So, you came here because you also heard his screams?”

Ellie nodded. “I heard it when I was at the location of the local race. Why are you suddenly asking me that?”

“I see. Well, judging from the number of people gathered in that place when I went on patrol this morning, I guess it's no surprise that you're one of them.”

Clive raised his face. The morning sky was still as bright as before, not a cloud in sight in the vast blue.

“So, you still insist on coming?” Clive asked in a low tone.

“Of course.”

The man took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. At this moment, he had decided to do something he shouldn't have. However, Ellie's statement was something he couldn't deny either.

“Can you at least promise me one thing?”

“What’s that?”

Clive turned his body to face Ellie. His gaze and expression conveyed seriousness, expecting an answer that could convince him.

“You might as well make your body hurt like it did just now, because I can still heal you. But, if we've entered Andrew's subconscious, please don't die,” Clive said firmly. “Unlike your own subconscious, I'm not sure that what's inside him can revive you in someone else's subconscious, I hope you understand what I mean.”

Ellie did not answer immediately. The girl thought it through. Then, she nodded firmly. Agreeing to make a promise to Clive.

Clive extended his hand to Ellie, “Hold my hand, and get ready.”

“Okay,” Ellie retorted as she held the man's left hand.

Clive then chanted a mantra that Ellie had never heard before. Her eyes were fixed on Andrew, promising to save the young man from his current situation. Shortly after, Clive struck the hard ground with his staff, causing it to resonate.

Ellie's ears, unaccustomed to the echoing sound that persisted for more than ten seconds, felt a bit dizzy. She closed her eyes. When they reopened, she found herself in a familiar space.

A place so pristine and flawless. A place reminiscent of her encounters with Grace.