Chapter 13: Otosaki’s feelings (Part 2)
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Otosaki Rei:

It was lunch break. And I was standing outside class B, patiently waiting for a certain person. 

Our midterm exams were over on Thursday. But Friday was given holiday. So today, which was Monday, was the first regular day after midterm break.

It's been a week since I met Daichi-kun because of our midterm exams. And I... was desperate.

Throughout this week, I really had been desperate. I just wanted to talk to Daichi-kun. 

For some reasons, everytime I talk to Daichi-kun, I feel better, I vent out all the frustration I have my life. And he never complains. He patiently hears all my selfish thoughts until I'm finished. He makes sure I never feel uncomfortable. 

And also I have prepared a special lunch for him today.

Last week, after talking to him, I was able to study without any distraction. So, you know, I just wanted to thank him by making him a lunch.

I woke up very early in the morning make lunch for him. It was as if I was a little too motivated. I learned cooking in my first year of high school specifically because of Rintaro. But I never had a chance to make him lunch any time. 

I wonder if I'm slowly getting dependent on Daichi-kun... I still remembered his words...

"If Otosaki ever confesses to me, I could never reject her."

No! No! No! No!

This had nothing to do with what he said last week.

I didn't even think about that. I never took his words seriously and never would. But the way he said it... that did warm my heart. 

"Eh, Otosaki?"

In the mean time, Daichi-kun arrived. I hurriedly pulled myself together and calmly said,

"Long time no see."

"Yeah it's been a week. How was your exams?"

"Good. But we can talk about it later."

"Eh?", he got confused.

"I mean... let's talk about it while eating this lunch?"

I showed him the lunch I made for him, and he was genuinely surprised. 

"Eh? You've made lunch for me, again?"

"Y-Yeah. Same as last time. Thanks for helping me."


"Last week you had made me forget about my depression. And also thanks for helping me study too."

"I see... but you really didn't need to do all this. It must be troubling for you."

"It's absolutely fine. Daichi-kun always helps me too. Also..."


"Also that... I wanted to talk with Daichi-kun."

I couldn't talk with him since last week so I really wanted to talk with him. It's almost as if I couldn't live without talking to him. It's like a medicine to me.

We went to sit on the same stairs where we sat last week. I liked this place because it was generally less crowded than other places. 

As I began venting out all my frustrations from last week's exams, Daichi-kun ate the lunch I made.

"Man I missed your lunch so much, Otosaki. You're like an angel when it comes to cooking."

"R-Really, thank you so much. Wait, once again you're ignoring me. Are you hearing my story at all?"

I playfully pulled his ears and asked. 

"Ouch. Y-Yes I'm hearing. Don't pull my ears."


Honestly, I loved even these funny and cute moments I spent with him. 

Suddenly, I noticed Daichi-kun was looking at me with a gentle smile. 

"W-What are you looking at, Daichi-kun?"

"I'm pleasantly surprised that Otosaki hasn't mentioned Rintaro for a single time today."


Now, I realized it's true. It's almost like I forgot he existed. In my mind, I was only thinking about Daichi-kun.

At that moment, Daichi-kun grasped as if he realized he did a big mistake.

"S-Sorry Otosaki. In the end it was me who reminded you about Rintaro. Ah what even am I doing?"

"It's okay, Daichi-kun. I don't think about Rintaro anymore."

"Really? Even then I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. Let's continue what we were talking."

We then continued to talk about various things. I really talked my heart out. It was all due to Daichi-kun. 

At that time, Daichi-kun looked at his watch and said, 

"Ah I think we need to go back to our class. The lunch break is almost over."


It's already over? We need to go back? 

Why? I wanted to stay a little bit more with Daichi-kun. I didn't know when I would get the chance after this. The next day? It meant I had to wait 24 more hours. 

"Daichi-kun... will you go to your club today?"

"Yeah why?"

"No... just asking."

If he didn't go to his club, I could have spent some time with him after school. I guess even that was not possible anymore. 

Why... couldn't I stay calm without him?

At that moment, suddenly I heard a notification sound coming from Daichi-kun's phone. He casually opened his phone to read what message he got.

As he was close to me I just happened to look at the message as well.

The sender was "Tachibana Senpai". And the message read:

<I have brought some cookies for everyone for today. And it's your favourite ones, Dai-kun! ♡>

Wait... wasn't that message too friendly for a senpai to her kouhai? And what was that "♡" emoji for?

"H-Hey Daichi-kun. Are you and Tachibana senpai really close?"

"Ah not really. Senpai normally is friendly to everyone. She also has some big sister type affection for me."

She definitely wasn't friendly to everyone. No matter how you look at it... Daichi-kun and her relationship was really close...

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. I just couldn't imagine Daichi-kun being close to another girl... 

It was like the feelings I used to get when I saw Rintaro and Yumiko together... 


This time the pain was even more. 

I finally understood.... I had fallen for Daichi-kun. 

And this love was... way deeper than whatever I had for anyone else. 

I didn't care anymore about Rintaro. I didn't care about anyone else. I only wanted to stay with Daichi-kun as long as possible. 

I wanted to make lunch for him everyday. I wanted to talk about everything with him. I wanted to study with him, play with him, hold his hands and just forget about everything else.

But... what if he finds another girl... 

No! No! No! No! I couldn't even imagine it!

Should I kill Tachibana senpai?

No! No violence! Daichi-kun would hate me if I took the violence route?

Daichi-kun did say that he would never reject me... but still I couldn't take any chance...

I decided what I needed to do!


"Y-Yeah what happened?"

He was surprised at my sudden cry.

"I want to join the relationship counselling club."


"I really really really want to join your club."


Daichi-kun... I'll never give you to anyone else. You'll be mine and mine only.

[To be continued]