Nothing Unsexier Than Corpses – 2 [❤️❤️]
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lewd scenes halfway through

Voyeurism, masturbation, incest play, light M/M

Hello darkness.

Your eyes are shut, and when you open them, you expect to be in an elevator again. Luckily for you, the absence of the same three ascending notes disproves that notion. Elevator music in purgatory has the creative majesty equivalent to a soggy piece of toast.

Or a canvas painted white.

Fucking Post-Modernism.

You slowly open one eye, feeling two people hugging you for dear life.

You’ve still got that tacky book in your hands.

“Umm, Gallo? Keli? We’re safe.”

The two open their eyes and quickly let go of you.  The three of you walk around the enclosed room. It’s very spartan: hardly anything but a rug, a very familiar desk, and one door.

Cloth, Tropo, and Latch fly about, before finally settling on the desk.

“What is this place?” Keli asks, poking at the carpet.

“I honestly don’t know. The desk reminds me of something, though.”

You walk over to the desk and sit down in the red chair. It fits you perfectly. You tap your fingers on the desk, hoping for an answer. A blue screen pops up, hovering above the desk.

Familiarity increasing…

On it is a single question: ‘How would you shape your world?’

Your mind swirls with possibilities. A little fairy helper, an automatic system inside your mind, a magic book with all the answers and even more snark…but your mind focuses on the method you’re most used to. What you had already begun to shape when you entered, a tool used to make, to communicate, to design with inhuman accuracy.

The desk shifts in front of you and a glowing computer tower appears. Without will, staunch and absolute. Ol’ reliable.

Gallo and Keli trot to your side to watch the hovering screen. A small loading wheel spins in place until it stops. The three of you lean in. Did…did your demonic computer crash?



You jump back as the other two hop in place.

“Did I scare you?” His deep voice calls out from the screen.

His vapid smile stretches further than a human face should allow and even from the other side of his aviators, you could feel his piercing gaze.

“Who is that?” Keli asks. “And why do I feel so angry and…”

Keli doesn’t need to say it.

You could feel her DESIRE well up, against her own will.

“Now you’re probably wondering what I’m doing. After all, I promised not to interfere.”

He seems to be ignoring the people.

“Well I’m not actually here per say. This is a recording.”


“If you’re seeing this, then you’re a lot farther away than I would like. Good thing is, if you’re out of MY influence, then you’re out of THEIRS. So congrats, you beautiful slut, you truly are independent. And doubly congrats on coming here! That means that you’ve managed to finally create your own spawn!”

Cloth was licking his matted fur when He mentioned him and his brothers.

He and the other two stop to stare at you.

“I knew you had it in you! So the general rule of this place: This is Hell. As in, your own hell. Normally demons are summoned to do their deeds and return when it’s fulfilled. Won’t go into the specifics, but there’s a little link to Hell in all of us. But since you’re far away, maybe not even in this cluster of the multiverse, you’ve got nothing to get back to. So you planted a ‘seed’. This seed will grow depending on how many spawn you have. After all, you can’t be walking around wherever you are with an army of demons at your side. Or you can. In fact, you should.”

You roll your eyes as Gallo and Keli get more and more uncomfortable.

“Of course, there are some serious limitations. Nothing that is created here can be brought to the Outside. If you go to Hell of your own will, you can only reappear in the spot you disappeared from. Unless you create portals, which is looooooong process that I’m sure you’ll figure out on your own when you become powerful enough. If you’re bringing in mortals, they UNFORTUNATELY have to be just as willing as you to go to Hell. Unless they break a contract. Then their ass is yours.”

You stare at Gallo and Keli.

“Honestly, I just wanted to be anywhere by there.” Keli shrugged.

“I felt the same. But why do I have to give you a donkey if I break the contract?”

“Erm…Cultural difference in language. Ass means something else.”

“Now I’m sure you’ve noticed the glaring problem about coming here: You’re basically trapped.

No shit, Sherlock.

You’re very aware of the situation you’re in.

“Which is why, after having lost a load of demons during the Crusades, we installed a surveillance system so you’d know when the coast is clear. You should find the shortcut easily enough.”


Wow, that’s actually quite useful.

Wait, shortcut?

“And Quinn?”

The Devil pulls down his glasses, revealing a pit of darkness that you could lose yourself in. Two distant coals float, burning with ruby fire. His eyelids close and you realize that they aren’t just eyelids, they’re mouths, complete with needle-point teeth.

“Don’t disappoint me. When the Rapture comes, you’re either with me, or against me. I’ve already given you a great many gifts, and I expect to be paid back. With interest.”

He puts his glasses back on and the three of you release breaths you hadn’t realized you were holding. His face blips out of existence and the screen turns on a particular interface.

Oh, fuck no.

It’s like Windows 10, except Macified. This is a sin against nature. You have to change this. You turn around to ask Gallo and Keli if it’s alright for you to change into something comfortable. You don’t program in a suit, that’s for seducing!

It’s practically your house, and they’re guests. They’re staring at you with a hint of fear in their eyes.


“Who was that? What was he talking about?” Gallo asks.

“Are you really going to raise an army of demons?” Keli frowns.

You raise your hands placidly.

“Woah, woah. I’m not aiming to raise an army of demons. As for that guy let’s just say I’m a demon with a history.”

Not really. You think. You were a very boring person, a true neutral, right?

Then you died.

Then you became a pawn among billions for two great powers, among a billion other games, argued over simply over a matter of principles.

Actually, that’s a great summary.

“I’m just a pawn between two great powers. That creepy guy is one of said powers. Both powers gave me gifts so they could choose which side I would end up on.”

You demonstrate your healing power by ridding Keli and Gallo of their bruises.

Strangely enough, there’s a greater drain on your mana when you do it here.

“Do you two mind if I change so I can monitor the outside?”


You nod.

The two look at one another.

They reluctantly nod and tense up.

You shift back into your demon form, relishing the as your suit drips away into nothing.

Gallo and Keli stare at your luscious breasts and pert nipples.

Their eyes trail down to your glistening sex, DESIRE welling up inside both of them. You will some clothes onto you, something comfortable. This is basically your mobile home, after all. Sans crack pipes and questionable products.

A black tank top forms over yourself, hugging your tits, erect nipples still visible through the cloth. Panties form over you, accentuating your tight ass. The two are speechless. You start navigating the desktop, absorbing residual DESIRE from the two. Clippy with horns keeps trying to point to different options, but you tune out the little shit and dump him in the recycle bin. After finagling with the interface, you manage to change it to a far superior operating platform.


Keli clears her throat.

“Is that your…true form?”

You pause. Technically, it is. You may like the minotauress form, free milk and all. And the equint form was nothing to scoff at; it had its own sexy allure. But you’re most comfortable in this form.

“Pretty much.”

You find a bunch of weird options from ‘weather’ to ‘day/night’ and even ‘time distortion’. All of them were listed as Not Available.

Fucking DLC.

Or maybe it’s unlockable content. Something to think about. Gallo steps forwards.

“You seem far more approachable and…easier on the eyes than the other one.”


You could sense him trying to repress his length. You smile and rub his head.

“Thanks, Gallo, that means a lot to me.”

Keli puffs out her cheeks, but you lean over and give her a nice rub too. Now she’s blushing and looking away, still frowning. You turn your attention back to the computer and open a shortcut called ‘WatchR’.

Instantly, a window pops up with rotating footage of the lab you were just in. It worked like streetview, but in real time. Zombies still littered the room, but in far less than you had seen try to burst in. You pushed the window to the side and another desktop opened up for the footage, floating right next to the other one.


You click on another link labelled ‘WikiHell”.

Might as well pass the time learning, instead of exploring the folder labelled ‘Best P0rn of 3000 B.C.E. to 2000 C.E!’

Blah, blah, blah… Demons have blah blah balh…Be careful not to indulge in sexual acts with the same demon for too long else you’d become immune to what they feed you…

yada yada yada…

Wait, what?

You scroll back up and read the section carefully. So apparently demons CAN feed on one another’s DESIRE. Just not for long with little breaks in between. That changes things. You look to your imps and smile. Sensing your desires, their flaccid lengths start to rise.

But you’re in company right now. You may feel tired from the fighting and the healing…

But you don’t seem to have a private place. Well, except for that one door.

“You two keep a lookout on the undead…I’ll be, ah, resting awhile.”

The two look at you curiously but hop on your chair once you’ve gotten up. Your tail wags sensually as you open the door, and you let out a small gasp. This room…


It is pretty small considering, but that’s not what takes your breath away. Sure there’s a round, Emperor-sized bed against the far wall. But an entire wall is nothing more than shelves.

Shelves full of toys.

As you walk into the room, the lights turn up and the wall opposite to the arsenal turns clear until it becomes reflective. There are sex dungeons…

And then there are sex CHAMBERS.

This was definitely the latter.

You usher your imps inside. This promised to be good. You close the door and saunter to the racks of toys.

“So many choices~”

You sigh as you trail your fingers along a massive rubber dong.

The rods of your imps harden as you peruse through your collection. You settle for a collapsible stripper pole. Might as well milk it for what it’s worth, right?

You set the thing up as your spawn sit on the bed. Smiling coyly, you smoosh your breasts around the pole, cheered on by the yips of the imps. Somehow, maybe through instinct, you dance on the pole with amazing acrobatic ability.

You slow down and advance on your imps, hips shaking, until you stand right in front of Latch. Their DESIRE grows as you bring your arms to your tits and grope. You groan and slide our hands down to your hips, taking of your panties slowly. Turning around and shaking your ass at them cause them to reach forward and grope you.

Tropo tries to stick his snout in your rear, but your tail pushes him back. Despite how wet your own nethers are, and how tasty their cocks look, you know you have to drag this along. This amount of DESIRE trickling into you isn’t much, but could snowball if you play your ass right.

Slowly, you coil off your tank-top and whip it about. You dance around slowly, just enough so your tits and ass swerve about hypnotically. Your prehensile tongue wiggle between your breasts, leaving a trail of saliva all over your chest. Your own saliva dribbles down until it reaches your cunt, aphrodisiac engorging your sex.

You walk towards Latch once more, and lean down.

You open your mouth and meet his with a passionate kiss.

As your tongues warred in our mouths, he kneaded your jugs, making you moan in his mouth. You pull back and smile. You could sense their DESIRE grow more and more.

They want to mount you, to do you.

But your will is superior.

You slowly make your way back to the rack, making sure to sway your hips. Picking up a vibrator and smiling, you face the imps and lick it sensually. Their cocks throb harder and you get closer so you can give them a good view of your slit as you teased them. You turn on the vibrator and stick it near your snatch.

This feeling…was unlike anything else before.

The quivering, teasing…

You bite your lip and exhale loudly. Your fluids are flowing freely down your inner thighs, drip dripping onto the floor. You get closer and closer to them. Finally, you can feel Cloth’s breath on your pussy, and feel his DESIRE skyrocket.

Just as you felt yourself coming, you pulled away. You turned off the vibrator and put it on the bed.

Did you have to clean them?

Was that a thing in this plane?


You get back to the rack and your eyes light up. It’s a suction cup dildo! But it seems to have sort of button near the balls… You squeeze it and a jet of gunk shoots onto your breasts.

You look back at your imps and they stand at attention. Licking off the gunk, you smile as you realize it’s real semen.

You’ve got an idea.

Licking off the remains of the spunk, you put the dick on the mirror. The imps watch attentively as you get down on your knees and caress the fake dick. At first, they’re mere touches and caresses.

Then you start stroking it.

Licking it.

You stare at them in the eyes as you take the cock from the side and wrap your tongue around it. You jerk it off with your tongue, staring at each of your imps in turn, even winking at Tropo.

Their DESIRE flows into you like a river.

It’s steady now. Not nearly as much as with the minotaurs. But more than you’d initially expected. Of course, this still hasn’t replaced what you’ve lost so far. You smile at the thought of finishing it off.

You look in the mirror and give the dick a blowjob. One hand on the base, one on one of your erect nipples, massaging it. It pops out of your mouth and you moan sensually.

“Oh, if only I had someone one who could give me the deep dicking I need~”

You let go of the dick and start rubbing your breasts as you looked away from your imps.

“I’m just so-o h-h-horny!~”

You get on all fours and back up into the faux-cock. It rubs between your ample ass cheeks a few times as you bashfully bite your lip and look away.

“All I have is this plastic toy” You whine, “And it isn’t even close to the real thing~”

The imps’ ears are perked up, but they know you don’t want them yet. You slowly take the length in your snatch, rolling your eyes back and licking your lips. The sight of yourself in the mirror, fat ass spread across the mirror with each thrust, turn you on further.

“At this point, I’d even take it up the ass~”

You pull out and position the dick over your tight cavity. Perks of being a lust demon: tight as a virgin, every time.

You slowly push it in, and hang your head down so you can watch two sets of voluptuous red breasts swinging with each thrust in the mirror. The black lipped smile the woman in the mirror gives you sends chills up your spine.

The DESIRE grows, but this time it’s not coming from your imps. It’s coming from the door.

Internally, you smile. The thought of Keli or Gallo spying on you makes you want to take it further.

You are Keli, warrior of Chanam. You’re suspicious about that demon, Quinn. You had just lost two good men to undead, and while Quinn may have saved your life, you don’t get her angle.

As Gallo looks over the strange floating rectangle, you make your way to the door, carpet muffling your steps. You push the door open slightly to see…


Your cheeks redden at the sight.

You should probably close the door and forget you ever saw this. But this Quinn knew her stuff! She had already seduced Gallo, and you had to learn her tricks.

So, well, a better woman could seduce him.


Not any other reason. Not because the way her exotic body moved made you tingle in ways only Gallo could make you. Not because she was taking that /thing/ in her special place so well. Not because of her delicious moans…Not because of the way her massive teats bounce about as she takes it up the ass.…Maybe you should…

Attune yourself to her?



You sit down an begin trailing your fingers between your legs.


Oh, she’s stopped. She’s approaching the dick now…And—Woah!

She swallowed that thing in one gulp! No wait, she’s going back and forth…Sucking, as she tugs at the base?

Maybe you should take notes.

Quinn again, sucking massive dick.

So just another day as OP.

Original Penisucker.

Thanks to Keli, you’re almost back at the level you were when you first came to Chanam.

Time to go finish this and become more powerful than you ever have been. You give the cock a few more tugs, winking at yourself in the mirror. There’s a puddle of vaginal fluids at your knees, and it’s about to no longer be the gunk on the floor.

“Oh if I only a male would fuck me~”

You look over to the imps and they seem eager to go.

“Oh, but that would be so wrong!~”

You bring a finger to your lip as you continue jerking the dick off.

“After all, you are my children. Even if you have such thick, virile cocks!~”

You raise your ass to them, slobbering cunt in full view as you suck the dick. You pull it out of your mouth with a loud pop and a smack of your lips. Clenching down on the trigger, a sea of splooge comes bursting out of the dildo all over your face. It must be magical, because as long as you hold the trigger, it keeps shooting.

It gets all over your breasts, your stomach, your thighs, and some even shoots onto your back.

Still on your knees, now more white than red, you look over yourself.

“Oh, what a mess~” You sigh “If only there were some way to clean it up…”

You turn to the imps and smile.

“Cloth, Tropo, Latch, why don’t you come lick Mama clean?~”

They’re upon you like jackals.

Cloth licks your face clean, hard dick nestled between your breasts, until you two started kissing. Tropo trails his tongue down your back licking up semen until he gets to your butt, when he starts massaging your tush as he licks up your fluids off the floor. Latch climbs up from your legs licking up the rivulets of fluid and cum until he shoves his muzzle into your wanting cunt.

The sensation of being cleaned by your own children lights a raging fire in you.

You were going to stop here, their DESIRE flooding into you. But you just had to reward them.

You angle your ass towards the door, tail swishing to and fro. Your head is on the floor and Cloth is licking the spunk of your flattened breasts as Tropo licks in the crevice of your shoulder blades where your wings meet your body.

Latch climbs onto your ass and leans upside down to clean out your vagina in front of Keli. The DESIRE mounts further until you say the words.

“Oooh, my children! Don’t! I don’t want to be fucked!”

But you do.

And they know so.

You flip over and Latch teases you by rubbing his dick against your labia, hit the clit with each gentle glide. You grab Cloth and Tropo’s dicks and start jacking them off. Latch enters you in one swift motion, his thrusts shaking your body to the core.

“Oooooh yes!~”

You kiss the tips of Cloth and Tropo’s rods as each slap against your cunt sends your tits flying into your face. As Latch’s tandem increases, you continue teasing your other two sons with small kisses and licks to their cocks.

“Yes! How could Mommy have been so wrong?~”

You start jacking off ferociously, and you could feel them about to cum.

But you’ve got one more trick for Keli.

Their bodies are yours to control. Cloth and Tropo try to cum, but your control over their bodies won’t let them. Latch bottoms out in you and fills you with his seed, and the sensations overpower you. You moan and cum, the force of your orgasm ejecting Latch’s load in a massive spray. You stand up, cum still leaking out of your pussy and look at Cloth and Tropo, who are frozen mid orgasm.

The edging orgasm is caught, yet they can’t ejaculate.

“Ooh, poor things…Do you still need to cum?”

They don’t respond, their eyes are rolled back.

“Personally, I’m exhausted. Maybe you should help each other out?~”

They nod, shuddering and move to one another before grabbing each others’ dicks and jacking them off.

”Poor things~”

You shake your head.

“Now they’re all alone…I know, we should join them!”

A massive cock explodes out of your inner folds and grows to be as tall as the imps. It touches the bottom of your breasts as you lay down for Latch to sixty-nine you. Cloth and Tropo begin sucking each other off as you and Latch start to vigorously facefuck each other.

He’s too short to fully take your length, but that’s why your dick is so big anyways. His drool drips onto your tits and you watch with a smile as Cloth and Tropo start deepthroating each other.

It’s time to end this.

You slither your tongue up Latch’s dick and into his ass, where you massage his prostate. You release your control on Cloth and Tropo and they ejaculate like hoses, releasing each other’s dicks from their mouths only to drench one another in semen. Latch cums in your mouth, filling your stomach with enough cum that it looks like you had a five course meal.

He slides off of your belly and onto the sticky ground.

You look over the collapsed imps and smirk.

Making sure Keli has the perfect view of you from the side, you start jerking off over your imps. Your tongue dances over your face, licking of the precum as you rub your belly sensually with one hand, jerking off faster and faster with the other. Your errant hand curves up your abdomen and gropes a nipple as your tongue collects the drool on your jugs. You jack off faster and faster until both your hands have your mast, arms squeezing your massive tits together. You cum and whine in ecstasy, semen covering your collapsed imps further.

Maybe your own DESIRE could fuel them as it did you? If so, demons are truly overpowered.

“Clean this up, okay?”

The three of them nod and your dick recedes back whence it came, like the mighty loch ness monster.  You clean yourself up, willing the same garments to appear on you, and walk out the door as your sons lick up the mess.