A New Home – 6 [❤️❤️❤️]
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Quinn deals with the consequences of unprotected soul consumption. 

Pregnant sex, tentacles, pseudo-futanari, lactation


You, Quinn, are very pregnant. You can’t reach your arms around your swollen abdomen, and your legs are spread wide apart. Your puffy, wet slit is leaking all over the floor. You had to get off the office chair because your stomach couldn’t fit on it anymore.

And you’re done with the second vial!

You place it next to the first one, between your breasts on your ballooned belly. Two rivers of milk are flowing from your nipples along your abdomen. You fill up one vial with your milk and put in the stopper.

That’s one.

Materializing a pin, you prick yourself in the finger, letting your shadowy, crimson essence drip into the ruby vial. When it’s full, you heal yourself, and close the vial. Plucking a hair from your head, you tie it through both holes on top of the stoppers and make a sort of necklace.

Levitating it over to the table because your body is too unwieldy, you sigh in satisfaction.

That’s one labor done.

You feel something curl out of your wet pussy. Like a large tongue dancing just inside your walls. You bite your lip.

Speaking of labor.

You feel a ribbed length moving out of your vagina.


Quinn & Shoggy (AI)

Each ribbed end stimulates your labia and rubs against your inflamed clit. The length keeps going, climbing up your rounded belly until you see it reach over your hemispheric stomach. The tentacle leaves a trail of fluids on you, and it nestles in between your breasts before it opens, revealing more miniature tentacles. They dance across your face, hooking into your nostrils and clinging to your horns.

You sloppily kiss the mass and it invades your mouth, intertwining with your tongue. It recedes back, a trail of saliva connecting your mouths. The ribbed ends go back in, filling you once more, as you drool and massage your thrumming baby bump in pleasure. The tentacle goes out and in, the ribbed ends pushing against your hungry pussy.

He’s fucking you from the inside out!

The thick tentacle pushes your labia apart and writhes about, slapping against your thighs wildly. You could feel its heart beat pulsating through your nethers and you grab at it.


Your mind goes white as you connect to the monster in your womb, and for a moment you are one. Its twisted DESIRE fills you and you gasp in pleasure. You look down over your distended belly, to your hand holding that pseudopenis as it oozes purple goo from the tip. You tighten your grip.

You can feel it.

Slowly, you stroke the tentacle and it feels so much like your own dick that you have to keep your eyes on the tentacock to make sure it isn’t actually yours. You pump faster and faster until you’re jacking yourself off vigorously, sending flecks of the purple ooze flying in every direction. You find the strength to stand on your feet so you can pump the pseudocock even faster.

Every touch send s a shiver of delight through your body, followed by a wave of monstrous DESIRE.

“You like that don’t you?” You whisper to yourself. “Mommy jacking herself off with you, huh?”

You pump at it harder until the tentacle is stiff with excitement, holding your massive abdomen steady with one hand as you put all of your hips into jacking off. Every time your hand glides down the tentacock, layers of purple ooze settle into your loins. Your sex gets more sensitive, tightening around the extension with pulses of pleasure.

"Mommy is so fucking turned on right now, ahhhh~" You bite your lip as the shoggoth twists around inside you. "You're getting close, huh? Enjoying fucking me from the inside?"

You let go of your bloated frame and your eyes roll back as your legs buck your crotch higher into the air with every jerk of pleasure. Your pussy is squeezing the tentacock like a vice, squeezing that purple goo all over your inflamed pussy. The tentacle shudders against your clit. Your clamp your lips around your own leaky nipple as you jack off harder and harder. The taste of your own milk filling your mouth is barely enough to distract from the mounting pressure growing inside you.

Like a tidal wave, the shared orgasm shudders through you both. You angle the pseudodick down and tremble as you shoot rope after rope of the purple jizz on the floor.

Reeling from the climax and curious about the taste, you get on all fours to lick at it.

You’re so swollen, your stomach touches the floor and your need to roll over to get a taste. Your tongue snakes out and glides across the floor.



You’re about to take another lick when a smaller tentacle pops out again and squirms about.

“Hgmmmnn~ What do you want?”

It rubs against the sides of your lips making you purr in delight. Before jumping into your ass and thrusting.


As you’re distracted by the tentacle going in your ass and in your cunt at the same time, two more tentacles with bulbous tips erupt from within and snake towards you. The tips open up into semi-transparent bulbs, which latch onto your swaying breasts. They begin to squeeze at them and jets of your milk fill up the bulbs. When they’re full, the tentacles ‘gulp’ the milk, sending a round bubble of milk down the tentacles and into your wet snatch.


The gulps pass through and you let your tongue loose as the brutal fucking sways your entire body, from your latched breasts, your thick rump, to even your massive abdomen. The bulbs on your tits are starting to swell with milk.

You wonder why it hasn’t swallowed yet. Until you feel more tentacles coming out. They wrap around your thighs as you gasp in pleasure, pulling more of themselves out. You squeeze your vaginal passage, pushing them out.  A massive push and your abdomen shrinks, a large THING starts flowing out of you.

“G-Good boy!” You moan as you cum.

And then another tentacle pulls itself out of you. And another. And another. Each one causes an orgasm to rip through your body and your stomach to decrease in size. Each ribbed tendril sliding out of you in a new twist and pace as it explores your body further, from the outside. 

At six tentacles, a few have wrapped around your ass and are sliding between your buttcheeks, drool and milk pooling around your face. At thirteen, every shuddering orgasm sends you into the white for a bit longer, your words slurring more.

You're not sure how many come after the twenty-sixth.

With a plop, the shoggoth is out of you, pulling the last of its appendages out of you. But it isn’t done yet. It lifts you up by the limbs, its cocktacles wrapped around you.

You feel its DESIRE. A raw, demonic DESIRE that's rich enough for you to get your bearings.

A mass of warped lust, it wants everything you can offer. Your body changes, and a dick bursts from your wet loins. You jack off the cocks in your hands as it positions itself below you. Two tentacles pleasure your length as it continues to drain your milky breasts. It drops you on its waiting fat cock and lifts you up and down as you cry in ecstasy. Your tits bounce up and down as both of your holes are filled by this aberration, still stretched by its birth.  Just as you’re about to cum, a third bulb tentacle comes and envelops your dick

You see your cum and milk fill up the bulbs, before they are swallowed by the tentacles…

The bulges disappear and a massive bulge reappears on the cock you’re on. It opens your snatch wide and unleashes within, painting your insides white with your own seed. You smile as it lets you down gently.

Cleaning yourself, you check the console as the creature stares at you with its tentacles. It’s pretty much a tangela with less features. And thankfully, no more DESIRE is being drained. The ‘life’ that’s been grown here is now real.

Which is good, or else the harpies wouldn’t be able to leave. Cell shedding and all that. Although you suspect that you weren’t alone in contributing DESIRE. You have literally nothing keeping you here.


“Shog, you can go play in the lake. Don’t rape anybody. I’ll call for you.”

Shog bobs his tentacles up and down before…twisting some of his tentacles into a set of veiny wings?


He flies out without a moment’s hesitation and you sit there, staring. You were honestly expecting the Lovecraftian lovemachine to take the stairs. You shrug and check the monitor to see if there’s anybody in your hotel room.

Seeing the coast is clear, you reappear back in your hotel room. You shift back into your goblin form and check yourself in the mirror to undemonify your appearance once more. You stroll out.

Waving as you pass by the lady at the reception, you step out onto the busy afternoon streets.

What to do now?

You’d really like it if you can somehow find a secluded place to start building another portal. But you can’t really magic up the funds.

Decisions, decisions.

“Oh, hey! Quinn!”

You look up to see Grounded Spark hovering above you on what seems to be a vacuum cleaner. You thought it was pretty nifty, until you saw elves flying on swords in the sky above.

“I haven’t seen you in nearly two days! I wanted to check up on you, but apparently you were either too tuckered out or not in.” You smile gently and fly up to him.

“Thanks for looking out for me, Spark. But you seem a bit too relieved to see me. Is something wrong?”

He rubs his leg nervously.

“I’m sorry, it’s just the…there’s been a few disappearances. Every now and then, someone goes missing, and we don’t hear from them ever again. We’ve lost about a hundred of them, but according to the mayor, it’s just a ‘drop in the bucket’ and ‘within calculations.’ I know a few could get lost in the forest or even skip town, but sometimes they just up and disappear.”


“Thanks for the tip, Spark. Do you know if there’s anybody who knows more?”

“Maybe Detective Detective?” He taps his chin.“She’s in charge of the investigations, but she’s usually really angry for some reason. If not her, then her assistant, Tray Torrent would know about it.”

Seriously, what is up with these names?

“Well, maybe if I talk to them, I can know what to avoid so I won’t get kidnapped.”

“I guess if anyone knows what to do, it would be them.”

He motions for you to follow and you both fly through the skies, waving to other goblins on their own flying cleaning equipment, until you make it to a police station. It’s very obviously a police station because there’s a giant brass badge on top of it, with each of the corners of the building flashing blue and red.

And when Spark pushes open the door for you, a police siren blares. Nobody in the room flinches.

Fucking Prillian architecture, man.

There’s a gray elf woman with a slicked back black hair sitting in an office, smoking at a pipe as she reads over some papers.

Detective Detective, according to AI

“This case was a dead end. Nothing makes sense. But I knew in my heart that the truth was out there. Someone was out there, hiding it. No poor stiffs to bury, no leads, no progress. At this point I just considered throwing in the towel like some washed-up boxer, and heading to the closest greasy spoon.”

She’s in her own monologue. She’s a fucking noir detective. Looking up, she pauses when she sees you, only to continue.

“I was interrupted by a dame walking into my office. Just looking at her made me feel like a young gumshoe bumbling through the concrete jungle. But only for an instant. She wasn’t like the others who had walked through those cursed doors. Svelte legs, toned rump, and downy black eyelashes, her figure was a thing of beauty, perhaps rivaling even Celeste. But her eyes that some would compare to emerald could only make me think of shadowy adamantium. Powerful, sharp, and above all else, dangerous. She knew how to take care of herself in a fight, I could see that. But she had something to fight for. The question was: was I in her way, just another tree in a storm, or was she going to be the violent wind that would bring me to port in these trying times?”

You look around to see nobody reacting to the monologue. What the fuck is this.

“Hi, my name is Quinn. I’m just trying to know if you have any information on the disappearances. I want to know if they had anything in common.”

“The dame was like a cat. Curious, but with her own set of hidden claws. The question was, who was the mouse? An innocent question fluttered out of those beautiful lips, one that more people should be asking. ‘Lady,’ I said, ‘If I could get the least clue, I’d be able to grab onto that lead faster than a Camelot noble grabs onto the latest fad. All I know is that they disappear near the outskirts. The only thing they have in common is that they’re healthy, and capable of hard work. I even asked my assistant to keep an eye on a possible victim, but he disappeared as well, without leaving Tray or I the slightest clue.’ I blew out a couple bubbles from my pipe. I could see the spark of an idea in her eyes. Did she know something I don’t? Suspicious.”