CH: 20 – Slurp, Smoosh, Slime
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The entrance to the cave was a gaping black maw cut into the stone. Though it was sunny outside no light seemed to penetrate there. I selected my new sword from my inventory and it appeared in my hand. It wasn’t particularly inspiring in appearance, but I was happy to have it in the face of uncertainty.

[ You have equipped Rank 1: Wooden Practice Sword  (Damage 3-7)  (Speed 2) ]

I saw that I had three options hovering above my field of vision, a fast swing, a heavy swing, and a block. I tried each. The fast swing left a whistling sound through the air and required only one hand. I found I could get several swings off in the span of a few seconds. The heavy swing made a loud whump, took two hands, and forced me to take a second to recover my stance. The block brought the blade horizontally in front of me and I could hold it as long as I wanted.

After testing each of the swings, the options were dismissible and I got rid of them, practicing on my own, cycling between the three. It felt natural to me to use a sword and I grinned, twirling it in my hands. I was proud of my newfound ability and enjoying myself. That was… until I almost dropped the thing mid-twirl. I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching.

Safe. Note to self: no showboating.

I walked into the cave. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness but I began to see that it was not as pitch black as it appeared. Torches were bracketed into the walls of the large circular space and in its very center, a signboard was posted above a rough hole cut into the ground. I walked forward until I reached the sign and then squinted and began to read the letters in the dim torchlight.

[ Warning.

For all who travel here. Your safety is not guaranteed. Monsters lurk in the depths. You may use the mine shaft elevator once you have earned the achievement for that level to go both up and down.

Until such time you must earn your stripes by dungeon diving manually through each level. The first entrance is behind this sign. ]

I inspected both entrances that were referenced in the sign. The hole was just that, a very basic circular hole cut into the rock that had a long wooden step ladder descending downwards to what I assumed was the first floor of the mines. Behind it was something that seemed so modern it was out of place in the darkness around me.

It was the shiny metal of a large elevator door. The surface of it was reflecting all of the torchlight. I walked around the hole to inspect this apparition from another world. On it, there was only one button and it was large and green. I pressed it and a menu popped up.

[ You have not unlocked any levels. You may not use the elevator at this time ]

I shrugged, fair enough. I would take the stairs. I said a silent prayer for good luck and began the descent. The stairs were slippery and I had to focus to make sure each step was secure before taking the next, but after a few minutes, I'd ‘made it down. I set foot onto solid ground. Before I could even appraise my surroundings a banner filled my field of vision.

[ You have reached Level 1 of The Mines. Congratulations adventurer! ]

Alright, that is more like it! Leveling up. Literally. Or down, rather.

I looked around. It was hard to get my bearings in the dark rock corridor. I opened my map and it showed me an outline of the branching tunnels ahead of me. That was something at least, although farther ahead the map was black and unreadable. Nearby me I could see that if I had two paths, one going straight and the other to the left. Beyond that was blackness. I dismissed the map. I decided to go straight, which worked out well for a few paces until a boulder blocked my path. It was dark and brown and far too large to move aside with my hands. I gritted my teeth Hopefully this thing wasn't as hard as the other boulders I’d tried and failed to demolish back on the farm. So far my rank 1 pick had only been able to handle smaller stones.

I switched out my sword for the mining pick. I hefted it in my hands, and then I focused all my energy, swinging it towards the boulder. Right after my first hit struck, a large crack appeared. Encouraged by the visible progress, I hit it again, and again. More cracks started appearing. It was working! Finally, it split open, bursting into smaller stones and dust and clearing my way forward.

[ You have received 5 sandstone ore and 2 coal ]

I was excited to see the applications for this new type of mineral later, but for now, I pocketed it and prepared to move forward in the mines. Before I went too far, I did a quick energy check.

[ Energy 60 / 100 ]

Not great, but not bad. I really should have found a way to fuel up before I entered the mines but at least  I had the food I foraged. If I absolutely needed to up my levels, I’d eat that, but for now, I would continue exploring. I put my pick away and switched to my sword. The rest of the way was clear, a long hallway hewn into the surrounding stone bracketed by evenly spaced-out torches.

I continued onwards now far passed the left turn that was my other option. The path was becoming cluttered with stones and occasionally I’d have to break one or two open to pass through, gathering up the ore and coal as I did so. After breaking apart a particularly big boulder I was rewarded with an item I’d never seen before and a banner scrolled across the screen.

[ You have found a Nugget, this can be broken up by a Blacksmith to find out what is inside ]

I pocketed the thing after inspecting it. It was a solid, spherical lump of brown polished stone. Very cool. As I was considering what might be inside of it I heard a strange slurping squishing sound. I looked above me, assuming the ceiling was leaking, but I didn’t see anything. In front of me, there was only scattered rock and debris from my mining. So that meant… this noise was coming from behind! I whirled, quickly shifting to equip my sword.

Coming out of the darkness, and jumping forward with a loud sucking sound, was what I could only describe as a teardrop-shaped slime monster at about the height of my waist. At first, I thought it was expressionless but as it noticed me an exclamation point appeared briefly over its head and two eyes and a mouth formed in the blue swirling liquid that composed its body. It grinned evilly and made a slurping sound, then began hopping towards me at a steady pace.

I waited, leveling my sword, knowing that the right moment to strike was coming and that I should not rush it.  As soon as the creature was within range, I leaped forward and attacked, raining three light blows against it in rapid succession. It gurgled and paused its assault, reeling from the hits. After the third strike, however, I had to take a breather. I was out of gas. This is when it struck me back. It didn’t have any limbs or weapons so it rammed its big blue body against my legs in a jump tackle.

A stinging pain shot through my legs after its attack landed and then began to creep all the way up my torso. I cursed and stumbled backward, nearly losing my footing before righting myself at the last second.

[ Health 90 / 100 ]

One attack is 10 health!? I am in trouble here!

I decided I was not about to find out what happened when I hit zero. The slime paused for a moment and looked as though it was gathering energy for another attack. I recalled, suddenly, that I had another form of attack I could use: my heavy swing! I focused all of my energy and grunted wildly as I swung the blade up in preparation for the blow. The slime moved forward to attack me once more.

I was quicker.

My blade smashed down onto the front of my enemy. The attack connected with a stunning amount of force and globules of blue ichor sprayed outwards on either side of the creature. Because I intercepted its attack the creature was pushed several meters back. I grinned.

So this is the purpose of a heavy attack! It can intercept an enemy and push it back.

I got ready to do another heavy attack, lifting my sword. That was when I saw something strange. The slime was glowing.

What the hell? I lowered my sword, wondering if it was casting some kind of spell.

This was a mistake.

Instead of its usual hopping movements, the slime jumped, clearing the space between us in one go. I tried to return to my stance and swing my heavy attack but I was too late and this time it interrupted me, knocking me over onto my back.

[ Health 70 / 100 ]

I got to my feet just in time to bring the wooden sword up to block another of its light attacks. I did some quick calculations, ignoring the burning pain. So the slime had two attacks, just like I did. One was a light attack and the other was a charged attack that was indicated by it glowing and focusing its power.

Not only that, but the two types of attacks did different levels of damage. I’d better end this quickly, no more playing around. I let go of my block and stepped forward using three short light attacks. I swung and jabbed, each time my sword hit the slime more of the blue liquid spattered across the cave walls. I knew that after three light attacks, I had to recharge so I broke away from the combat, retreating and hiding behind a nearby boulder, sticking out my head to see if the slime would follow me..

It began to glow once more. I quickly ducked back down behind the stone, preparing for impact. I heard a thud and then darted out to see where my enemy had landed. It had jumped but had missed me and the boulder entirely. It seemed once it began charging its attack, it could not change course. It would land in the original position it had intended at the time of the attack. That was why it had missed me and landed where I had stood before I retreated.

Interesting, I can use this to my advantage in future battles.

But for now, I just needed to kill the damn thing. I rushed over to it from behind, before the dumb creature could turn around. I raised my sword and, with all my energy, brought it down in a heavy blow. It was all it took, the slime disintegrated into a gurgling steaming mess. The remaining blue liquid hissed, fizzled, and then disappeared.

Underneath where the slime had been, a hole had opened up. Inside that hole was a ladder, just like the one I had descended before. A new level had appeared. I felt a thrill run through me.

Should I go deeper? Was that even really a question?***